23/12/2015, 12:38:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey geraldine ! Where to start ? How are you? Still planning your three months europe ? I haven't checked your moves but I assume that you're in London, Paris and maybe Amsterdam shortly after ? Well, if you have an opportunity pop by ! Tell me that you're life is going in the right direction. Mine is...Barts is my saver. No matter how warm it is. I am selling like crazy. Planning Berlin and Hamburg for next winter and the year after going south. Antwerp, Paris Strasbourg? No limits, I might not be able to work 4 hours a week but I try to start with 5 months a year. Former mexx building not in this life. Happy holidays ! X 23/12/2015, 1:56:55 AM: Ge: Hey! So weird to hear about you. And strange timing - I landed yesterday night in France. I also heard from Piete for the first time in months yesterday. The whole family is flying from all over the world to spend Christmas together in Strasbourg, then we're leaving for London on 1st of Jan. Planning to catch up with Joel soon. I will also spend time in Copenhagen and will be in Amsterdam for a few days with a friend before going to Paris for work, then back to NZ first week of February. Really looking forward to relaxing during the holidays, I had some really busy months with a lot of work, no weekends and haven't slept much! I have big plans next year and will probably move back to Europe in the second half of the year. Good to hear you're happy with your life and things are working with Barts. I saw that you opened the second shop in that ice cream parlour you showed me and assumed things were working well. 5 months a year is not a bad start for a change compared to your previous life :) 27/12/2015, 5:35:11 AM: Bas Liewes: THe day I received your message I went out for dinner with Pete. We both had a similar brainwave for seeing each other and spoke about you. He's aril the same and super relax towards you. No worries if there where any. Having a good time at your grandma's place? Mary Christmas, dinner nearly ready. I assume you're taking care of the kitchen! Good to hear about your plans moving to Europe. In the meanwhile i heard that Denmark is in favour. Thanks to Thomas ? Cool if you manage that. What's the reason and what is your business idea? I am planning shops in Hamburg and Berlin for next winter. Also in contact with a guy in Copenhagen. He has three shops, but to far out of the loop although, Scandinavia is the market. Fashionable orientated cities and money no issue. I stick to the plan that I don't want to fly, training to Copenhagen takes a freaking day. First focus is Germany and maybe Antwerp. Than I might search for an assistant to do the north. Dreaming out loud πŸ™‚. Later also for France..Paris definitely and maybe something in the summer more south, if you know someone, other than that smart misses Leroye, she's overqualified for the job! I need hands and a bit of brains too. I have full support from Barts on HR / recruiting, shopfitting, a dedicated person on visual merchandising and and and. Would be nice to meet when you're in Amsterdam. 27/12/2015, 10:55:28 AM: Ge: Online? 27/12/2015, 10:57:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Short to answer Berrin about tomorrow. I am done, I went on my bike to Amsterdam :-). Extra intensive training wind ; sw6. Now sleepy time 27/12/2015, 10:58:14 AM: Ge: Still working with Berrin :) 27/12/2015, 11:00:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Sort off. I have made her redundant. For not showing up while getting paid for 2 months she's doing something in return. Next year on a new contract and different company 27/12/2015, 11:02:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Now a little dodgy, off the record. She has her money and peace. The last thing is of great importance. I hope she has the strength and time to get divorced. 27/12/2015, 11:02:22 AM: Bas Liewes: From mr hit man 27/12/2015, 11:04:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Tomorrow night okay to chat? Susanne is leaving with Karl. Her mother is in very poor health right now. Actually we planned a trip together to celebrate her 80th birthday. She cancelled and doesn't want to life anymore. All of a sudden. A joint broken in her back, osteoporosis. 27/12/2015, 11:05:22 AM: Ge: That sounds bad... 27/12/2015, 11:05:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I stay with Freddy at home. We're to busy for the family. 27/12/2015, 11:05:56 AM: Bas Liewes: It is... 27/12/2015, 11:06:30 AM: Ge: I will have time to chat, yes. 27/12/2015, 11:06:38 AM: Ge: Then I can answer your questions 27/12/2015, 11:06:53 AM: Ge: It'll be easier than writing a long message 27/12/2015, 11:12:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Exactly. 27/12/2015, 11:14:04 AM: Ge: Good job about Barts, anyway. It makes me happy for you 27/12/2015, 11:15:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks! I knew that this could work. It was a matter of patience and right timing. 27/12/2015, 11:15:32 AM: Bas Liewes: And now of course doing it. 27/12/2015, 11:15:45 AM: Bas Liewes: But that's the easy part. 27/12/2015, 11:16:04 AM: Ge: What's the hard part? 27/12/2015, 11:18:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Connecting with new locations, making them decide for a stranger in the Netherlands to hand over there entire shop. Small retailers identify so much with their shop ( I am beyond this point). 27/12/2015, 11:18:45 AM: Bas Liewes: But I think that it will work. 27/12/2015, 11:20:58 AM: Bas Liewes: A guy in Rotterdam, beautiful location pushed me back. I was a bit to eager to get it. Learning from that. On the other hand, I have so much to offer. They can rely on me. Paying all the costs, attractive for the shop, blabla. I have to sleep 27/12/2015, 11:21:12 AM: Ge: Is the brand well known outside NL? 27/12/2015, 11:21:14 AM: Ge: Ok 27/12/2015, 11:21:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Very much 27/12/2015, 11:21:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Alps 27/12/2015, 11:21:54 AM: Bas Liewes: 4000 resellers 27/12/2015, 11:22:05 AM: Ge: Your social media presence is terrible though, you'll have to take care of that! Good night then :) 27/12/2015, 11:22:17 AM: Bas Liewes: About 500 in the Netherlands. 27/12/2015, 11:22:36 AM: Bas Liewes: That's true, Barts.eu 27/12/2015, 11:22:50 AM: Ge: And the facebook page is dead 27/12/2015, 11:22:50 AM: Bas Liewes: I am offline in all ways. 27/12/2015, 11:23:12 AM: Bas Liewes: You're right 27/12/2015, 11:23:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Not my responsibility. But feedback welcome. Tomorrow. 27/12/2015, 11:23:44 AM: Ge: Can't remember instagram, I think a bit better but not too much 27/12/2015, 11:23:46 AM: Ge: Sure 27/12/2015, 11:23:53 AM: Ge: Good night 27/12/2015, 11:24:00 AM: Bas Liewes: You too 28/12/2015, 6:21:52 AM: Bas Liewes: THe plans changed slightly. Susanne and Karl are leaving tomorrow. Tomorrow night I am cool. Hope okay with you. Otherwise now in the car. 28/12/2015, 6:22:52 AM: Ge: Both are good for me 29/12/2015, 10:17:12 AM: Bas Liewes: I have been watching home alone 5, to scary for frederik. Keep talking to him. Everything is alright. I am here to protect you..blabla. Give me half an hour. If you're still available. 29/12/2015, 10:17:47 AM: Ge: Sure. Poor kid :) 29/12/2015, 10:51:01 AM: Bas Liewes: I am ready when you're 29/12/2015, 10:51:17 AM: Ge: Ready 30/12/2015, 10:25:14 PM: Ge: Read a few articles you might be interested in yesterday: 30/12/2015, 10:25:27 PM: Ge: https://hbr.org/2015/12/getting-to-si-ja-oui-hai-and-da 30/12/2015, 10:25:39 PM: Ge: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34345791 30/12/2015, 10:25:44 PM: Ge: http://fossbytes.com/apple-ceo-tim-cook-kids-need-learn-code-early-age/ 26/01/2016, 1:17:21 AM: Ge: There are no prices online for the hogan test in the netherlands but I've sent a fee emails for enquiries. I've seen a $400 fee for one in the US. Not sure how much we paid for mine in Australia but I suspect around the same price. 26/01/2016, 1:17:56 AM: Ge: Otherwise I am taking the certification class in March, I could do yours πŸ˜‰ 27/01/2016, 2:35:25 AM: Ge: http://www.inc.com/daniel-holzman/what-happened-when-the-meatball-shop-expanded-too-fast.html?cid=sf01002&sr_share=facebook 27/01/2016, 3:03:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Jus thinking about you. 27/01/2016, 3:03:53 AM: Ge: hey 27/01/2016, 3:03:55 AM: Ge: me too 27/01/2016, 3:03:58 AM: Bas Liewes: 27/01/2016, 3:04:15 AM: Bas Liewes: I'm running like crazy 27/01/2016, 3:04:22 AM: Ge: a sign :) ? 27/01/2016, 3:04:27 AM: Ge: are you working today? 27/01/2016, 3:04:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Not to Paris :-( 27/01/2016, 3:04:55 AM: Ge: too bad :) 27/01/2016, 3:04:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes. Opened the store this morning 27/01/2016, 3:05:07 AM: Ge: it's just an easy hop though :) 27/01/2016, 3:05:15 AM: Ge: catch this train now! you have 11 min 27/01/2016, 3:05:36 AM: Ge: :) 27/01/2016, 3:05:46 AM: Bas Liewes: One sec 27/01/2016, 3:06:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha! Yeah, relaxing would be great 27/01/2016, 3:07:08 AM: Ge: I have a feeling you need it lol 27/01/2016, 3:07:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I am still a little sick and yesterday Diana the nasty bookkeeper. 27/01/2016, 3:08:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol about this? You have a strange sense of humor πŸ˜‚ 27/01/2016, 3:08:36 AM: Ge: I am not laughing at you :) 27/01/2016, 3:08:48 AM: Ge: but apparently not "with" you either 27/01/2016, 3:08:51 AM: Bas Liewes: No problem if you did 27/01/2016, 3:09:16 AM: Ge: I wouldn't dare ;) 27/01/2016, 3:09:28 AM: Ge: but maybe you deserve it a bit :) 27/01/2016, 3:09:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I'm just not in shape, doing everything with to much effort. 27/01/2016, 3:10:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Deserve yes! Getting it; no 27/01/2016, 3:10:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Sad story of my life 27/01/2016, 3:10:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 27/01/2016, 3:10:44 AM: Ge: lol 27/01/2016, 3:10:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not here to complaint. 27/01/2016, 3:10:52 AM: Ge: you pull yourself down the rabbit hole! 27/01/2016, 3:11:02 AM: Ge: well, maybe you should sometimes 27/01/2016, 3:11:06 AM: Ge: complain and be fed up 27/01/2016, 3:11:15 AM: Ge: that's normal to have enough 27/01/2016, 3:11:35 AM: Ge: no need to be a martyr :) 27/01/2016, 3:11:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay! I will try. But I think my temper says a lot. 27/01/2016, 3:11:56 AM: Ge: yes :-D 27/01/2016, 3:12:02 AM: Ge: it complains for you 27/01/2016, 3:12:19 AM: Ge: one thing I am trying to learn... 27/01/2016, 3:12:32 AM: Ge: voice my frustration before they turn into anger 27/01/2016, 3:12:53 AM: Bas Liewes: And does it work ? 27/01/2016, 3:12:58 AM: Ge: I am still struggling very much with doing that, because "I am strong enough", "I can take it" etc.... 27/01/2016, 3:13:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Who are your test rabbits? 27/01/2016, 3:13:22 AM: Ge: But as a result I am the one with the knots in my stomach and after a while I become aggressive 27/01/2016, 3:13:31 AM: Ge: Ross :-D 27/01/2016, 3:13:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Poor guy, but he deserves it 27/01/2016, 3:14:05 AM: Ge: Yeah... I am not shouting at it though 27/01/2016, 3:14:12 AM: Ge: it is also about how I deliver the message 27/01/2016, 3:14:16 AM: Bas Liewes: He should have helped you to give you a better understanding 27/01/2016, 3:14:28 AM: Ge: I will have also a discussion with Philippe when I get back 27/01/2016, 3:14:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Of what he did planned for his self. 27/01/2016, 3:14:44 AM: Ge: things are not working properly, and it costs me too much energy for little pay 27/01/2016, 3:14:58 AM: Ge: so learning process for me... 27/01/2016, 3:15:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, the small businesses are maybe not your habitat. 27/01/2016, 3:15:34 AM: Ge: not every small business for sure 27/01/2016, 3:15:41 AM: Ge: the right ones will flow well 27/01/2016, 3:15:56 AM: Bas Liewes: Either you start completely for your self or find a corporate job. 27/01/2016, 3:16:08 AM: Ge: so when I am in a position to select my clients better, I will definitely be more choosy 27/01/2016, 3:16:35 AM: Ge: you always have to deal with clients either way 27/01/2016, 3:16:45 AM: Ge: so it's all about finding the right fit for me 27/01/2016, 3:17:34 AM: Ge: it's one of my main drivers now, "fit" :) goes along with the "fuck yes" theory! 27/01/2016, 3:18:12 AM: Bas Liewes: You have the skills that they do not have. Same goes for me. I might have the guts to do things rather than getting stuck In thinking about the best solution. But I need someone like you too. To pricy for me. 27/01/2016, 3:18:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Either a 100€ bill per or my marriage 27/01/2016, 3:18:34 AM: Ge: marry me and you get it for free lol 27/01/2016, 3:18:42 AM: Ge: haha 27/01/2016, 3:20:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry phone call 27/01/2016, 3:20:31 AM: Ge: ok 27/01/2016, 3:22:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Doen 27/01/2016, 3:22:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Done 27/01/2016, 3:22:58 AM: Bas Liewes: I just turned my back and I got a call that the door is shut. Haha ! I wish you a lot of staff. 27/01/2016, 3:23:32 AM: Bas Liewes: What is the fuck yes theory? 27/01/2016, 3:24:10 AM: Ge: shut ? 27/01/2016, 3:24:24 AM: Ge: http://markmanson.net/fuck-yes 27/01/2016, 3:24:42 AM: Ge: it talks about dating 27/01/2016, 3:24:47 AM: Ge: but it works for everything 27/01/2016, 3:24:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, door closed and staff gone. At least this was the message. 27/01/2016, 3:25:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks god the guy was at the wrong address 27/01/2016, 3:26:09 AM: Ge: So it was a mistake :) 27/01/2016, 3:26:27 AM: Ge: At least you don't have to run back! 27/01/2016, 3:26:56 AM: Ge: "The Law of β€œFuck Yes or No” states that when you want to get involved with someone new, in whatever capacity, they must inspire you to say β€œFuck Yes” in order for you to proceed with them. The Law of β€œFuck Yes or No” also states that when you want to get involved with someone new, in whatever capacity, THEY must respond with a β€œFuck Yes” in order for you to proceed with them." 27/01/2016, 3:27:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Funny, like you're style ! Once again 27/01/2016, 3:28:00 AM: Ge: A good article about it for business: https://sivers.org/hellyeah 27/01/2016, 3:28:29 AM: Ge: it helps for decision making :) 27/01/2016, 3:28:46 AM: Ge: can't change everything at once. but it helps A LOT 27/01/2016, 3:29:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I will read it later. Opened the link, must help to remind me 27/01/2016, 3:29:12 AM: Ge: also one of the reason why I am still single 27/01/2016, 3:29:23 AM: Ge: and that I am planning to have a child on my own 27/01/2016, 3:37:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I know ! You better do that on your own. Not many man can understand why you are so persistent with your ideas about raising a child. I not sure if I can handy it either! You're Asian French background larded with discipline, values, digital consumption, embracing every single possibility to achieve something that matters for now. Oeps, bit blond, Don't want to hurt you. But if you have the guy that loves you, these things can really bring you in a difficult situation. 27/01/2016, 3:38:03 AM: Ge: persistent with my ideas of raising a child? 27/01/2016, 3:38:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! But if he really loves you, he might also cooperate to keep you as his best mate 27/01/2016, 3:38:31 AM: Ge: but what ideas? 27/01/2016, 3:38:40 AM: Ge: I don't have a model in mind :-D 27/01/2016, 3:38:59 AM: Ge: I believe that any assumptions I have will be gone out of the window the minute this child will be born 27/01/2016, 3:39:21 AM: Ge: it is impossible to plan a whole education without facing the reality of it... 27/01/2016, 3:40:17 AM: Ge: so I can only adapt when the day will come... I don't have a fixed mindset, if that is what you are saying? 27/01/2016, 3:42:03 AM: Ge: the "fuck yes" I am talking about is about getting together with someone I feel fuck yes about and that will feel the same about me. Not settling down with some random guy to make it work because I want children one day. Like I see my friends do now. And struggling with it already after 2 years, with 2 kids and a big mortgage. 27/01/2016, 3:42:57 AM: Bas Liewes: No, not fixt. 27/01/2016, 3:43:26 AM: Bas Liewes: But very dedicated 27/01/2016, 3:43:47 AM: Ge: And the fact of having a child on my own is not something that I absolutely want. It is just because the timing makes it so, and to prevent myself making a stupid mistake. And seeing everyone as potential father before seeing the person itself 27/01/2016, 3:43:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Once it's there ! You're existence is at the 10th place. 27/01/2016, 3:44:19 AM: Ge: ok - but I am dedicated about everything I care about... Doesn't mean I am not flexible I think 27/01/2016, 3:44:51 AM: Ge: I would absolutely love having and raising a child with the right man 27/01/2016, 3:45:01 AM: Ge: it's just that the timing is very unlikely 27/01/2016, 3:45:46 AM: Ge: so it is ok (for me) if the man comes after having a child... 27/01/2016, 3:46:14 AM: Ge: And from my personal experience, you can raise and love a child that is not from your DNA. 27/01/2016, 3:48:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Agree ! Last chapter !! Sure. No doubt. We are born the same. It's what you give. Blueprint is so small. 27/01/2016, 3:48:19 AM: Ge: so hopefully I will have someone in my life who can do that one day. And I'd be happy to get his input as well. Only way to learn and grow. 27/01/2016, 3:48:19 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to cycling !! Windy 27/01/2016, 3:48:38 AM: Ge: ok 27/01/2016, 9:29:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Back in the air. 27/01/2016, 9:30:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I have been to sport with Frederik. 27/01/2016, 9:30:55 AM: Ge: Feeling better? 27/01/2016, 9:31:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Was about to write you there but, there was an other child in trouble with the gymnastic teacher. I had to interfere. 27/01/2016, 9:31:26 AM: Bas Liewes: A little better. 27/01/2016, 9:32:10 AM: Bas Liewes: I sent Bart a what's app message that explained my feelings from the last few days. 27/01/2016, 9:32:27 AM: Ge: Did he reply? 27/01/2016, 9:32:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Ja graag. Ik ben inderdaad benieuwd naar jouw idee hier over. Afspreken kan wat mij betreft snel. Ik heb vorige week de kaartjes gehaald. Daar kreeg ik 4 pagina's contract bij. Snap dat we afspraken moeten maken. Dit viel wel wat rauw en onverwacht op mijn dak. Ik vind juist dat we zo goed gaan in de communicatie. Ik had je misschien eerder moeten bellen hierover, it kills my sex :-) En dat zulke "geile" kaartjes! Dank. Ik voel me eindelijk weer vrij en merk dat mijn energie stroomt, Batavia stad is van de regels en vorm. Met jou wil ik toch graag vooral lol hebben in ondernemen en samen succes maken. Ik zal actief gaan zoeken en afspraken maken. Graag samen als ik concretere stappen heb gemaakt. Ispo foto's gezien! Nice 27/01/2016, 9:33:04 AM: Bas Liewes: He did not. He's not used to this kind of rebel talk. 27/01/2016, 9:33:10 AM: Bas Liewes: He's the rebel. 27/01/2016, 9:33:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Hope he has the sense of humor and understanding 27/01/2016, 9:34:31 AM: Ge: Reading the translation 27/01/2016, 9:35:00 AM: Bas Liewes: That's why I sent it 27/01/2016, 9:36:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Translation is probably worse. 27/01/2016, 9:36:04 AM: Ge: Seems chill enough and not too aggressive 27/01/2016, 9:36:13 AM: Ge: But it's only a translation :) 27/01/2016, 9:36:27 AM: Bas Liewes: I want to make fun and money but not to formal 27/01/2016, 9:36:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Equality 27/01/2016, 9:36:47 AM: Ge: Did you say that you are good or not good at communicating? 27/01/2016, 9:38:00 AM: Bas Liewes: I said the we are both good in the communication. Therefor I was shocked to receive a contract without giving me notice upfront. 27/01/2016, 9:38:12 AM: Ge: Ok 27/01/2016, 9:38:15 AM: Bas Liewes: No need to secure himself against me 27/01/2016, 9:38:16 AM: Ge: That makes sense 27/01/2016, 9:38:39 AM: Ge: Are you going to see him about it? 27/01/2016, 9:39:02 AM: Bas Liewes: I can take care of my self, didn't say that, but he can conclude this 27/01/2016, 9:39:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! We will sit together. He dropped me a message first. 27/01/2016, 9:39:41 AM: Ge: You should share the netflix pres with him :) 27/01/2016, 9:39:47 AM: Ge: I watched it all 27/01/2016, 9:39:59 AM: Bas Liewes: It was about the conditions, he will taken of them. 27/01/2016, 9:41:21 AM: Bas Liewes: With the volume I order I should get 15% extra discount. According to their sales conditions. 27/01/2016, 9:41:39 AM: Bas Liewes: He wants to talk it down. 27/01/2016, 9:41:43 AM: Ge: Are you happy with 15? 27/01/2016, 9:42:43 AM: Bas Liewes: 15% is okay. But for a shop that completely depends on his name....20% is also reasonable. 27/01/2016, 9:43:29 AM: Ge: If you say so. Anyway it will probably be good to iron all out 27/01/2016, 9:43:33 AM: Ge: So you are clear 27/01/2016, 9:43:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I think that he's in trouble with his distribution partners want their share as well once I go to Germany. 27/01/2016, 9:44:23 AM: Ge: The boring bits of doing business :$ 27/01/2016, 9:44:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Than 15 becomes something like 20 or 25. 27/01/2016, 9:44:36 AM: Ge: He'll be competing against them 27/01/2016, 9:44:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, I can only do it once right. 27/01/2016, 9:45:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Therefore it's good that he came up with these silly rules. 27/01/2016, 9:45:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Gives me space to negotiate 27/01/2016, 9:46:18 AM: Ge: Using it as a platform 27/01/2016, 9:46:44 AM: Ge: Are you going to ask him to open the contract more as well? 27/01/2016, 9:46:52 AM: Ge: Different countries etc. 27/01/2016, 9:47:03 AM: Ge: Have you watched the video I've sent you? 27/01/2016, 9:47:19 AM: Ge: I think he is also afraid of that 27/01/2016, 9:47:26 AM: Ge: Growing too fast 27/01/2016, 9:47:32 AM: Bas Liewes: I can agree with many points that he's pointing out. I don't see the point of restrictions 27/01/2016, 9:48:05 AM: Bas Liewes: If I say for instance. We go to Berlin and to instanbul 27/01/2016, 9:48:14 AM: Ge: He already said it, I remember you telling me 27/01/2016, 9:48:18 AM: Bas Liewes: He might have a reason to slow me down 27/01/2016, 9:48:46 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not asking for exclusivity for Europe. 27/01/2016, 9:49:05 AM: Ge: I don't think it is about exclusivity 27/01/2016, 9:49:20 AM: Ge: It is about what you can manage as a one-man-band 27/01/2016, 9:49:41 AM: Ge: Managing 2 shops a few streets from each other is different than managing 5 shops in different countries 27/01/2016, 9:49:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Not for Germany or other countries. I want his support to make it work. Together and growing as a team. 27/01/2016, 9:50:09 AM: Ge: There are not enough hours in the day to make sure nothing falls through the crack 27/01/2016, 9:50:33 AM: Ge: And he is afraid of uncontrolled growth that could damage his brand and his partnerships with distributors 27/01/2016, 9:50:33 AM: Bas Liewes: If Barts thinks, Bas is reaching his limits, okay fair enough. I will try to respect and listen to his arguments. 27/01/2016, 9:50:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Not pulling the break before we start. 27/01/2016, 9:51:07 AM: Ge: I don't think he is reaching the limits, more about sustainable growth 27/01/2016, 9:51:16 AM: Ge: How do we hope strong and steady 27/01/2016, 9:51:23 AM: Ge: grow 27/01/2016, 9:51:26 AM: Ge: Not hope 27/01/2016, 9:52:23 AM: Bas Liewes: The systems work for me. The shop owners can supply staff and do some management tasks. If they reach a certain turnover; bonus. 27/01/2016, 9:52:56 AM: Ge: Can the system stay the same for 5 shops, 8, 10 ? 27/01/2016, 9:53:13 AM: Ge: Across borders etc. 27/01/2016, 9:53:35 AM: Ge: (I am playing devil's advocate here) 27/01/2016, 9:55:18 AM: Ge: http://www.inc.com/daniel-holzman/what-happened-when-the-meatball-shop-expanded-too-fast.html?cid=sf01002&sr_share=facebook 27/01/2016, 9:55:56 AM: Ge: Check it out, this is a good example of growing too fast, scaling back down and going back to strong steady growth 27/01/2016, 9:58:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay ! Funny you have this one in your files. 27/01/2016, 9:59:11 AM: Ge: I came across this today 27/01/2016, 9:59:24 AM: Ge: And thought about you and your contract 27/01/2016, 9:59:31 AM: Ge: Inc.com is a great website 27/01/2016, 9:59:52 AM: Ge: A watered down version of my all tine favourite, the Harvard Business Review 27/01/2016, 10:00:03 AM: Ge: all time* 27/01/2016, 10:02:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! I will check it out. 27/01/2016, 10:03:14 AM: Ge: Check it before you see Bart 27/01/2016, 10:03:35 AM: Ge: Might help to see his point of view :) 27/01/2016, 10:03:54 AM: Bas Liewes: I will do it tonight. 27/01/2016, 10:04:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Next year three in Amsterdam. He's pushing me now to do Berlin and Hamburg. 27/01/2016, 10:05:01 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't think that this is so much his concern. 27/01/2016, 10:05:23 AM: Ge: I doubt it, but you know him and I don't 27/01/2016, 10:05:32 AM: Bas Liewes: It's the cfo that sees bears 27/01/2016, 10:05:47 AM: Ge: He didn't grow his business to where he is today without having to face that issue already 27/01/2016, 10:06:04 AM: Ge: Starting with logistics etc. 27/01/2016, 10:06:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Next year 5 or 6 and a year later 3 more 27/01/2016, 10:07:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Therefore he knows that the systems and logistics have little boundaries. Every carton can be in place in 24 hours. 27/01/2016, 10:08:19 AM: Ge: It's not just about logistics, but global operations for shops having his name on it 27/01/2016, 10:08:34 AM: Ge: But anyway, you know better than I do 27/01/2016, 10:08:51 AM: Ge: My experience is with other products 27/01/2016, 10:08:58 AM: Ge: and services 27/01/2016, 10:09:05 AM: Ge: You seem absolutely convinced so I won't push it more :) 27/01/2016, 10:09:41 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not see myself further away than 1000 km. There is a lot space for others 27/01/2016, 10:09:56 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha !! Yes yes ! 27/01/2016, 10:10:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I might need some help, I am getting better in not doing it myself. 27/01/2016, 10:11:08 AM: Ge: That's the secret behind scalability :) 27/01/2016, 10:11:26 AM: Ge: And remove the 1000km boundary! 27/01/2016, 10:11:38 AM: Ge: Just send someone else on the trips 27/01/2016, 10:11:46 AM: Ge: If you don't want to travel 27/01/2016, 10:12:15 AM: Ge: Why think small? 27/01/2016, 10:12:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Good advise 27/01/2016, 10:12:34 AM: Ge: The bigger you are, the less operational stuff you have to do 27/01/2016, 10:12:42 AM: Ge: It's more fun 27/01/2016, 10:12:56 AM: Ge: Not always on the edge 27/01/2016, 10:13:08 AM: Ge: There is safety in size as well 27/01/2016, 10:13:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Let's start careful. Rome was not built in a day :-) Now I start to break upfront. You're scaring me off 27/01/2016, 10:13:23 AM: Ge: Scaring you? 27/01/2016, 10:13:47 AM: Bas Liewes: You might be right, not so sure if this is me 27/01/2016, 10:13:59 AM: Ge: until you tru you won't know 27/01/2016, 10:14:12 AM: Ge: Opening your 10th shop won't be different than 50 27/01/2016, 10:14:34 AM: Ge: Especially when you have a model to roll out 27/01/2016, 10:14:52 AM: Bas Liewes: I am a doer and not the strategic thinker. I know enough people who can play the role of strategic player. 27/01/2016, 10:15:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Are you with Brent? 27/01/2016, 10:15:12 AM: Ge: You might discover yourself as a strategic thinker :) 27/01/2016, 10:15:16 AM: Bas Liewes: So much time ! 27/01/2016, 10:15:30 AM: Ge: You are already putting boundaries on yourself 27/01/2016, 10:15:31 AM: Bas Liewes: No no no, I guess not 27/01/2016, 10:15:36 AM: Ge: No Brent is back in Sydney 27/01/2016, 10:16:03 AM: Ge: Waiting for an uber to go home 27/01/2016, 10:16:13 AM: Ge: But there is the massive strike in Paris 27/01/2016, 10:16:25 AM: Ge: Taxi drivers are on strike 27/01/2016, 10:16:42 AM: Ge: Burning cars and attacking people 27/01/2016, 10:16:46 AM: Ge: France... 27/01/2016, 10:17:34 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay! Good for you to have a little more space. 27/01/2016, 10:17:48 AM: Ge: Yes. I was exhausted 27/01/2016, 10:17:50 AM: Bas Liewes: France! Why striking, idiots 27/01/2016, 10:18:02 AM: Ge: Taxi drivers are against Uber 27/01/2016, 10:18:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I can imagine. 27/01/2016, 10:18:29 AM: Ge: And of course the government will back down 27/01/2016, 10:18:29 AM: Bas Liewes: And you're waiting for uber ! 27/01/2016, 10:18:34 AM: Ge: Yes :) 27/01/2016, 10:18:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Commit suicide 27/01/2016, 10:18:41 AM: Ge: Risking my life! 27/01/2016, 10:18:57 AM: Bas Liewes: 😜 27/01/2016, 10:18:58 AM: Ge: I have a really heavy bag with me 27/01/2016, 10:19:07 AM: Ge: Prints for the expo tomorrow 27/01/2016, 10:19:14 AM: Ge: Long story 27/01/2016, 10:19:25 AM: Bas Liewes: ?? 27/01/2016, 10:19:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Tell me later. 27/01/2016, 10:19:40 AM: Ge: Yeah, the girls messed up with delivery date 27/01/2016, 10:19:48 AM: Ge: Had to arrange emergency prints 27/01/2016, 10:19:51 AM: Ge: Anyway 27/01/2016, 10:20:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Doing it yourself :-) 27/01/2016, 10:20:14 AM: Ge: Now I understand why some businesses are meant to stay small and don't grow 27/01/2016, 10:20:28 AM: Ge: People just don't have the capacity 27/01/2016, 10:20:40 AM: Bas Liewes: The good thing is that this effort is yours. Hope you get the credits. 27/01/2016, 10:20:46 AM: Ge: They are limited / limiting themselves 27/01/2016, 10:20:57 AM: Ge: No, I will get in trouble because they messed up 27/01/2016, 10:21:03 AM: Ge: I am accountable in the end 27/01/2016, 10:21:15 AM: Ge: But all my efforts are wasted to be honest 27/01/2016, 10:21:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! 27/01/2016, 10:21:34 AM: Ge: They are not good enough to transform it into something successful 27/01/2016, 10:21:47 AM: Ge: Too resistant to change 27/01/2016, 10:21:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Make up your own plan 27/01/2016, 10:21:58 AM: Ge: Too intellectually limited 27/01/2016, 10:22:13 AM: Ge: (i am a but down today) 27/01/2016, 10:22:17 AM: Ge: bit* 27/01/2016, 10:23:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Understand that if you work with imbeciles 27/01/2016, 10:23:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 27/01/2016, 10:23:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Take your rest. I stop writing you too 27/01/2016, 10:24:02 AM: Ge: I am alright 27/01/2016, 10:24:07 AM: Ge: My uber just dropped me 27/01/2016, 10:24:10 AM: Ge: Yay 27/01/2016, 10:24:18 AM: Ge: A really good day 😊 27/01/2016, 10:24:26 AM: Ge: Have to find another one 27/01/2016, 10:24:31 AM: Ge: Hey, one thing 27/01/2016, 10:24:43 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not. I have to get some rest. One thing ? 27/01/2016, 10:24:47 AM: Ge: That wasn't really nice what you said earlier 27/01/2016, 10:24:55 AM: Bas Liewes: ?? 27/01/2016, 10:25:11 AM: Ge: And it bothered me for a while 27/01/2016, 10:25:17 AM: Ge: I just wanted to tell you 27/01/2016, 10:25:19 AM: Bas Liewes: The rhing about you and raising a child ? 27/01/2016, 10:25:22 AM: Ge: Yes 27/01/2016, 10:25:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I said, blond ! No offense. 27/01/2016, 10:25:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't jump to conclusions 27/01/2016, 10:26:16 AM: Bas Liewes: You and your solitaire plan of giving birth is great 27/01/2016, 10:26:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Waiting for me right... 27/01/2016, 10:26:34 AM: Bas Liewes: Nope 27/01/2016, 10:27:00 AM: Bas Liewes: You have such strong ideas 27/01/2016, 10:27:33 AM: Bas Liewes: It will give a lot of frictions with partners if you deal with it together. 27/01/2016, 10:28:28 AM: Bas Liewes: You're good in keeping silent and patient. With a child the other Geraldine ( the big / older / mature Geraldine) is taking over 27/01/2016, 10:28:35 AM: Ge: I am a lot more flexible that what you think... 27/01/2016, 10:28:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Not to hurt you !! 27/01/2016, 10:29:17 AM: Ge: and the two can work together, the nature side and the relaxed ones 27/01/2016, 10:29:17 AM: Bas Liewes: I can pretty much imagine you with a baby 27/01/2016, 10:29:36 AM: Ge: mature* 27/01/2016, 10:29:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay. 27/01/2016, 10:29:55 AM: Ge: Yeah maybe that's you that has a strong idea about me raising a child. 😜 27/01/2016, 10:30:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes !! 27/01/2016, 10:31:23 AM: Ge: But anyway 27/01/2016, 10:31:56 AM: Ge: I had the feeling that you were looking at excuses about us not being a good fit 27/01/2016, 10:32:11 AM: Ge: And in the process you hurt me 27/01/2016, 10:32:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Not at all. 27/01/2016, 10:32:36 AM: Bas Liewes: There's no doubt that we are a good fit. 27/01/2016, 10:32:56 AM: Bas Liewes: Just bad timing 27/01/2016, 10:33:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Nothing wrong with our chemistry and synchronized thoughts 27/01/2016, 10:33:25 AM: Ge: I don't think the timing was wrong actually 27/01/2016, 10:33:39 AM: Bas Liewes: A matter of interpretation 27/01/2016, 10:33:47 AM: Ge: We connected because we were right to meet at that time 27/01/2016, 10:34:01 AM: Ge: Circumstances were not there 27/01/2016, 10:34:41 AM: Ge: 10 years earlier would have been to early 27/01/2016, 10:34:49 AM: Ge: 10 years later maybe too late 27/01/2016, 10:34:59 AM: Ge: Timing :) 27/01/2016, 10:35:25 AM: Bas Liewes: πŸ˜‚ 27/01/2016, 10:35:35 AM: Bas Liewes: That's it. 27/01/2016, 10:36:00 AM: Ge: We connected because we are searching for the same thing at the same time :) 27/01/2016, 10:36:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't be down about that. I had to choose my words more carefully 27/01/2016, 10:37:05 AM: Bas Liewes: I think that we connect with more than just this. It's a lot. So much more 27/01/2016, 10:37:37 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to stop typing. It's making me so energetic! I need to rest a little. 27/01/2016, 10:38:02 AM: Ge: Ok 27/01/2016, 10:38:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Have s drink on your own :-) 27/01/2016, 10:38:45 AM: Ge: Never :) 27/01/2016, 10:38:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Big hug ! 27/01/2016, 10:39:00 AM: Ge: I'm getting back to work 27/01/2016, 10:39:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 27/01/2016, 10:39:12 AM: Ge: Found a job ad I like in Copenhagen 27/01/2016, 10:39:17 AM: Ge: Sending my resume tonight 27/01/2016, 10:39:38 AM: Bas Liewes: I wake up tomorrow at 6 to do the last bit of admin. 27/01/2016, 10:39:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Ooohh wow 27/01/2016, 10:39:50 AM: Ge: Good fit with my competencies 27/01/2016, 10:39:58 AM: Ge: Perfect fit actually 27/01/2016, 10:40:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Tell me tomorrow 27/01/2016, 10:40:04 AM: Ge: Engineering company 27/01/2016, 10:40:14 AM: Ge: Boooring 27/01/2016, 10:40:32 AM: Ge: But I don't care, serves my plan 27/01/2016, 10:40:33 AM: Ge: Ok 27/01/2016, 10:40:53 AM: Ge: Won't be much to say, they will be too scared because I am not in Copenhagen 27/01/2016, 10:41:01 AM: Bas Liewes: My arms are soar from typing. 27/01/2016, 10:41:12 AM: Ge: You're too old :) 27/01/2016, 10:41:15 AM: Ge: ;) 27/01/2016, 10:41:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Sounds good ! Over and out 27/01/2016, 10:41:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks god yes ! 27/01/2016, 10:41:43 AM: Ge: Install whatsapp on your Mac!! 27/01/2016, 10:41:44 AM: Ge: Easier 27/01/2016, 10:42:03 AM: Ge: And doesn't work if your phone is not around ;) 27/01/2016, 10:42:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I am lying on the sofa 27/01/2016, 10:42:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I know 27/01/2016, 10:42:24 AM: Ge: In the back of my new uber drive 27/01/2016, 10:42:30 AM: Ge: Almost "home" 27/01/2016, 10:44:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Hell ! Well,presumably not a tesla. 27/01/2016, 10:44:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Goodnight 27/01/2016, 10:44:30 AM: Ge: No... 27/01/2016, 10:44:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 27/01/2016, 10:44:34 AM: Ge: xx 27/01/2016, 11:05:12 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for the meatballs 27/01/2016, 11:05:43 AM: Ge: πŸ˜‰ 27/01/2016, 11:11:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Hell yes ! I am good in shifting and saying no ! At least I believe I can. Hell no..I hope I will. Lol 27/01/2016, 11:12:02 AM: Ge: But it's all about saying hell yes ;) 27/01/2016, 10:25:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Can you help me with this; For Berlin I have this draft in my box. Would like to send it out today. Quick scan needed :-) 27/01/2016, 10:25:26 PM: Bas Liewes: Good morning ! 27/01/2016, 10:25:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Dear Ms Boergen, Barts is a winter accessory brand that sells its products mainly in Europe at about 4000 selected selling points. To give the brand more exposure and identity we launched "crafting joy" and created two pop-up stores in Amsterdam that reflect this theme. Despite the warm winter, the stores are successful and we like to roll this model out to more capital cities in Europe. The Barts sales team was presented at Premium Berlin and also paid a visit to Bikini. We think that Bikini, especially with the high end pop-up stores, could be complementary to our story. In return we might be beneficial to your center as we are style fetishists and deliver what we promise. Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us ? I am planning a trip to Berlin at the 18-19th of February, it would be great if there is a change to meet and greet Kind regards, Barts Brand Stores, Bas Liewes bas@barts.eu +31 651 089026 27/01/2016, 10:30:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Type type !! Slow down. 27/01/2016, 10:36:15 PM: Ge: Dear Ms Boergen, Barts is a winter accessory brand that sells its products at about 4000 european selected selling points. To give the brand more exposure and reinforce its core identity, we launched two pop-up stores in Amsterdam under our new winter concept "Crafting Joy" The stores are highly successful despite the warm weather conditions and we are now planning to roll the model out to additional major cities in Europe. The Barts sales team participated to Premium Berlin and took the opportunity to pay a visit to Bikini. Bikini is well positioned within the high end pop-up stores segment and we believe your brand could be complementary to our story. In return we might be beneficial to your center as we are style fetishists and deliver what we promise. I will be in Berlin on 18 & 19 February and would very much appreciate the opportunity to discuss further a potential collaboration. I hope we will be able to find an appropriate time and I am looking forward to meeting you. Kind regards, Barts Brand Stores, Bas Liewes bas@barts.eu +31 651 089026 27/01/2016, 10:36:32 PM: Ge: Only thing I am not too sure about is that part "In return we might be beneficial to your center as we are style fetishists and deliver what we promise" 27/01/2016, 10:37:02 PM: Ge: Doesn't really say much about what you can bring them and "fetishists" sounds weird and creepy :) 27/01/2016, 10:37:49 PM: Ge: Ha, I made a mistake: "The Barts sales team have participated " 27/01/2016, 10:40:41 PM: Bas Liewes: Sweet comments :-) 27/01/2016, 10:41:02 PM: Bas Liewes: I can see this is daily business for you. 27/01/2016, 10:41:19 PM: Bas Liewes: The editor full speed. 27/01/2016, 10:42:03 PM: Bas Liewes: I will change it and get back once I am out of the home office. X 27/01/2016, 10:48:24 PM: Ge: Haha no worries :) 27/01/2016, 10:48:56 PM: Ge: The last part might benefit from being rewritten a bit? 27/01/2016, 10:49:07 PM: Ge: Making your case stronger 27/01/2016, 10:49:20 PM: Ge: And maybe adding photos of the stores? 27/01/2016, 10:54:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Frederieke can ask for additional information :-) 28/01/2016, 12:38:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Bart gave a compliment for the letter, I mentioned my friend who did a quick scan. X 28/01/2016, 12:39:07 AM: Bas Liewes: We would be very efficient in business together. Means you're the efficient one and I am the bull. Breaking open doors and... 28/01/2016, 12:39:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Your pants 28/01/2016, 12:39:22 AM: Ge: Lol 28/01/2016, 12:39:36 AM: Ge: I am sure we would! Absolutely convinced. 28/01/2016, 12:39:42 AM: Ge: About the doors... 28/01/2016, 12:39:47 AM: Ge: and the pants ;) 28/01/2016, 12:39:51 AM: Ge: Find a way! 28/01/2016, 12:39:58 AM: Ge: We'd be killers together 28/01/2016, 12:40:15 AM: Bas Liewes: For sure ! 28/01/2016, 12:40:48 AM: Ge: Thanks for letting me know about Bart's comment 28/01/2016, 12:41:42 AM: Bas Liewes: My ego is already so insane πŸ˜‚ Like to share a little 28/01/2016, 12:41:52 AM: Ge: Always feel good to have feedback 28/01/2016, 12:41:54 AM: Ge: Haha 28/01/2016, 12:42:10 AM: Ge: Hope he will let you grow wings :) 28/01/2016, 1:01:25 AM: Bas Liewes: He invited himself for the Berlin trip and said that he's looking forward to come with me. I would like to go with my brother in law, but one day Bart would be nice too. 28/01/2016, 1:01:36 AM: Bas Liewes: What about you and Berlin? 28/01/2016, 1:02:12 AM: Ge: Good sign! 28/01/2016, 1:02:26 AM: Ge: He wants to get closer to thebusiness again :) 28/01/2016, 1:02:47 AM: Ge: And good opportunity to bond over a nice beer :) 28/01/2016, 1:03:04 AM: Ge: Berlin is not organised yet... 28/01/2016, 1:03:38 AM: Ge: 18 / 19 I will be back in NZ 28/01/2016, 1:03:57 AM: Ge: Need someone to carry your suitcase ;) 28/01/2016, 6:31:23 AM: Bas Liewes: And than pause ! I am carrying suitcases for my brother in law. He's in a wheelchair. No problem. With you I have other fantasies than carrying my stuff. Tomorrow I will be on my own in Amsterdam. I bring my earplugs and hope you have some time and wifi too. Looking forward to hear your voice. Now I am the kitchen aid, sorry Chef ! Chou rouge braisΓ© avec pommes de terre and and. You ? Having a dinner? Enjoy your peace without Brent. X 28/01/2016, 6:41:43 AM: Ge: Just got home after a long day - we're currently doing a roadshow in super select private high schools in Paris. Selling them NZ as a study destination. I suddenly realised today that it is useless. They will go to private business schools to reproduce their parents' model, and will not take risks studying in another country. France is way too elitist for that. Tomorrow will be the same but I can manage some time to talk during the day, it's not very busy. I will pretend I have to talk to a client ;) otherwise I will be free at 4.30 pm I think. Your dinner sounds better than mine :) Only had a few minutes to eat today so had the rest of my lunch at 4pm, now no appetite :) Tonight is free from social obligations (first night in so many weeks!), so I'll catch up on work and snuggle with a good book. Will try not to think too much about your fantasies not involving suitcases ;) xx 28/01/2016, 9:11:32 PM: Ge: My cat passed away last night. He was attacked by 3 large stray dogs 3 days ago. They tore him apart, pulling skin and tearing his abdomen, and he had large bruises as well. He went through surgery well and was recovering at the vet, already eating a little bit. But he started having difficulties breathing and a few hours later he died. Maybe his heart gave up as he was already quite old (15), or maybe he had more extensive internal injuries that were not picked up by the scan. Anyway. I am super sad, he really didn't deserve this. He was such a sweet animal, I can't remember him getting into mischief even once in his life (his mother is another story) He must have been so scared, I can almost feel his fear in my bones... 28/01/2016, 9:14:00 PM: Ge: I know you don't like cats, please don't be mean :) 28/01/2016, 9:14:24 PM: Bas Liewes: That's indeed a sad end. Where was your cat? At your parents' ? 28/01/2016, 9:14:34 PM: Ge: Yes in Tahiti 28/01/2016, 9:15:22 PM: Ge: My mum was up really early that morning when it happened so she was able to chase the dogs away before they killed him on the spot 28/01/2016, 9:15:28 PM: Bas Liewes: And they're back home for a change ? 28/01/2016, 9:15:38 PM: Ge: Yes, 4 days ago 28/01/2016, 9:15:48 PM: Ge: It happened the day after they came back. 28/01/2016, 9:16:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Poor cat ! Was this also "your" cat? 28/01/2016, 9:16:43 PM: Ge: I have photos of him as a kitten sitting in my ex's shirt pocket... He was so tiny 28/01/2016, 9:16:45 PM: Bas Liewes: No, you were 22 28/01/2016, 9:17:10 PM: Ge: Yes, I wasn't a child. But he was special 28/01/2016, 9:17:41 PM: Ge: As most animals are to people who love them I guess 28/01/2016, 9:19:02 PM: Bas Liewes: I lost a dog once. Buying / getting a new dog feels like betraying on her. I have more difficulty to do this than to snog you. 28/01/2016, 9:19:27 PM: Ge: I understant 28/01/2016, 9:19:30 PM: Bas Liewes: I mean towards Susanne 28/01/2016, 9:19:33 PM: Ge: Understand* 28/01/2016, 9:19:52 PM: Ge: Animal's loyalty is full and complete 28/01/2016, 9:20:23 PM: Ge: Whatever the reason for their attachment, it's pretty pure 28/01/2016, 9:20:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Exactly, no better greetings when you come home than from my pal. 28/01/2016, 9:21:12 PM: Ge: Yes! Just joy and happiness. No complaints or bad mood :) 28/01/2016, 9:21:23 PM: Ge: You had that dog for a long time? 28/01/2016, 9:23:34 PM: Bas Liewes: It was actually susanne's but,she didn't look after here so well. I took her with me to the office at reebok during the week. Used to live at a campsite and she was always with me in the car. She was with me for about 10 years. 28/01/2016, 9:24:08 PM: Ge: That's a long time... 28/01/2016, 9:24:27 PM: Ge: Must have been hard to go around without her 28/01/2016, 9:24:38 PM: Ge: I remember you telling me about her. 28/01/2016, 9:24:58 PM: Ge: That at the end she was old and rather stay in the car than go around with you. 28/01/2016, 9:25:08 PM: Bas Liewes: The poor dog couldn't handle the new born Frederik and didn't want to come inside the house. She stayed day and night at the parking lot and my van was her shelter. 28/01/2016, 9:25:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes 28/01/2016, 9:25:33 PM: Ge: And that she was a bit smelly :) 28/01/2016, 9:26:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Hell yeah ! 28/01/2016, 9:26:19 PM: Ge: Hard to loose them, really. Anyway, I don't why I am so upset. Stirs a lot of memories I guess. Feeling powerless too. And his mother was a bitch to him sometimes and I remember feeling frustrated because of the unfairness. It's a mix bag of feelings. 28/01/2016, 9:28:12 PM: Ge: Cried like a child yesterday when I learned about it, I wasn't expecting to react this way! Ok, don't want to hold you too long with my sad story. Thank you for listening:) 28/01/2016, 9:30:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Wow, it's really drawing you down. I feel sorry for him. Nature is cruel. 28/01/2016, 9:31:08 PM: Ge: Ha, it's a combination of being tired as well I think. 28/01/2016, 9:31:25 PM: Bas Liewes: On the other hand, a calculation chart says that your cat is 76 years old. Still to you to die 28/01/2016, 9:31:41 PM: Ge: Haha, yes he had a long life 28/01/2016, 9:32:23 PM: Bas Liewes: emotions for other reasons that can flow now. Same thing I had last Saturday. 28/01/2016, 9:32:44 PM: Ge: Yes, that was a trigger 28/01/2016, 9:33:04 PM: Ge: Good point 28/01/2016, 9:34:31 PM: Bas Liewes: But it's nice that this can come out. I wish I was there for you to cheer you up. 28/01/2016, 9:35:33 PM: Ge: Thank you... I would very much appreciate a good hug and a kiss now, for sure! 28/01/2016, 9:37:04 PM: Bas Liewes: More than ever ! 28/01/2016, 9:38:25 PM: Bas Liewes: You're going to continue with the spoiled kids trip? 28/01/2016, 9:38:27 PM: Ge: And some slow loving, but let's not go there :) 28/01/2016, 9:38:41 PM: Ge: Spoiled kids? 28/01/2016, 9:38:53 PM: Ge: Are you talking about me? :) 28/01/2016, 9:39:05 PM: Ge: Or the high schools? 28/01/2016, 9:39:16 PM: Ge: On our way to one of them right now 28/01/2016, 9:39:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Let's not get there. I am sitting opposite two young girls. 28/01/2016, 9:39:36 PM: Bas Liewes: High schools 28/01/2016, 9:39:42 PM: Ge: Yeah, you don't want them to get the wrong idea :) 28/01/2016, 9:39:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Sorry for that. 28/01/2016, 9:40:15 PM: Bas Liewes: You have this ability to change on thing for the other. 28/01/2016, 9:41:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Brent is just waved away and your loyal character is moving towards the next question mark! 28/01/2016, 9:41:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Why Geraldine ? 28/01/2016, 9:41:20 PM: Ge: Keeps the brain young :) 28/01/2016, 9:41:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! 28/01/2016, 9:42:23 PM: Bas Liewes: As long as you know that I notice and let you go away with this, today ! 28/01/2016, 9:42:33 PM: Ge: Fast paced life, used to it I guess. Although I very much like when it slows down. Idle, daydreaming 28/01/2016, 9:42:41 PM: Ge: Let me go away with this? 28/01/2016, 9:43:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Otherwise I would ask a little deeper and more intense what moves you. 28/01/2016, 9:43:32 PM: Ge: Ask me one day 28/01/2016, 9:43:38 PM: Ge: Please :) 28/01/2016, 9:44:14 PM: Bas Liewes: I hope that we find the peace to have this chat 28/01/2016, 9:44:28 PM: Ge: Me too. 28/01/2016, 9:47:39 PM: Bas Liewes: When do you get picked up? I am just arriving in Amsterdam and have to do some shopping for lunch. I won't be able to walk away during the day as I am on my own. This week is a bit weird. One guy left, next week I will close down one shop and I have staff enough. Today and tomorrow I am full on. 28/01/2016, 9:47:43 PM: Ge: Fundamental conversations. For us, but also for ourselves. We are making each other grow by asking those deep questions. And I feel comfortable doing that with you. 28/01/2016, 9:47:59 PM: Ge: We are almost there 28/01/2016, 9:48:02 PM: Bas Liewes: So do I 28/01/2016, 9:48:10 PM: Bas Liewes: But not always. 28/01/2016, 9:48:15 PM: Ge: :) 28/01/2016, 9:48:18 PM: Ge: Really? 28/01/2016, 9:48:23 PM: Bas Liewes: As you keep sawing 28/01/2016, 9:48:37 PM: Ge: Ok. I figured that 28/01/2016, 9:48:51 PM: Bas Liewes: There is no satisfaction from your side with 85% answers 28/01/2016, 9:49:00 PM: Ge: Haha 28/01/2016, 9:49:12 PM: Bas Liewes: I like a little margin for myself. 28/01/2016, 9:49:18 PM: Ge: And we have only a short time together, so things are a bit rushed 28/01/2016, 9:49:20 PM: Bas Liewes: It will get better. 28/01/2016, 9:49:31 PM: Ge: And therefore a bit brutal 28/01/2016, 9:50:53 PM: Ge: You also have the right to change your mind about yourself and the things you say... I am not 100% consistent myself and my opinion varies :) 28/01/2016, 9:51:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Once we have more time, we might exhaust each other with physical interruptions. Everything a little more tender 28/01/2016, 9:51:31 PM: Bas Liewes: I there catch you later 28/01/2016, 9:51:32 PM: Ge: Yes... That's what I was thinking too 28/01/2016, 9:51:42 PM: Ge: A little less desperate :) 28/01/2016, 9:51:52 PM: Ge: xxx 28/01/2016, 9:59:52 PM: Bas Liewes: X 29/01/2016, 3:32:08 AM: Ge: Done for the day! Yay. I am spent! 29/01/2016, 3:41:07 AM: Ge: Thank you for taking some time earlier to listen to me, and for being gentle about it. 29/01/2016, 5:14:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Pete is here !! 29/01/2016, 5:14:34 AM: Bas Liewes: I call you later 30/01/2016, 4:28:10 AM: Ge: 30/01/2016, 6:51:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Where's Geraldine in this picture? The stature of French empirical power, I would at least expect you to do a selfie here. My day was a weird day. 6 o'clock alarm and 8 o'clock at the dentist in my former city Enkhuizen. The rest of the day lazy in Amsterdam. Did a lot of talking with the guys who work for me. 30/01/2016, 6:55:02 AM: Ge: Haha 30/01/2016, 6:55:20 AM: Ge: You know I am not too much of a selfie girl ;) 30/01/2016, 6:55:35 AM: Ge: I was in a taxi zooming through... 30/01/2016, 6:55:40 AM: Bas Liewes: I was invited for a party at the architects Apto, who did the mexx building with me. I went all the way to their offices, everybody working hard...I missed it, the drink was yesterday! 30/01/2016, 6:55:50 AM: Ge: Lol 30/01/2016, 6:55:58 AM: Ge: And you were free yesterday ! 30/01/2016, 6:56:20 AM: Ge: You should go have a drink with yourself now :) 30/01/2016, 6:56:36 AM: Bas Liewes: http://www.apto.nl/projects#BUYTEN-OutdoorExperienceStore 30/01/2016, 6:57:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, I bought a beer for in the train. That's okay :-) 30/01/2016, 6:57:29 AM: Ge: Nice - I like the internal pod / 30/01/2016, 6:57:35 AM: Ge: A beer for the train! 30/01/2016, 6:57:38 AM: Ge: Haha 30/01/2016, 6:57:49 AM: Ge: Like a homeless person? ;) 30/01/2016, 6:58:00 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not behind the steering wheel πŸ˜ƒ 30/01/2016, 6:58:24 AM: Bas Liewes: As Pete says; I am not here for punishment 30/01/2016, 6:58:29 AM: Ge: True ^_^ 30/01/2016, 6:58:43 AM: Ge: The Famous Sayings of PB 30/01/2016, 6:58:53 AM: Ge: Are you in the train now ? 30/01/2016, 6:59:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes 30/01/2016, 6:59:17 AM: Ge: Quiet carriage :) 30/01/2016, 6:59:20 AM: Ge: I am in the tram 30/01/2016, 6:59:28 AM: Ge: Totally frozen 30/01/2016, 6:59:42 AM: Ge: I need a big hug to warm me up! 30/01/2016, 6:59:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Maybe my life is easier when I repeat his phrases.. 30/01/2016, 7:00:10 AM: Ge: Haha 30/01/2016, 7:00:12 AM: Ge: Yes! 30/01/2016, 7:00:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, Paris is 6 degrees colder. 30/01/2016, 7:00:28 AM: Ge: You are the specialist for punishing yourself;) 30/01/2016, 7:00:43 AM: Bas Liewes: It seems like the winter weather follows you 30/01/2016, 7:01:08 AM: Ge: Yeah, maybe I should be the one opening your stores 30/01/2016, 7:01:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, I was thinking to start with ultra runs. 30/01/2016, 7:01:31 AM: Ge: Really? 30/01/2016, 7:01:31 AM: Bas Liewes: No way 30/01/2016, 7:01:46 AM: Ge: North Face 100? 30/01/2016, 7:01:51 AM: Ge: UTMB? 30/01/2016, 7:02:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, I am a recreational cyclist who loves to stop and and watch the scenery and hug a tree, bite in the grass and eat sandwiches with lots of gluten πŸ˜‚ 30/01/2016, 7:03:06 AM: Ge: Lol 30/01/2016, 7:03:15 AM: Ge: Well my friend Clinton too ^_^ 30/01/2016, 7:03:21 AM: Ge: And he got into it 30/01/2016, 7:03:35 AM: Ge: No need to be a crazy runner at first :) 30/01/2016, 7:04:09 AM: Ge: But his physical condition is not too bad. Fireman 30/01/2016, 7:04:25 AM: Ge: I've done a Tough Mudder with him and his friends 30/01/2016, 7:04:39 AM: Bas Liewes: I am ultra fit for the things I need to do. 30/01/2016, 7:04:44 AM: Ge: I killed him on some obstacles but not with the running into deep mud πŸ˜… 30/01/2016, 7:04:54 AM: Ge: Or even running at all 30/01/2016, 7:04:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Oooh wow, when was this 30/01/2016, 7:05:08 AM: Ge: 2 or 3 years ago ? 30/01/2016, 7:05:19 AM: Bas Liewes: πŸ‘ 30/01/2016, 7:05:25 AM: Ge: Obstacles in tough mudders can be easy if you are a climber 30/01/2016, 7:05:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 30/01/2016, 7:05:31 AM: Ge: Lol 30/01/2016, 7:05:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Me and my icons 30/01/2016, 7:05:44 AM: Ge: Exactly what crossed my mind :) 30/01/2016, 7:06:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Head first and make sure you don't hit the ground 30/01/2016, 7:06:12 AM: Ge: Lol 30/01/2016, 7:06:21 AM: Ge: Head first mean I've alredy reached the top! 30/01/2016, 7:06:35 AM: Ge: The hardest part comes before πŸ˜… 30/01/2016, 7:06:46 AM: Ge: Unless you are talking about something else? 30/01/2016, 7:07:40 AM: Bas Liewes: No with running, it's like falling but you make sure that you don't fall. 30/01/2016, 7:08:01 AM: Ge: Ok, talking about running 30/01/2016, 7:08:06 AM: Ge: Really not my thing 30/01/2016, 7:08:11 AM: Ge: My back hates it 30/01/2016, 7:08:19 AM: Ge: And my cardio too 30/01/2016, 7:09:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Me too, I tried forefoot running last winter. Must have told you. 30/01/2016, 7:09:57 AM: Ge: Briefly 30/01/2016, 7:10:09 AM: Ge: Can't remember how it went? 30/01/2016, 7:10:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Yesterday I read an article about running 30/01/2016, 7:11:04 AM: Bas Liewes: The specialist said that heel, mid or forefoot makes no difference. 30/01/2016, 7:11:17 AM: Ge: Difference about impact ? 30/01/2016, 7:11:22 AM: Ge: Or speed? 30/01/2016, 7:11:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Everything depends on which style fits you best. You 30/01/2016, 7:11:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Impact and injuries 30/01/2016, 7:11:37 AM: Ge: Ok... 30/01/2016, 7:11:45 AM: Ge: My style is up. On rocks. 30/01/2016, 7:12:00 AM: Ge: On 4 legs :) 30/01/2016, 7:12:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Injuries are inevitable when you run 30 km or more per week. 30/01/2016, 7:12:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Idiots, more than 30 a week 30/01/2016, 7:12:45 AM: Ge: What about if they train...? 30/01/2016, 7:12:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Doggy style but different πŸ˜‚ 30/01/2016, 7:12:49 AM: Ge: Haha 30/01/2016, 7:12:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I can picture that 30/01/2016, 7:13:05 AM: Ge: Yes, more a catch me of you can doggy style 30/01/2016, 7:13:14 AM: Ge: You can see my butt but not reach :) 30/01/2016, 7:13:42 AM: Bas Liewes: I can hardly believe it. 30/01/2016, 7:13:58 AM: Ge: Believe what? :) 30/01/2016, 7:14:42 AM: Bas Liewes: I might climb my heart out and make an accident for being unexperienced 30/01/2016, 7:14:57 AM: Bas Liewes: But I will follow 30/01/2016, 7:15:04 AM: Ge: You'll climb to your level first 30/01/2016, 7:15:10 AM: Ge: And improve :) 30/01/2016, 7:15:22 AM: Ge: No need to follow to impress me πŸ˜‰ 30/01/2016, 7:15:30 AM: Ge: Let me impress you first πŸ˜… 30/01/2016, 7:15:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Ok, than don't say that I can only see your butt 30/01/2016, 7:15:44 AM: Ge: Haha 30/01/2016, 7:15:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Bitch 30/01/2016, 7:15:59 AM: Bas Liewes: I will get you 30/01/2016, 7:16:02 AM: Ge: Ok well maybe I'll climb a couple grades lower so you can catch me... 30/01/2016, 7:16:17 AM: Ge: Or maybe I'll get up there and strip there 30/01/2016, 7:16:25 AM: Ge: While out of reach 😜 30/01/2016, 7:16:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha and drop your cloths down 30/01/2016, 7:17:03 AM: Ge: Exactly :) throw them at you 30/01/2016, 7:17:18 AM: Bas Liewes: I was thinking that. 30/01/2016, 7:17:39 AM: Ge: That would funny and totally dangerous πŸ˜‹ 30/01/2016, 7:17:39 AM: Bas Liewes: So can smell you better 30/01/2016, 7:17:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Or do you tell me that you can't sweat there either 30/01/2016, 7:18:12 AM: Ge: Everyone does :) 30/01/2016, 7:18:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Pppff, glad to hear that 30/01/2016, 7:18:41 AM: Ge: But there are many ways to stay fresh outdoors πŸ˜‰ 30/01/2016, 7:19:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Waterfall ? Swim? 30/01/2016, 7:19:50 AM: Ge: Yeah 30/01/2016, 7:19:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Haven't been in the mountains for ages. 30/01/2016, 7:19:57 AM: Ge: Or just a little bit of water 30/01/2016, 7:20:00 AM: Ge: Me neither 30/01/2016, 7:20:07 AM: Ge: I miss it in my bones 30/01/2016, 7:20:12 AM: Ge: Being out in nature 30/01/2016, 7:20:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Biggest sacrifice is not skiing this winter. 30/01/2016, 7:20:39 AM: Ge: Come to NZ this summer ;) 30/01/2016, 7:21:01 AM: Ge: Full season when you are off!! 30/01/2016, 7:21:34 AM: Bas Liewes: My footprint sweetie I know that a lot of teachers go their to extend their season 30/01/2016, 7:22:12 AM: Ge: Your footprint... Downsize your house to compensate and go travelling 30/01/2016, 7:22:24 AM: Ge: Stop eating meat and go travelling :) 30/01/2016, 7:23:55 AM: Bas Liewes: No way !! 30/01/2016, 7:24:39 AM: Ge: It's ok. I won't convince you 30/01/2016, 7:26:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Wll see 30/01/2016, 7:27:22 AM: Bas Liewes: I catch later 30/01/2016, 7:27:29 AM: Ge: Ok! 30/01/2016, 7:27:34 AM: Ge: Have a good evening 30/01/2016, 7:27:38 AM: Ge: xx 30/01/2016, 7:28:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks! You top 30/01/2016, 7:28:46 AM: Bas Liewes: O 30/01/2016, 7:28:52 AM: Bas Liewes: X 30/01/2016, 9:22:31 PM: Bas Liewes: 30/01/2016, 9:23:07 PM: Ge: Funny I was just starting to read an article about it :) 30/01/2016, 9:22:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey good morning! 30/01/2016, 9:23:42 PM: Ge: In the metro, connection is really bad 30/01/2016, 9:23:48 PM: Ge: Good morning :) 30/01/2016, 9:24:26 PM: Bas Liewes: I am reading an article that it's impossible to compensate co2 because there is no land available to plant all these trees 30/01/2016, 9:24:42 PM: Ge: From planes only? 30/01/2016, 9:24:48 PM: Ge: Or total footprint? 30/01/2016, 9:24:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes 30/01/2016, 9:25:54 PM: Ge: I am curious to see rankings about production of carbon. Who are the biggest polluters 30/01/2016, 9:26:02 PM: Ge: What industry 30/01/2016, 9:27:24 PM: Ge: Not that I am trying to defend my travels (of course I do...) but I also believe that there are probably bigger polluters (packaging industry for example) 30/01/2016, 9:27:34 PM: Ge: And as you said, sea freight 30/01/2016, 9:28:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Quantas is doing good with long distance flights. 4,5% of the passengers compensates. But all experts say this is hypocritical. 30/01/2016, 9:30:45 PM: Bas Liewes: 30/01/2016, 9:30:59 PM: Bas Liewes: Per country ! Denmark !! 30/01/2016, 9:31:07 PM: Ge: Any type of compensation is hypocritical in a way. Companies are able to buy and sell carbon 'tickets' Low producer: you sell your 'right to pollute' and high producer: you buy the right to pollute 30/01/2016, 9:31:24 PM: Ge: Netherlands ;) 30/01/2016, 9:31:49 PM: Ge: France is not too bad! I am surprised 30/01/2016, 9:32:10 PM: Ge: Australia probably sitting at 112 30/01/2016, 9:32:49 PM: Ge: Denmark why are they performing so well? Energy production is green? 30/01/2016, 9:33:04 PM: Ge: I think France has a good score because of nuclear power 30/01/2016, 9:33:45 PM: Ge: No nasty coal power plants 30/01/2016, 9:34:11 PM: Bas Liewes: France is indeed simple to explain. 30/01/2016, 9:35:19 PM: Bas Liewes: The Netherlands is because we are the logistic gate for Europe. So much transport. Schiphol as hub for other destinations. I call this the stupid economy. 30/01/2016, 9:35:45 PM: Ge: Well, you enjoy a very good lifestyle thanks to that 30/01/2016, 9:35:52 PM: Ge: Rather be Belgium? ;) 30/01/2016, 9:35:53 PM: Bas Liewes: If holland had not so much wind from the sea, we have smokey curtains too 30/01/2016, 9:37:23 PM: Ge: Would you give up on your children's good education because the country should give up on their polluting businesses? I know it's a rough shortcut... 30/01/2016, 9:38:39 PM: Ge: How do you replace this income for the country... Takes a major commitment from governments to do that. Something the Nordics are probably doing well (it is changing though) 30/01/2016, 9:42:30 PM: Bas Liewes: We have resources. The only difference between the Netherlands and Belgium is gas. This huge bubble is generating all the extras. 30/01/2016, 9:42:51 PM: Bas Liewes: And the Belgians are so dumb... 30/01/2016, 9:42:55 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 30/01/2016, 9:43:18 PM: Ge: Andbetter governance 30/01/2016, 9:43:27 PM: Ge: Haha yeah 30/01/2016, 9:52:30 PM: Bas Liewes: By the way; Denmark What about Arla food ? Close to Danone. You always sound passionated about them 30/01/2016, 9:53:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Arla Foods - Dairy Products Arla Foods is a Danish-Swedish company. Arla is a cooperative company which is own by the members, mainly dairy farmers from both Denmark and Sweden. Today Arla is the worlds 7th largest dairy company and are know worldwide for their Lurpak butter, cheeses and other dairy products. 30/01/2016, 9:55:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Or vestas 30/01/2016, 9:55:22 PM: Bas Liewes: https://www.vestas.com 30/01/2016, 9:58:25 PM: Ge: I will check it out 31/01/2016, 12:11:38 AM: Ge: https://hbr.org/2016/01/how-one-fast-food-chain-keeps-its-turnover-rates-absurdly-low 31/01/2016, 12:13:32 AM: Ge: I know it's not the same business and not a cut & paste solution, but the spirit is there. Having a questionnaire like this one to select temp workers. Then training and retraining. Make it fun for them to go through training, etc. 31/01/2016, 12:13:51 AM: Ge: (Of course I have plenty of ideas about it :) we can discuss!) 31/01/2016, 12:14:24 AM: Ge: (don't look at the limits and which ways it is not applicable, but the other way around 😜) 31/01/2016, 12:22:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks, we should mold our relationship in a more professional shape. In this way we can stay in contact. Instead of falling in quilt from my side. I will reAd the link 31/01/2016, 12:24:56 AM: Ge: Let's talk about it 31/01/2016, 8:14:52 AM: Ge: Done for the day! 31/01/2016, 8:14:59 AM: Ge: I'm half dead 31/01/2016, 9:02:26 AM: Bas Liewes: WoW! What have you done ? Me too. 31/01/2016, 9:07:07 AM: Ge: Conference all day. I talked so many people my throat is on fire! 31/01/2016, 9:36:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Constructive? 31/01/2016, 9:42:05 AM: Ge: Sort of. It was busier last year, much busier. And some stuff have pissed me off, like my colleagues here (I should say my clients) who have totally ignored the representative for the Minister of Education I had invited to come from Germany to participate with us. 31/01/2016, 9:42:31 AM: Ge: This is so unprofessional. We should have been all over her. 31/01/2016, 9:43:49 AM: Ge: And some bits and pieces that are classic issues with conference, like the TV not recognising the USB stick where all the partners videos are, etc... 31/01/2016, 9:44:09 AM: Ge: I think I'll go straight from NZ to Tahiti and relax at my parents for a while! 31/01/2016, 9:47:20 AM: Ge: :) 31/01/2016, 9:47:48 AM: Ge: Busy day for you too? I am off to bed now. Recovery time! 31/01/2016, 9:47:53 AM: Ge: xx 31/01/2016, 10:36:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Good morning, what a lack of interest from their side. You must be disappointed. You're surrounded by idiots lately. I sometimes feel the same. Although it's getting better. From b-out I learn that my stepping back gives opportunities to others. I ask them to cc me in mail conversations and brief updates. So nice to see that their good will comes with the right energy. The receivers are mild and helpful. In my case, it's a cunning play with facts and figures. Who's right and wrong, there is always a certain power play in it. Not that your situation is the same. But make people responsible for what they should do. I see you compensating the crap from others. Anyway, you know better than I do. My night was again very long. I felt asleep on the sofa at 22 hours and woke up at 6, stayed in bed until 8.... Still exhausted, now I see that Amsterdam is coming to an end its like all the tension is coming from my shoulders. Today is the last day for the first Barts store. It won't be busy, I hope to use my time to get my thoughts sorted :-) Do some research for Berlin and Hamburg and than book a hotel. Tomorrow and Tuesday I am off. Finally peace! All admin is up to date ( for December) and I will do something for myself as long as frederik is at school. See what my friend Leo is doing (forester). Hopefully he has no meetings and I can come with him. For the rest I like to talk to you. See how we can maintain contact and get the best out of each other without feeling quilt and this terrible emptiness for not having contact. We have to search for the right frequency. 31/01/2016, 10:55:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Also to prevent us/me lying towards Pete. Susanne is a different story, there is no margin at all, therefore I do what I think is best. 31/01/2016, 11:16:24 PM: Ge: I feel you regarding tension - it will soon be over but yesterday and today I feel at my maximum tension point and Inam starting to see the cracks appearing under the pressure. All this for something so inconsequential. I should use this energy to save the world instead :) I had a good conversation with Philippe yesterday about it. Bottom line is, his wife has no business sense (he says so) and therefore has absolutely no burning motivation to make any changes. Philippe makes all the money (and is terribly under pressure to maintain their revenue) so she does not have to worry about it or even change her ways of doing things. And even if she was worrying, I don't think she would be able to. As for me, my model "low fixed income + shared margin" does not work. I have too much at stake for that company to make revenue (because I am dependent on it) to be able to handle these people (same with Ross) with no frustration. I need to either increase my invoices to them, or step back. This way, I offer advice, plans, structure and ideas, and whatever is implemented or not becomes their own issue, and less mine (I am so stupidly loyal that I will keep trying, but will pay a lesser personal price) Anyway, the conversation is on the table now. "Know the limitations of your clients" is one more mantra that I am adding to my life, learning experience... It's hard because I can see so much potential around me. It makes me sad and frustrated, but I know I find the right people to work with along the way and it will be an absolute joy. Now is just a rocky path I have to walk to learn, it is temporary. I also have to accept that in my personal relationships. People have boundaries that I can't just crash through, even if I can see the potential. My former boss said that my name should have been Cassandra and not Geraldine (I'll let you look up that greek myth :) Sorry for that long message - I guess I needed to get it off my chest. Let's talk about how we can maintain contact in a shape that suits us with limited negative sides. I understand what you mean about the emptiness. I wish you good luck for this last day and hope you'll be able to enjoy those 2 days off. You need it!! I will also give myself a full day off soon. Sleep, relax and daydream. Back at it now! xx 1/02/2016, 8:48:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey Geraldine, i did some research today, check this out. I was already familiar with them but, their content is a lot better than 1year ago. Why not making a similar app for other regions speak NL? That's more a site step of my business. As I am getting more and more into this business I might also bring offer and demand together. http://www.gopopup.com/de 1/02/2016, 8:49:32 AM: Ge: Let me have a look! 1/02/2016, 8:54:09 AM: Bas Liewes: I have plenty of time tomorrow. 1/02/2016, 8:54:44 AM: Ge: Tuesday would be better 1/02/2016, 8:55:07 AM: Bas Liewes: The same. 1/02/2016, 8:55:09 AM: Ge: But I can maybe manage some time in the morning! 1/02/2016, 8:55:11 AM: Ge: Ok 1/02/2016, 8:55:19 AM: Ge: Much better then :) 1/02/2016, 8:55:21 AM: Bas Liewes: What's up tomorrow? 1/02/2016, 8:55:33 AM: Ge: I have someone coming to see me... 1/02/2016, 8:55:38 AM: Ge: Some guy from Canada 1/02/2016, 8:57:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow ! 1/02/2016, 8:57:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice guy? 1/02/2016, 8:57:51 AM: Ge: He is currently in Denmark so not too far! 1/02/2016, 8:57:57 AM: Bas Liewes: You're making me curious 1/02/2016, 8:58:08 AM: Ge: Yeah he's ok. He likes me too much already. 1/02/2016, 8:58:34 AM: Bas Liewes: So ? You're available aren't you 1/02/2016, 8:58:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! 1/02/2016, 8:58:40 AM: Ge: I know the investors meetings was put together so he had an excuse to come to Paris 1/02/2016, 8:59:13 AM: Bas Liewes: How to get rid of him ? Or is he good company ? 1/02/2016, 8:59:45 AM: Ge: He is really good company, we have good conversations. But I don't feel this intense vibe. 1/02/2016, 9:00:51 AM: Ge: He's not a fuck yes for me :) I think I am very much for him, but has to go both ways :) 1/02/2016, 9:01:21 AM: Bas Liewes: You again, he's probably not entrepreneurable enough 1/02/2016, 9:01:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck yes ! 1/02/2016, 9:01:31 AM: Ge: Well he runs his own company 1/02/2016, 9:01:35 AM: Ge: So he is 1/02/2016, 9:02:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Only this sentence makes me instantly horny when I think about our fuck yes match 1/02/2016, 9:02:17 AM: Ge: Haha 1/02/2016, 9:02:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay, some points to add behind his name. 1/02/2016, 9:02:40 AM: Ge: Yeah well there is nothing like that with him :) 1/02/2016, 9:03:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Pity 1/02/2016, 9:03:08 AM: Ge: He is into renewable energies etc. so good points there too. But... I don't feel it. I don't open up easily with him. 1/02/2016, 9:04:01 AM: Ge: Pity? No... It's never a pity when your body and intuition are saying "mmm I don't think so" 1/02/2016, 9:04:03 AM: Bas Liewes: What's so difficult? But I can follow you completely 1/02/2016, 9:04:17 AM: Bas Liewes: You're right. 1/02/2016, 9:04:19 AM: Ge: It is a pity when it's there and the energy has nowhere to go :) 1/02/2016, 9:04:42 AM: Bas Liewes: But still ! I agree fully 1/02/2016, 9:05:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Forget it. I don't know it. 1/02/2016, 9:05:53 AM: Ge: Haha 1/02/2016, 9:06:01 AM: Ge: What were you about to say :) 1/02/2016, 9:06:26 AM: Bas Liewes: We were thinking about a constructive way to communicate 1/02/2016, 9:06:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Not about drilling 1/02/2016, 9:07:04 AM: Bas Liewes: That's what on my mind when you write Fuck yes! 1/02/2016, 9:07:11 AM: Ge: lol 1/02/2016, 9:07:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Nails in my back 1/02/2016, 9:07:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck yes 1/02/2016, 9:07:25 AM: Ge: well it's there, and it will be hard to deny... 1/02/2016, 9:07:43 AM: Ge: but we can give it a good try 1/02/2016, 9:07:56 AM: Ge: and you can start to forget about my nails on your back 1/02/2016, 9:08:07 AM: Ge: or at least control it ;) 1/02/2016, 9:08:22 AM: Bas Liewes: To get more serious and forget about the chemistry / ignore 1/02/2016, 9:08:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, every now and than I will swallow my words. 1/02/2016, 9:08:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol 1/02/2016, 9:09:05 AM: Ge: 'swallow' 1/02/2016, 9:09:11 AM: Ge: starts very well :) 1/02/2016, 9:09:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't think you swallow 1/02/2016, 9:09:51 AM: Ge: I don't. I compensate in other ways.... 1/02/2016, 9:09:57 AM: Ge: to make it up for it 1/02/2016, 9:10:19 AM: Bas Liewes: I can picture that very well. Beside this, you told me. 1/02/2016, 9:10:30 AM: Ge: I did :) 1/02/2016, 9:11:02 AM: Ge: there are plenty of ways to make you forget about that potential disappointment 1/02/2016, 9:11:03 AM: Bas Liewes: But yeah, I am not such a blowjob lover, unless you're an expert. 1/02/2016, 9:11:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 1/02/2016, 9:11:16 AM: Ge: can't judge before you try :) 1/02/2016, 9:11:29 AM: Ge: you are not, really?? 1/02/2016, 9:11:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Just putting the standards high 1/02/2016, 9:11:54 AM: Ge: lol - playing my competitive side ;) 1/02/2016, 9:12:00 AM: Bas Liewes: If you force me to relax 1/02/2016, 9:12:44 AM: Ge: I won't have to push you much for you to let me take care of you ;) 1/02/2016, 9:13:10 AM: Bas Liewes: And your lips do it right. Your fingers around my balls. Good change that I will surrender 1/02/2016, 9:13:12 AM: Ge: you will actually have to make an effort to remember you could also take care of me ;) 1/02/2016, 9:13:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. 1/02/2016, 9:13:55 AM: Ge: yeah, I will hold you well ;) 1/02/2016, 9:14:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I love the idea of doing some work there 1/02/2016, 9:14:17 AM: Ge: and I love the idea about learning what you like 1/02/2016, 9:14:34 AM: Ge: and discover other ways together 1/02/2016, 9:14:38 AM: Ge: be creative 1/02/2016, 9:14:50 AM: Ge: surprise you maybe ;) 1/02/2016, 9:17:11 AM: Bas Liewes: I like to discover ! But with you....the day that we can actually practice all this, I think that I will not do all these tricks. Just fuck you gentle. After doing that a couple of days...the circus acts can start 1/02/2016, 9:17:30 AM: Ge: the circus act, lol 1/02/2016, 9:17:47 AM: Ge: but what if you feel weak or tired that very first day... 1/02/2016, 9:17:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Hang you in the rings 1/02/2016, 9:17:56 AM: Ge: Am I allowed to help you a little? ;) 1/02/2016, 9:17:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 1/02/2016, 9:18:04 AM: Ge: LOL yes please! 1/02/2016, 9:18:08 AM: Ge: upside down :) 1/02/2016, 9:18:50 AM: Bas Liewes: I had to take brake 1/02/2016, 9:19:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Inspiration enough. 1/02/2016, 9:19:06 AM: Ge: to remove the snail from your pants? 1/02/2016, 9:19:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol. 1/02/2016, 9:19:32 AM: Ge: ;) 1/02/2016, 9:19:34 AM: Bas Liewes: There's probably one yeah 1/02/2016, 9:19:42 AM: Ge: haha 1/02/2016, 9:19:46 AM: Ge: well here too! 1/02/2016, 9:28:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice! Tuesday more 1/02/2016, 9:28:19 AM: Ge: ok :) 1/02/2016, 9:28:23 AM: Ge: good night 1/02/2016, 9:28:31 AM: Ge: sweet wet dreams! 1/02/2016, 9:49:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah thanks you to. Take care that you get not to sore. 1/02/2016, 9:49:05 AM: Bas Liewes: X 2/02/2016, 11:43:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Still in bed? I can see that you haven't touched your phone since...1.56 2/02/2016, 11:43:54 PM: Ge: haha 2/02/2016, 11:44:01 PM: Ge: no, I 've up for a while 2/02/2016, 11:44:10 PM: Ge: just not on whatsapp :) 2/02/2016, 11:46:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Feeling good? Shall we call? 2/02/2016, 11:47:10 PM: Ge: yes! give me 30 sec to finish a message and I am yours 2/02/2016, 11:47:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Take your time 2/02/2016, 11:51:41 PM: Ge: ok ready 3/02/2016, 12:08:54 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 12:08:55 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:33:38 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:34:12 AM: Ge: Nice cosy feeling with the wood panels :) 3/02/2016, 1:34:26 AM: Ge: Floating wooden floor? 3/02/2016, 1:34:49 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:34:49 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:34:51 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:34:51 AM: Bas Liewes: 3/02/2016, 1:35:13 AM: Ge: Ha no, quickstep 3/02/2016, 5:16:50 AM: Ge: can you receive a message? 3/02/2016, 5:27:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes 3/02/2016, 5:27:56 AM: Ge: ok :) 3/02/2016, 5:28:16 AM: Ge: although this whole message, written while I was waiting for your answer, is now the size of a novel lol 3/02/2016, 5:28:33 AM: Ge: I need to trim it down! was leaving my mind wandering around 3/02/2016, 5:38:26 AM: Ge: You know, I've been thinking about what you were saying earlier, what you are missing in your life. Sex and connection are only a small part of the answer of what makes people like us happy... I have a feeling that what you miss in your life is intensity. Heightened experiences. This intensity might be fulfilled at work for the moment, which is also why it is easy for you to push everything out and focus on work to escape your reality. The intensity is there, and it is fulfilling. Same with the way you approach sports, always full on, which combined with your physical abilities, makes you a great athlete. Your need for human connection, which makes a great sales person, but also makes you push people's boundaries very far, further than they want. This is also a reason why you get very annoyed when in a restaurant when the service or the food is not good - why can't those people do things with passion? It’s so easy to do the right thing when your heart is in the right place. The reason why your relationship leaves you feeling unfulfilled in some areas. I could go on for a long time, but add all this to a brain, capacity to be straightforward, awareness of your emotions and mine, and this is part of what makes you really attractive to me, this intensity. And I believe you are also attracted by this in me. We are both dopamine addicts, we like fast cars, extreme sports (different ones but still), business negotiations, intense sex, intense emotional connections, a strong sense of aesthetics, we are demanding with ourselves and with others. Even when we rest, the intensity is there. We are not scared to explore and test the limits, and we feel that in each other, which is what makes it so exciting. Sharing the thrill of the intensity with a like-minded person, who understands all that, who knows the price we pay for it, who is grateful for receiving it and is capable of giving back as much as we give. As for me, I do not want to settle for a relationship where this is missing. Because I know the risks of doing so. Of course I do not want or need it to be there 100% of the time, it is unsustainable : we get tired, life happens, and it is also good and necessary to step back and relax. And I can’t sustain it either 100% of the time. But the joy of feeling alive, I don’t want to give up on that, in no parts of my life. Work, sports, food, music, literature love, sex… It will take many shapes, some external, some intellectual, you can call that my Howard Roark side, but I will seek, and find, this intensity all my life. And if I want to be happy in a relationship, I need someone like you in my life. I won’t go as far as telling you that you need someone like me in your life, I’ll let you decide on that :) But at the same time I understand your constraints. I do not know what shape what is happening between us will take or can take. The only thing I know, is that I do not want to loose this intensity between us, because even though I can’t touch you, I can’t hold you, I can’t talk to you at anytime of the day and night about work, life, books, and I certainly cannot fuck you in the car on the side of the road (for now), being connected with you makes me feel alive. 3/02/2016, 5:39:05 AM: Ge: please finish your message before you start reading :) 3/02/2016, 5:39:14 AM: Ge: I see you typing :-D 3/02/2016, 5:39:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I will answer in about an hour. Now doing mise en place, then Frederik is going to gymnastic. Writing you prevents me from chatting 3/02/2016, 5:40:00 AM: Ge: no worries 3/02/2016, 5:40:05 AM: Ge: this is a long message 3/02/2016, 5:40:10 AM: Ge: and I have to run errands as well 3/02/2016, 7:31:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Long story here too ! I get back tonight. 3/02/2016, 7:31:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Everything alright. 3/02/2016, 7:32:45 AM: Ge: Haha you are reading my mind, again :) Going to the swimming pool at 8, and will get a good sauna too. Relax time! 3/02/2016, 9:23:52 AM: Bas Liewes: In the sauna online ? Get a grip on your self πŸ˜† 3/02/2016, 9:23:58 AM: Ge: Haha 3/02/2016, 9:24:05 AM: Ge: Just got out! 3/02/2016, 9:24:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry, didn't mean that in that way. 3/02/2016, 9:24:16 AM: Ge: Standing naked in my cubicle getting changed ;) 3/02/2016, 9:24:27 AM: Ge: Too wet to get a good grip 3/02/2016, 9:24:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Let loose ! 3/02/2016, 9:24:33 AM: Ge: Sorry, didn't mean that in that way. 3/02/2016, 9:24:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 3/02/2016, 9:24:37 AM: Ge: 😜 3/02/2016, 9:24:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol !! 3/02/2016, 9:25:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Real loud 3/02/2016, 9:25:05 AM: Ge: Haha 3/02/2016, 9:25:19 AM: Bas Liewes: But, I respond to your novel later. 3/02/2016, 9:25:24 AM: Ge: Ok 3/02/2016, 9:25:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks !! Might be right.. 51% 3/02/2016, 9:25:46 AM: Ge: I was replying to a message from Brent regarding targeted emailing. I must stop working everywhere 3/02/2016, 9:25:55 AM: Ge: Ha, Inwonder about the 49... 3/02/2016, 9:26:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't complain, it's more than half 3/02/2016, 9:26:31 AM: Ge: I don't complain, I am curious :) 3/02/2016, 9:27:14 AM: Bas Liewes: You're right. I will explain later. Latest tomorrow on my way to Amsterdam. 3/02/2016, 9:27:17 AM: Ge: And deep down I really think it's not too off mark πŸ˜‹ 3/02/2016, 9:27:28 AM: Ge: You're just scared ;) 3/02/2016, 9:27:35 AM: Ge: (I am joking) 3/02/2016, 9:27:44 AM: Ge: (51% joke) 3/02/2016, 9:28:53 AM: Bas Liewes: I can feel that you put all the courage together to be as objective as possible. Your pink glasses seemed to be found again.πŸ˜‚ 3/02/2016, 9:29:06 AM: Ge: Lol 3/02/2016, 9:29:29 AM: Ge: But I always try to be objective as much ad I can :) 3/02/2016, 9:29:44 AM: Ge: This is my doom! 3/02/2016, 9:29:52 AM: Ge: I should just be irrational 3/02/2016, 9:29:50 AM: Bas Liewes: But really good analysis, I will read one more time and see what it does to me. 3/02/2016, 9:30:06 AM: Ge: And not give a shit about anything or anyone 3/02/2016, 9:30:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Difficult for believers like us. 3/02/2016, 9:30:49 AM: Ge: Instead of that, I try to be objective and understand... And ultimately I am the one taking the pain :) 3/02/2016, 9:30:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Keep doing work with effort. 3/02/2016, 9:30:58 AM: Bas Liewes: One day it will pay off 3/02/2016, 9:31:03 AM: Ge: Exactly!! 3/02/2016, 9:31:09 AM: Ge: I don't despair at all 3/02/2016, 9:31:16 AM: Ge: It will. In many ways 3/02/2016, 9:31:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Agree. 3/02/2016, 9:31:37 AM: Bas Liewes: I'll get back later. 3/02/2016, 9:31:42 AM: Ge: So the ups and downs are big, but the ride is worth it 3/02/2016, 9:31:44 AM: Ge: Ok 3/02/2016, 9:31:48 AM: Ge: wet kisses! 3/02/2016, 9:32:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Hhhmm 3/02/2016, 9:32:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Kiss your wet 😜 3/02/2016, 9:32:18 AM: Ge: Too late, I have my underwear on ;) 3/02/2016, 9:32:39 AM: Bas Liewes: I am a slow writer. 3/02/2016, 9:32:45 AM: Ge: Lol 3/02/2016, 9:32:46 AM: Bas Liewes: To bad 3/02/2016, 9:33:06 AM: Ge: Always negotiable 3/02/2016, 9:33:11 AM: Ge: 75 D by the way 3/02/2016, 9:33:21 AM: Bas Liewes: How much ?? 3/02/2016, 9:33:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Aaha 3/02/2016, 9:33:36 AM: Ge: Haha 3/02/2016, 9:45:53 AM: Ge: To read later : 3/02/2016, 9:45:59 AM: Ge: http://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/01/19/why-attitude-is-more-important-than-iq/#41d620922f574dbe3e032f57 3/02/2016, 11:01:46 PM: Bas Liewes: If you're available, we could call. The rest of the day is pretty difficult to make myself free. 3/02/2016, 11:02:11 PM: Ge: I am in 1 min. Shall I call you? 3/02/2016, 11:03:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes do that. 3/02/2016, 11:03:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Please 3/02/2016, 11:03:34 PM: Ge: Lol 3/02/2016, 11:08:17 PM: Ge: I can hear you 4/02/2016, 4:32:57 AM: Ge: Awesome time with my colleagues, so nice to catch up. Some I know from almost 13 years ago, we went through the same companies. Genuine joy to see them, to bump into people from my past and see their smiles upon seeing me. I might even be able to reconnect in June with my first boss, the guy I owe everything regarding who I am today, how I work and my creative side :) and of course some potential valuable connections for Denmark. I am really on a high these days :) 4/02/2016, 4:48:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice ! Keep it !! 4/02/2016, 4:49:17 AM: Ge: Will do :) 4/02/2016, 4:49:23 AM: Bas Liewes: 4/02/2016, 4:49:23 AM: Bas Liewes: 4/02/2016, 4:49:28 AM: Bas Liewes: This how I started. 4/02/2016, 4:49:47 AM: Ge: Are you packing now? 4/02/2016, 4:50:03 AM: Bas Liewes: One shop closed since last Monday. 4/02/2016, 4:50:04 AM: Ge: I should have come in to buy a hat :) 4/02/2016, 4:51:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Plenty left. 4/02/2016, 4:51:19 AM: Bas Liewes: No rush 4/02/2016, 4:51:21 AM: Ge: I also wanted to ask you to recommend a pair of hiking shoes to buy while I'm in Europe... But totally forgot! Later. 4/02/2016, 4:51:33 AM: Ge: Haha yeah with special delivery;) 4/02/2016, 4:51:49 AM: Bas Liewes: 4/02/2016, 4:51:50 AM: Bas Liewes: And my fancy white limousine 4/02/2016, 4:52:12 AM: Ge: Such a cute display :) 4/02/2016, 4:52:22 AM: Ge: Heard about the controversy about the fur pompom... 4/02/2016, 4:55:43 AM: Ge: And there is so much potential for special events in those popup shops... Love the super cosy feeling of that window 4/02/2016, 5:01:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Next year even better. 4/02/2016, 5:02:42 AM: Ge: Have to run, meeting 4/02/2016, 5:02:45 AM: Ge: x 4/02/2016, 11:25:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey, just a quick note before I jump into bed. 4/02/2016, 11:25:56 AM: Bas Liewes: How was your night? 4/02/2016, 11:30:04 AM: Bas Liewes: I a watching mr robot with Karl. Crazy series about hacking. You have brought this in our lives :-) Now I am watching Sm porn with my son ! Thanks πŸ˜‚ 4/02/2016, 10:00:55 PM: Ge: What! 4/02/2016, 10:01:11 PM: Ge: Have I also brought this into your lives? πŸ˜… 4/02/2016, 10:01:22 PM: Ge: You Dutch people! 4/02/2016, 10:08:47 PM: Ge: I have saved a few links for you to give your son since he wants to make money... http://tech.co/highest-paying-programming-languages-2015-03 4/02/2016, 10:11:35 PM: Ge: But: these are employees' salaries. Meaning that he needs to find out which technologies are booming for independants (Ruby on rail for app programming for ex. but don't take my word on that, just that I see it a lot in my readings) if he wants to start his own business. And: these technos change very very fast. He has to stay way ahead of the game, feel the trends, always. 4/02/2016, 10:12:28 PM: Ge: As for porn, you already know my recommendations :) I have some much more hardcore stuff, but you and him are way too young for that πŸ˜‰ 4/02/2016, 10:14:44 PM: Ge: My evening was very quiet, I cancelled all my social engagements and I was in bed by 11! Only woke up an hour ago... Slowly catching up with sleep and this huge weight coming off my shoulders :) 4/02/2016, 10:42:43 PM: Ge: Have you seen that place? Www.b.amsterdam ? 5/02/2016, 12:43:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Short of time right now. But definitely later. After 16 ! 5/02/2016, 12:45:20 AM: Ge: No worries :) i am not telling you what I am doing at the moment... We said we'll keep it professional, right? πŸ˜‹ 5/02/2016, 12:47:38 AM: Ge: Ha! Why did I say that, sorry. I wasn't very much in control when I typed it. Forget it! 5/02/2016, 1:01:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 5/02/2016, 6:47:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey, can't chat. I am busy with. 5/02/2016, 6:47:48 AM: Bas Liewes: 5/02/2016, 6:49:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Apparently I am so good in building that Frederik escaped he prefers to play Star Wars behind his computer. What an idiot, quality time with his father and he prefers to screen. 5/02/2016, 6:49:40 AM: Ge: LEGOO! Yes :) 5/02/2016, 6:49:40 AM: Bas Liewes: I am probably to extreme in getting result. 5/02/2016, 6:50:03 AM: Ge: Stop project manage him 😜 5/02/2016, 6:50:35 AM: Bas Liewes: We have al kinds of Lego. Making the new stuff is not my hobby. 5/02/2016, 6:50:50 AM: Bas Liewes: I like to make things out of nothing. 5/02/2016, 6:51:12 AM: Bas Liewes: 5/02/2016, 6:51:49 AM: Bas Liewes: This's his favorite. I try to rebuilt it with what we have. 5/02/2016, 6:52:08 AM: Ge: That's really challenging! 5/02/2016, 6:52:08 AM: Bas Liewes: 5/02/2016, 6:52:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I will get there :-) 5/02/2016, 6:52:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Happy as a kid 5/02/2016, 6:52:31 AM: Ge: Not too bad :) 5/02/2016, 6:52:39 AM: Bas Liewes: How are you? 5/02/2016, 6:52:43 AM: Ge: I get that ^_^ 5/02/2016, 6:52:54 AM: Ge: I love Lego :) 5/02/2016, 6:53:07 AM: Bas Liewes: I had difficulties to focus after your whattsapp 5/02/2016, 6:53:13 AM: Ge: Just finishing a conversation with a friend I am with you in 5 min 5/02/2016, 6:53:15 AM: Ge: Haha 5/02/2016, 6:53:18 AM: Ge: Really 😜 5/02/2016, 6:53:28 AM: Ge: I regretted sending this... 5/02/2016, 6:53:45 AM: Ge: We are trying to cool it off and I make it worse! 5/02/2016, 6:54:09 AM: Ge: But these last days my libido is bothering me 5/02/2016, 6:54:12 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah. Probably 5/02/2016, 6:54:18 AM: Ge: Because of you! 5/02/2016, 6:54:24 AM: Bas Liewes: I guess it's back 5/02/2016, 6:54:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Nothing to worry 5/02/2016, 6:54:33 AM: Ge: It is 5/02/2016, 6:54:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Back to business 5/02/2016, 6:54:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Dear Mr. Liewes, now I can get back to you on the box prices. The possible options for your time frame (term of lease October 1st, 2016 until January 31st, 2017) Are the following (non-binding): - Box 12 with 34,23sqm (see attached floor plan) Monthly rent: 2.100 Euro + VAT Security deposit: 5.000 Euros One-time payment for logo/writing over the box entrance: 250 Euros + VAT - Box 13 with 29,33sqm (see attached floor plan) Monthly rent: 1.800 Euro + VAT Security deposit: 5.000 Euros One-time payment for logo/writing over the box entrance: 250 Euros + VAT - Box 6 with 19,71sqm (see attached floor plan) Monthly rent: 1.300 Euro + VAT Security deposit: 5.000 Euros One-time payment for logo/writing over the box entrance: 250 Euros + VAT I would advise that you check the possibilities while our meeting in Berlin. Please note, that we are also talking to other possible parties interested, so availabilities might change. See you soon, best, Friederike 5/02/2016, 6:55:09 AM: Bas Liewes: This is Berlin. 5/02/2016, 6:56:41 AM: Ge: Give me a min :) 5/02/2016, 6:56:44 AM: Bas Liewes: It's actually not to bad. I'll try to get 34 m2 for 1800 and scratch the deposit 5/02/2016, 6:56:52 AM: Bas Liewes: No rush. 5/02/2016, 7:03:47 AM: Ge: Ok I'm free! 5/02/2016, 7:05:52 AM: Ge: I realised after you sent me the link to the popup stuff what Bikini was :) 5/02/2016, 7:06:14 AM: Ge: I was wondering if it was an ice cream shop or a swimwear company 5/02/2016, 7:06:26 AM: Ge: Then I saw the boxes on the pop up website 5/02/2016, 7:06:43 AM: Ge: Doesn't seem too expensive but I know nothing about rent etc. 5/02/2016, 7:08:31 AM: Ge: Really like the concept though. Do you think about doing the same in NL? 5/02/2016, 7:41:41 AM: Ge: The canals of Paris ;) Effeil tower and Notre Dame in the same shot! 5/02/2016, 7:41:48 AM: Ge: 5/02/2016, 7:50:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice picture. City girl. Time for the the outdoors. 5/02/2016, 7:51:04 AM: Ge: Yes please 5/02/2016, 7:51:17 AM: Ge: Walking back home, breathing the fumes, yay... 5/02/2016, 7:52:17 AM: Ge: At least I get 45 min of walking, not sitting behind a desk. 5/02/2016, 7:52:39 AM: Ge: Will be flying for 30 hrs tomorrow :) 5/02/2016, 8:09:58 AM: Bas Liewes: That's a strange idea that you're at the other side of the world. It doesn't make things better or worse. 5/02/2016, 8:10:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Enjoy your walk. 5/02/2016, 8:10:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Frederik is on my hips. 5/02/2016, 8:10:20 AM: Ge: Ok 5/02/2016, 8:10:33 AM: Bas Liewes: He doesn't let loose on me 5/02/2016, 8:10:41 AM: Ge: :) 5/02/2016, 8:10:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Not always 5/02/2016, 8:10:54 AM: Ge: Can I still write? 5/02/2016, 8:10:57 AM: Bas Liewes: :-( 5/02/2016, 8:11:02 AM: Ge: Or he watches your phone too? 5/02/2016, 8:11:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Sure 5/02/2016, 8:11:12 AM: Ge: Ah yeah, when Star Wars is on :) 5/02/2016, 8:11:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Not yet 5/02/2016, 8:11:39 AM: Ge: You made me smile about him not favouring quality time over the computer :) 5/02/2016, 8:11:41 AM: Ge: So true 5/02/2016, 8:11:58 AM: Ge: He will look for quality time with you when he'll be 40... 5/02/2016, 8:13:36 AM: Ge: We don't understand about quality time with our parents until so late in life. But it's good in way. Everyone needs to detach or oppose their parents to become an 'individual' 5/02/2016, 8:13:45 AM: Ge: It's just hard for the parents. 5/02/2016, 8:25:08 AM: Ge: As for being on the other side of the world, yes it is a strange feeling. But it is also good for me in a way. It's not like I can jump in a train to see you for a few hours :) and the time difference leaves us plenty of time to focus on other things. This can help to find our rhythm. 5/02/2016, 4:16:16 PM: Ge: Fell asleep on the couch? πŸ˜‰ I am on my way to the airport, a bit early, ouch! 5/02/2016, 7:17:16 PM: Ge: About to take off. Feels bittersweet to fly away. I had a great time in Europe and feel like I reconnected with something I was missing. There are quite a few people dear to me that are quite excited to see me coming this side of the planet (not talking about you πŸ˜‰) and well, I must admit it feels really nice. All I know for now is that I definitely do not look forward to go back to Auckland or Sydney. The transition is already done in my head I think. Ready for the next chapter! 5/02/2016, 7:17:55 PM: Ge: I will miss the feeling of being in the same hemisphere than you, though :) 5/02/2016, 7:42:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey ! I am lazy as hell. Can't wake up at all, I felt asleep on the couch too. Have a safe trip !! Xx 5/02/2016, 7:43:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Let me know when you're there. 5/02/2016, 7:46:17 PM: Bas Liewes: I guess three minutes to late. Therefore super intense with you ! X hope you can feel that. 5/02/2016, 8:56:19 PM: Ge: Haha yeah, 3 min too late :) 5/02/2016, 9:01:12 PM: Ge: But I felt you'd come online around this time for some reason. I had a feeling you had fallen asleep on the couch just seeing the last time you came online, and that you were not up at 4.30 ;) 5/02/2016, 9:01:23 PM: Ge: Just landed in Frankfurt 5/02/2016, 9:32:45 PM: Ge: Seems you'll be sleeping when I reach San Francisco :) 5/02/2016, 9:32:51 PM: Ge: 5/02/2016, 9:33:00 PM: Ge: 5/02/2016, 9:33:01 PM: Ge: 6/02/2016, 5:26:02 AM: Ge: Wifi in the sky πŸ˜‰ 6/02/2016, 5:28:40 AM: Ge: Flying over... ice! 6/02/2016, 5:28:49 AM: Ge: 6/02/2016, 5:49:47 AM: Bas Liewes: ? You're online ? 6/02/2016, 5:49:55 AM: Bas Liewes: And in the air? 6/02/2016, 5:50:15 AM: Ge: Yes! 6/02/2016, 5:50:19 AM: Ge: Crazy lol 6/02/2016, 5:50:38 AM: Bas Liewes: It's getting more and more crazy by the minute. 6/02/2016, 5:50:45 AM: Ge: It is 6/02/2016, 5:50:52 AM: Ge: Used the be this bubble in the sky 6/02/2016, 5:50:55 AM: Ge: Not anymore 6/02/2016, 5:51:05 AM: Bas Liewes: I am amazed. 6/02/2016, 5:51:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Also for free? 6/02/2016, 5:51:25 AM: Ge: 6/02/2016, 5:52:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Business class? 6/02/2016, 5:52:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Looks like a lot of space 6/02/2016, 5:52:17 AM: Ge: No, coach 6/02/2016, 5:52:27 AM: Ge: But close to the exit 6/02/2016, 5:52:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I forgot that you're so tiny 6/02/2016, 5:52:32 AM: Ge: This plane is huuuuge 6/02/2016, 5:52:33 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 5:52:40 AM: Ge: 6/02/2016, 5:52:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow! Cool 6/02/2016, 5:52:56 AM: Bas Liewes: I wish I was with you on that couch 6/02/2016, 5:53:06 AM: Bas Liewes: No exit 6/02/2016, 5:53:10 AM: Ge: That would be nice :) 6/02/2016, 5:53:16 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 5:53:21 AM: Ge: Mile high club? 6/02/2016, 5:53:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Is this that biggest Airbus? 6/02/2016, 5:53:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Fancy ! 6/02/2016, 5:54:09 AM: Ge: I think it is! 6/02/2016, 5:54:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Your carbon footprint is not that bad this time 6/02/2016, 5:54:14 AM: Ge: 2 decks 6/02/2016, 5:54:18 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 5:54:35 AM: Ge: There are least 4 rows of coach class 6/02/2016, 5:54:43 AM: Ge: I am sitting at the very back 6/02/2016, 5:54:53 AM: Ge: Will probably take me a day to get out :) 6/02/2016, 5:55:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Cool! But I don't like flying πŸ˜‚ 6/02/2016, 5:55:07 AM: Ge: Lol 6/02/2016, 5:55:15 AM: Ge: I wish you could ther though :) 6/02/2016, 5:55:20 AM: Bas Liewes: No rush. You have 8 hours. 6/02/2016, 5:55:23 AM: Ge: Escaping somewhere fun and relaxing! 6/02/2016, 5:55:31 AM: Ge: could be there* 6/02/2016, 5:55:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Maybe there is a refuge cleaner with blond hair 6/02/2016, 5:56:04 AM: Ge: There is a 19 yo blond german boy next to me 6/02/2016, 5:56:16 AM: Ge: Flying with his mum though... 6/02/2016, 5:56:24 AM: Ge: 😜 6/02/2016, 5:56:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't tell him; leck mich am arsch 6/02/2016, 5:57:20 AM: Ge: Translate that for me πŸ˜‹ 6/02/2016, 5:57:34 AM: Bas Liewes: Kiss my ass 6/02/2016, 5:57:49 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 5:57:58 AM: Ge: In the litteral sense? ;$ 6/02/2016, 5:58:07 AM: Bas Liewes: What else could you expect. 6/02/2016, 5:58:17 AM: Bas Liewes: When I think about you :-) 6/02/2016, 5:58:25 AM: Ge: Something like that, yes :-D 6/02/2016, 5:58:42 AM: Ge: Hope it's not the only thing you think about 6/02/2016, 5:58:47 AM: Ge: When you think about me 6/02/2016, 5:59:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't worry. 6/02/2016, 5:59:05 AM: Ge: I have boobs too! 6/02/2016, 5:59:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Your boobs aren't sensitive 6/02/2016, 5:59:41 AM: Ge: You remember 6/02/2016, 5:59:43 AM: Ge: ☺️ 6/02/2016, 5:59:43 AM: Bas Liewes: I guess your bottom is 6/02/2016, 6:00:00 AM: Ge: Yeah, everything migrated down I guess 6/02/2016, 6:00:04 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:00:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Shall I make blush ! 6/02/2016, 6:00:27 AM: Ge: Well... 6/02/2016, 6:00:34 AM: Ge: Everyone is half sleeping... 6/02/2016, 6:02:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, now your waiting for me to tell you something horny 6/02/2016, 6:02:25 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:03:02 AM: Ge: And I am thinking that you waited until I was safely 8000 km away to bring the subject 😜 6/02/2016, 6:03:13 AM: Bas Liewes: When everybody is half asleep I would ask for an extra blanket. 6/02/2016, 6:03:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Cover your head ! 6/02/2016, 6:03:53 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:03:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Your time to impress me 6/02/2016, 6:04:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Suck mine 6/02/2016, 6:04:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Rrrrr 6/02/2016, 6:04:10 AM: Ge: Thought that wasn't your thing ;) 6/02/2016, 6:04:28 AM: Ge: But I am sure I can make you change your mind about it... 6/02/2016, 6:04:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Time to make it my thing 6/02/2016, 6:04:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Forget about the professional relation 6/02/2016, 6:04:49 AM: Ge: I can already see what I would do with you... 6/02/2016, 6:05:04 AM: Ge: We can do bothπŸ˜„ 6/02/2016, 6:05:19 AM: Bas Liewes: For a while 6/02/2016, 6:05:54 AM: Bas Liewes: I am in the store with a hard Dick in my pants 6/02/2016, 6:05:59 AM: Ge: Lok 6/02/2016, 6:06:10 AM: Ge: And we haven't even said much 6/02/2016, 6:06:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Imagination is everything 6/02/2016, 6:06:31 AM: Ge: I wish I could help release all thy tension πŸ˜‰ 6/02/2016, 6:06:42 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't need much 6/02/2016, 6:06:44 AM: Ge: Fast and hard 6/02/2016, 6:06:45 AM: Ge: Done 6/02/2016, 6:06:49 AM: Ge: Back to business 6/02/2016, 6:06:51 AM: Bas Liewes: You and I 6/02/2016, 6:07:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Magic. 6/02/2016, 6:07:12 AM: Ge: With a glow and a big smile and full of attractive hormones 6/02/2016, 6:07:21 AM: Ge: Double the revenue that day! 6/02/2016, 6:07:43 AM: Bas Liewes: You got it. 6/02/2016, 6:07:52 AM: Bas Liewes: This is so dynamic 6/02/2016, 6:08:12 AM: Ge: All about state of mind, fit and connection πŸ˜‰ 6/02/2016, 6:08:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Well, I think we're there 6/02/2016, 6:08:54 AM: Ge: I think so. Very natural 6/02/2016, 6:09:28 AM: Ge: Magic ;) 6/02/2016, 6:14:21 AM: Bas Liewes: I'll get back. Just talking to the guy who's working for me. Distract my mind 6/02/2016, 6:14:33 AM: Ge: Sure :) 6/02/2016, 6:23:28 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 6:23:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Do you know this ? 6/02/2016, 6:23:46 AM: Ge: Let me download 6/02/2016, 6:23:46 AM: Bas Liewes: It's a petroleum heather 6/02/2016, 6:23:50 AM: Ge: Ha yes 6/02/2016, 6:23:55 AM: Ge: You told me about it :) 6/02/2016, 6:23:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Japanese manufacturing 6/02/2016, 6:24:04 AM: Bas Liewes: It's so nice 6/02/2016, 6:24:18 AM: Ge: Your treehugger heater 😜 6/02/2016, 6:24:18 AM: Bas Liewes: No need to have your cold winters in Australia 6/02/2016, 6:24:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Ha 6/02/2016, 6:24:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:24:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes! But it's efficient 6/02/2016, 6:25:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Not heating the whole house. So Cousy. 6/02/2016, 6:25:33 AM: Ge: Hygge! 6/02/2016, 6:25:44 AM: Ge: I am obsessed by that danish word 6/02/2016, 6:25:55 AM: Ge: Cosy, comfortable, nest feeling 6/02/2016, 6:26:09 AM: Ge: Warm, soft etc. 6/02/2016, 6:26:32 AM: Ge: They know how to do that really well! 6/02/2016, 6:27:31 AM: Ge: I guess this is closer to my culture (my mother being almost german) 6/02/2016, 6:27:43 AM: Ge: And this is what I miss in Australia 6/02/2016, 6:28:01 AM: Ge: Not a cosy place, Australia 6/02/2016, 6:31:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Sound like the states 6/02/2016, 6:31:33 AM: Bas Liewes: That's why they adore the Dutch 6/02/2016, 6:31:37 AM: Ge: Colorado is not too bad for that :) 6/02/2016, 6:31:58 AM: Bas Liewes: We call it gezellig 6/02/2016, 6:32:06 AM: Ge: Yeah, you guys also have a pretty good grip o that 6/02/2016, 6:32:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks god, born at the right spot 6/02/2016, 6:32:34 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:32:52 AM: Ge: So dutch what you just said :) 6/02/2016, 6:33:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Tonight I Have a nice evening with a friend from marocco 6/02/2016, 6:33:56 AM: Ge: Have you told me about him? 6/02/2016, 6:33:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Hopefully he knows what gezellig means 6/02/2016, 6:34:04 AM: Ge: The guy with the carwash? 6/02/2016, 6:34:12 AM: Ge: Or parkings 6/02/2016, 6:34:11 AM: Bas Liewes: No! 6/02/2016, 6:34:29 AM: Bas Liewes: That's an other guy I like 6/02/2016, 6:34:39 AM: Ge: Ok 😊 6/02/2016, 6:34:46 AM: Bas Liewes: But to many underworld friends 6/02/2016, 6:35:04 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't like to be seen with him 6/02/2016, 6:35:15 AM: Ge: Yeah I get that 6/02/2016, 6:35:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Good to have him in my network 6/02/2016, 6:35:29 AM: Ge: But not taint your reputation:) 6/02/2016, 6:35:30 AM: Bas Liewes: But not as a friend 6/02/2016, 6:35:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:35:52 AM: Bas Liewes: He does strange things. 6/02/2016, 6:36:06 AM: Bas Liewes: He's now in real estate 6/02/2016, 6:36:17 AM: Ge: "Strange" lol 6/02/2016, 6:36:20 AM: Bas Liewes: He's buying property 6/02/2016, 6:36:26 AM: Ge: Real estate is a shark's business 6/02/2016, 6:36:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Houses that are sold by phone. 6/02/2016, 6:37:09 AM: Ge: Just a profit making scheme... 6/02/2016, 6:37:45 AM: Bas Liewes: He has a kind of machine that's taking all radio frequency out of the air 6/02/2016, 6:38:02 AM: Ge: Haha, I wonder why he has that!! 6/02/2016, 6:38:22 AM: Ge: Not sure I want to know 6/02/2016, 6:38:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Therefore other people can not make phone calls with their price 6/02/2016, 6:38:31 AM: Ge: Oh ok 6/02/2016, 6:38:34 AM: Ge: A scrambler 6/02/2016, 6:38:35 AM: Bas Liewes: His offer is than the best 6/02/2016, 6:38:52 AM: Ge: He's going to get caught :) 6/02/2016, 6:39:02 AM: Ge: They will start seeing a pattern? 6/02/2016, 6:39:04 AM: Bas Liewes: He's a small criminal. But likes to tell me 6/02/2016, 6:39:14 AM: Ge: Or he'll be smart enough to move on before 6/02/2016, 6:39:23 AM: Bas Liewes: He has to little money to get caught 6/02/2016, 6:39:36 AM: Ge: Yeah, good point. Small fry 6/02/2016, 6:39:41 AM: Bas Liewes: It's not that he's buying every week. 6/02/2016, 6:39:55 AM: Bas Liewes: But still, I don't like that. 6/02/2016, 6:40:24 AM: Bas Liewes: I like him, he wants me to get I involved too. 6/02/2016, 6:40:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, no way 6/02/2016, 6:40:38 AM: Ge: Yeah! That would be crazy 6/02/2016, 6:40:43 AM: Bas Liewes: He needs a white friend :-) 6/02/2016, 6:40:46 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:40:53 AM: Ge: That's what I was thinking 6/02/2016, 6:40:58 AM: Ge: The facade 6/02/2016, 6:41:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I have some criminal genes too 6/02/2016, 6:41:13 AM: Ge: Do you? 6/02/2016, 6:41:13 AM: Bas Liewes: He must heave noticed 6/02/2016, 6:41:24 AM: Bas Liewes: But I do not use these skills 6/02/2016, 6:41:44 AM: Bas Liewes: But believe me, when the shit hits the fan, 6/02/2016, 6:41:45 AM: Ge: Tell me about it 6/02/2016, 6:42:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I will survive 6/02/2016, 6:42:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:42:10 AM: Bas Liewes: No need. 6/02/2016, 6:42:16 AM: Ge: I believe you! 6/02/2016, 6:42:25 AM: Ge: Ever needed to use those skills? 6/02/2016, 6:42:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, yes, in my youth 6/02/2016, 6:42:59 AM: Ge: Now I am really curious :) 6/02/2016, 6:43:03 AM: Bas Liewes: But not steeling, just surviving 6/02/2016, 6:43:23 AM: Bas Liewes: I used to live in England. No money no food no nothing. 6/02/2016, 6:43:59 AM: Bas Liewes: I was able to do some exchange with other colleagues 6/02/2016, 6:44:08 AM: Bas Liewes: But that's 25 years ago 6/02/2016, 6:44:11 AM: Ge: exchange? 6/02/2016, 6:44:20 AM: Bas Liewes: I used to work for the Hilton 6/02/2016, 6:44:36 AM: Bas Liewes: I sold alcohol to all the employees 6/02/2016, 6:44:48 AM: Bas Liewes: In exchange for clean laundry 6/02/2016, 6:44:51 AM: Ge: from the Hilton bar? 6/02/2016, 6:44:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Food 6/02/2016, 6:44:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah !! 6/02/2016, 6:45:04 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:45:13 AM: Bas Liewes: They ripped me, I compensated 6/02/2016, 6:45:23 AM: Bas Liewes: Had a good life at the end. 6/02/2016, 6:45:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. 6/02/2016, 6:45:26 AM: Ge: Convenient lol 6/02/2016, 6:45:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Glad that nobody found it out 6/02/2016, 6:45:39 AM: Ge: But I understand the need to survive 6/02/2016, 6:46:04 AM: Ge: I'd go very very far if I had to be in survival mode 6/02/2016, 6:46:21 AM: Ge: very 6/02/2016, 6:46:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Me too, 25 years 6/02/2016, 6:47:14 AM: Bas Liewes: You were 14 6/02/2016, 6:47:22 AM: Ge: Lol yes 6/02/2016, 6:47:39 AM: Ge: Started to run into mischief at that age 6/02/2016, 6:47:51 AM: Ge: I changed from the little quiet angel 6/02/2016, 6:47:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, thanks to live, I challenged myself in an other direction. 6/02/2016, 6:47:55 AM: Ge: To today 6/02/2016, 6:48:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Holy horny chick :-) 6/02/2016, 6:48:22 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 6:48:28 AM: Ge: I was even worse back then! 6/02/2016, 6:48:39 AM: Bas Liewes: I can imagine. 6/02/2016, 6:48:45 AM: Ge: My ex boyfriend from the time still remembers πŸ˜… 6/02/2016, 6:48:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Your hormones... 6/02/2016, 6:48:53 AM: Ge: We talked about it a year ago 6/02/2016, 6:49:06 AM: Ge: I would not let him rest 6/02/2016, 6:49:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't tell. I can picture it pretty well. You in Tahiti 6/02/2016, 6:49:28 AM: Ge: 7 or 8 times a day... 6/02/2016, 6:49:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Omg 6/02/2016, 6:49:44 AM: Ge: With school and having to go home at 6 6/02/2016, 6:49:54 AM: Bas Liewes: That's 2 times more than you're promising me 6/02/2016, 6:50:10 AM: Ge: Haha. Yeah I don't want you to have a heart attack 6/02/2016, 6:50:17 AM: Ge: I rather keep you alive ;) 6/02/2016, 6:50:34 AM: Bas Liewes: You can not get me under 6/02/2016, 6:50:43 AM: Ge: Besides, we also have interesting things to say to each other 6/02/2016, 6:50:55 AM: Ge: We were just horny teenagers 6/02/2016, 6:51:02 AM: Ge: Haha we will see. 6/02/2016, 6:51:10 AM: Ge: Who gives up first! 6/02/2016, 6:51:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Now horny Middle Aged 6/02/2016, 6:51:31 AM: Ge: I haven't changed much 6/02/2016, 6:51:38 AM: Ge: Guys are just getting older... 6/02/2016, 6:51:45 AM: Ge: 😜 6/02/2016, 6:51:58 AM: Bas Liewes: But please, when we have a change, Dick in your mouth and fuck my brains out 6/02/2016, 6:52:14 AM: Ge: We will :) 6/02/2016, 6:52:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Bang 6/02/2016, 6:52:28 AM: Ge: Yes, bang in my pants just right now 6/02/2016, 6:52:34 AM: Bas Liewes: Your pussy is so nice 6/02/2016, 6:52:36 AM: Ge: Butterflies lol 6/02/2016, 6:52:38 AM: Bas Liewes: So wet 6/02/2016, 6:52:48 AM: Bas Liewes: I like it so much 6/02/2016, 6:53:01 AM: Bas Liewes: We behaved again. 6/02/2016, 6:53:05 AM: Ge: And I can't wait to give it to you... 6/02/2016, 6:53:18 AM: Ge: Yes. We are pretty strong on that. 6/02/2016, 6:53:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Neither can I 6/02/2016, 6:53:31 AM: Ge: But it's to the measure of what will happen after 6/02/2016, 6:53:36 AM: Ge: None of us is weak 6/02/2016, 6:54:14 AM: Ge: With that level of control, we are bound to be a firework when we let it flow :) 6/02/2016, 6:55:08 AM: Ge: Not sure it can go through... 6/02/2016, 7:05:51 AM: Bas Liewes: I was so stupid to open the door again. Someone was knocking. 6/02/2016, 7:05:56 AM: Bas Liewes: Full shop 6/02/2016, 7:06:03 AM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 7:06:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Back to business :-) 6/02/2016, 7:06:10 AM: Ge: Revenue! 6/02/2016, 7:06:42 AM: Ge: Helps you take your mind off my sweet wet pussy 😜 6/02/2016, 7:06:59 AM: Ge: 😁 6/02/2016, 7:07:34 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:07:47 AM: Bas Liewes: 1 minute open doors 6/02/2016, 7:07:59 AM: Bas Liewes: 8 people inside 6/02/2016, 7:08:13 AM: Ge: Gezellig ;) 6/02/2016, 7:08:12 AM: Bas Liewes: The must have smelled my mood :-) 6/02/2016, 7:08:22 AM: Ge: Haha probably! 6/02/2016, 7:08:32 AM: Ge: I'm telling you. People feel those hormones 6/02/2016, 7:11:25 AM: Bas Liewes: 70€ 6/02/2016, 7:12:00 AM: Ge: In 15 min 6/02/2016, 7:12:03 AM: Ge: Not bad 6/02/2016, 7:21:12 AM: Bas Liewes: 35 6/02/2016, 7:21:14 AM: Bas Liewes: 55 6/02/2016, 7:21:19 AM: Bas Liewes: No i go 6/02/2016, 7:22:10 AM: Ge: Yeah you coukd keep going all night :) 6/02/2016, 7:23:15 AM: Ge: Which one is your bestseller? 6/02/2016, 7:25:29 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:30 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:31 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:31 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:32 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:33 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:33 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:34 AM: Bas Liewes: 6/02/2016, 7:25:44 AM: Bas Liewes: For woman 6/02/2016, 7:26:27 AM: Ge: They are super cute 6/02/2016, 7:27:57 AM: Ge: Those with the ears are funny too 6/02/2016, 7:28:09 AM: Ge: Very japanese 6/02/2016, 7:29:37 AM: Ge: That white one with the brown fur looks really soft! 6/02/2016, 7:32:09 AM: Ge: I always feel itchy with hats (took a while for the photos to charge) 6/02/2016, 7:33:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Actually all styles are good 6/02/2016, 8:34:44 AM: Ge: Just talked to Piete on whatsapp - my friend Francois and him are leaving to New Zealand tomorrow, partying in the city tonight. You should jump in their suitcase :) we are planning to catch up in Rotorua, where the thermal activity is the strongest. Fun nights at the natural outdoor hot springs in the plans :) 6/02/2016, 10:46:59 AM: Ge: San Francisco! 6/02/2016, 10:47:08 AM: Ge: The weather looks beautiful 6/02/2016, 12:43:08 PM: Bas Liewes: I am awake, but not able to chat. I have been smoking pot, first time since Strasbourg? Or Colorado. Tooo stoned!! 6/02/2016, 12:43:19 PM: Ge: Haha 6/02/2016, 12:43:33 PM: Ge: Seems you're having a good night :) 6/02/2016, 12:44:07 PM: Ge: Too bad we can't talk, would have loved to see how you are under those conditions 😜 6/02/2016, 12:44:22 PM: Ge: Are you home? 6/02/2016, 1:20:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Still in the train. 6/02/2016, 1:20:30 PM: Ge: Feeling high? 6/02/2016, 1:21:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeeeeaaaasss, but than reverse 6/02/2016, 1:21:41 PM: Ge: Reverse? 6/02/2016, 1:21:50 PM: Ge: Are you already coming down? πŸ˜„ 6/02/2016, 1:22:00 PM: Bas Liewes: No 6/02/2016, 2:02:12 PM: Bas Liewes: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=52.48623,5.426815 6/02/2016, 2:02:51 PM: Ge: Home? :) 6/02/2016, 2:08:11 PM: Ge: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=37.61819,-122.3922 6/02/2016, 10:04:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey Geraldine, how cliche ! Ending up with a marrocan in a coffee shop. It's been ages ago. Actually nice to do. I am still slowly awaking. Back to Amsterdam by train. To open the shop. Bit of a waste. It was like a rollercoaster yesterday night. The intense conversation, in terms of turning me on, than doors open and rush rush in taxi to my friend. We had a marvelous night with good food and just a few drinks and two joints. That was my idea. 6/02/2016, 10:06:28 PM: Bas Liewes: The intense thoughts that came were interesting. I have to allow myself to develop my Amina in order to be more successful in both relationships and professionally. 6/02/2016, 10:07:35 PM: Bas Liewes: By the way, nice that you go with Pete on a trip. Go for it. 7/02/2016, 5:02:06 AM: Bas Liewes: 19 minutes !! 7/02/2016, 5:28:16 AM: Bas Liewes: My theory of Amina is that I have lots of this in me. Activated by talking so much with you about so many "feelings". This makes me a more sensitive person and develops my soft skills even more. Anyway. I am still tired from yesterday, therefore maybe a little more melancholic. You have your feet on the ground first and than go home. Big hugs and a nasty kissing your sweet spot πŸ˜€ 7/02/2016, 5:47:09 AM: Ge: Landed :) 7/02/2016, 6:01:35 AM: Ge: Interesting concept this "Amina", never heard of it before. There are a lot of things in you bottled up that you don't let shine or burn :) It is probably confronting to feel all this trying to come out when we talk together. I know it is a bit for me, probably not as much as you since I have more space in my life for it. And I don't mind being confronted to myself. I just hope you see it as a positive force in your life! 7/02/2016, 6:03:05 AM: Bas Liewes: So do i. 7/02/2016, 6:03:44 AM: Bas Liewes: We speak about this sometime later. Add to the list. 7/02/2016, 6:03:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Did you sleep ? 7/02/2016, 6:04:07 AM: Ge: Please let's talk about it :) 7/02/2016, 6:04:14 AM: Ge: Yes I slept the whole trip 7/02/2016, 6:04:22 AM: Ge: Feeling (almost) fresh! 7/02/2016, 6:04:25 AM: Ge: 6 am here 7/02/2016, 6:04:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Lucky you. I can not sleep one second in a plane. 7/02/2016, 6:04:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Glad you're okay 7/02/2016, 6:05:04 AM: Ge: It's a mindset thing lol 7/02/2016, 6:05:09 AM: Ge: And organisation 7/02/2016, 6:05:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Good luck there. I have to do some cooking. 7/02/2016, 6:05:40 AM: Ge: You hate flying so sleeping is out of the question :) 7/02/2016, 6:05:42 AM: Ge: Ok! 7/02/2016, 6:05:50 AM: Ge: Will jump in the bus now 7/02/2016, 6:05:55 AM: Ge: Big hugs 7/02/2016, 6:06:06 AM: Ge: Thanks for following me on my trip around the globe 7/02/2016, 6:06:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Mind set. Help me when I need it 7/02/2016, 6:06:15 AM: Ge: I felt your thoughts with me everywhere 7/02/2016, 6:06:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice. X 7/02/2016, 6:06:43 AM: Ge: Xx 7/02/2016, 6:07:03 AM: Ge: Don't let yourself be too melancholic:) 7/02/2016, 6:07:09 AM: Ge: It's just the joints ;) 7/02/2016, 6:07:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Whole day ahead and you slept the last 15 hours 7/02/2016, 6:07:15 AM: Ge: Yes!! 7/02/2016, 6:07:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Good start 7/02/2016, 6:07:27 AM: Ge: I will feel a bit tired at 4pm 7/02/2016, 6:07:36 AM: Ge: But otherwsie I'll be good I think 7/02/2016, 6:07:40 AM: Bas Liewes: I just had a little nap 7/02/2016, 6:07:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Doing much better already 7/02/2016, 6:08:03 AM: Ge: Good :) 7/02/2016, 6:08:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, damn, this was mellow soft high 7/02/2016, 6:08:29 AM: Ge: Wish I could see you like that :) 7/02/2016, 6:08:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Some had other names. Heavy straight to hell high 7/02/2016, 6:08:56 AM: Ge: Haha 7/02/2016, 6:09:05 AM: Ge: I don't have your experience there :) 7/02/2016, 6:09:40 AM: Bas Liewes: I am good fun when I smoke. 7/02/2016, 6:09:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Extreme :-) 7/02/2016, 6:09:52 AM: Ge: I want to see that!!! 7/02/2016, 6:10:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Or feel 7/02/2016, 6:10:05 AM: Ge: Haha 7/02/2016, 6:10:13 AM: Ge: That's included;) 7/02/2016, 6:11:38 AM: Bas Liewes: I can dream about that 7/02/2016, 6:11:54 AM: Ge: I have dreamt about it in the plane 7/02/2016, 6:12:03 AM: Ge: Nothing too crazy though 7/02/2016, 6:12:26 AM: Ge: Mostly soft and nice 7/02/2016, 6:42:13 AM: Ge: Just seen your email - can't see the file... Could you download and send it? 7/02/2016, 8:21:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay. I Will try. Skip the measuring methods. Straight to the conclusion. 7/02/2016, 8:22:18 AM: Ge: Don't worry I got my hands on it! 7/02/2016, 8:22:44 AM: Ge: Pushed my search skills a bit but found it "hapiness at work" right? 7/02/2016, 8:26:45 AM: Bas Liewes: The economic journal, are you happy while you work 7/02/2016, 8:26:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I have resent the file 7/02/2016, 8:27:02 AM: Ge: Yep, that's the one I found 7/02/2016, 8:27:09 AM: Ge: And also saw your 2nd email 7/02/2016, 8:27:11 AM: Ge: Thanks 7/02/2016, 8:41:03 AM: Ge: "In Table 4 we see how working compares to the correlations with other activities. The most pleasurable experience for individuals is love-making and intimacy, which raises individuals’ happiness by roughly 14% (relative to not doing this activity). This is followed by leisure activities such as going to the theatre, going to a museum and playing sport. Paid work comes very close to the bottom of the happiness ranking. It is the second worst activity for happiness after being sick in bed, although being sick in bed has a much larger effect, reducing happiness scores by just over 20%." We should be very happy together πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ 7/02/2016, 8:42:12 AM: Bas Liewes: I wish we could chat about it. 7/02/2016, 8:43:31 AM: Bas Liewes: For sure ! It's so helpful to have this I info..it's also helpful information to make my point scientifically proofed. 7/02/2016, 8:43:43 AM: Ge: Let's put some time aside for it! I am interested to know what you got from that study. Loved loved loved the Netflix presentation as well. I so agree with what he says. I wish to build or work for a company like that 7/02/2016, 8:43:56 AM: Ge: Which point :-D 7/02/2016, 8:44:20 AM: Ge: (that you need to back up with data?) 7/02/2016, 8:44:33 AM: Bas Liewes: That Susanne doesn't want to have sex 7/02/2016, 8:44:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah 7/02/2016, 8:44:49 AM: Ge: Okthat's what I thought you meant 7/02/2016, 8:45:18 AM: Bas Liewes: It's a twisted way of saying things. It often looks like that I have a problem. 7/02/2016, 8:45:40 AM: Bas Liewes: To be continued 7/02/2016, 8:45:51 AM: Ge: That you miss it so much? 7/02/2016, 8:46:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I will carefully read the whole article. 7/02/2016, 8:46:12 AM: Bas Liewes: That I am unhappy! 7/02/2016, 8:46:22 AM: Ge: We have so many subjects to talk about I will start an to excel spreadsheet ;) 7/02/2016, 8:46:31 AM: Ge: Well you do have a problem 7/02/2016, 8:46:31 AM: Bas Liewes: About that, 14% when its there. 7/02/2016, 8:46:41 AM: Ge: You feel unfulfilled 7/02/2016, 8:46:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Worse than being sick if it's not there 7/02/2016, 8:46:53 AM: Ge: That doesn't make you a crazy person 7/02/2016, 8:47:09 AM: Bas Liewes: No just frustrated 7/02/2016, 8:47:17 AM: Ge: You only have a strong awareness of your needs 7/02/2016, 8:47:23 AM: Bas Liewes: It's such a waste. 7/02/2016, 8:47:49 AM: Bas Liewes: If will never change. Especially now she's over 50 7/02/2016, 8:49:17 AM: Bas Liewes: I will not complain to much. I know a healthy solution that is available. Just went 25K km away from me. Stays as close to me as if you're here. 7/02/2016, 8:49:31 AM: Ge: :) 7/02/2016, 8:50:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to stop writing. It's Saturday night and I am part of a family :-) 7/02/2016, 8:50:19 AM: Ge: That's true :) 7/02/2016, 8:50:29 AM: Ge: We will talk about it another time 7/02/2016, 8:50:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Where do you stay ? At phillip's 7/02/2016, 8:50:40 AM: Ge: Yes 7/02/2016, 8:50:50 AM: Ge: Out of the shower 7/02/2016, 8:50:56 AM: Bas Liewes: How's that? 7/02/2016, 8:50:59 AM: Ge: Relaxing with a book 7/02/2016, 8:51:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha! Having your peace 7/02/2016, 8:51:18 AM: Ge: 7/02/2016, 8:51:25 AM: Bas Liewes: And it's summer ! 7/02/2016, 8:51:38 AM: Ge: Yes :) 27 degrees this afternoon! 7/02/2016, 8:51:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Looks good ! 7/02/2016, 8:51:45 AM: Ge: View from my bed :) 7/02/2016, 8:51:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice, what a difference. 7/02/2016, 8:51:54 AM: Ge: Will go for a long walk this afternoon 7/02/2016, 8:52:01 AM: Ge: I need to move 7/02/2016, 8:52:11 AM: Bas Liewes: When you're on your own :-) 7/02/2016, 8:52:12 AM: Ge: Yes nice blue sky and open window! 7/02/2016, 8:52:30 AM: Bas Liewes: 7/02/2016, 8:52:33 AM: Ge: Wish I could show you around:) 7/02/2016, 8:52:33 AM: Bas Liewes: When we are together 7/02/2016, 8:52:40 AM: Ge: Lol 7/02/2016, 8:52:45 AM: Ge: Is that the wall? 7/02/2016, 8:52:52 AM: Ge: All I am going to see? Lol 7/02/2016, 8:52:53 AM: Bas Liewes: 7/02/2016, 8:53:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Of like this. 7/02/2016, 8:53:05 AM: Ge: Haahaa 7/02/2016, 8:53:13 AM: Ge: Laughing out loud 7/02/2016, 8:53:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Ceiling and floor 7/02/2016, 8:53:25 AM: Bas Liewes: On your knees. 7/02/2016, 8:53:30 AM: Ge: I thought the first was a doggy-style perspective :) 7/02/2016, 8:53:40 AM: Bas Liewes: 15% happiness 7/02/2016, 8:53:47 AM: Ge: 87% 7/02/2016, 8:53:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Same view 7/02/2016, 8:54:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Whatever. You will get what you deserve :-) 7/02/2016, 8:54:37 AM: Ge: You're funny :-))) 7/02/2016, 8:54:42 AM: Ge: Yes! I am a bad girl 7/02/2016, 8:54:44 AM: Ge: πŸ˜‡ 7/02/2016, 8:54:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha! 7/02/2016, 8:55:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to go back and do something to hide my hard boner 7/02/2016, 8:55:23 AM: Ge: Cold shower! 7/02/2016, 8:55:38 AM: Ge: Or got spray the plants 7/02/2016, 8:55:44 AM: Ge: Full of protein apparently 7/02/2016, 8:56:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. No not now 7/02/2016, 8:56:19 AM: Ge: Any time is the right time :) 7/02/2016, 8:57:14 AM: Bas Liewes: When you are around ! yeah for sure 7/02/2016, 8:57:29 AM: Ge: Geeez you turned me on so quickly. 3 words and 2 photos. 7/02/2016, 8:57:43 AM: Bas Liewes: I will not sneak away to write messages. 7/02/2016, 8:58:01 AM: Ge: Your hands won't be free :) 7/02/2016, 8:58:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Distance doesn't exists 7/02/2016, 8:58:19 AM: Ge: I feel the same... 7/02/2016, 8:58:28 AM: Ge: Far away but still so close 7/02/2016, 8:58:40 AM: Ge: We should write books and make a fortune lol 7/02/2016, 8:59:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Safe all the sperm in a jug as performance art 7/02/2016, 8:59:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 7/02/2016, 8:59:23 AM: Ge: LOL 7/02/2016, 8:59:34 AM: Ge: i just exploded with laughter 7/02/2016, 8:59:39 AM: Ge: πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 7/02/2016, 8:59:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Buy the book first and than visit our exhibition 7/02/2016, 9:00:00 AM: Ge: Lol 7/02/2016, 9:00:01 AM: Bas Liewes: 20€ to enter. 7/02/2016, 9:00:12 AM: Ge: And go home with a small vial of sperm 7/02/2016, 9:00:15 AM: Ge: As a souvenir 7/02/2016, 9:00:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Plenty to share. 7/02/2016, 9:00:33 AM: Ge: Then we can have all the side products 7/02/2016, 9:00:37 AM: Ge: Accessories 7/02/2016, 9:00:47 AM: Bas Liewes: There will be enough in your hair 7/02/2016, 9:01:00 AM: Ge: Lol, we can sell that to 7/02/2016, 9:01:05 AM: Ge: Face cream! 7/02/2016, 9:01:08 AM: Bas Liewes: I got to go !! 7/02/2016, 9:01:13 AM: Ge: Look 15 years younger! 7/02/2016, 9:01:15 AM: Ge: Ok 7/02/2016, 9:01:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Aaaa 7/02/2016, 9:01:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Facial, like that :-) 7/02/2016, 9:01:39 AM: Ge: 😜 7/02/2016, 9:01:48 AM: Ge: Not in my eye! 7/02/2016, 9:02:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Over your tits. But accidentally I your face 7/02/2016, 9:02:10 AM: Ge: Sure, accidental 7/02/2016, 9:02:12 AM: Ge: Lol 7/02/2016, 9:02:12 AM: Bas Liewes: 😜 7/02/2016, 9:02:29 AM: Ge: My back, my bum, my hair... 7/02/2016, 9:02:33 AM: Ge: So many showers 7/02/2016, 9:02:39 AM: Ge: Not very treehugger 7/02/2016, 9:03:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Why not ? 7/02/2016, 9:03:51 AM: Bas Liewes: I think, this is so natural 7/02/2016, 9:04:16 AM: Ge: Talking about all the water I'll use to remove your sperm from my body :) 7/02/2016, 9:04:22 AM: Ge: 7 showers a day!! 7/02/2016, 9:04:28 AM: Ge: Start collecting rainwater! 7/02/2016, 9:05:05 AM: Bas Liewes: No ! You're right. I let you stink a little. No time to waste. It's not the water. It's the time that counts. 7/02/2016, 9:05:34 AM: Ge: I think I'll barely have the tine to reach the shower anyway 7/02/2016, 9:05:42 AM: Ge: You'll be all over me again 7/02/2016, 9:05:46 AM: Bas Liewes: You can shower only once :-) 7/02/2016, 9:05:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! 7/02/2016, 9:06:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Especially doggy. 7/02/2016, 9:06:13 AM: Ge: Looking forward to you dragging me back to bed 7/02/2016, 9:06:20 AM: Ge: Or straight on the floor 7/02/2016, 9:06:26 AM: Ge: My favourite position :) 7/02/2016, 9:06:36 AM: Bas Liewes: You gave me that fine look at your bum while walking away at the platform. 7/02/2016, 9:06:44 AM: Ge: Haha 7/02/2016, 9:06:51 AM: Ge: I knew you were looking 7/02/2016, 9:06:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Your ass is mine :-) 7/02/2016, 9:07:09 AM: Ge: I thought about it when I put those pants on that day 7/02/2016, 9:07:24 AM: Bas Liewes: I let you melt than. 7/02/2016, 9:07:40 AM: Bas Liewes: You naughty 7/02/2016, 9:07:47 AM: Ge: :) 7/02/2016, 9:08:02 AM: Bas Liewes: I am out. 7/02/2016, 9:08:06 AM: Ge: My ass is yours ;) 7/02/2016, 9:08:14 AM: Ge: Ok, I'll leave you with that last image πŸ˜‰ 7/02/2016, 9:08:17 AM: Bas Liewes: You have a nice warm day :-) 7/02/2016, 9:08:28 AM: Ge: Enjoy your evening :) 7/02/2016, 9:08:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for the confirmation 7/02/2016, 9:08:51 AM: Ge: Come and grab it! 7/02/2016, 9:08:53 AM: Bas Liewes: That's getting difficult now :-) 7/02/2016, 9:09:06 AM: Bas Liewes: To enjoy the evening. 7/02/2016, 9:09:24 AM: Bas Liewes: You know what's on my mind 7/02/2016, 9:09:35 AM: Ge: Put your boner aside and come pick it up just before you sleep... 7/02/2016, 9:09:42 AM: Ge: I will be with you! 7/02/2016, 9:09:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. Good advice 7/02/2016, 9:10:09 AM: Bas Liewes: X 7/02/2016, 9:10:20 AM: Ge: I'll follow you in the shower ;) 7/02/2016, 9:10:23 AM: Ge: xxx 8/02/2016, 7:51:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey ! Good morning. I will try in 13 / 14 hours. When is Pete coming? 8/02/2016, 7:51:48 AM: Ge: Hey :) 8/02/2016, 7:52:24 AM: Ge: Piete is coming sometimes around 20 or 21 Feb 8/02/2016, 8:18:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Aah!thought he starts with you. 8/02/2016, 8:19:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Anyway. Now is busy 8/02/2016, 8:19:26 AM: Ge: No they land in the south island :) 8/02/2016, 8:19:29 AM: Bas Liewes: I'll get back. 8/02/2016, 8:19:37 AM: Ge: Ok 8/02/2016, 8:19:54 AM: Ge: I have a meeting at 10 8/02/2016, 8:19:54 AM: Bas Liewes: I am so interested 8/02/2016, 8:19:59 AM: Ge: So interested? 8/02/2016, 8:20:04 AM: Bas Liewes: 😳 8/02/2016, 8:20:10 AM: Bas Liewes: In Pete 8/02/2016, 8:20:16 AM: Ge: Why? :) 8/02/2016, 8:20:20 AM: Bas Liewes: 10 as 22 8/02/2016, 8:20:23 AM: Ge: Yes 8/02/2016, 8:20:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Maybe later. I'll explain 8/02/2016, 8:20:51 AM: Ge: Haha 8/02/2016, 8:20:53 AM: Ge: Whyyyy 8/02/2016, 8:20:57 AM: Ge: Ok :) 8/02/2016, 10:45:36 AM: Ge: Done :) 8/02/2016, 11:26:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry, time differences make it complicated right now. I am already in bed. Try tomorrow again :-) 8/02/2016, 11:26:19 AM: Bas Liewes: X 8/02/2016, 11:26:40 AM: Ge: No worries :) 8/02/2016, 11:26:54 AM: Ge: Sweet dreams!! 8/02/2016, 9:01:43 PM: Bas Liewes: I am available! 8/02/2016, 9:02:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Sort of 8/02/2016, 9:02:22 PM: Ge: Me too :) 8/02/2016, 9:02:27 PM: Ge: Just got out of the shower 8/02/2016, 9:02:39 PM: Ge: Was ready to lie down with a magazine 8/02/2016, 9:02:44 PM: Ge: 8/02/2016, 9:02:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Shall I call you ? 8/02/2016, 9:03:06 PM: Ge: Let me grab my headphones :) 8/02/2016, 9:03:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Wow! That's a lot. All from your flight ? Then you slept for 26 hours... 8/02/2016, 9:04:18 PM: Ge: Ready :) 8/02/2016, 9:04:25 PM: Bas Liewes: One sec 8/02/2016, 9:06:32 PM: Ge: Call me back? 8/02/2016, 9:07:10 PM: Bas Liewes: I have three dots 8/02/2016, 9:07:11 PM: Ge: I can hear you :) 8/02/2016, 9:07:16 PM: Ge: Wifi for me 8/02/2016, 9:07:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Strange 8/02/2016, 9:07:36 PM: Ge: Might be a bad spot in your network? 8/02/2016, 9:07:51 PM: Ge: Don't get impatient :) 8/02/2016, 9:08:01 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. 8/02/2016, 9:08:10 PM: Ge: We try in a minute! 8/02/2016, 9:08:27 PM: Ge: So, take down day at the shop? Still a lot to do? 8/02/2016, 9:08:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Anyway. The day I see my work as a job, time to quit 8/02/2016, 9:08:50 PM: Bas Liewes: No everything is already out 8/02/2016, 9:08:54 PM: Ge: Good spirit :) 8/02/2016, 9:09:04 PM: Ge: Are you on your own to do it? 8/02/2016, 9:09:38 PM: Bas Liewes: All needs to be done is taking down the "sis walls" and repair the walls with plaster 8/02/2016, 9:09:55 PM: Ge: The expensive sis walls :) 8/02/2016, 9:10:39 PM: Bas Liewes: No Rafael will do it. I only give him a hand and we store these indeed expensive shopfitting walls in the basement. 8/02/2016, 9:10:56 PM: Ge: Nice you can leave them there 8/02/2016, 9:11:01 PM: Ge: Less risk to damage them 8/02/2016, 9:11:05 PM: Bas Liewes: That's kind of a struggle I guess as everything is so narrow 8/02/2016, 9:11:18 PM: Ge: Ah, maybe not then :-D 8/02/2016, 9:11:26 PM: Bas Liewes: Exactly. No transport 8/02/2016, 9:11:32 PM: Ge: Yes, netherlands and those narrow stairs... 8/02/2016, 9:11:38 PM: Bas Liewes: And I keep my ass in :-) 8/02/2016, 9:11:44 PM: Ge: I was really worried taking our suitcases down!! 8/02/2016, 9:11:50 PM: Ge: Haha 8/02/2016, 9:12:03 PM: Ge: You're fine there ;$ 8/02/2016, 9:12:09 PM: Ge: ;-) 8/02/2016, 9:12:17 PM: Ge: I still remember Joel's video!! 8/02/2016, 9:12:31 PM: Ge: Too bad he cut 2 sec too early!!! 8/02/2016, 9:13:16 PM: Ge: Lol 8/02/2016, 9:13:24 PM: Ge: Ok back to typing :) 8/02/2016, 9:13:26 PM: Bas Liewes: The reason that Chinese and other foreigners do not Buy the Amsterdam property. Haha ! 8/02/2016, 9:13:33 PM: Ge: Still good to hear your voice for a sec :) 8/02/2016, 9:13:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Video ! 8/02/2016, 9:13:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Same here 8/02/2016, 9:13:52 PM: Ge: Yes!!! When you went for a swim 8/02/2016, 9:13:55 PM: Ge: Butt naked 8/02/2016, 9:13:57 PM: Bas Liewes: God, I miss you 8/02/2016, 9:14:05 PM: Ge: Me too... 8/02/2016, 9:14:09 PM: Ge: Really 8/02/2016, 9:14:20 PM: Bas Liewes: But, I don't want to fall so deep again. 8/02/2016, 9:14:23 PM: Ge: I want to hug you so tight 8/02/2016, 9:14:33 PM: Ge: So deep? 8/02/2016, 9:14:35 PM: Bas Liewes: So let's get professional 8/02/2016, 9:15:31 PM: Ge: Haaaaaa 8/02/2016, 9:15:35 PM: Ge: Stupid network 8/02/2016, 9:16:04 PM: Ge: I say, let's get deep. But let's not get it overflow everything else. 8/02/2016, 9:16:05 PM: Bas Liewes: My fingers hurt. 8/02/2016, 9:16:10 PM: Ge: That's the main issue 8/02/2016, 9:16:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay, difficult to draw that line. 8/02/2016, 9:16:54 PM: Ge: Focus!!! 8/02/2016, 9:17:09 PM: Ge: If we can do that, it will be easier :) 8/02/2016, 9:17:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes! That's so important. 8/02/2016, 9:17:38 PM: Ge: 100% to what is in front of us, so we don't drop the ball. And 190% when we are together :) 8/02/2016, 9:17:51 PM: Ge: And I can help you. 8/02/2016, 9:17:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Let's try one more time to call. We're moving. 8/02/2016, 9:18:39 PM: Ge: What's wrong today :) 8/02/2016, 9:18:43 PM: Bas Liewes: You can hear me? 8/02/2016, 9:18:50 PM: Ge: No 😭 8/02/2016, 9:19:09 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. Than some finger hurting typing 8/02/2016, 9:19:24 PM: Ge: We'll try again soon 8/02/2016, 9:19:31 PM: Ge: Sorry for your fingers :) 8/02/2016, 9:19:34 PM: Bas Liewes: I was doing some work in the garden house yesterday. 8/02/2016, 9:19:45 PM: Ge: Ok... Ouch 8/02/2016, 9:19:49 PM: Bas Liewes: I dreamt away that this could be yours one day. 8/02/2016, 9:19:51 PM: Ge: You can record your voice 8/02/2016, 9:20:09 PM: Bas Liewes: No ! 8/02/2016, 9:20:22 PM: Ge: Awwww. I would be there to help out :) 8/02/2016, 9:20:30 PM: Ge: Have an organic veggie patch! 8/02/2016, 9:20:36 PM: Ge: Be self sufficient 8/02/2016, 9:20:39 PM: Ge: My dream 8/02/2016, 9:20:56 PM: Ge: Wow jut saying this makes me emotional 8/02/2016, 9:21:52 PM: Bas Liewes: But so irrational. But a nice way to learn who my kids are. How we go on together. 8/02/2016, 9:22:13 PM: Bas Liewes: You and your baby...slowly getting one floor up :-) 8/02/2016, 9:22:28 PM: Ge: :) 8/02/2016, 9:22:41 PM: Bas Liewes: But this is just a dream :-) Visualization is a start 8/02/2016, 9:22:58 PM: Ge: Dream are also what keep us alive :) 8/02/2016, 9:23:15 PM: Ge: they are the fertile ground of our own reality 8/02/2016, 9:23:46 PM: Ge: So please keep dreaming :) 8/02/2016, 9:23:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes, and therefore I am afraid to share this with you. 8/02/2016, 9:24:05 PM: Ge: Why... 8/02/2016, 9:24:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Not afraid !! 8/02/2016, 9:24:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Sorry Freud was taking over 8/02/2016, 9:24:39 PM: Ge: lol 8/02/2016, 9:24:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Probably to scared to share this 8/02/2016, 9:24:58 PM: Ge: What did you want to type! 8/02/2016, 9:25:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Don't want to give you false hope 8/02/2016, 9:25:15 PM: Ge: That's what I thought 8/02/2016, 9:25:25 PM: Ge: You need to allow yourself to dream 8/02/2016, 9:25:51 PM: Bas Liewes: But I you ask me, you're an answer to a lot of question marks in my life 8/02/2016, 9:25:59 PM: Ge: I understand your situation and the limitations that come with it. That you can't promise 8/02/2016, 9:26:04 PM: Bas Liewes: I if 8/02/2016, 9:26:33 PM: Ge: We are a beautiful match, you and me. 8/02/2016, 9:26:48 PM: Ge: I was afraid to say it so far you know. 8/02/2016, 9:26:59 PM: Ge: But, hell with fear, we are. 8/02/2016, 9:27:25 PM: Ge: I feel at peace when I am with you. 8/02/2016, 9:27:25 PM: Bas Liewes: 😍 First month, I only sneak in to shag you. 8/02/2016, 9:27:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Once my kids find out, no limits of they can handle. 8/02/2016, 9:27:54 PM: Ge: Even though you're probably one of the least peaceful guy I know :-D 8/02/2016, 9:28:08 PM: Ge: We'll take all the time needed for that 8/02/2016, 9:28:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! 8/02/2016, 9:28:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Least peaceful. Why do you say that ? 8/02/2016, 9:28:36 PM: Ge: You are on fire 8/02/2016, 9:28:45 PM: Ge: Very much controlled 8/02/2016, 9:28:49 PM: Ge: So it burns you inside 8/02/2016, 9:28:54 PM: Ge: But you are on fire 8/02/2016, 9:29:03 PM: Bas Liewes: Damn right. 8/02/2016, 9:29:24 PM: Ge: I so much want to see that fire shine through 8/02/2016, 9:29:33 PM: Ge: Instead of being so tighly under control 8/02/2016, 9:29:45 PM: Ge: Because when you do, it's magical :) 8/02/2016, 9:30:14 PM: Ge: (I might get awfully jealous of the people you attract then, but I can handle πŸ˜„) 8/02/2016, 9:30:20 PM: Bas Liewes: I listened to the radio last week. There was a guest who impressed me a lot. 8/02/2016, 9:30:47 PM: Bas Liewes: He was very much open to connect with his female side. 8/02/2016, 9:31:51 PM: Bas Liewes: He's an 75 year old artist, married. A very sad story and so beautiful at the same time. 8/02/2016, 9:32:27 PM: Bas Liewes: His father survived two world wars. In both he had to fight. 8/02/2016, 9:32:50 PM: Bas Liewes: His father suffered so much afterwards that he died young. 8/02/2016, 9:32:59 PM: Ge: :( 8/02/2016, 9:32:59 PM: Bas Liewes: The guy was 14. 8/02/2016, 9:33:28 PM: Bas Liewes: His mother was depressed from the war. She left her son when he was 15 8/02/2016, 9:33:42 PM: Bas Liewes: From there on he was on his own. 8/02/2016, 9:34:12 PM: Ge: Did that resonated with you? 8/02/2016, 9:34:23 PM: Bas Liewes: With nothing in his pocket he managed to get to school and university. 8/02/2016, 9:35:06 PM: Bas Liewes: It resonates that I was lonely too and I missed the love of my mother and it made me grownup far to early. 8/02/2016, 9:35:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Anyway, this guy was incredible successful by setting up a company sold it of and was rich all at a sudden. 8/02/2016, 9:36:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Went to Amsterdam (as a German). 8/02/2016, 9:36:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Did much with Polaroid art. 8/02/2016, 9:37:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Strange things. He documented everything in his life and still does. 8/02/2016, 9:38:03 PM: Ge: Capturing memories and holding onto it 8/02/2016, 9:38:27 PM: Bas Liewes: All he wants to discover within himself is the love that only a mother can feel for her child. 8/02/2016, 9:38:53 PM: Bas Liewes: I will not say that my desire is the same. 8/02/2016, 9:39:10 PM: Bas Liewes: But it makes me think what's important for me. 8/02/2016, 9:39:49 PM: Bas Liewes: What do I want to achieve in terms of feeling complete satisfaction 8/02/2016, 9:41:00 PM: Bas Liewes: The life I live now is very much in order to get things going. Getting everything together and making sure my kids can go yo university without debts. 8/02/2016, 9:42:08 PM: Bas Liewes: All this maintaining and not letting my freaking creative energy flow. Because I feel lonesome with this. I do it for a reason, but it's like no one appreciates my input. 8/02/2016, 9:42:15 PM: Bas Liewes: At least at home. 8/02/2016, 9:42:38 PM: Bas Liewes: The take it for granted 8/02/2016, 9:43:34 PM: Bas Liewes: No problem to scale up the demands and spent the f*cking money 8/02/2016, 9:44:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Friday after smoking this joint I felt the pain in my body so intense. 8/02/2016, 9:44:48 PM: Bas Liewes: My backbone is weak and I have to get something for myself. 8/02/2016, 9:45:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Make a clear vision of what I want. 8/02/2016, 9:46:07 PM: Bas Liewes: Than its easy to make you part of my new I ideal situation 8/02/2016, 9:46:31 PM: Ge: So what is the vision of what you want? 8/02/2016, 9:47:51 PM: Bas Liewes: I have no clear idea. I want to be happy with what I got. I want to feel this energy from inside instead of artificial mind fuck 8/02/2016, 9:48:24 PM: Ge: You want the energy to flow freely, and everywhere 8/02/2016, 9:48:59 PM: Bas Liewes: It's hard to explain. But I want to feel free and not limited like I live now. 8/02/2016, 9:49:10 PM: Ge: I think I understand 8/02/2016, 9:49:16 PM: Ge: I want the same 8/02/2016, 9:49:17 PM: Bas Liewes: I have everyone putting limitation on me. 8/02/2016, 9:49:26 PM: Bas Liewes: Apart from you.. 8/02/2016, 9:49:38 PM: Bas Liewes: Batavia Stad. Bart. Susanne. 8/02/2016, 9:50:03 PM: Bas Liewes: And of course Frederik ! 8/02/2016, 9:50:32 PM: Bas Liewes: He makes me the happiest guy in the world. 8/02/2016, 9:51:03 PM: Bas Liewes: That's such a contradiction, I need him and for him I need to stay where I am. 8/02/2016, 9:51:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Live is so balanced. 8/02/2016, 9:51:23 PM: Bas Liewes: No easy run away 8/02/2016, 9:51:33 PM: Ge: No, of course 8/02/2016, 9:51:44 PM: Ge: The difficulty is at the level of attachment 8/02/2016, 9:52:16 PM: Ge: Can you hear me? 8/02/2016, 9:52:33 PM: Ge: I can hear you well 8/02/2016, 9:52:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Try again 8/02/2016, 9:52:39 PM: Ge: Restart your phone maybe? 8/02/2016, 9:53:45 PM: Ge: 😭 8/02/2016, 9:54:13 PM: Ge: You need to open tbe shop right 8/02/2016, 9:54:14 PM: Bas Liewes: It's to windy anyway 8/02/2016, 9:54:19 PM: Ge: Can't walk and type 8/02/2016, 9:54:24 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah in 10 minutes 8/02/2016, 9:54:28 PM: Ge: Ok 8/02/2016, 9:54:32 PM: Ge: Go then :) 8/02/2016, 9:54:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes I can. 8/02/2016, 9:54:41 PM: Bas Liewes: Amsterdam is not busy 8/02/2016, 9:54:52 PM: Ge: I don't want you to get run over 8/02/2016, 9:54:57 PM: Ge: I want you alive :) 8/02/2016, 9:55:03 PM: Ge: Very much alive :) 8/02/2016, 9:55:09 PM: Bas Liewes: Don't worry 8/02/2016, 9:55:26 PM: Ge: I know we said this already 8/02/2016, 9:55:30 PM: Ge: But I miss you 8/02/2016, 9:56:12 PM: Ge: Maybe if you restart your phone 8/02/2016, 9:56:30 PM: Ge: It can fix the issue 8/02/2016, 9:56:31 PM: Bas Liewes: 8/02/2016, 9:56:43 PM: Ge: Haha 8/02/2016, 9:56:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Leaving in two minutes. Two passengers 8/02/2016, 9:56:55 PM: Bas Liewes: Hahahaha 8/02/2016, 9:56:59 PM: Ge: Lol 8/02/2016, 9:57:09 PM: Ge: I was about to say something rude about them :) 8/02/2016, 9:57:19 PM: Ge: But karma will take care of them :) 8/02/2016, 9:57:24 PM: Bas Liewes: Do that 8/02/2016, 9:57:37 PM: Bas Liewes: I agree 8/02/2016, 9:57:55 PM: Ge: Saw the photo and first thing that came to mind was "fuck off" 8/02/2016, 9:57:56 PM: Bas Liewes: The rest all noted 8/02/2016, 9:58:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Like you to say this 8/02/2016, 9:58:47 PM: Ge: :) 8/02/2016, 9:59:20 PM: Ge: I can ultra-defensive when someone hurt the people I love 8/02/2016, 9:59:49 PM: Ge: I can get* 8/02/2016, 10:00:12 PM: Bas Liewes: Like you said, I am not always peaceful 8/02/2016, 10:00:25 PM: Ge: you are not at all lol 8/02/2016, 10:00:37 PM: Ge: I wish I can bring this to you 8/02/2016, 10:00:45 PM: Ge: See you relaxed 8/02/2016, 10:00:48 PM: Ge: And content 8/02/2016, 10:00:56 PM: Ge: Blissful 8/02/2016, 10:00:56 PM: Bas Liewes: I hope so too. 8/02/2016, 10:01:08 PM: Bas Liewes: You're a.big inspiration 8/02/2016, 10:01:18 PM: Ge: Really 8/02/2016, 10:01:32 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes! 8/02/2016, 10:01:51 PM: Ge: ☺️ 8/02/2016, 10:01:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Good harmony to stop here 8/02/2016, 10:01:59 PM: Ge: Thank you 8/02/2016, 10:02:06 PM: Ge: Yes :) 8/02/2016, 10:02:07 PM: Bas Liewes: I am nearly there 8/02/2016, 10:02:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 8/02/2016, 10:02:16 PM: Ge: It was a beautiful conversation 8/02/2016, 10:02:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for listening 8/02/2016, 10:02:20 PM: Ge: Thank you for sharing 8/02/2016, 10:02:36 PM: Ge: Thank you 😘😘😘 8/02/2016, 10:02:45 PM: Bas Liewes: We do it right from the start. 8/02/2016, 10:03:01 PM: Ge: I wish I could hold you when you say these things 8/02/2016, 10:03:17 PM: Ge: But know I hold you in my heart when you do 8/02/2016, 10:03:21 PM: Ge: That's how I feel 8/02/2016, 10:03:50 PM: Ge: Yes we do :) 8/02/2016, 10:04:21 PM: Bas Liewes: X 8/02/2016, 10:04:30 PM: Ge: I'll let you go now. Focus 100% on your day! We reconnect later 8/02/2016, 10:04:43 PM: Ge: There will always be time 8/02/2016, 10:04:47 PM: Ge: xxx 8/02/2016, 10:04:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes !! 9/02/2016, 12:20:41 AM: Bas Liewes: 9/02/2016, 12:20:41 AM: Bas Liewes: 9/02/2016, 12:20:43 AM: Bas Liewes: 9/02/2016, 12:21:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Just a little paint and job done ! 9/02/2016, 12:21:12 AM: Ge: Love the brick wall! 9/02/2016, 12:22:03 AM: Ge: Hopefully you can chill out a bit now :) 9/02/2016, 12:26:07 AM: Ge: I am about to curl up around my pillow and sleep. Hopefully you'll be around in my dreams tonight (yesterday night I dreamt about breaking my phone screen again, right in the middle of a (small) terrorist attack - and caring more about my phone. Breaking that phone must have been more traumatising than I thought :) my brain is sending me messages about getting my priorities in the right order!) Wishing a great afternoon! xxx 9/02/2016, 12:28:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks! You sleep well / sweet dreams. I will have a sandwich ! Xx 9/02/2016, 12:28:24 AM: Ge: Thanks :) 9/02/2016, 11:06:53 AM: Ge: https://www.facebook.com/verge/videos/1033847299984946/ 9/02/2016, 11:17:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Fun video. It gives you the slightest idea of what will happen when every household has its own 3D printer. At least 1 More landfill 😭 9/02/2016, 11:17:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey !! 9/02/2016, 11:17:55 AM: Ge: never thought about landfill but you are right!! 9/02/2016, 11:18:10 AM: Bas Liewes: I do 9/02/2016, 11:18:11 AM: Ge: business opportunities for biodegradable 3D printing plastic :) 9/02/2016, 11:18:13 AM: Ge: hey ;) 9/02/2016, 11:18:25 AM: Ge: you always think about these things :) 9/02/2016, 11:18:27 AM: Bas Liewes: 9/02/2016, 11:18:35 AM: Ge: I also like that about you (until you pester me too much) 9/02/2016, 11:18:36 AM: Bas Liewes: This is Lego batman 9/02/2016, 11:18:40 AM: Ge: haha 9/02/2016, 11:18:46 AM: Ge: (and that carpet.......) 9/02/2016, 11:19:05 AM: Bas Liewes: We bought this for Christmas,,,,,,€100 plus 9/02/2016, 11:19:11 AM: Ge: Legos and Playmobil... I would still play with them 9/02/2016, 11:19:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Than Star Wars came out 9/02/2016, 11:19:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Batman sucks 9/02/2016, 11:19:33 AM: Ge: And Batman feels lonely :) 9/02/2016, 11:19:35 AM: Ge: haha 9/02/2016, 11:19:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha yeah 9/02/2016, 11:19:47 AM: Ge: marketing... 😣 9/02/2016, 11:20:00 AM: Bas Liewes: The joker was a bit to scary too 9/02/2016, 11:20:12 AM: Bas Liewes: He was already a lonely guy. 9/02/2016, 11:20:28 AM: Ge: he does look scary 9/02/2016, 11:20:30 AM: Ge: (just checked) 9/02/2016, 11:20:34 AM: Bas Liewes: But Dutch eBay will love it just before eastern. 9/02/2016, 11:20:37 AM: Ge: yes, Batman was already lonely :) 9/02/2016, 11:20:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. 9/02/2016, 11:20:59 AM: Bas Liewes: I take that very personal 9/02/2016, 11:21:16 AM: Ge: That Batman was lonely or eBay? :-D 9/02/2016, 11:21:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I thought you meant me :-) 9/02/2016, 11:21:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:22:19 AM: Ge: Alone in your batcave :) 9/02/2016, 11:22:33 AM: Ge: plenty of toys but all by himself! 9/02/2016, 11:23:10 AM: Ge: 9/02/2016, 11:23:19 AM: Ge: or maybe not ^_^ 9/02/2016, 11:23:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, if my friends don't come along I might turn it into a garage for my batmobile. 9/02/2016, 11:23:30 AM: Ge: lol 9/02/2016, 11:23:55 AM: Bas Liewes: That's reality guy. Is my son watching this ???πŸ˜‚ 9/02/2016, 11:24:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Guy gay 9/02/2016, 11:24:26 AM: Ge: well, that;s reality too ;) 9/02/2016, 11:25:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol, By the way. sometimes thinking about you and that you're being together with girls. 9/02/2016, 11:25:54 AM: Ge: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:25:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Is that still on your mind ? 9/02/2016, 11:26:08 AM: Ge: Sometimes but I'm not bi 9/02/2016, 11:26:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Scares the shit out of me 9/02/2016, 11:26:18 AM: Ge: It's more opportunity and experimentation 9/02/2016, 11:26:20 AM: Ge: Why? 9/02/2016, 11:26:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Imagine myself watching in the best scenario 9/02/2016, 11:26:52 AM: Ge: I won't run away with a girl ;) 9/02/2016, 11:27:14 AM: Bas Liewes: What do I do ? Fucking join ? 9/02/2016, 11:27:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Where do I look? 9/02/2016, 11:27:42 AM: Ge: Haha why not. If you want. 9/02/2016, 11:27:54 AM: Ge: Not pressure to perform! 9/02/2016, 11:28:01 AM: Ge: If it's not fun it's not worth it 9/02/2016, 11:28:02 AM: Bas Liewes: I like to start with you. 9/02/2016, 11:28:09 AM: Ge: Me too! 9/02/2016, 11:28:10 AM: Bas Liewes: 1000 times. 9/02/2016, 11:28:15 AM: Ge: Not ready to share you 9/02/2016, 11:28:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Than my sexual energy is transformed in spirituality 9/02/2016, 11:28:54 AM: Ge: I want to try tantric sex with you 9/02/2016, 11:29:02 AM: Bas Liewes: And I won't give a tight pussy about it. 9/02/2016, 11:29:05 AM: Ge: I think you are the perfect partner for that 9/02/2016, 11:29:08 AM: Ge: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:29:34 AM: Bas Liewes: I have no idea about it. 9/02/2016, 11:29:49 AM: Ge: Combination of spirituality and sex 9/02/2016, 11:29:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Meditating. Not coming at all. No performance. 9/02/2016, 11:30:12 AM: Ge: Goes further than just physical 9/02/2016, 11:30:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Let it come and when it comes breath it away 9/02/2016, 11:30:26 AM: Ge: It's all about the connection 9/02/2016, 11:30:31 AM: Ge: Yes :) 9/02/2016, 11:30:50 AM: Bas Liewes: Then we better stay on the couch and keep talking 9/02/2016, 11:30:55 AM: Ge: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:31:10 AM: Bas Liewes: But I am very open for an introduction 9/02/2016, 11:31:28 AM: Ge: We won't be talking for long if we don't have discipline lol 9/02/2016, 11:31:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Also for your "press my belly" and all your other tricks. 9/02/2016, 11:32:14 AM: Ge: It is just a framework anyway and we already connect very deeply 9/02/2016, 11:32:15 AM: Ge: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:32:16 AM: Ge: Yes 9/02/2016, 11:32:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Shot your mouth and take this ?? 9/02/2016, 11:32:28 AM: Ge: I am ready to teach you all I know about myself :) 9/02/2016, 11:32:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Shut 9/02/2016, 11:32:34 AM: Bas Liewes: The shot comes later 9/02/2016, 11:32:50 AM: Ge: And I hope you'll do the same 9/02/2016, 11:32:52 AM: Ge: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:33:12 AM: Bas Liewes: Exactly, all I know 9/02/2016, 11:33:23 AM: Ge: About yourself 9/02/2016, 11:33:30 AM: Bas Liewes: But first rough, hard and quick. 9/02/2016, 11:33:34 AM: Ge: And then we grow from there 9/02/2016, 11:33:41 AM: Ge: Haha for sure!! 9/02/2016, 11:33:44 AM: Ge: My favourite 9/02/2016, 11:33:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Perfect. 9/02/2016, 11:34:05 AM: Ge: Anytime, almost anywhere πŸ˜‰ 9/02/2016, 11:34:20 AM: Bas Liewes: That's so new to me 9/02/2016, 11:34:46 AM: Ge: New or back in your youth? 9/02/2016, 11:34:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I Am the showstopper. I like certain comfort 9/02/2016, 11:35:15 AM: Ge: Well, when the urge is there 😜 9/02/2016, 11:35:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Back in the days. 9/02/2016, 11:35:56 AM: Ge: See, not too new. Just need to go back there :) 9/02/2016, 11:36:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Remember, I am 7 years older. Talking about 25 years ago..gosh am I an old man 9/02/2016, 11:36:56 AM: Bas Liewes: I like new trails. 9/02/2016, 11:37:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:37:22 AM: Ge: You're only old if you decide to be :) 9/02/2016, 11:37:30 AM: Ge: We'll be nice with your knees 😜 9/02/2016, 11:38:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't like carpet. Just wooden floors preferable. 9/02/2016, 11:38:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Easy to clean too 9/02/2016, 11:38:29 AM: Ge: And no carpet burns ^_^ 9/02/2016, 11:39:01 AM: Bas Liewes: 😜 better wax the wood 9/02/2016, 11:39:13 AM: Ge: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:40:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Keeps your pussy fresh, so I can lick you between the fuck sessions! 9/02/2016, 11:40:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Hello ! Still there ? 9/02/2016, 11:41:11 AM: Ge: Why do you think I have 2 showers a day :) 9/02/2016, 11:41:19 AM: Ge: (My colleagues are here) 9/02/2016, 11:41:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:41:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Don't share :-) just blush 9/02/2016, 11:41:51 AM: Ge: Haha I do! 9/02/2016, 11:41:53 AM: Bas Liewes: And run to the bathroom. 9/02/2016, 11:42:21 AM: Ge: We are in a meeting and I keep giggling 9/02/2016, 11:43:06 AM: Ge: I keep thinking about you licking me 9/02/2016, 11:43:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Must be interesting than. No need for so much showering now. 9/02/2016, 11:43:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Or did I make you wet ? 9/02/2016, 11:43:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I guess so. 9/02/2016, 11:43:34 AM: Bas Liewes: I love to lick. 9/02/2016, 11:43:48 AM: Ge: Reaaaally 9/02/2016, 11:44:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Never do this at home. Susanne doesn't like it at all. 9/02/2016, 11:44:17 AM: Ge: You can make me like it :) 9/02/2016, 11:44:24 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to compensate there tool 9/02/2016, 11:44:35 AM: Ge: And I'll tell you all about what I like :) 9/02/2016, 11:44:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow. 9/02/2016, 11:45:21 AM: Bas Liewes: I haven't had any problems before Susanne. 9/02/2016, 11:46:32 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes please. Tell me how to get your moule right in the sweet spot. Suck it soft lick it hard. Kiss lick fuck and again and again. 9/02/2016, 11:46:45 AM: Ge: Omg 9/02/2016, 11:46:52 AM: Ge: I just turned red 9/02/2016, 11:47:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Hold my head and pull it hard in your pussy. 9/02/2016, 11:47:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Like to get my nose in your wet. 9/02/2016, 11:47:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Stop reading if you can't handle. 9/02/2016, 11:47:29 AM: Ge: πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 9/02/2016, 11:47:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:47:38 AM: Ge: Seriously I am all wet now 9/02/2016, 11:47:46 AM: Ge: And my heart is racing 9/02/2016, 11:48:09 AM: Ge: I'll show what to do with your fingers... 9/02/2016, 11:48:14 AM: Bas Liewes: My dick is pounding 9/02/2016, 11:48:32 AM: Bas Liewes: In my pants for g sakes 9/02/2016, 11:48:33 AM: Ge: There is one thing that drives me totally nuts 9/02/2016, 11:48:36 AM: Ge: Haha 9/02/2016, 11:48:38 AM: Ge: Me too 9/02/2016, 11:48:41 AM: Ge: I feel it 9/02/2016, 11:48:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Tell me 9/02/2016, 11:48:59 AM: Ge: I think I told you already 9/02/2016, 11:49:04 AM: Ge: Called the deep spot 9/02/2016, 11:49:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes 9/02/2016, 11:49:19 AM: Ge: It is the strongest thing ever 9/02/2016, 11:49:25 AM: Bas Liewes: You told me. I would love to figure that out. 9/02/2016, 11:49:31 AM: Ge: I almost pass out from the pleasure 9/02/2016, 11:49:37 AM: Ge: I will show you 9/02/2016, 11:49:51 AM: Bas Liewes: I like to feel it. 9/02/2016, 11:50:28 AM: Ge: Yes :) 9/02/2016, 11:50:37 AM: Bas Liewes: We do very well ! 9/02/2016, 11:50:56 AM: Ge: If you get this you can ask me ANYTHING afterwards 9/02/2016, 11:50:59 AM: Bas Liewes: With our professional approach 9/02/2016, 11:51:09 AM: Ge: Lol yes 9/02/2016, 11:52:06 AM: Bas Liewes: If you tell me, I will probably find it. If not, I bang you so hard that we get there somehow 9/02/2016, 11:52:30 AM: Ge: Lol 9/02/2016, 11:52:49 AM: Ge: If you can get there with your dick... 9/02/2016, 11:52:54 AM: Ge: Fireworks 9/02/2016, 11:53:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Can I approach it when you are doggy style. 9/02/2016, 11:53:13 AM: Ge: But I donmt think it's reachable this way... 9/02/2016, 11:53:15 AM: Bas Liewes: With my fingers first 9/02/2016, 11:53:16 AM: Ge: Ha maybe! 9/02/2016, 11:53:18 AM: Ge: Yes 9/02/2016, 11:53:26 AM: Ge: You need to push a bit hard on it 9/02/2016, 11:53:31 AM: Ge: (not too hard) 9/02/2016, 11:54:03 AM: Bas Liewes: And hold you tight around you waist / belly 9/02/2016, 11:54:09 AM: Ge: Basically when you oush down on my belly you activate the same spot... 9/02/2016, 11:54:20 AM: Ge: Grab me hard, yes :) 9/02/2016, 11:54:27 AM: Bas Liewes: We do both 9/02/2016, 11:55:13 AM: Bas Liewes: God, do i wish i could fuck you now 9/02/2016, 11:55:17 AM: Ge: So many things I want to do to you :) 9/02/2016, 11:55:22 AM: Ge: Haha brainwave 9/02/2016, 11:55:29 AM: Ge: Straight on the couch 9/02/2016, 11:55:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Sit on my dick. 9/02/2016, 11:55:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Kiss my ears. 9/02/2016, 11:56:14 AM: Ge: Pull your hair... Grab your throat 9/02/2016, 11:56:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Move on your side. 9/02/2016, 11:56:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Let me press your tiny pussy and let my dick slip in your wet. 9/02/2016, 11:57:12 AM: Ge: Awwe 9/02/2016, 11:57:22 AM: Ge: I can almost feel you 9/02/2016, 11:57:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck you like my life depends on it 9/02/2016, 11:57:36 AM: Ge: Yeeeees 9/02/2016, 11:57:38 AM: Bas Liewes: And your. Hold your neck. 9/02/2016, 11:58:02 AM: Ge: Pull my hair 9/02/2016, 11:58:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Doggy style. Pull your arms. Fuck you deep 9/02/2016, 11:58:23 AM: Bas Liewes: Deep and wet. 9/02/2016, 11:58:31 AM: Ge: Yes 9/02/2016, 11:58:48 AM: Ge: That's how I like it 9/02/2016, 11:59:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Spread my load in your pussy. Let you drip 9/02/2016, 11:59:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Lick it (this time) 9/02/2016, 11:59:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck you again 9/02/2016, 11:59:57 AM: Bas Liewes: My tongue searching for new places. 9/02/2016, 12:00:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Your neck. 9/02/2016, 12:00:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Your back. 9/02/2016, 12:00:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Your ass 9/02/2016, 12:00:23 PM: Ge: Omg... 9/02/2016, 12:01:00 PM: Bas Liewes: Focus ! 9/02/2016, 12:01:12 PM: Ge: It's getting hard 9/02/2016, 12:01:24 PM: Ge: (Like you!) 9/02/2016, 12:01:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah i think that I will help myself. 9/02/2016, 12:02:17 PM: Ge: I wish I had more space to tell you everything I want you to do to me 9/02/2016, 12:02:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Enough flashes. 9/02/2016, 12:02:40 PM: Bas Liewes: And my dick is wet :-) 9/02/2016, 12:03:11 PM: Ge: I want to lick it now 9/02/2016, 12:03:11 PM: Bas Liewes: I hope that we can live it one day. 9/02/2016, 12:03:40 PM: Ge: Keep dreaming about it. It will happen 9/02/2016, 12:07:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Back to reality. My come has just been flushed 😎 9/02/2016, 12:07:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Time to relax ! Xx 9/02/2016, 12:08:06 PM: Ge: Inwish I could have been there 9/02/2016, 12:08:13 PM: Ge: 100 % focus on you 9/02/2016, 12:08:27 PM: Ge: Will be better next time 9/02/2016, 12:09:09 PM: Ge: I will read our conversation later... 9/02/2016, 12:09:13 PM: Ge: And come myself :) 9/02/2016, 12:09:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, my head is light ! I sneak out. Enjoying this ! Xx 9/02/2016, 12:10:01 PM: Ge: Big big hugs :) 9/02/2016, 12:10:05 PM: Ge: And a wet kiss :) 9/02/2016, 12:10:15 PM: Ge: My pussy is so wet ^_^ 9/02/2016, 10:59:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Almost bedtime ? I have to run. I have been doing a lot of whattsapps emails and phonecalls to everybody. Now some practical stuff to do. Yourself ? God, you made me horny hot. Did you have a change to get some relief ? 9/02/2016, 10:59:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Sleep well ! 9/02/2016, 10:59:29 PM: Ge: still working :) 9/02/2016, 10:59:35 PM: Ge: but will jump in bed soon 9/02/2016, 10:59:38 PM: Ge: my turn :) 9/02/2016, 11:01:00 PM: Ge: I have kept our conversation aside to go back to it when I go to bed later tonight.. But I couldn't help having a quick look quite a few times this afternoon, and your messages made me blush bright red every time! 9/02/2016, 11:01:25 PM: Ge: I wish I could have been more available to be fully with you in that moment :) 9/02/2016, 11:01:45 PM: Ge: but you seemed to have managed pretty well on your own, my god πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 9/02/2016, 11:01:57 PM: Ge: that was insanely hot 9/02/2016, 11:02:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! 9/02/2016, 11:02:18 PM: Ge: all this while I was getting bombarded with questions during the meeting lol 9/02/2016, 11:02:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Hana. 9/02/2016, 11:02:31 PM: Ge: they only had 25% of my brain!!! 9/02/2016, 11:02:47 PM: Ge: I was wet all day 9/02/2016, 11:03:06 PM: Ge: I almost thought about having a shower, so sticky :) 9/02/2016, 11:03:10 PM: Ge: but then I had no time 9/02/2016, 11:03:13 PM: Bas Liewes: I make it worse next time 9/02/2016, 11:03:28 PM: Ge: haha, you sent a shiver through my spine 9/02/2016, 11:03:31 PM: Ge: just saying this :) 9/02/2016, 11:04:01 PM: Ge: I could almost feel your hands on me the whole time. Your hands and everything else. 9/02/2016, 11:04:13 PM: Ge: But hey, I don't want to make you loose focus on your day :) 9/02/2016, 11:08:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Phonecalls kill my sex ! 9/02/2016, 11:08:52 PM: Ge: lol 9/02/2016, 11:08:59 PM: Ge: you had enough yesterday ;) 9/02/2016, 11:09:04 PM: Ge: time to focus again :) 10/02/2016, 12:47:31 AM: Ge: ok, time to go to bed 10/02/2016, 12:47:41 AM: Ge: I am falling asleep on my keyboard 10/02/2016, 12:49:24 AM: Ge: nice clean shower to start with, then some personal loving to relax, while running about your naughty conversation in my head :) 10/02/2016, 1:06:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Hope you can catch right energy 10/02/2016, 1:06:18 AM: Ge: won't be too hard :) 10/02/2016, 1:06:24 AM: Ge: it's been buzzing in my head all day! 10/02/2016, 1:06:30 AM: Ge: (and in my pants) 10/02/2016, 1:41:21 AM: Ge: Done ;) 10/02/2016, 1:41:43 AM: Ge: Sleepy time! Wishing you a nice afternoon xxx 10/02/2016, 8:36:58 AM: Ge: Online ;) 10/02/2016, 8:39:35 AM: Ge: Not anymore πŸ˜„ 10/02/2016, 8:39:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes i am 10/02/2016, 8:40:20 AM: Ge: Leaving you alone - you must either be at the gym with Frederik or at home with the kids 10/02/2016, 8:40:26 AM: Ge: Just wanted to say a quick hi 10/02/2016, 8:40:59 AM: Ge: And tell you you were a great source of inspiration yesterday night and this morning 😜 10/02/2016, 8:41:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Frederik and Susanne are just going upstairs. Susanne is going to sleep too. She studies until late at night and after three night until 3 o'clock, she's done. I have the evening for myself. 10/02/2016, 8:42:01 AM: Bas Liewes: HahA !! 10/02/2016, 8:42:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Aaaaa 10/02/2016, 8:42:25 AM: Ge: I am starting to get sore I have to stop :) 10/02/2016, 8:42:42 AM: Bas Liewes: But I need to have a break from screens and communication. 10/02/2016, 8:42:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow 10/02/2016, 8:43:04 AM: Ge: Yes I get that. Have some rest! 10/02/2016, 8:43:12 AM: Bas Liewes: What time do you start working? 10/02/2016, 8:43:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Maybe in two hours time ? 10/02/2016, 8:43:24 AM: Ge: Anytime I want 10/02/2016, 8:43:35 AM: Ge: I have a call with Ross at 11 10/02/2016, 8:43:41 AM: Ge: Just need to prepare a bit 10/02/2016, 8:43:47 AM: Ge: We are talking $$$ 10/02/2016, 8:44:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Then stop rubbing:-) 10/02/2016, 8:44:21 AM: Ge: Lol 10/02/2016, 8:44:39 AM: Ge: Yeah I have to go take a shower now 10/02/2016, 8:44:45 AM: Ge: I am all sticky ;) 10/02/2016, 8:54:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Bloody phone call!! I bought a new iPhone, an offer I couldn't refuse. 160€ for a 64gb 6S, I have a sim only, but Vodafone offers this deal. Good stuff. I am so tired that i haven't even unpacked it. I try to save it till eastern. How Calvinistic πŸ˜‡ 10/02/2016, 8:54:18 AM: Ge: Lol 10/02/2016, 8:54:39 AM: Bas Liewes: But you have other luxury problems. A sticky moule !! 10/02/2016, 8:54:54 AM: Ge: You are missing out on a good phone for 2 months :) 10/02/2016, 8:55:08 AM: Ge: Why inflicting so much pain on yourself lol 10/02/2016, 8:55:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I want to help you... 10/02/2016, 8:55:31 AM: Ge: Yes please!! 10/02/2016, 8:55:50 AM: Ge: Just those words already made my heart jump a little 10/02/2016, 8:55:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Get rid of the sticky 10/02/2016, 8:56:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Make it stinky. 10/02/2016, 8:56:13 AM: Ge: πŸ˜„ 10/02/2016, 8:56:26 AM: Ge: well it's ready 10/02/2016, 8:57:06 AM: Bas Liewes: That's better. I will not do the same thing as yesterday. 10/02/2016, 8:57:32 AM: Ge: Why :) 10/02/2016, 8:58:05 AM: Bas Liewes: To let you focus on the money talk. 10/02/2016, 8:58:52 AM: Ge: Fast and rough and out the door 10/02/2016, 8:58:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Not disruption and eruptions this time. Save it for an other time 10/02/2016, 8:59:19 AM: Ge: A recipe for a great breakfast! 10/02/2016, 8:59:39 AM: Ge: (although I am more an evening person) 10/02/2016, 8:59:42 AM: Bas Liewes: I will tell you then how my tongue will play with your clit. 10/02/2016, 9:00:06 AM: Bas Liewes: While my hands give your ass a good massage. 10/02/2016, 9:00:12 AM: Ge: awww. Just got an electric shock 10/02/2016, 9:00:39 AM: Ge: Be soft... It is very sensitive. Very 10/02/2016, 9:00:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Lick it like I haven't done that for ages. 10/02/2016, 9:01:14 AM: Ge: Playing around it drives me nuts... 10/02/2016, 9:01:45 AM: Bas Liewes: My nuts in your mouth. 10/02/2016, 9:01:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Now go!! 10/02/2016, 9:02:16 AM: Bas Liewes: While you suck my balls I can wank myself 10/02/2016, 9:02:25 AM: Ge: Oh yes 10/02/2016, 9:02:34 AM: Ge: I want to watch doing that 10/02/2016, 9:02:51 AM: Ge: While I lick and suck your balls 10/02/2016, 9:03:11 AM: Ge: So exciting 10/02/2016, 9:03:22 AM: Bas Liewes: My hard dick I front of your eyes seeing how I move my hips and get so horny. 10/02/2016, 9:03:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Turn around when you are ready. 10/02/2016, 9:04:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Belly down, ass up 10/02/2016, 9:04:13 AM: Ge: Grab my ass 10/02/2016, 9:04:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Hands around everything 10/02/2016, 9:04:26 AM: Ge: And hold my hips 10/02/2016, 9:04:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Ass belly, finger in your mouth. Suck it 10/02/2016, 9:05:24 AM: Ge: I will want to go back to sucking your dick if you do that... 10/02/2016, 9:05:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Dick in your hot lovely cave. You choice which cave 10/02/2016, 9:06:08 AM: Bas Liewes: But all will get sore. 10/02/2016, 9:06:38 AM: Ge: You are making me so wet 10/02/2016, 9:07:48 AM: Bas Liewes: I know, and this is just the beginning, I fuck you crazy 10/02/2016, 9:08:13 AM: Ge: I came twice already 10/02/2016, 9:08:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Your pussy gets filled. 10/02/2016, 9:08:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Sweet. I like that very much. 10/02/2016, 9:09:04 AM: Ge: I am SO wet! 10/02/2016, 9:09:18 AM: Bas Liewes: My cock want to come in your pussy, give you that warm load. 10/02/2016, 9:09:30 AM: Ge: I want it so badly 10/02/2016, 9:09:53 AM: Ge: I can feel my pussy contracting just at the thought of it 10/02/2016, 9:10:41 AM: Bas Liewes: I remember your traction very well. There's a huge power down there. 10/02/2016, 9:10:53 AM: Ge: You remember :) 10/02/2016, 9:10:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Squeeze my dick. 10/02/2016, 9:11:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey ! 10/02/2016, 9:11:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Sure I do. 10/02/2016, 9:11:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I try to forget about it. 10/02/2016, 9:11:51 AM: Ge: I also remember your hands down my pants... 10/02/2016, 9:12:17 AM: Ge: And how hard I had to fight myself not to drop my pants entirely 10/02/2016, 9:12:49 AM: Ge: And feeling so warm, so wet and so sensitive from feeling your fingers 10/02/2016, 9:13:05 AM: Ge: I could feel my heartbeat between my legs 10/02/2016, 9:13:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Well done. We can always say that we fought against it 10/02/2016, 9:14:07 AM: Bas Liewes: That heartbeat come in your toes, I let you feel it everywhere 10/02/2016, 9:14:14 AM: Ge: We did. We had all the occasions we wanted to cross the line, and we fought against it 10/02/2016, 9:14:20 AM: Ge: Yes... 10/02/2016, 9:14:30 AM: Ge: I feel the heat running down my back 10/02/2016, 9:14:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Cream your feet and fuck you between your both feet 10/02/2016, 9:15:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry! I was somewhere else 10/02/2016, 9:15:31 AM: Ge: Never tried that... Seems really good!!! 10/02/2016, 9:16:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Press my hands around your feet and than watch your eyes everytime my dickhead comes through. 10/02/2016, 9:17:26 AM: Ge: Yes... Looking into each others' eyes is such a turn on 10/02/2016, 9:17:35 AM: Bas Liewes: But I think that staring at your pussy in the same moment will make it not so long lasting. 10/02/2016, 9:18:00 AM: Bas Liewes: My Dick wants to fill that up. 10/02/2016, 9:18:39 AM: Ge: Yes... And I want to feel your full body weight on me 10/02/2016, 9:18:47 AM: Ge: All of it 10/02/2016, 9:19:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to take a brake! No problem to put all weight on you. 10/02/2016, 9:19:14 AM: Ge: Maximum skin contact, and pushing hard 10/02/2016, 9:19:24 AM: Bas Liewes: You can get it 10/02/2016, 9:19:45 AM: Bas Liewes: ScRub your skin. 10/02/2016, 9:19:54 AM: Ge: Done well, it's even better than doggy style 10/02/2016, 9:20:03 AM: Ge: So intense 10/02/2016, 9:20:14 AM: Ge: So close, moving our hips together 10/02/2016, 9:20:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Introduce me there. This is new. 10/02/2016, 9:20:21 AM: Ge: Grabbing each other 10/02/2016, 9:20:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Mmmm 10/02/2016, 9:20:45 AM: Ge: Improved missionary I guess 10/02/2016, 9:20:58 AM: Bas Liewes: I am out !! Go to work you smart ass. 10/02/2016, 9:21:07 AM: Ge: It can be the sexiest position in the world 10/02/2016, 9:21:20 AM: Ge: Have a nice evening 😜 10/02/2016, 9:21:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 10/02/2016, 9:21:44 AM: Bas Liewes: You too, wettest chick I know 10/02/2016, 9:21:58 AM: Ge: πŸ˜‰ 10/02/2016, 9:22:39 AM: Bas Liewes: That icon is really you ! 10/02/2016, 9:22:53 AM: Ge: Haha 10/02/2016, 9:23:08 AM: Ge: πŸ† this one is you? 10/02/2016, 9:26:55 AM: Bas Liewes: If that's your little help, you might be disappointed. 10/02/2016, 9:27:27 AM: Ge: Eggplants are small here. Not enough water. No worries 10/02/2016, 9:27:44 AM: Ge: You can wear a strap on 10/02/2016, 9:29:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, and this is getting worse every year. El NiΓ±o is taking care of that. Indonesia, Nz and Australia will get dryer and dryer. South America wetter. 10/02/2016, 9:29:32 AM: Ge: I feel south american today! 10/02/2016, 9:29:37 AM: Ge: Ok, bad joke 10/02/2016, 10:04:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, like your sweaty humor 10/02/2016, 10:14:06 AM: Ge: Couldn't help it 😝 Finally had a shower. 5 times today 😳 I am soooo full of energy!!! Work is going to be awesome today, what I needed to get back on track. Thank youuu!! 10/02/2016, 10:42:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, you're amazing. But I knew that already. Have a good day. Fry Ross !! 10/02/2016, 9:53:50 PM: Ge: Thanks :) 10/02/2016, 11:16:44 PM: Ge: Good morning!!! I am about to jump in bed. Long exhausting day πŸ˜‰ 10/02/2016, 11:17:12 PM: Ge: Where can I send this brainstorming stuff I wrote down about your pop up spaces website? 10/02/2016, 11:18:20 PM: Ge: Actually, easier if I give you the link to the .doc file directly 10/02/2016, 11:18:22 PM: Ge: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5qts7af2xp0pbm/Pop%20up%20stores%20%26%20Event%20Spaces.docx?dl=0 10/02/2016, 11:22:07 PM: Ge: (don't stress out about the polished look or the file, just using a template!) 10/02/2016, 11:24:44 PM: Ge: I had a conversation with Philippe tonight. Denmark plans are starting to roll (he knows about my plans) Will give him a new figure for my retainer fee and get all the social media accounts to manage. I will also sign up for the immigration agent course 1/2 financed by Philippe and 1/2 myself. Also taking the Hogan assessment training next week in Wellington (nothing to do with Philippe) 10/02/2016, 11:24:55 PM: Ge: Things are starting to get busy again :) 11/02/2016, 12:06:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Very nice! Focused πŸ˜‚ After 5 times, you had no impulse to think about sex !! See what a productive energy 11/02/2016, 12:06:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Sleep well. 11/02/2016, 12:07:21 AM: Bas Liewes: I am just finished my master piece, all walls are repainted. Now I will swop the floor and they love me to come back next winter. 11/02/2016, 12:58:57 AM: Ge: Yes! Productive day, not as much as I want to but that's a start! The immigration stuff is a 2 year part time course, really not looking forward to it. But then I have the licence for life and can always create a business with it. Apparently it's valid to do visas for Australia as well... I only need to do 1 visa per month to have a good life so what's 2 years of studying part time! 😭😭 11/02/2016, 12:59:44 AM: Ge: (average fee for 1 visa is NZ $4500) 11/02/2016, 1:00:40 AM: Ge: The Hogan stuff can also bring some nice revenue. Then maybe I can tell everyone to go to hell and work only for myself, with an admin team :) 11/02/2016, 1:01:12 AM: Ge: Then I have time to do really cool side projects. Such as the pop-up store stuff ;) 11/02/2016, 1:01:51 AM: Ge: Anyway, dreams dreams dreams, off to bed now after a good shower, I am all stinky πŸ˜‰ 11/02/2016, 3:12:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Sounds like plan. 11/02/2016, 3:22:19 AM: Bas Liewes: The business plan is a good start, I should make some time to work it out. Seeing myself as a multitasking networker !! Instead of a box calf with varicose veins :-) 11/02/2016, 3:22:29 AM: Bas Liewes: http://www.treehugger.com/culture/dude-making-difference-review.html 11/02/2016, 3:22:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Fun video 11/02/2016, 3:23:49 AM: Bas Liewes: It bit like I would like to be, but thanks god, my lifestyle doesn't allow me to be such a hippy. 11/02/2016, 5:03:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Just met the retail manager of Marlies Dekker. Nice bloke with a huge network. Very helpful. 11/02/2016, 7:55:16 AM: Ge: I guess it is a fairly simple business plan to start with... $ for the website + $$ initial marketing + a list of potential suppliers and off you go! The subject seems to be fairly new - there is competition in the market but their offer is really basic and unattractive, from the limited research I've made. I remember struggling to find a space for my event last December and how frustrating / time consuming it was. Finding creativespaces.com.au was a big relief, not only for spaces, but for ideas and creativity. 11/02/2016, 7:59:03 AM: Ge: Marlies Dekker, good networking ;) 11/02/2016, 8:01:06 AM: Ge: As for lifestyle, fun video but really extreme :) thumbs up to the guy for being so commited, would you give up your current lifestyle to do the same if you could? (curious to know) 11/02/2016, 8:01:20 AM: Ge: I see this as an inspiration: 11/02/2016, 8:01:28 AM: Ge: http://www.zerowastehome.com 11/02/2016, 8:11:51 AM: Ge: I had started to implement these principles when I was in Sydney, bulk buying and delivery of local fruits and veggs to avoid the supermarket entirely, I had a worm farm (no space for a compost bin), was conscious about choosing products with less or biodegradable packaging, and my wardrobe follows these principles (great now that I live in a suitcase!) I hope to be able to do the same and go even further when I'll be in Denmark, including with the baby (if not too challenging since I'll be on my own) 11/02/2016, 8:14:34 AM: Ge: A good list of tips: http://www.zerowastehome.com/p/tips.html?m=1 11/02/2016, 8:23:21 AM: Ge: Most of her original articles are gone now that she has published her book (I bought it) but there are plenty of resources all over the web if you are looking for ideas. This and being electricity and water independent is a dream I'd like to achieve :) 11/02/2016, 9:15:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Good evening ! Today is my Barts meeting. Therefor focus! Sorry for the silence 11/02/2016, 9:15:54 PM: Ge: Hey no worries :) 11/02/2016, 9:16:23 PM: Ge: I know you need to keep focused 11/02/2016, 9:17:38 PM: Ge: and I rather be an inspiring factor than a disturbing one ;) 11/02/2016, 9:17:49 PM: Bas Liewes: As long as you know. 11/02/2016, 9:17:51 PM: Ge: but thank you for letting me know! 11/02/2016, 9:18:02 PM: Ge: yes, I appreciate 11/02/2016, 9:18:16 PM: Ge: you told me before I started to wonder ;) 11/02/2016, 9:18:42 PM: Ge: I wish you good luck for your meeting with Bart 11/02/2016, 9:19:09 PM: Ge: and that you can open your wings fully!! 11/02/2016, 9:21:14 PM: Ge: Tell him you have a plan and a structure around it to deliver πŸ™‚ 11/02/2016, 9:21:16 PM: Ge: xxx 11/02/2016, 9:42:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay ! Good tip, i haven't got the plan yet, but 7 months of preparation should be enough to make it a smooth operation. On the other hand, I am at my best when I feel the pressure and have to think out of the box. 11/02/2016, 9:45:45 PM: Ge: Haha yeah but he doesn't to know that :) just thay everything will be under control and that you will appreciate his input when it's formalised blah blah. Keep the boss happy and not worried πŸ˜„ 11/02/2016, 9:45:55 PM: Ge: doesn't need* 11/02/2016, 9:48:53 PM: Bas Liewes: I am THE boss 11/02/2016, 9:49:09 PM: Ge: Haha 11/02/2016, 9:49:28 PM: Ge: Ok, keep the partner happy then. 11/02/2016, 9:49:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Team ! 11/02/2016, 9:49:41 PM: Ge: Good luck, boss! 11/02/2016, 9:49:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks partner 11/02/2016, 9:50:00 PM: Ge: Yes, team you are right 11/02/2016, 9:50:09 PM: Ge: Trust comes with transparency 11/02/2016, 9:50:27 PM: Ge: Don't let my political side overwhelm your natural style ;) 11/02/2016, 9:50:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Exactly! I will tell Susanne 11/02/2016, 9:51:29 PM: Bas Liewes: That's how I do my business :-) Straight forward. 11/02/2016, 9:51:45 PM: Bas Liewes: It's a big change for both of us. 11/02/2016, 9:52:00 PM: Bas Liewes: My existence doesn't depend on Barts. 11/02/2016, 9:52:04 PM: Ge: Bart? Or Susanne? 11/02/2016, 9:52:09 PM: Bas Liewes: Maybe in the future. 11/02/2016, 9:52:10 PM: Ge: Not sure I follow :) 11/02/2016, 9:52:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Bart. 11/02/2016, 9:52:41 PM: Bas Liewes: Susanne I tell about transparency. 11/02/2016, 9:53:04 PM: Bas Liewes: I am in Amsterdam! Xx 11/02/2016, 9:53:27 PM: Ge: Ok... Tell her what I wonder? 11/02/2016, 9:54:01 PM: Ge: You tell me later! Crossing my fingers for your meeting! xxxx 11/02/2016, 10:15:25 PM: Bas Liewes: First thing is a phonecall with Gerben. He's center manager for roosendaal outlet. Remember 😜 11/02/2016, 10:15:46 PM: Ge: I remember the outlet very well :) 11/02/2016, 10:15:56 PM: Bas Liewes: About Futurum and also outlet Barts / shiwi. 11/02/2016, 10:16:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Maybe for Montabauer 11/02/2016, 10:16:31 PM: Ge: Shiwi :) That's a Shewee! http://www.shewee.co.nz/ 11/02/2016, 10:16:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Not to far from Strasbourg 11/02/2016, 10:17:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha! She wee 11/02/2016, 10:17:49 PM: Ge: πŸ˜… 11/02/2016, 10:18:13 PM: Ge: Lot on your plate today 11/02/2016, 10:43:12 PM: Bas Liewes: I like it 11/02/2016, 10:43:39 PM: Ge: yeah, it's energising 12/02/2016, 3:04:44 AM: Bas Liewes: What great meeting with Bart !! He was really in the mood of negotiating the margin and having the perception that that should make me happy. 12/02/2016, 3:04:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Are you really still awake ? 12/02/2016, 3:05:06 AM: Ge: Yes :) 12/02/2016, 3:05:11 AM: Ge: Just finished something 12/02/2016, 3:05:12 AM: Bas Liewes: Now I see the time that you last checked. 12/02/2016, 3:05:21 AM: Bas Liewes: In your pants ? 12/02/2016, 3:05:23 AM: Ge: I was too inspired to stop! 12/02/2016, 3:05:26 AM: Ge: Haha 12/02/2016, 3:05:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Time for 5 minutes call? 12/02/2016, 3:05:48 AM: Ge: All done this morning for the pants business :) 12/02/2016, 3:05:52 AM: Ge: Yes! 12/02/2016, 10:15:46 PM: Bas Liewes: http://www.larsmytting.net/In_English.html Busy Reading. At home. Later train. X 12/02/2016, 10:16:59 PM: Ge: which book are you reading from him?? 12/02/2016, 10:17:17 PM: Ge: When you are in the train and listen to this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5om8pw8bzkf02l/AaRON%20-%20We%20Cut%20the%20Night.mp3?dl=0 12/02/2016, 10:17:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Hel ved 12/02/2016, 10:17:56 PM: Ge: This is the soundtrack of my days at the moment :) I am in love with the music (the lurics are interesting but barely understandable - those french guys can mumble english properly :) ) 12/02/2016, 10:18:10 PM: Ge: ok thanks 12/02/2016, 10:19:51 PM: Ge: This one? http://www.amazon.com/Norwegian-Wood-Chopping-Stacking-Scandinavian/dp/1419717987/ref=la_B00LNTZWFK_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1455268738&sr=1-1 12/02/2016, 10:24:51 PM: Bas Liewes: I Will listen and you picked the wrong book. I try to find the right one. 12/02/2016, 10:25:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Have you heard the gossip about the red lobster / BeyoncΓ© ? 12/02/2016, 10:25:54 PM: Ge: I've heard her new song 12/02/2016, 10:26:00 PM: Ge: Formation which talks about it 12/02/2016, 10:26:09 PM: Ge: will you take to Red Lobster one day? 12/02/2016, 10:26:14 PM: Ge: take me* 12/02/2016, 10:27:15 PM: Ge: Actually, will I take you :) 12/02/2016, 10:28:27 PM: Bas Liewes: 😍 12/02/2016, 10:28:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Lol 12/02/2016, 10:28:37 PM: Ge: haha 12/02/2016, 10:28:53 PM: Ge: Well you know what you need to do ;) 12/02/2016, 10:29:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Fuck you right ! 12/02/2016, 10:29:38 PM: Ge: 😍 12/02/2016, 10:29:42 PM: Bas Liewes: Right now 12/02/2016, 10:29:50 PM: Ge: yes please 12/02/2016, 10:30:04 PM: Ge: pull me away from my laptop and my excel file 12/02/2016, 10:30:16 PM: Ge: and straight on the kitchen counter 12/02/2016, 10:30:36 PM: Ge: then I'll sleep like a baby!! 12/02/2016, 10:31:49 PM: Bas Liewes: Stop. I have to act normal :-) Not with a hard one when I reading about wood :-) 12/02/2016, 10:31:57 PM: Ge: LOL 12/02/2016, 10:32:21 PM: Ge: I'll read that book too 12/02/2016, 10:32:29 PM: Ge: just been through a nice interview of him 12/02/2016, 10:32:34 PM: Ge: seems great! 12/02/2016, 10:33:10 PM: Ge: They take their wood piles seriously in Norway https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=Ole+Kristian+Kjelling&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSoMax9fHKAhUU2GMKHWqUDIkQsAQIGg&biw=1600&bih=864&dpr=0.9 12/02/2016, 10:33:51 PM: Ge: The article: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/how-a-book-about-norwegian-wood-has-become-a-global-hit-a6747431.html 13/02/2016, 2:19:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I didnt expect you to be awake after yesterday night. You must have been tired. 13/02/2016, 2:19:44 AM: Bas Liewes: I am finally on my way to Amsterdam. Doing the logistics and valentines decorations. 13/02/2016, 2:21:54 AM: Bas Liewes: I went to the movies last night, still a birthday present from friends. Beyond sleep, Dutch Norwegian coproduction. Quiet slow, thanks god I didn't fall asleep. The drink afterwards was nice. 13/02/2016, 2:22:01 AM: Bas Liewes: With the both of them. 13/02/2016, 2:22:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Go back to bed !! 13/02/2016, 2:22:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Idiot 13/02/2016, 2:22:21 AM: Ge: πŸ˜… 13/02/2016, 2:22:35 AM: Ge: I forgot to turn my phone off 13/02/2016, 2:22:57 AM: Ge: Going back now... 13/02/2016, 2:23:09 AM: Bas Liewes: πŸ‘ 13/02/2016, 2:23:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Good night ! 13/02/2016, 2:23:37 AM: Ge: Thank you... 13/02/2016, 2:24:00 AM: Ge: Have a nice day preparing for Valentine's day! 13/02/2016, 2:24:16 AM: Ge: Going to Cirque du Soleil tomorrow 13/02/2016, 2:24:31 AM: Ge: Well, today 13/02/2016, 2:24:52 AM: Ge: Courtesy Philippe, nice of him! 13/02/2016, 2:25:56 AM: Ge: Love those shows. And great company story. Typical blue ocean strategy, reinventing an existing market. 13/02/2016, 2:26:52 AM: Ge: Ok, sleepy time again. Sending you a warm hug, 20 degrees here and I am sleeping butt naked πŸ˜‰ 13/02/2016, 6:23:55 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:23:55 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:23:56 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:24:01 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:24:01 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:24:06 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:24:06 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 6:24:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Happy Valentine 😍 13/02/2016, 8:15:44 AM: Ge: πŸ˜„ 13/02/2016, 8:15:54 AM: Ge: Super cute display! 13/02/2016, 8:16:44 AM: Ge: And nice colour palette 13/02/2016, 8:17:03 AM: Ge: Thanks for the flowers 😜 13/02/2016, 8:21:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Good morning. 13/02/2016, 8:21:28 AM: Bas Liewes: My pleasure. 13/02/2016, 8:21:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Watching tv with Freddy. 13/02/2016, 8:21:55 AM: Ge: Ok :) 13/02/2016, 8:22:03 AM: Ge: Will leave you to it! 13/02/2016, 8:23:17 AM: Ge: (is that the same rug in the shop you have at home?) Enjoy your evening! xxx 13/02/2016, 8:27:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Well spotted ! 13/02/2016, 8:27:42 AM: Ge: That carpet has been in my dreams 😜 13/02/2016, 8:27:47 AM: Ge: Just kidding 13/02/2016, 8:27:56 AM: Bas Liewes: It's always convenient when the company pays. 13/02/2016, 8:28:06 AM: Ge: Haha for sure 13/02/2016, 8:28:21 AM: Ge: The nice side of being a business owner 13/02/2016, 8:28:28 AM: Bas Liewes: But yeah, burning my knees didn't happen on this carpet. 13/02/2016, 8:28:37 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 8:28:42 AM: Bas Liewes: 😒 13/02/2016, 8:28:46 AM: Ge: Staff not sexy enough? 13/02/2016, 8:29:17 AM: Ge: So you tried the one at home? πŸ˜‰ 13/02/2016, 8:29:23 AM: Bas Liewes: To young 13/02/2016, 8:29:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol, at home !!! 13/02/2016, 8:30:24 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:30:46 AM: Ge: Too young? 13/02/2016, 8:30:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Josselin from South America. 13/02/2016, 8:31:03 AM: Ge: Holy cow 13/02/2016, 8:31:13 AM: Ge: Does she work for you? 13/02/2016, 8:31:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes. Josselin 13/02/2016, 8:32:01 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:32:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Maikey super model !! 13/02/2016, 8:32:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, for real 13/02/2016, 8:32:28 AM: Ge: Haha no wonder you sell a lot! 13/02/2016, 8:32:40 AM: Ge: Nothing to do with your clever business plans! 13/02/2016, 8:32:51 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:32:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Ethan 13/02/2016, 8:33:02 AM: Ge: Maikey not my type 13/02/2016, 8:33:46 AM: Bas Liewes: No ! But he's so sweet. 13/02/2016, 8:33:53 AM: Bas Liewes: I like him a lot. 13/02/2016, 8:34:03 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:34:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Mike, drinking cocktails on my account 13/02/2016, 8:34:24 AM: Ge: Nice that he is hot and sweet :) not always going together 13/02/2016, 8:34:42 AM: Ge: Haha - is that the one who had a blow up with you? 13/02/2016, 8:35:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes 13/02/2016, 8:35:15 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:35:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Boring Elaine 13/02/2016, 8:35:36 AM: Ge: Lol 13/02/2016, 8:35:48 AM: Bas Liewes: This is Amsterdam Staff 13/02/2016, 8:35:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Forgot one 13/02/2016, 8:36:25 AM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 8:36:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Karl 13/02/2016, 8:36:43 AM: Ge: Haha nice 13/02/2016, 9:26:46 AM: Bas Liewes: I have some time now. Frederik just went to bed. Karl plays stupid games on his computer and Susanne is seeing a client. 13/02/2016, 9:27:14 AM: Ge: Stupid games lol 13/02/2016, 9:27:29 AM: Ge: They sharpen his brain, motor skills, problem solving etc. 13/02/2016, 9:27:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Very much brain dead 13/02/2016, 9:27:48 AM: Bas Liewes: I wish. 13/02/2016, 9:28:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Shooting people down. 13/02/2016, 9:28:10 AM: Ge: There are studies proving that video game players have quicker reflexes and problem solving skills than non players 13/02/2016, 9:28:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Thinking he's a hero 13/02/2016, 9:28:31 AM: Ge: Yeah I don't like these games either 13/02/2016, 9:29:06 AM: Bas Liewes: His skills are good, his notes too. Friday night, he needs something for himself. 13/02/2016, 9:29:07 AM: Ge: Push him to play the extra hard levels :) 13/02/2016, 9:29:18 AM: Ge: So at least he learns from it :) 13/02/2016, 9:29:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Better than smoking pot and drinking beer 13/02/2016, 9:29:30 AM: Ge: For sure! 13/02/2016, 9:29:35 AM: Ge: Next year 😁 13/02/2016, 9:30:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't push him in any direction. He's an adult ! Believe me. He's one of a kind. Very mature for his age. Therefore I like to give him this space. Something he does with his pears 13/02/2016, 9:31:13 AM: Ge: Ok, push is not the right word 13/02/2016, 9:31:16 AM: Bas Liewes: When the Mancave is ready 13/02/2016, 9:31:19 AM: Ge: Suggestion 13/02/2016, 9:32:04 AM: Ge: He is mature but still doesn't have life experience :) as much as I would like to, not everything can be learned and known from reading and thinking πŸ˜… 13/02/2016, 9:32:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey sweetie, I have to stop you! 13/02/2016, 9:32:48 AM: Ge: And it's nice to share and have guidance so we don't feel alone with our choices 13/02/2016, 9:33:39 AM: Bas Liewes: We hardly watch television. We always talk, talk and inform them about what we do. Why we do things differently. And and and. 13/02/2016, 9:34:00 AM: Ge: That wasn't a criticism :) 13/02/2016, 9:34:10 AM: Bas Liewes: No worries. 13/02/2016, 9:34:20 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't feel it like that. 13/02/2016, 9:34:25 AM: Ge: Just a misinformed sentence on my side from partial info :) 13/02/2016, 9:34:34 AM: Ge: I hope πŸ˜… 13/02/2016, 9:35:15 AM: Bas Liewes: But we're all intense people and we talk a lot. Even if he makes other choices I can fully understand. 13/02/2016, 9:35:20 AM: Bas Liewes: I do the same. 13/02/2016, 9:35:29 AM: Ge: It's just that looking back I wish there are some stuff, especially when choosing my career path, that I was able to discuss more with my parents and adults 13/02/2016, 9:35:39 AM: Bas Liewes: I have my escapes with you ! 13/02/2016, 9:35:51 AM: Ge: It is nice you are able to do that. Give him space 13/02/2016, 9:36:12 AM: Ge: Your escapes :) I am glad to provide that space :) 13/02/2016, 9:37:10 AM: Bas Liewes: His fixed ideas will change, look at us. How many businesses have we discussed as maybe. 13/02/2016, 9:37:35 AM: Ge: Of course 13/02/2016, 9:37:35 AM: Bas Liewes: I hope the coding is what he likes. 13/02/2016, 9:37:47 AM: Bas Liewes: This is so helpful, 13/02/2016, 9:38:01 AM: Ge: And maybe that's also something you can share with him:) give him challenges 13/02/2016, 9:38:31 AM: Ge: "I want a mirror which tells me the time and weather for the bedroom" (something I've seen done with raspberry pi 13/02/2016, 9:38:43 AM: Ge: But yes coding is very much 13/02/2016, 9:38:53 AM: Ge: Not enough software developers in the world 13/02/2016, 9:39:24 AM: Bas Liewes: He's now working in Amsterdam every now and than. No push and maximum 5 hours. Good idea. 13/02/2016, 9:39:37 AM: Ge: Domotics are a huge market in the future 13/02/2016, 9:39:41 AM: Bas Liewes: He's has social skills....!! 13/02/2016, 9:39:53 AM: Ge: I wish I were a software developer for this particular market 13/02/2016, 9:40:05 AM: Ge: Then it's great, he'll be the boss 13/02/2016, 9:40:11 AM: Ge: But understanding the tech side :) 13/02/2016, 9:40:22 AM: Bas Liewes: And technical interest (is this how you say it??) 13/02/2016, 9:40:53 AM: Ge: Projects for him around the house could be fun - lights turning on and off automatically when you arrive / go away / on holidays etc. 13/02/2016, 9:41:06 AM: Ge: You finance his ideas 13/02/2016, 9:41:18 AM: Bas Liewes: The boss, not sure. He's more the smart engineer from what I can see. 13/02/2016, 9:41:39 AM: Ge: That he brings to you with a good rationale about why this equipment 13/02/2016, 9:41:40 AM: Bas Liewes: He's lazy as hell 13/02/2016, 9:41:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Not so helpful for a boss 13/02/2016, 9:41:52 AM: Ge: Well lazy people make the best coders 13/02/2016, 9:42:01 AM: Ge: They hate doing the same thing twice! 13/02/2016, 9:42:12 AM: Bas Liewes: That's him 13/02/2016, 9:42:14 AM: Ge: How do you think I go so good at excel... 13/02/2016, 9:42:27 AM: Ge: got* 13/02/2016, 9:42:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Therefore not a people manager. 13/02/2016, 9:42:48 AM: Ge: Haha, I am not sure. I am lazy as well. 13/02/2016, 9:43:19 AM: Ge: But very demanding 13/02/2016, 9:43:26 AM: Bas Liewes: He's very patient with people, afterwards he tells me what he thinks about them to me. 13/02/2016, 9:43:30 AM: Ge: So quickest route with the best results is my goal 13/02/2016, 9:44:13 AM: Bas Liewes: He likes to take the long way. You're a different story. 13/02/2016, 9:44:19 AM: Ge: Ok 13/02/2016, 9:44:34 AM: Bas Liewes: He has this girl Amelia is his class 13/02/2016, 9:44:50 AM: Bas Liewes: I probably told you about her 13/02/2016, 9:44:57 AM: Ge: Anyway his social skills will probably help him when he'll be surrounded by others nerds. He will stand out :) 13/02/2016, 9:45:05 AM: Ge: Not very much I think 13/02/2016, 9:45:18 AM: Bas Liewes: That's for sure. 13/02/2016, 9:45:30 AM: Ge: I remember the girls in Noirmoutier :) 13/02/2016, 9:46:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Amalia, haha, she is multi talented! It pisses him off. 13/02/2016, 9:47:31 AM: Bas Liewes: In the beginning he tried to be smarter. Worked damn hard to have better notes. She topped him everytime. He got so frustrated! Although she's nice and friendly. You can not say anything against her. 13/02/2016, 9:47:40 AM: Ge: Lol 13/02/2016, 9:47:54 AM: Bas Liewes: He gave up on her, she's just so smart. 13/02/2016, 9:48:33 AM: Ge: He is competitive - wonder where he grts that from πŸ˜„ 13/02/2016, 9:48:52 AM: Bas Liewes: I guess that's you, same intelligence but incredible quick in thinking and communicates easy. 13/02/2016, 9:49:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! Very much. 13/02/2016, 9:49:23 AM: Bas Liewes: He also thinks that we have to move. This house is to small. 13/02/2016, 9:49:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha !! 13/02/2016, 9:49:39 AM: Ge: Lol 13/02/2016, 9:49:53 AM: Ge: But I wasn't the top of my class. I didn't want to study like a maniac. I was close to the top, but more because learning was easy for me 13/02/2016, 9:50:08 AM: Bas Liewes: He as friends in his class with houses 4 times the size of ours. Way over the top. 13/02/2016, 9:50:18 AM: Ge: The teachers loved me though :) 13/02/2016, 9:50:29 AM: Bas Liewes: You liked everything 😜 13/02/2016, 9:50:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Good choice to do a bit of everything 13/02/2016, 9:51:04 AM: Ge: Haha, actually it depended a lot on the teacher unfortunately. I was dumb like that 13/02/2016, 9:51:18 AM: Bas Liewes: That's what made you this person that I like so much 13/02/2016, 9:51:27 AM: Ge: I started to slide behind in maths and spanish because of that 13/02/2016, 9:51:34 AM: Ge: Awww thank you :) 13/02/2016, 9:51:42 AM: Ge: My curiosity saved me πŸ˜„ 13/02/2016, 9:51:47 AM: Bas Liewes: And you haven't given up on getting more skilled 13/02/2016, 9:51:53 AM: Ge: Hell not 13/02/2016, 9:52:03 AM: Ge: I am going to a training next week :) 13/02/2016, 9:52:11 AM: Ge: It costs me an arm and a leg 😩 13/02/2016, 9:52:21 AM: Ge: But I so wanted to do it 13/02/2016, 9:52:22 AM: Bas Liewes: You see! That's one of the few things you share with Susanne. 13/02/2016, 9:52:35 AM: Ge: Learning is part of the fun in life 13/02/2016, 9:52:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Au ! So not €400 13/02/2016, 9:52:52 AM: Ge: No... That would be nice 13/02/2016, 9:52:57 AM: Ge: $2500 13/02/2016, 9:53:00 AM: Ge: 2 days 13/02/2016, 9:53:10 AM: Ge: But it is an investment 13/02/2016, 9:53:14 AM: Bas Liewes: !! Wow 13/02/2016, 9:53:29 AM: Ge: In comparison the immigration agent stuff is 2 years for $6000! 13/02/2016, 9:53:50 AM: Ge: But I know it will help me very much 13/02/2016, 9:53:53 AM: Bas Liewes: I am far too greedy for that 13/02/2016, 9:54:03 AM: Bas Liewes: If that's the case. 13/02/2016, 9:54:20 AM: Ge: And besides, why the hell am I making money for, if not to spend it on things I really care about 13/02/2016, 9:54:35 AM: Ge: I prefer that training than 20 pairs of shoes 13/02/2016, 9:55:15 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to raise to children. Just read that the children cost about the price of Porsche 911 13/02/2016, 9:55:21 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 9:55:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Karl is coming down. 13/02/2016, 9:55:28 AM: Ge: And far more grey hairs 13/02/2016, 9:55:40 AM: Ge: And no girlfriends 13/02/2016, 9:55:41 AM: Ge: Ok 13/02/2016, 9:55:43 AM: Ge: Xxx 13/02/2016, 9:57:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Grey hair, I wish. Call it bold 13/02/2016, 9:57:18 AM: Ge: You're too tall for me to see it ;) 13/02/2016, 9:57:35 AM: Ge: (bald) 13/02/2016, 9:57:40 AM: Bas Liewes: He just came to hamster some food 13/02/2016, 9:58:00 AM: Ge: Teenager πŸ˜‚ 13/02/2016, 9:58:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Not when i do a proper lick treatment. 13/02/2016, 9:58:46 AM: Ge: πŸ‘΄πŸ»πŸ‘§πŸ½ 13/02/2016, 9:58:48 AM: Ge: You and me 13/02/2016, 9:58:50 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 9:58:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 13/02/2016, 9:59:01 AM: Bas Liewes: I hope not 13/02/2016, 9:59:06 AM: Ge: Yeah I might enjoy very much seeing the top of your head!! 13/02/2016, 9:59:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck no !!! 13/02/2016, 9:59:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Solar panel for a sex machine. 13/02/2016, 9:59:38 AM: Ge: HAHAHA 13/02/2016, 9:59:44 AM: Ge: lol 13/02/2016, 9:59:55 AM: Ge: I just exploded 13/02/2016, 10:00:05 AM: Bas Liewes: I saw about 20 years ago a cab driver with this bumbersticker 13/02/2016, 10:00:07 AM: Ge: Love it! 13/02/2016, 10:00:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Not mine 13/02/2016, 10:00:26 AM: Ge: Still, just on point πŸ‘… 13/02/2016, 10:01:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I can't recognize it. 13/02/2016, 10:01:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Bold and glasses 13/02/2016, 10:01:33 AM: Ge: You can't see yourself like that? 13/02/2016, 10:01:40 AM: Bas Liewes: What's that icon ? 13/02/2016, 10:01:45 AM: Bas Liewes: My butt ? 13/02/2016, 10:01:46 AM: Ge: A tongue 13/02/2016, 10:02:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Oooohhh. 13/02/2016, 10:02:03 AM: Ge: πŸ‘‚ in your ear 13/02/2016, 10:02:08 AM: Ge: (huhu) 13/02/2016, 10:02:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Looks like a cow 13/02/2016, 10:02:38 AM: Ge: A pink cow yes :-D 13/02/2016, 10:03:14 AM: Ge: One day we will all be bald with glasses πŸ˜„ 13/02/2016, 10:03:25 AM: Ge: So got enjoy our youngs bodies now! 13/02/2016, 10:03:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Had to plug in my phone. 1% 13/02/2016, 10:03:39 AM: Ge: Ok 13/02/2016, 10:03:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, young bodies. 13/02/2016, 10:04:03 AM: Bas Liewes: I feel a bit worn out right now 13/02/2016, 10:04:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Despite the biking. 13/02/2016, 10:04:23 AM: Ge: Although I've read a study about elderly having sex, there are still plenty getting it on πŸ˜„ there is hope! 13/02/2016, 10:04:28 AM: Bas Liewes: It's just not what it used to be 13/02/2016, 10:04:30 AM: Ge: Worn out physically? 13/02/2016, 10:04:57 AM: Ge: Well, you are also use to push your body to your limits, no? 13/02/2016, 10:04:57 AM: Bas Liewes: A little. I have still this arm injury. 13/02/2016, 10:05:15 AM: Bas Liewes: My left ankle. 13/02/2016, 10:05:19 AM: Ge: So you feel better than others ehen that limit is coming down 13/02/2016, 10:05:22 AM: Bas Liewes: My back. 13/02/2016, 10:05:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Everything hurts. 13/02/2016, 10:05:38 AM: Ge: Do you take care of it? 13/02/2016, 10:05:44 AM: Ge: Those injuries? 13/02/2016, 10:05:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Just need a good shag. You are the salvation 13/02/2016, 10:06:03 AM: Ge: Lol. Will take the pain away for sure :) 13/02/2016, 10:06:24 AM: Ge: Please repair your shoulder and your back before though, you are going to need them 13/02/2016, 10:06:37 AM: Bas Liewes: I wish we could call 13/02/2016, 10:06:50 AM: Bas Liewes: My fingers are hurting too 13/02/2016, 10:07:12 AM: Ge: Do you want to stop for tonight? 13/02/2016, 10:07:16 AM: Bas Liewes: But reading the book, there is a neighbor in Norway. 13/02/2016, 10:07:19 AM: Bas Liewes: No 13/02/2016, 10:07:33 AM: Ge: (you have to take care of those poor hands, they are so dry) 13/02/2016, 10:07:38 AM: Ge: Ottar!! 13/02/2016, 10:07:55 AM: Bas Liewes: He's an old man. Doesn't come out of the house. 13/02/2016, 10:08:07 AM: Bas Liewes: My skin is so dry in the winter. 13/02/2016, 10:08:16 AM: Ge: I am on chapter 1 of the book :) 13/02/2016, 10:08:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Hate the central heating. 13/02/2016, 10:08:26 AM: Ge: I will take care of your hards 13/02/2016, 10:08:32 AM: Ge: Oops 13/02/2016, 10:08:35 AM: Ge: Hands!!!! 13/02/2016, 10:08:37 AM: Bas Liewes: No way 13/02/2016, 10:08:40 AM: Ge: This too! 13/02/2016, 10:08:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:08:55 AM: Ge: That wasn't on purpose! 13/02/2016, 10:08:59 AM: Ge: πŸ˜… 13/02/2016, 10:09:04 AM: Ge: Freudian slip 13/02/2016, 10:09:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Pain goes away when he puts away the wood. 13/02/2016, 10:09:53 AM: Ge: Yeah he is revived 13/02/2016, 10:10:03 AM: Ge: What revives you, Bas? 13/02/2016, 10:10:50 AM: Bas Liewes: My bike and the garden. 13/02/2016, 10:10:56 AM: Bas Liewes: Sex 13/02/2016, 10:11:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Probably number one. 13/02/2016, 10:11:29 AM: Bas Liewes: And for yourself ? 13/02/2016, 10:11:35 AM: Ge: Let's go live in the woods with your bike :) 13/02/2016, 10:11:52 AM: Ge: (only half joking) 13/02/2016, 10:11:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, cold showers 13/02/2016, 10:12:20 AM: Ge: I will find a way to have a hot shower, always had, even in the wild! 13/02/2016, 10:12:27 AM: Bas Liewes: No showers, 13/02/2016, 10:12:28 AM: Ge: You can be sure of that lol 13/02/2016, 10:13:28 AM: Bas Liewes: During my trip in Nepal I didn't shower for a month 13/02/2016, 10:13:48 AM: Ge: You had no friends anymore at the end? 13/02/2016, 10:14:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Than all of s sudden a hot tube, Natural 13/02/2016, 10:14:18 AM: Ge: Awww must have been amazing! 13/02/2016, 10:14:34 AM: Bas Liewes: We all had the same circumstances 13/02/2016, 10:14:46 AM: Bas Liewes: You get used to it. 13/02/2016, 10:15:18 AM: Ge: Yeah and there is always a way to aboid being too smelly 13/02/2016, 10:15:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Sometimes a swim like I did on Joel's video 13/02/2016, 10:15:25 AM: Ge: With 10cl of water 13/02/2016, 10:15:32 AM: Ge: That video 😍 13/02/2016, 10:15:40 AM: Bas Liewes: You have to teach me 13/02/2016, 10:16:00 AM: Bas Liewes: I can make you smelly with 10 cc 13/02/2016, 10:16:05 AM: Ge: Haha, yeah. I've done it so many times in the desert 13/02/2016, 10:16:07 AM: Ge: LOL 13/02/2016, 10:16:34 AM: Ge: 10cc geez, I hope to make you come enough you don't have that much in one load ;) 13/02/2016, 10:18:07 AM: Bas Liewes: It's getting less, but after breaking my seal again, the sexless three months. God, glad that went down the drain instead of ending between the sheets 13/02/2016, 10:18:34 AM: Ge: Lol 13/02/2016, 10:18:37 AM: Bas Liewes: That was more than a mouthful 13/02/2016, 10:18:44 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:18:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:18:59 AM: Ge: Tissues not enough to spit it out! 13/02/2016, 10:19:05 AM: Ge: Give me a pillowcase! 13/02/2016, 10:19:24 AM: Bas Liewes: My Tshirt. 13/02/2016, 10:19:36 AM: Bas Liewes: You can find it near my feet 13/02/2016, 10:19:44 AM: Ge: Oh god I would have loved to see that tshirt :) 13/02/2016, 10:20:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Although, in your case my feet are probably next to your ears. 13/02/2016, 10:20:24 AM: Ge: With my underwear and the rest 13/02/2016, 10:20:29 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:20:41 AM: Ge: 69 are hard to manage though 13/02/2016, 10:20:48 AM: Bas Liewes: While I hold your tight 13/02/2016, 10:20:57 AM: Ge: I rather take turn and fully focus... 13/02/2016, 10:21:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Ass up. 13/02/2016, 10:21:24 AM: Ge: Ok, ok I see better :) 13/02/2016, 10:21:30 AM: Ge: Yes! 13/02/2016, 10:21:36 AM: Ge: Reverse piledriver ;) 13/02/2016, 10:21:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, going in that direction. 13/02/2016, 10:22:28 AM: Bas Liewes: My erection is instantly there 13/02/2016, 10:22:41 AM: Ge: I like that! πŸ˜‹ 13/02/2016, 10:22:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Thinking about you in that position. 13/02/2016, 10:22:45 AM: Ge: Same here 13/02/2016, 10:22:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Boem 13/02/2016, 10:23:20 AM: Ge: Instantly on, no off switch lol 13/02/2016, 10:23:31 AM: Bas Liewes: With your tongue out of your mouth ?? Nice 13/02/2016, 10:23:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Begging for more 13/02/2016, 10:23:47 AM: Ge: Well if you have a hard on... 13/02/2016, 10:23:57 AM: Ge: Would be sad to let it go to waste 13/02/2016, 10:24:12 AM: Bas Liewes: That you want me to pause so you can sick my cock 13/02/2016, 10:24:13 AM: Ge: I'll let you read that book while I go down your knees 13/02/2016, 10:24:33 AM: Ge: You can read to me :) 13/02/2016, 10:24:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Sick ! 13/02/2016, 10:25:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I hope suck 13/02/2016, 10:25:13 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:25:25 AM: Ge: I'd love to do that 😜 13/02/2016, 10:25:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Really ? I am curious 13/02/2016, 10:26:10 AM: Bas Liewes: While we drive to the alps 13/02/2016, 10:26:15 AM: Ge: Not sure you'd read for long 13/02/2016, 10:26:21 AM: Ge: Haha yes! 13/02/2016, 10:26:26 AM: Bas Liewes: That's an other good thing with tesla. 13/02/2016, 10:26:34 AM: Ge: Autopilot!!! 13/02/2016, 10:26:46 AM: Ge: Hands free 13/02/2016, 10:26:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah that too 13/02/2016, 10:27:10 AM: Bas Liewes: But I meant the supercharger 13/02/2016, 10:27:18 AM: Ge: Make sure you get a car where I can easily reach over the middle junk they put between the seats 13/02/2016, 10:27:28 AM: Bas Liewes: You need to stop every now and then 13/02/2016, 10:27:32 AM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 10:27:39 AM: Ge: How long for a full charge? 13/02/2016, 10:27:46 AM: Bas Liewes: I had that. My van was ideal 13/02/2016, 10:27:50 AM: Ge: And how long for us for a full discharge;) 13/02/2016, 10:27:52 AM: Bas Liewes: 39 minutes. 13/02/2016, 10:28:00 AM: Ge: Good enough :) 13/02/2016, 10:28:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Good question. 13/02/2016, 10:28:11 AM: Ge: Ah yeah your van was like a bed at the front 13/02/2016, 10:28:17 AM: Ge: Or at the back ;) 13/02/2016, 10:28:35 AM: Bas Liewes: In THE trunk 13/02/2016, 10:28:45 AM: Ge: Double bed back there 13/02/2016, 10:29:04 AM: Ge: We won't go further than The Hague lol 13/02/2016, 10:29:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Wouldn't have missed our experience that day. But God, we should have made advantage of it 13/02/2016, 10:29:58 AM: Ge: We frozen like 2 baby rabbits 13/02/2016, 10:30:09 AM: Ge: I can still relive how I felt that day 13/02/2016, 10:30:15 AM: Ge: we were* 13/02/2016, 10:30:33 AM: Bas Liewes: If this happens again. No matter who's there. I let you suck and sit on my dick 13/02/2016, 10:31:06 AM: Ge: I'll pull your pants down in 4.2 sec ;) 13/02/2016, 10:31:26 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck your brains out without giving the smallest noise 13/02/2016, 10:32:08 AM: Ge: The van will roll over in the curb lol 13/02/2016, 10:32:41 AM: Ge: "Fuck your brains out" you have no idea how that sentence turns me on 13/02/2016, 10:33:07 AM: Bas Liewes: I know, and so does it on this side 13/02/2016, 10:33:15 AM: Ge: Put your hand to cover my mouth and fuck me really hard 13/02/2016, 10:33:37 AM: Ge: Doggy style 13/02/2016, 10:33:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, good picture. 13/02/2016, 10:34:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Fuck your mouth too. 13/02/2016, 10:34:10 AM: Ge: Yes... 13/02/2016, 10:34:26 AM: Bas Liewes: And back I your wet pussy 13/02/2016, 10:34:35 AM: Ge: Lie me down and fuck my mouth 13/02/2016, 10:35:13 AM: Bas Liewes: If you say more things like this I have to pause to get the hornyness away 13/02/2016, 10:35:47 AM: Ge: I am sure you would love it 13/02/2016, 10:35:53 AM: Bas Liewes: I spread your mouth with my fingers while I do you doggy 13/02/2016, 10:36:40 AM: Bas Liewes: After this I will fuck you're mouth and look what goes in 13/02/2016, 10:37:03 AM: Ge: While I'll look straight into your eyes 13/02/2016, 10:37:09 AM: Ge: Asking for more 13/02/2016, 10:37:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Grooming and making a little noise. 13/02/2016, 10:37:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Whisper in your ears. 13/02/2016, 10:38:10 AM: Bas Liewes: That my Dick belongs to you 13/02/2016, 10:38:14 AM: Ge: Yes... 13/02/2016, 10:38:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Put it where you want it. 13/02/2016, 10:38:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Sit on it. 13/02/2016, 10:38:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Abuse me 13/02/2016, 10:38:37 AM: Ge: I have one hand left to type... 13/02/2016, 10:38:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Scratch my back. 13/02/2016, 10:39:06 AM: Ge: I will use you to get as much pleasure as possible 13/02/2016, 10:39:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Let me finger you with my other hand. 13/02/2016, 10:39:19 AM: Ge: Hope you do the same with me... 13/02/2016, 10:39:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Let's meet in your pussy 13/02/2016, 10:39:38 AM: Ge: Oh yes 13/02/2016, 10:40:07 AM: Ge: Your dick in my pussy and me playing with myself 13/02/2016, 10:40:09 AM: Bas Liewes: You do your clit and I finger yourcpussy and ass at the same time 13/02/2016, 10:40:17 AM: Ge: Recipe for orgasm 13/02/2016, 10:40:28 AM: Bas Liewes: Make you feel one 13/02/2016, 10:40:34 AM: Bas Liewes: With me 13/02/2016, 10:40:39 AM: Ge: No fail recipe 100% success 13/02/2016, 10:40:56 AM: Bas Liewes: πŸ‘Œ 13/02/2016, 10:41:12 AM: Ge: I am so horny now 13/02/2016, 10:41:41 AM: Bas Liewes: You are so far away! And so close 13/02/2016, 10:42:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I can feel and hear your pussy squeezing 13/02/2016, 10:42:18 AM: Ge: I just came 13/02/2016, 10:42:25 AM: Ge: Out of breath a little 13/02/2016, 10:42:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I know. 13/02/2016, 10:42:34 AM: Bas Liewes: So nice. 13/02/2016, 10:42:36 AM: Ge: Sorry I came early :) 13/02/2016, 10:42:50 AM: Ge: My heart is racing 13/02/2016, 10:43:04 AM: Bas Liewes: Not at all. I hope you come many times before I come. 13/02/2016, 10:43:20 AM: Ge: And I am putting stains all over my iphone leather case lol 13/02/2016, 10:43:29 AM: Bas Liewes: But you will take me with you. 13/02/2016, 10:43:34 AM: Ge: Yes :) 13/02/2016, 10:43:47 AM: Ge: And me coming is not a 100% obligation 13/02/2016, 10:44:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Maybe you let loose now :-) 13/02/2016, 10:44:08 AM: Bas Liewes: I know that. 13/02/2016, 10:44:09 AM: Ge: The pleasure I feel before the orgasm is so intense in itself 13/02/2016, 10:44:13 AM: Bas Liewes: You and I !!! 13/02/2016, 10:44:35 AM: Bas Liewes: I hope i will never come. Fuck 10 times 13/02/2016, 10:44:55 AM: Ge: We will find ways even if you come 10 times :) 13/02/2016, 10:45:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Susanne is coming home. 13/02/2016, 10:45:05 AM: Ge: The intensity is everywhere 13/02/2016, 10:45:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Xxxx 13/02/2016, 10:45:06 AM: Ge: Ok 13/02/2016, 10:45:09 AM: Ge: Xxxxx 13/02/2016, 10:45:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for this. 13/02/2016, 10:45:14 AM: Ge: (and thank you!!!) 13/02/2016, 10:45:20 AM: Ge: :) 13/02/2016, 10:45:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I love you and you're horny cunt. 13/02/2016, 10:45:35 AM: Bas Liewes: X 13/02/2016, 10:45:59 AM: Ge: I love you and your hardons 13/02/2016, 10:46:01 AM: Bas Liewes: Quick! 13/02/2016, 10:46:03 AM: Ge: xx 13/02/2016, 10:46:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 13/02/2016, 12:10:39 PM: Bas Liewes: I am going to bed now. It was a great experience 😜 13/02/2016, 12:10:53 PM: Ge: It was :) 13/02/2016, 12:11:05 PM: Bas Liewes: The next time we do it both 13/02/2016, 12:11:08 PM: Ge: Still feeling light headed and happy :) 13/02/2016, 12:11:16 PM: Ge: Yes 😊 13/02/2016, 12:11:30 PM: Ge: You make me smile 13/02/2016, 12:11:33 PM: Ge: Thank you 13/02/2016, 12:11:38 PM: Bas Liewes: Sounds like a deep orgasm 13/02/2016, 12:11:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Writing this turns me already on 13/02/2016, 12:11:59 PM: Ge: The company made all the difference... 13/02/2016, 12:12:26 PM: Ge: I like the fact that you are so easily turned on ;) 13/02/2016, 12:12:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Now it's my turn 13/02/2016, 12:13:19 PM: Bas Liewes: Very quick, mind fuck. 13/02/2016, 12:13:24 PM: Ge: Nice :))) 13/02/2016, 12:13:41 PM: Ge: Oh god I wish I could be here for a quickie 13/02/2016, 12:14:08 PM: Ge: No time to undress, fast and bang 13/02/2016, 12:14:12 PM: Bas Liewes: I am on my way. Big hug. When you were here..no time for hugging 13/02/2016, 12:14:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 13/02/2016, 12:14:24 PM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 12:14:29 PM: Ge: We think alike ;) 13/02/2016, 12:14:39 PM: Ge: Have fun... I will be with you 13/02/2016, 12:15:23 PM: Bas Liewes: This's one of the things we share among a whole a range of others. 13/02/2016, 12:15:33 PM: Ge: Yes 13/02/2016, 12:15:48 PM: Ge: Very strong current between us 13/02/2016, 12:15:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Have a good weekend. 13/02/2016, 12:15:53 PM: Ge: All interwined 13/02/2016, 12:15:59 PM: Ge: Makes it strong 13/02/2016, 12:16:11 PM: Ge: Have a beautiful night! 13/02/2016, 12:16:28 PM: Ge: I will think about you at the Cirque du Soleil this afternoon 13/02/2016, 12:17:53 PM: Bas Liewes: I will, sleeping good lately. Nice, something to look forward. I remember you saying that these acrobats shag a lot too with theirs over trained bodies. 13/02/2016, 12:18:10 PM: Ge: Haha you remember 13/02/2016, 12:18:12 PM: Ge: They do 13/02/2016, 12:18:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Let your fantasy flow 13/02/2016, 12:18:17 PM: Ge: Insane parties 13/02/2016, 12:18:25 PM: Ge: Will keep it in mind ;) 13/02/2016, 12:18:44 PM: Ge: On your way! 13/02/2016, 12:18:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Ok !! X 13/02/2016, 12:18:51 PM: Ge: Go play with ourselves ;) 13/02/2016, 12:19:09 PM: Bas Liewes: You join me? 13/02/2016, 12:19:20 PM: Ge: Hey, sure! 13/02/2016, 12:19:28 PM: Ge: See you on the other side 13/02/2016, 12:19:35 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ‘ 13/02/2016, 12:19:40 PM: Ge: xx 13/02/2016, 9:28:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Back in business, great night :-) I passed out after I had a good play πŸ€“ 13/02/2016, 9:29:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Now rush, bringing Karl to Amsterdam and visiting my father with Frederik. 13/02/2016, 9:35:05 PM: Ge: Haha. Seeing the time you came last online I think we came at the same time ;) 13/02/2016, 9:36:36 PM: Ge: I thought it would take me forever to come again but no! It came out of nowhere, quite fast. 13/02/2016, 9:37:07 PM: Ge: I hope those happy hormones will help you have a good time with your Dad :) 13/02/2016, 9:44:57 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks, Out of nowhere ?? Haha. You're kidding 13/02/2016, 9:45:09 PM: Ge: Lol 13/02/2016, 9:45:23 PM: Ge: I meant I think I'd probably wouldn't come 13/02/2016, 9:46:07 PM: Ge: It came from really far, considering the number of time I came today... Wasn't expecting another one :) 13/02/2016, 11:15:56 PM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 11:16:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Going to my favorite barber with Frederik. 13/02/2016, 11:16:52 PM: Ge: Nice shop :$ 13/02/2016, 11:16:57 PM: Ge: :) 13/02/2016, 11:17:04 PM: Bas Liewes: It's totally over the top. 13/02/2016, 11:17:08 PM: Ge: Haha 13/02/2016, 11:17:20 PM: Ge: Old school style? 13/02/2016, 11:17:27 PM: Bas Liewes: 13/02/2016, 11:17:31 PM: Ge: Are you having one as well 13/02/2016, 11:17:35 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes, very much 13/02/2016, 11:17:39 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes. 13/02/2016, 11:17:59 PM: Ge: Oh wow I see what you mean! 13/02/2016, 11:18:07 PM: Ge: 1950s :) 13/02/2016, 11:18:16 PM: Bas Liewes: It's a beautiful place, man only. 13/02/2016, 11:18:20 PM: Ge: Where the soda and the rolleer skates 13/02/2016, 11:18:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Tattoo shop in the basement. 13/02/2016, 11:18:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Free beers & whiskey. 13/02/2016, 11:18:48 PM: Ge: A bit cliche πŸ˜„ 13/02/2016, 11:18:57 PM: Bas Liewes: At this time of day coffee 13/02/2016, 11:19:42 PM: Ge: Great selling point, creating the armosphere 13/02/2016, 11:19:57 PM: Ge: You're a hispter after all 😜 13/02/2016, 11:20:09 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, I pay €45 each. Good selling point :-) 13/02/2016, 11:20:24 PM: Ge: Exactly :) 13/02/2016, 11:21:03 PM: Ge: Send me a photo afterwards πŸ˜‰ 13/02/2016, 11:21:06 PM: Bas Liewes: But, I rather spend it here instead of a new outfit or 13/02/2016, 11:21:24 PM: Bas Liewes: We will. 13/02/2016, 11:21:43 PM: Ge: Thanks :) 13/02/2016, 11:21:51 PM: Ge: But yeah I get your point 13/02/2016, 11:22:16 PM: Ge: And a good father/son memory 13/02/2016, 11:24:18 PM: Ge: I'm in bed, super sleepy. Wish I could snuggle against your shoulder now! 13/02/2016, 11:27:46 PM: Ge: I wish you a really good day, sending you a big hug and kisses everywhere (yeah, there too) ;) 13/02/2016, 11:39:57 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks ! Sleep well. 14/02/2016, 8:14:24 AM: Ge: 14/02/2016, 8:14:39 AM: Ge: I want a photo of your new haircut now :) 14/02/2016, 11:23:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Summer shoes. Nice. I will chat tomorrow. Now to late. 14/02/2016, 11:23:27 AM: Ge: Yes 27 degrees! 14/02/2016, 11:23:33 AM: Ge: Sweet dreams :) 14/02/2016, 11:23:33 AM: Bas Liewes: 14/02/2016, 11:23:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow 14/02/2016, 11:23:47 AM: Ge: Nice πŸ˜„ 14/02/2016, 11:23:55 AM: Ge: Looking super smart :) 14/02/2016, 11:23:56 AM: Bas Liewes: We had great fun together 14/02/2016, 11:24:09 AM: Ge: Looks like it :)) 14/02/2016, 11:24:32 AM: Ge: 2 really good looking guys :) 14/02/2016, 11:24:34 AM: Bas Liewes: The day was good. 14/02/2016, 11:24:45 AM: Ge: All good with your Dad? 14/02/2016, 11:25:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Shop did also very good sales. 14/02/2016, 11:25:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Nearly 5 grand 14/02/2016, 11:25:19 AM: Ge: Nice! 14/02/2016, 11:25:30 AM: Ge: That's a lot! 14/02/2016, 11:25:47 AM: Bas Liewes: If you calculate this through to the square meters !! 14/02/2016, 11:25:51 AM: Bas Liewes: 20 14/02/2016, 11:26:03 AM: Ge: Good yield? 14/02/2016, 11:26:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. Would be 40.000 grand for Batavia Stad. Once achieved 14/02/2016, 11:26:31 AM: Bas Liewes: But than in a week 14/02/2016, 11:26:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 14/02/2016, 11:26:49 AM: Ge: :) 14/02/2016, 11:27:13 AM: Ge: Different products! 14/02/2016, 3:55:52 PM: Ge: So cool! http://www.digitaltrends.com/home/microalgae-lamps-can-light-your-home-and-are-edible/#/7 14/02/2016, 9:48:44 PM: Ge: Missed your call :) 14/02/2016, 9:48:48 PM: Ge: Still free? 14/02/2016, 10:38:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Now? 14/02/2016, 10:38:28 PM: Ge: Yes 14/02/2016, 10:38:42 PM: Bas Liewes: 15 minutes !! NOT longer :-( Focus 15/02/2016, 12:37:25 AM: Ge: All packed! Now a good shower and jumping in bed. 15/02/2016, 12:38:22 AM: Ge: Been thinking about your father a bit. 15/02/2016, 12:42:32 AM: Ge: Seems you and him are actually looking for the same thing in the end. Love, connection, intimacy, not sure how you would call it. Searching in the wrong or the right places, you decide :) 15/02/2016, 12:42:51 AM: Ge: I hope you don't mind me saying that. 15/02/2016, 12:47:07 AM: Ge: Thanks for calling earlier. I don't like it that you feel obligated to call me, but at the same time it feels good to feel you care, even though I feel like slapping myself for thinking like that! 15/02/2016, 12:47:28 AM: Ge: I wish I could hug you now 15/02/2016, 12:47:59 AM: Ge: Hope the day will go quick and that the till tonight will make it worth it :) xxx 15/02/2016, 3:26:12 AM: Bas Liewes: The day started good in Lelystad. Amsterdam is dead, rain ain't good at all. About my father, I don't think that I am searching for the same as he does. Your analysis are correct if you say that we're both looking for connection. He doesn't know who he is and has little empathy. He has great skill in to make the first connection but hasn't got a clue how to maintain. If I see how he always speaks about Frederik...he's such a nice boy and sweet and smart...complaining that he never sees him. Yesterday had Frederik infront of him and he had nothing to ask other than how's it at school....no depth or ideas what a 8 years boys triggers. I can go on and say many unkind things about him. Don't like to. My father lives for the outer world and has no rest in his ass to reflect and ask himself questions. He has a full agenda and runs from his tennis court to the bridge club. Complains a lot and especially about money. He's so insecure and on the other hand so freaking demanding. I could have a conflict with him in every minute if I want. I breath it away and have given up on trying to help him. His house is full of dust and dirty, in many other cases I would offer my help to clean the place and make it nice again. In his case it's a reflection of his inner life, he doesn't give a shit from the inside. If his neighbors tell him that he has to tidy, he might make a few moves. I am the biggest threat in his life. He wanted my life, good with people, money, children, he adores Susanne (hates her at the same time). He'd disappointed in every way. apart from that he decides to follow his lust and I keep working on making it work! I have a lot more bliss. Yes, there's a lot more, but do it step by step. The cherry on the cake is not my goal. I like to feel alive no matter if that hurts and knowing that there is more to in the world that I like to embrace. 15/02/2016, 3:26:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Now going back to the shop. 15/02/2016, 3:26:31 AM: Bas Liewes: X 15/02/2016, 8:58:05 AM: Ge: Thank you for taking the time to explain. Seems that he has no idea on how to make relationships work and has no awareness about himself to make changes. I can also see how it has an impact on you not wanting to fail, especially not in front of him. But you absolutely deserve to be trully fulfilled and alive. We only have this life. And everything you have achieved so far is not turned into a failure because things are now different. Otherwise I'll come and quick your bitter 75 years old butt one day :) 15/02/2016, 9:01:17 AM: Ge: Gettig ready to go to the airport. Excited about this training! I hope to learn a lot about myself more than anything. Really keen to see how it shapes my future as well. Is it going to be a big solid brick in the wall? We'll see :) 15/02/2016, 6:21:47 PM: Ge: 15/02/2016, 6:21:47 PM: Ge: 15/02/2016, 6:21:48 PM: Ge: 15/02/2016, 10:51:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Very nice ! Jealous making !😭 15/02/2016, 10:53:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Good luck with Your course. Have fun, don't fall in love with your teacher, haha 15/02/2016, 11:17:59 PM: Ge: I so don't feel like going to that training tomorrow, so good to feel on holidays with such good friends!! 15/02/2016, 11:19:12 PM: Ge: Already in bed, everyone exhausted. Staying at the YHA, the lady in the bunk bed under me is snoring so bad I am going to punch her in the face 😝 Do you snore? 15/02/2016, 11:20:48 PM: Ge: Falling in love the teacher, well, if he's 1.90, hot, blond, smart, strong, intense and sensitive and likes me back very much, I can't promise anything, sorry. 15/02/2016, 11:21:36 PM: Ge: Have a nice day, I hope you have a real rest day this time! xxx 15/02/2016, 11:29:27 PM: Ge: I see you online :) 15/02/2016, 11:29:34 PM: Ge: But not staying 15/02/2016, 11:29:52 PM: Ge: Otherwise I'll struggle to wake up tomorrow 15/02/2016, 11:29:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Correct 15/02/2016, 11:30:04 PM: Ge: Had 2 glasses of wine and feeling tipsy 15/02/2016, 11:30:15 PM: Bas Liewes: With Karl in the car 15/02/2016, 11:30:22 PM: Ge: And you know what goes on in my mind 15/02/2016, 11:30:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Oh no 15/02/2016, 11:30:23 PM: Ge: Ok 15/02/2016, 11:30:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Horny!! 15/02/2016, 11:30:37 PM: Ge: Haha yeeees 15/02/2016, 11:30:39 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 15/02/2016, 11:30:47 PM: Bas Liewes: I am out 15/02/2016, 11:30:49 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 15/02/2016, 11:30:51 PM: Ge: xxx 16/02/2016, 6:09:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Such a shame that I was in the car with Karl. I could have talked you through. I am now between cooking and nothing. Watched some porn and want to fuck you so desperate now ! 16/02/2016, 6:09:37 AM: Bas Liewes: You have been online 4 minutes ago !! 16/02/2016, 6:09:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey !! 16/02/2016, 6:09:51 AM: Ge: Hey :) 16/02/2016, 6:10:03 AM: Ge: Nice to read upon waking up 😜 16/02/2016, 6:10:29 AM: Bas Liewes: So early. 16/02/2016, 6:10:40 AM: Ge: Did you watch porn in the middle of the afternoon πŸ˜„ 16/02/2016, 6:10:48 AM: Ge: Like that lol 16/02/2016, 6:11:00 AM: Ge: Yeah, pretty noisy here 16/02/2016, 6:11:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. I have a few minutes now. 16/02/2016, 6:11:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Ok 16/02/2016, 6:11:43 AM: Bas Liewes: I am actually now with my dick in my hand. 16/02/2016, 6:11:50 AM: Ge: Ooooh 16/02/2016, 6:12:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Imagining your lips infront 16/02/2016, 6:12:10 AM: Ge: That was electrifying!!' 16/02/2016, 6:12:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Saying the same oooh 16/02/2016, 6:12:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Grap your hair 16/02/2016, 6:13:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Pull my Dick in your mouth. 16/02/2016, 6:13:16 AM: Ge: Mmmmh yes 16/02/2016, 6:13:29 AM: Bas Liewes: 1 minute and I am done right now 16/02/2016, 6:13:51 AM: Ge: Really horny I like that 16/02/2016, 6:14:06 AM: Ge: Would love to be at your knees right now 16/02/2016, 6:14:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Sash 16/02/2016, 6:14:50 AM: Ge: Licking you all the way 16/02/2016, 6:15:35 AM: Bas Liewes: You can stop! Just cleaned up the mess 16/02/2016, 6:15:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Good morning 16/02/2016, 6:15:54 AM: Ge: That was fast and intense :) 16/02/2016, 6:16:19 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes very much. 16/02/2016, 6:16:20 AM: Ge: Better than my alarm clock! 16/02/2016, 6:16:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Hans 16/02/2016, 6:16:31 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 16/02/2016, 6:16:43 AM: Bas Liewes: You can call him hans. 16/02/2016, 6:16:49 AM: Ge: Please wake me up like that more! 16/02/2016, 6:16:52 AM: Bas Liewes: This was Bas' alarm. 16/02/2016, 6:16:53 AM: Ge: Hans lol 16/02/2016, 6:17:18 AM: Ge: I'll rename my alarm now lol 16/02/2016, 6:17:54 AM: Ge: 16/02/2016, 6:18:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 16/02/2016, 6:18:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Watching ! 16/02/2016, 6:18:43 AM: Bas Liewes: 16/02/2016, 6:18:53 AM: Bas Liewes: This is now! 16/02/2016, 6:19:06 AM: Ge: Wow 16/02/2016, 6:19:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Beautiful to get in bed again! 16/02/2016, 6:19:13 AM: Ge: Beautiful!! 16/02/2016, 6:19:34 AM: Ge: Yes! Nice light to be in bed 16/02/2016, 6:19:40 AM: Ge: Just seeing the outline 16/02/2016, 6:19:48 AM: Ge: And shadows 16/02/2016, 6:20:27 AM: Ge: Just like a summer afternoon when you close the blinds for a naughty nap 16/02/2016, 6:20:32 AM: Bas Liewes: That's just enough to enjoy it a little more. have to find some energy to cook. 16/02/2016, 6:21:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, near the coast or between the mountains 16/02/2016, 6:21:23 AM: Ge: Yes! After a nice walk and a swim 16/02/2016, 6:21:34 AM: Ge: Or some climbing :) 16/02/2016, 6:21:47 AM: Ge: Or when you come back from a long ride 16/02/2016, 6:21:59 AM: Ge: I'll give you a full body massage 16/02/2016, 6:21:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes. I went out running with Karl this morning. 16/02/2016, 6:22:16 AM: Ge: (always a good excuse to get my hands on you) 16/02/2016, 6:22:32 AM: Ge: Nice that he runs with you! 16/02/2016, 6:22:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, His ass sitting in his chair all day. 16/02/2016, 6:22:45 AM: Bas Liewes: He proposed it. 16/02/2016, 6:22:49 AM: Bas Liewes: 6 km 16/02/2016, 6:22:55 AM: Bas Liewes: It was a good start. 16/02/2016, 6:23:08 AM: Ge: How did he do? 16/02/2016, 6:23:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Hope to do that more often with him 16/02/2016, 6:23:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Not so good 16/02/2016, 6:23:28 AM: Bas Liewes: He stopped about 4 times. 16/02/2016, 6:23:40 AM: Bas Liewes: He's in a bad shape. 16/02/2016, 6:23:49 AM: Ge: I'd stop about 29,000 times 16/02/2016, 6:23:52 AM: Bas Liewes: He's aware of it 16/02/2016, 6:24:17 AM: Bas Liewes: So let's hope he feels some pleasure in it 16/02/2016, 6:24:32 AM: Ge: That's nice. 16/02/2016, 6:24:41 AM: Bas Liewes: I want to do it !! Running on my own is so boring. 16/02/2016, 6:24:45 AM: Ge: Important key moment to get him to like it 16/02/2016, 6:25:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, no pressure on his shoulder. 16/02/2016, 6:25:48 AM: Bas Liewes: When he can run 10 km without a stop I can challenge him for something 16/02/2016, 6:26:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Like a run or maybe an obstacle run. 16/02/2016, 6:26:17 AM: Ge: Baby steps yes :) 16/02/2016, 6:26:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Who knows 16/02/2016, 6:26:33 AM: Ge: I love those tough mudder things :) 16/02/2016, 6:26:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I have never done this. 16/02/2016, 6:26:57 AM: Ge: Really cool 16/02/2016, 6:27:01 AM: Ge: And not boring 16/02/2016, 6:27:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Therefore nice to do something new together with him. 16/02/2016, 6:27:23 AM: Ge: 16/02/2016, 6:27:24 AM: Bas Liewes: I am still searching for something that we can share. 16/02/2016, 6:27:42 AM: Ge: I am sure it will come 16/02/2016, 6:27:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Better than teaching him how to drink beer. 16/02/2016, 6:27:51 AM: Ge: With time :) 16/02/2016, 6:28:12 AM: Bas Liewes: Blond, 1.90, smart. 16/02/2016, 6:28:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 16/02/2016, 6:28:26 AM: Ge: Haha 16/02/2016, 6:28:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, slow start 16/02/2016, 6:28:49 AM: Ge: Not in the picture ;) 16/02/2016, 6:29:22 AM: Ge: The guy on the right is my friend Clinton 16/02/2016, 6:29:34 AM: Ge: Does ultra endurance runs now 16/02/2016, 6:29:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Doesn't matter. I can see he's friendly and probably not to stupid when he's in your web 16/02/2016, 6:30:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Strangled around your leg. 16/02/2016, 6:30:12 AM: Ge: Both are firemen (such a great idea for me to sign up at the last minute with no training lol) 16/02/2016, 6:30:18 AM: Ge: Lol yeah 16/02/2016, 6:30:31 AM: Ge: I used to like him and same for him 16/02/2016, 6:30:32 AM: Bas Liewes: 😑 lol?? 16/02/2016, 6:30:36 AM: Bas Liewes: HAha 16/02/2016, 6:30:44 AM: Ge: But I wasn't single 16/02/2016, 6:30:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Woooow !! 16/02/2016, 6:31:18 AM: Ge: And then I introduce him to my boyfriend 16/02/2016, 6:31:36 AM: Ge: Who was getting a little bit jealous (we use to climb and do yoga together) 16/02/2016, 6:31:48 AM: Ge: They really got good friends 16/02/2016, 6:31:59 AM: Ge: And when I finally broke up with Diogo 16/02/2016, 6:32:12 AM: Ge: I got totally friendzoned by Clinton πŸ˜„ 16/02/2016, 6:32:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Friendzoned? Blocked ? 16/02/2016, 6:33:20 AM: Ge: Yeah, nothing moved further than hanging out :) 16/02/2016, 6:33:33 AM: Ge: I stayed in the "friend zone" 16/02/2016, 6:34:00 AM: Ge: I should have dumped Diogo when I met him- we were already in deep trouble 16/02/2016, 6:34:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay ! I have never heard this. 16/02/2016, 6:34:19 AM: Ge: But I'm too loyal, and I thought I could repair the relationship 16/02/2016, 6:34:41 AM: Bas Liewes: 16/02/2016, 6:34:43 AM: Ge: Which was unrepairable already, just didn't have my eyes open 16/02/2016, 6:35:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Kitchen can't wait to be used. 16/02/2016, 6:35:07 AM: Ge: Ok :) 16/02/2016, 6:35:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry to stop you here 16/02/2016, 6:35:23 AM: Ge: Enjoy cooking :) 16/02/2016, 6:35:24 AM: Bas Liewes: But I read and answer later for sure. 16/02/2016, 6:35:45 AM: Ge: No worries! 16/02/2016, 6:35:53 AM: Bas Liewes: It's 19.30 dinner time. Leaves me less than a hour. 16/02/2016, 6:36:01 AM: Ge: What are you making? 16/02/2016, 6:36:07 AM: Ge: (And I let you go) 16/02/2016, 6:36:43 AM: Ge: I can't figure it out 16/02/2016, 6:36:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Nasi goreng 16/02/2016, 6:36:49 AM: Ge: Wow nice 16/02/2016, 6:36:53 AM: Ge: I love it! 16/02/2016, 6:36:56 AM: Ge: Baliiii 16/02/2016, 6:37:04 AM: Bas Liewes: All love it here. 16/02/2016, 6:37:15 AM: Bas Liewes: It's not my favor dish. 16/02/2016, 6:37:22 AM: Ge: Take the red pepper out (I am allergic) and I am in ;) 16/02/2016, 6:37:22 AM: Bas Liewes: But it's easy 16/02/2016, 6:37:29 AM: Ge: What's your favourite? 16/02/2016, 6:37:41 AM: Ge: Ok, you can tell me later 16/02/2016, 6:37:41 AM: Bas Liewes: And tasty. Also for an other day 16/02/2016, 6:37:50 AM: Bas Liewes: It's sweet paprika 16/02/2016, 6:38:00 AM: Ge: Yes, I can't eat that 16/02/2016, 6:38:05 AM: Bas Liewes: Dutch design from a greenhouse 16/02/2016, 6:38:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 16/02/2016, 6:38:27 AM: Ge: I turn into a teenager with pimples :) 16/02/2016, 6:38:30 AM: Bas Liewes: The rest is organic. 16/02/2016, 6:38:41 AM: Bas Liewes: From pepper ? 16/02/2016, 6:38:43 AM: Ge: Dutch design lol 16/02/2016, 6:38:49 AM: Ge: Paprika yes 16/02/2016, 6:38:59 AM: Bas Liewes: I'll put them somewhere else 16/02/2016, 6:39:03 AM: Ge: It's much better now I cut it off entirely 16/02/2016, 6:39:05 AM: Ge: LOL 16/02/2016, 6:39:14 AM: Ge: nice shape this one :-D 16/02/2016, 6:39:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol. 16/02/2016, 6:39:36 AM: Ge: Ok go now 16/02/2016, 6:39:51 AM: Ge: We 'll talk about your sweet paprika next time 😜 16/02/2016, 6:40:05 AM: Ge: Thanks for waking me up so nicely :) 16/02/2016, 6:40:09 AM: Bas Liewes: But ciao ciao and go ! Get inspired. 16/02/2016, 6:40:20 AM: Ge: I will!!!! 16/02/2016, 6:40:40 AM: Bas Liewes: X 16/02/2016, 9:34:02 PM: Bas Liewes: I am free to talk for 10 minutes. X 16/02/2016, 9:34:13 PM: Ge: Give me a sec 16/02/2016, 9:36:50 PM: Ge: Free 16/02/2016, 10:58:06 PM: Ge: http://youtu.be/lo9F_Pv5LEQ 16/02/2016, 11:14:33 PM: Ge: In my next life: 16/02/2016, 11:14:37 PM: Ge: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/feb/15/how-one-woman-keeps-bear-grylls-alive-survival-megan-hine?CMP=soc_567 17/02/2016, 6:45:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Just checked your sailing trip. Nice music, all familiair. 17/02/2016, 6:46:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Good morning by the way. 17/02/2016, 6:46:53 AM: Bas Liewes: I am waiting for Frederik's gymnastics. My moment of peace 17/02/2016, 6:47:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Today Amsterdam €1720 😎 17/02/2016, 7:21:11 AM: Ge: Thanks :) I was really sea sick during that trip. Never was before, started about 7 years ago. Maybe something in my inner ear that moved. It's better with medication but I didn't know at the time :) Slept the sickness away for most of the trip. The worst was actualy when we were on land :) 4 hrs only, even more dizzy I could barely stand up the first hour :) and of course couldn't keep any medication down πŸ˜… 17/02/2016, 7:22:42 AM: Ge: But didn't want to give up and did another 2 days sailing trip for NEw Year's Eve a few weeks later, with medication this time. Went like a breeze! I like sailing too much to give up!! 17/02/2016, 7:23:23 AM: Ge: 17/02/2016, 7:24:03 AM: Ge: This is where I spent New Year's Eve 2014 :) The island of Marlon Brando, Tetiaroa. 17/02/2016, 7:25:13 AM: Ge: Ok, I need to get ready now, enjoy your moment of peace and good job with the sales in Amsterdam πŸ˜‰ 18/02/2016, 11:16:41 AM: Ge: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/feb/16/buy-me-once-online-store-lifetime-guarantee-product-reviews?CMP=soc_567 18/02/2016, 2:23:11 PM: Ge: 18/02/2016, 9:49:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey !! I am in MΓΌnster and on my way to Berlin. I screwed my data with synchronizing whattsapps. I hope to have some wifi tonight. Haha!! You're having fun?? Nice warning, I will not slowdown, but full speed curving and slipping through the tunnel. X 18/02/2016, 9:49:45 PM: Ge: Lol 18/02/2016, 9:49:59 PM: Ge: We are in Rotorua with the boys 18/02/2016, 9:52:25 PM: Ge: Hope you'll have a good time in Berlin and find some inspiration for the popup business :) 18/02/2016, 9:52:36 PM: Ge: 18/02/2016, 9:53:00 PM: Ge: 18/02/2016, 9:54:35 PM: Ge: 18/02/2016, 9:55:07 PM: Ge: 18/02/2016, 9:55:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Very nice. You guys look happy !! 18/02/2016, 9:56:05 PM: Ge: We are :) 18/02/2016, 9:56:11 PM: Ge: Thermal wonderland! 18/02/2016, 9:56:24 PM: Ge: Smells like rotten eggs though 😜 18/02/2016, 9:56:25 PM: Bas Liewes: No data and you sent me 5 pictures 😩 18/02/2016, 9:56:43 PM: Ge: Oops sorry 18/02/2016, 9:56:49 PM: Ge: I'll stop now :) 18/02/2016, 9:57:11 PM: Bas Liewes: No problem. I'll pay with pleasure to see Pete so happy. 18/02/2016, 9:57:27 PM: Ge: Yeah, pretty relaxed! 18/02/2016, 9:57:57 PM: Bas Liewes: I just read an article about Mariana mazzicato, check her out. She's a modern knight. 18/02/2016, 9:58:10 PM: Ge: Ok! 18/02/2016, 9:58:19 PM: Ge: A modern knight, sounds interesting 18/02/2016, 9:59:46 PM: Ge: I will check a bit later, Piete and Francois are sucking my data right now 18/02/2016, 10:02:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Basically she says that not apple made the iPhone smart. The government did with huge investments in scientific research. With all the tax isles and constructions not to pay tax, this is unethical. Big money consuming issues are socialized and when the profit is there it's all privatized. Beautiful way of saying things. 18/02/2016, 10:03:15 PM: Ge: I will definitely check it out! 18/02/2016, 10:03:35 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha, they can have your data, I suck your energy and everything you can imagine. 18/02/2016, 10:03:44 PM: Ge: Lol 18/02/2016, 10:03:59 PM: Ge: I have a big imagination ;) 18/02/2016, 10:04:58 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ€” 18/02/2016, 10:05:19 PM: Bas Liewes: I know G. 18/02/2016, 10:05:23 PM: Ge: Just talking about my imagination :$ 18/02/2016, 10:05:25 PM: Ge: :) 18/02/2016, 10:05:38 PM: Ge: The rest is comparable size :) 18/02/2016, 10:05:56 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ˜‚ 18/02/2016, 10:07:05 PM: Ge: Hope the same goes for you lol 18/02/2016, 10:08:16 PM: Ge: Not too worried though :) 18/02/2016, 10:08:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! I Don't worry. Let your energy flow. 18/02/2016, 10:09:14 PM: Ge: And I remember a certain photo 18/02/2016, 10:09:22 PM: Ge: That you asked me not to keep😜 18/02/2016, 10:09:34 PM: Ge: It's burned in my brain πŸ˜‰ 18/02/2016, 10:09:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha ! Yes, lots of cream 18/02/2016, 10:10:11 PM: Ge: Haha yes 18/02/2016, 10:10:20 PM: Ge: And another one, on your couch 18/02/2016, 10:10:33 PM: Ge: Hans seemd very happy ^^ 18/02/2016, 10:10:39 PM: Ge: seemed* 18/02/2016, 10:10:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Oh yes, forgot about the shorts 18/02/2016, 10:10:52 PM: Ge: This one :) 18/02/2016, 10:11:01 PM: Ge: Is that really life size? 18/02/2016, 10:11:12 PM: Ge: Or you had a gun in your pocket? 18/02/2016, 10:11:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Dead sperm gun. 18/02/2016, 10:11:59 PM: Ge: Lol 18/02/2016, 10:12:11 PM: Ge: A sperm gun πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜œ 18/02/2016, 10:12:11 PM: Bas Liewes: You pull the trigger 18/02/2016, 10:12:31 PM: Ge: I'm trigger happy! 18/02/2016, 10:12:37 PM: Bas Liewes: I shot you right between your eyes 18/02/2016, 10:12:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Shoot 18/02/2016, 10:12:54 PM: Ge: Hahaha 18/02/2016, 10:13:08 PM: Ge: Hope you shoot me in the back as well 18/02/2016, 10:13:23 PM: Bas Liewes: I yes 18/02/2016, 10:14:13 PM: Bas Liewes: But I paralyze you with a shot between your eyes. After this you're weak and soft. I can do whatever I like. 18/02/2016, 10:14:50 PM: Ge: It'll take a lot before you get me weak... 3 orgasms maybe? 18/02/2016, 10:15:20 PM: Ge: If you reach the magic buttong, that might be quicker πŸ˜„ 18/02/2016, 10:15:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Your back is very much in my mind. Watching your bum and giving it to you 18/02/2016, 10:15:37 PM: Ge: It is in my mind very much as well... 18/02/2016, 10:15:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Buttonque? 18/02/2016, 10:16:01 PM: Ge: Out of body experience to think about it... Like I am watching us 18/02/2016, 10:16:07 PM: Ge: ?? 18/02/2016, 10:16:18 PM: Ge: Don't know that word πŸ˜„ 18/02/2016, 10:16:26 PM: Bas Liewes: Buttong ? 18/02/2016, 10:16:40 PM: Bas Liewes: I don't know that word 18/02/2016, 10:16:53 PM: Ge: What does it mean? 18/02/2016, 10:17:13 PM: Bas Liewes: You wrote that. My guess; Tongue along your butt? 18/02/2016, 10:17:22 PM: Ge: Ohhh 18/02/2016, 10:17:28 PM: Ge: Button* 18/02/2016, 10:17:34 PM: Ge: The magic button 18/02/2016, 10:17:39 PM: Ge: Didn't see the typo 18/02/2016, 10:17:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay, imagination is everything. 18/02/2016, 10:17:56 PM: Ge: Deep spot 😝 18/02/2016, 10:18:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Butt yes, you can have that too 18/02/2016, 10:18:19 PM: Ge: I can have yours? 18/02/2016, 10:18:23 PM: Ge: 😜 18/02/2016, 10:18:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha, 18/02/2016, 10:19:01 PM: Bas Liewes: While you handcraft my wooden stick 18/02/2016, 10:19:19 PM: Ge: I might need guidance :) 18/02/2016, 10:19:32 PM: Bas Liewes: I haven't been there either. 18/02/2016, 10:19:35 PM: Ge: (I should be ok with the wooden stick side) 18/02/2016, 10:19:43 PM: Bas Liewes: Butt we will find out 18/02/2016, 10:19:47 PM: Ge: Haha 18/02/2016, 10:19:56 PM: Ge: Nice pun lol 18/02/2016, 10:20:06 PM: Ge: That would be nice 18/02/2016, 10:20:27 PM: Bas Liewes: We save it for when we get bored 18/02/2016, 10:20:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Enough to discover 18/02/2016, 10:20:37 PM: Ge: Like in 2057? 18/02/2016, 10:21:23 PM: Bas Liewes: If the saloon doors are hanging, yeah, i might turn you around. 18/02/2016, 10:21:39 PM: Bas Liewes: Lol 18/02/2016, 10:21:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Real loud 18/02/2016, 10:21:46 PM: Ge: Ahah 18/02/2016, 10:21:56 PM: Ge: I hope not! 18/02/2016, 10:22:06 PM: Ge: I'll get surgery before it gets there! 18/02/2016, 10:22:28 PM: Ge: Rejuvagination! 18/02/2016, 10:22:31 PM: Bas Liewes: By then you're 80 18/02/2016, 10:22:44 PM: Ge: And you can't get it up anyway 18/02/2016, 10:23:10 PM: Ge: Hope we will still get it on though :) 18/02/2016, 10:23:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay ! By then the viagra is part of my diet. 18/02/2016, 10:23:35 PM: Ge: Yeah, I'll put you on an intramuscular implant 18/02/2016, 10:23:58 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ’ͺ 18/02/2016, 10:24:37 PM: Ge: Haha yes 18/02/2016, 10:24:52 PM: Ge: Would be funny, chasing each other in the retirement home 18/02/2016, 10:25:03 PM: Ge: Hopefully up in the mountains somewhere 18/02/2016, 10:28:01 PM: Bas Liewes: Johnny cash and organic food. We make the strangest combinations. 18/02/2016, 10:28:08 PM: Bas Liewes: I am out to. X 18/02/2016, 10:28:27 PM: Ge: That's what is interesting about us 18/02/2016, 10:28:34 PM: Ge: Many layers and colours 18/02/2016, 10:28:38 PM: Ge: xxx 19/02/2016, 1:57:22 AM: Bas Liewes: By the way, i got myself a new Mac pro book, 13", to greedy to buy the 15" It's so fast ! Love it already. Didn't bring it with me to Berlin. 19/02/2016, 6:42:21 AM: Bas Liewes: What a great place. I hope that things are as they look. Berlin !!!! Got a speed ticket, taken from the motorway by an undercover police car. I drove 175 instead of 130. That hurts. 19/02/2016, 6:42:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Damn, the first 150 euros 19/02/2016, 6:42:59 AM: Bas Liewes: That's one night hotel and a bottle of good wine. 19/02/2016, 6:43:57 AM: Bas Liewes: But good fun to drive 220 19/02/2016, 6:44:10 AM: Bas Liewes: I did that where it was allowed. 19/02/2016, 6:44:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Not much tree hugging today :-) 19/02/2016, 11:07:38 AM: Bas Liewes: First night in Berlin. Great. So different. It's the hipster capital of the world. I think that I can live here without missing anything. 19/02/2016, 11:08:03 AM: Bas Liewes: How's your bush trail ? 19/02/2016, 11:13:19 AM: Ge: Hey! 19/02/2016, 11:13:36 AM: Ge: On the road to Hobbiton, where they shot Lords of the Ring 19/02/2016, 11:14:09 AM: Ge: 220! What sort of car did you rent!! 19/02/2016, 11:14:45 AM: Ge: See what I told you about you liking fast cars πŸ˜‰ You miss excitement in your life! 19/02/2016, 11:15:44 AM: Ge: Comes at a price though lol And €150 is not too bad! In France you'd probably end up in jail for such speed over the limit :) 19/02/2016, 11:16:25 AM: Ge: I remember Berlin a bit, came here a couple of times for the biggest railway fair in the world. 19/02/2016, 11:16:54 AM: Ge: Cool city, so advanced in many ways. Would be too intense for me after a while I think. 19/02/2016, 11:17:23 AM: Bas Liewes: I drove martin's car. Vw Passat Rline 200Hp. 19/02/2016, 11:17:51 AM: Ge: Family car except for the 200hp :) 19/02/2016, 11:18:16 AM: Bas Liewes: he needs the space for his wheel chair. 19/02/2016, 11:18:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice pictures 19/02/2016, 11:18:32 AM: Ge: Yeah I remember you told me 19/02/2016, 11:18:58 AM: Ge: Germans like their cars and they build them well! 19/02/2016, 11:19:01 AM: Bas Liewes: On fb 19/02/2016, 11:19:06 AM: Ge: Thanks :) 19/02/2016, 11:19:09 AM: Ge: Fun day 19/02/2016, 11:19:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Such s boring car 19/02/2016, 11:19:16 AM: Ge: And so good to be outside 19/02/2016, 11:19:45 AM: Bas Liewes: He's taking the piss out of me. White shoes !! 19/02/2016, 11:19:50 AM: Ge: Haha 19/02/2016, 11:19:57 AM: Ge: You hipster 19/02/2016, 11:20:14 AM: Ge: Tight shirts 19/02/2016, 11:20:36 AM: Ge: I love it though. Dress nice, smell nice, and sharp haircut 19/02/2016, 11:20:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Ass 19/02/2016, 11:20:46 AM: Ge: Very metro 19/02/2016, 11:20:55 AM: Ge: But a rugged edge 19/02/2016, 11:21:18 AM: Bas Liewes: Like that you judge it right. 19/02/2016, 11:22:37 AM: Ge: I like your sense of aesthetics in general! The way you dress, furniture... 19/02/2016, 11:24:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks 19/02/2016, 11:25:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Women 19/02/2016, 11:25:27 AM: Ge: Lol 19/02/2016, 11:25:51 AM: Ge: I agree with that ;) 19/02/2016, 11:25:56 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to be fit tomorrow. Bikini is at a great spot. Passed it today. 19/02/2016, 11:26:27 AM: Ge: It looks awesome from the website 19/02/2016, 11:26:33 AM: Ge: Take photos :) 19/02/2016, 11:26:50 AM: Ge: Have a good night then! 19/02/2016, 11:28:34 AM: Bas Liewes: I will. Many pictures. I will sit there tomorrow for two hours. Saturday as well. Sunday maybe. Check check. 19/02/2016, 11:29:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Have a nice day. 19/02/2016, 11:29:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 19/02/2016, 11:29:17 AM: Ge: A weekend in Berlin, will be fun!! 19/02/2016, 11:29:22 AM: Ge: Is Bart coming too? 19/02/2016, 11:30:28 AM: Ge: Will send you more photos, turn off the photo download from whatsapp so you can see them when you're on wifi :) 19/02/2016, 11:30:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay. 19/02/2016, 11:30:56 AM: Ge: Or I'll just wait until you're on wifi 19/02/2016, 11:30:46 AM: Bas Liewes: I do an extra trip to Berlin with Bart. 19/02/2016, 11:31:00 AM: Ge: No worries 19/02/2016, 11:31:02 AM: Ge: Ok! 19/02/2016, 11:30:58 AM: Bas Liewes: I am on wifi 19/02/2016, 11:31:39 AM: Ge: Ok, so you'll get them tomorrow morning 19/02/2016, 11:31:33 AM: Bas Liewes: 150 ticket and 150 data. 19/02/2016, 11:31:49 AM: Ge: Lords of the Rings :) 19/02/2016, 11:31:53 AM: Ge: Ouch 19/02/2016, 11:31:41 AM: Bas Liewes: I don't care now 19/02/2016, 11:31:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Nice 19/02/2016, 11:32:06 AM: Ge: Yeah, can't change it anyway 19/02/2016, 11:32:20 AM: Ge: Can't let this drag you down 19/02/2016, 11:32:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Let me be the lord of your rings :) 19/02/2016, 11:32:39 AM: Ge: Lord of the Cock Ring? 19/02/2016, 11:32:45 AM: Ge: πŸ˜… 19/02/2016, 11:32:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Picture !! 19/02/2016, 11:32:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 19/02/2016, 11:32:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Never tried 19/02/2016, 11:33:06 AM: Ge: Me neither! 19/02/2016, 11:33:12 AM: Ge: Curious :) 19/02/2016, 11:33:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Hold tight when I fuck you 19/02/2016, 11:33:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Me too 19/02/2016, 11:33:28 AM: Ge: One more item on the list! 19/02/2016, 11:33:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! 19/02/2016, 11:33:44 AM: Ge: I'll get you a nice one 19/02/2016, 11:33:42 AM: Bas Liewes: My dick is growing 19/02/2016, 11:33:55 AM: Ge: And wear it like a pendant during the day 19/02/2016, 11:34:04 AM: Ge: Right between my boobs 19/02/2016, 11:33:54 AM: Bas Liewes: Go away 19/02/2016, 11:34:21 AM: Ge: So you can have a reminder all day long 19/02/2016, 11:34:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Hans can't wait 19/02/2016, 11:34:46 AM: Ge: I want to feel your dick growing when you hold me against you 19/02/2016, 11:35:07 AM: Ge: And I can't wait for Hans :) 19/02/2016, 11:35:17 AM: Ge: Still my morning alarm! 19/02/2016, 11:36:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, my lullaby, hans, hans take her down and give a chance. Hans hans time to dance 19/02/2016, 11:37:01 AM: Ge: Haha 19/02/2016, 11:37:08 AM: Ge: Appropriate 19/02/2016, 11:37:19 AM: Bas Liewes: I shut down my phone. 19/02/2016, 11:37:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 19/02/2016, 11:37:25 AM: Ge: xxx 19/02/2016, 11:37:37 AM: Bas Liewes: X 19/02/2016, 6:08:21 PM: Ge: 19/02/2016, 6:11:09 PM: Ge: 3.30am, you didn't sleep much :) 19/02/2016, 8:15:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Midgets in a tiny house ? With Pete there is always his famous photo moment. I was awake for at least an hour. We had a couple of beers, strange place. The air conditioning, my brother in law, just not used to this. I am a neurotic sleeper when I am 5 meter away from home. Either sex or a campsite, or both make the positive difference. I am preparing my meeting. Like always, 5 minutes up front. You have a nice evening. X 19/02/2016, 8:46:11 PM: Ge: Well, I'll make sure you sleep well! Not in a campsite. I really don't like them :-D Wild camping is my thing! We'll scare all the animals kilometres around. We're going out for food and drinks in Auckland, arrived 3 hrs ago and went straight to the beach to wash the road trip off (slept at the back of the car for most of it, I don't have your problem :) Have fun at your meeting! You have the right energy at the moment! 20/02/2016, 10:36:15 PM: Ge: 20/02/2016, 10:36:29 PM: Ge: 20/02/2016, 10:36:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Omg 20/02/2016, 10:40:30 PM: Ge: Haha 20/02/2016, 10:40:44 PM: Ge: I am a *bit* drunk 20/02/2016, 10:40:55 PM: Ge: 5 glasses now 20/02/2016, 10:40:58 PM: Bas Liewes: And these blond Dutch lions? So typical Dutch. Damn, Just putting this in your suitcase for a few minutes fun and the rest of the world thinks your an idiot...but the Dutch have no sense to feel that this inappropriate. Haha. 20/02/2016, 10:41:09 PM: Ge: Haha 20/02/2016, 10:41:20 PM: Ge: I think they are kiwis!!! 20/02/2016, 10:41:24 PM: Ge: Just blond 20/02/2016, 10:41:34 PM: Ge: Not dutch 20/02/2016, 10:41:47 PM: Ge: We ran after then for a photo 20/02/2016, 10:41:50 PM: Ge: Them 20/02/2016, 10:42:00 PM: Ge: They thought we were crazy 20/02/2016, 10:42:14 PM: Ge: But.I.Don't.Care 20/02/2016, 10:42:35 PM: Bas Liewes: In fact they're right. You can call it tipsy 20/02/2016, 10:43:15 PM: Ge: I am tipsy!! 20/02/2016, 10:48:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Are you on your own? 20/02/2016, 10:48:37 PM: Ge: Not yet :) 20/02/2016, 10:48:52 PM: Ge: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=-36.84098,174.758 20/02/2016, 10:49:03 PM: Ge: Why? 😜 20/02/2016, 10:49:31 PM: Bas Liewes: I have some time to chat 20/02/2016, 10:49:49 PM: Ge: I can walk away for a few minutes 20/02/2016, 10:49:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Martin is in our room and needs some time for himself. 20/02/2016, 10:50:00 PM: Bas Liewes: No ! 20/02/2016, 10:50:03 PM: Ge: But that would be suspicious 20/02/2016, 10:50:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Stay with them. 20/02/2016, 10:50:18 PM: Ge: Wr talked about you :) 20/02/2016, 10:50:20 PM: Ge: A bit 20/02/2016, 10:50:25 PM: Ge: Not much 20/02/2016, 10:50:24 PM: Bas Liewes: You're having fun. 20/02/2016, 10:50:33 PM: Ge: We're about to go hom 20/02/2016, 10:50:35 PM: Ge: home 20/02/2016, 10:50:39 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay, interesting! 20/02/2016, 10:50:43 PM: Ge: And I am a biiiiiiiit drunk 20/02/2016, 10:50:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Drunk in writing. 20/02/2016, 10:50:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Like that ! 20/02/2016, 10:50:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 20/02/2016, 10:51:16 PM: Ge: Yes!!!!! 20/02/2016, 10:51:41 PM: Ge: 5 glasses 20/02/2016, 10:51:49 PM: Ge: I am out of my mind 20/02/2016, 10:52:00 PM: Ge: I'd fuck you on the table now 20/02/2016, 10:52:04 PM: Ge: Ooooops sorry 20/02/2016, 10:52:18 PM: Ge: Didn't mean to say that 20/02/2016, 10:52:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! 20/02/2016, 10:53:35 PM: Bas Liewes: But is Pete cool about it? I feel a bit distance. This probably created in my own head. 20/02/2016, 10:53:48 PM: Ge: Cool about what? 20/02/2016, 10:54:00 PM: Bas Liewes: About me ! 20/02/2016, 10:54:18 PM: Ge: Yeah, I think so 20/02/2016, 10:54:40 PM: Ge: I didn't tell him too muchabout us 20/02/2016, 10:54:52 PM: Ge: Apart from what I feel about you 20/02/2016, 10:55:13 PM: Ge: And he knew already 20/02/2016, 10:55:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. 20/02/2016, 10:55:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah. 20/02/2016, 10:55:57 PM: Bas Liewes: But I haven't been completely open to him 20/02/2016, 10:56:00 PM: Ge: What were you thinking about? 20/02/2016, 10:56:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Something I regret that 20/02/2016, 10:56:08 PM: Ge: Oh ok? 20/02/2016, 10:56:28 PM: Ge: What do you mean? 20/02/2016, 10:56:35 PM: Bas Liewes: I see him as one of my closest friends. 20/02/2016, 10:57:01 PM: Bas Liewes: Don't want to do things behind his back 20/02/2016, 10:57:06 PM: Ge: Same for him 20/02/2016, 10:57:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay !! 20/02/2016, 10:57:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Glad to hear. 20/02/2016, 10:57:25 PM: Ge: :) 20/02/2016, 10:57:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Maybe you give him a mercy fuck 20/02/2016, 10:57:43 PM: Ge: Now 20/02/2016, 10:57:46 PM: Ge: No* 20/02/2016, 10:57:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Put my name on his chest 20/02/2016, 10:58:00 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 20/02/2016, 10:58:01 PM: Ge: This is sorted out already 20/02/2016, 10:58:12 PM: Bas Liewes: The shag? 20/02/2016, 10:58:55 PM: Ge: Haha - yeah but not the way you think 20/02/2016, 10:58:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey ! Stay drunk don't get serious 20/02/2016, 10:59:01 PM: Ge: No mercu fuck 20/02/2016, 10:59:05 PM: Bas Liewes: I know !! 20/02/2016, 10:59:08 PM: Ge: Mercy* 20/02/2016, 10:59:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Just a fuck 20/02/2016, 10:59:24 PM: Ge: No fuck at all! 20/02/2016, 10:59:28 PM: Bas Liewes: Without mercy. 20/02/2016, 10:59:32 PM: Ge: Lol 20/02/2016, 10:59:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Hsha 20/02/2016, 11:00:07 PM: Bas Liewes: I which I could join in. 20/02/2016, 11:00:09 PM: Ge: Can't do it 20/02/2016, 11:00:15 PM: Ge: With Piete and I? 20/02/2016, 11:00:16 PM: Ge: Lol 20/02/2016, 11:00:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Not just for you. 20/02/2016, 11:00:27 PM: Ge: Set yourself free!!! 20/02/2016, 11:00:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Just being there. Drinking beers and having a good time. 20/02/2016, 11:00:57 PM: Ge: We had such a fun night 20/02/2016, 11:01:09 PM: Ge: Sitting here for 5 hours 20/02/2016, 11:01:18 PM: Ge: Wine and beer 20/02/2016, 11:01:25 PM: Bas Liewes: I am in Berlin and my brother in law is a bit sick. He's exhausted after two days and three nights. 20/02/2016, 11:01:30 PM: Ge: Yoi should be here 20/02/2016, 11:01:36 PM: Ge: Ok... 20/02/2016, 11:01:35 PM: Bas Liewes: Now I have to slow down. 20/02/2016, 11:01:41 PM: Bas Liewes: Not my style 20/02/2016, 11:01:57 PM: Ge: To slow down?? 20/02/2016, 11:02:31 PM: Bas Liewes: But I have to. I should have done this trip myself. Rent a bike and do a sightseeing tour. 20/02/2016, 11:02:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Much more efficient 20/02/2016, 11:02:43 PM: Ge: I wish you could be here. Enjoying this moment on the other side of the world 20/02/2016, 11:02:57 PM: Ge: F**** the bike and being by yourself 20/02/2016, 11:03:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Such a blast that he's in a wheel chair. 20/02/2016, 11:03:25 PM: Ge: A blast? 20/02/2016, 11:03:32 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha! 20/02/2016, 11:03:42 PM: Ge: 😜 20/02/2016, 11:03:55 PM: Bas Liewes: Blast sorry I mean disappointment 20/02/2016, 11:04:12 PM: Bas Liewes: I feel sorry for him. Sitting whole day. 20/02/2016, 11:04:30 PM: Ge: Ha, it is what it is 20/02/2016, 11:04:45 PM: Ge: It might be enhancing his life in other ways 20/02/2016, 11:05:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey pretty ! go back to the boys. 20/02/2016, 11:05:10 PM: Ge: Noooio 20/02/2016, 11:05:19 PM: Ge: I want you 20/02/2016, 11:05:21 PM: Ge: Now 20/02/2016, 11:07:20 PM: Ge: Haaaaaaaa 20/02/2016, 11:07:23 PM: Ge: 😜 20/02/2016, 11:07:47 PM: Ge: I wanna bang you so hard now! 20/02/2016, 11:07:53 PM: Ge: And more 20/02/2016, 11:07:59 PM: Ge: Just be with you 20/02/2016, 11:08:21 PM: Bas Liewes: Drunken horny fool. I wish you could fuck me a heart attack 20/02/2016, 11:08:32 PM: Ge: Yea pleaaaase 20/02/2016, 11:09:09 PM: Bas Liewes: If the alcohol is killing the pain, I can fuck you harder 20/02/2016, 11:09:26 PM: Ge: I'll feed you painkillers and viagra 20/02/2016, 11:09:37 PM: Ge: Where do you hurt?????? 20/02/2016, 11:09:58 PM: Bas Liewes: I can give you the "no mercy" fuck 20/02/2016, 11:10:18 PM: Ge: 5 glasses. 1 bottle. I'm so cheap 20/02/2016, 11:10:23 PM: Ge: YAY 20/02/2016, 11:10:34 PM: Bas Liewes: ?? 20/02/2016, 11:10:48 PM: Ge: no mercy fuck 20/02/2016, 11:11:08 PM: Ge: Keep going even if I cry for mercy 20/02/2016, 11:11:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Got it 20/02/2016, 11:11:32 PM: Bas Liewes: I will. Because I know that you want it so bad 20/02/2016, 11:11:43 PM: Ge: I do 20/02/2016, 11:12:39 PM: Ge: Take control 20/02/2016, 11:12:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Your pussy and bum will be turned red 20/02/2016, 11:12:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Bang bang 20/02/2016, 11:12:54 PM: Ge: Please :) 20/02/2016, 11:13:19 PM: Ge: Ooooh I want you so bad 20/02/2016, 11:13:21 PM: Bas Liewes: Slapping your bum 20/02/2016, 11:13:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Fuck you from behind 20/02/2016, 11:13:32 PM: Ge: You have no idea 20/02/2016, 11:13:38 PM: Ge: YES 20/02/2016, 11:13:47 PM: Ge: HArd 20/02/2016, 11:13:50 PM: Ge: And harder 20/02/2016, 11:13:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Letting you drip 20/02/2016, 11:14:02 PM: Ge: 1% battery 20/02/2016, 11:14:25 PM: Bas Liewes: And you suck my cock in between 20/02/2016, 11:14:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Go !! Love you ! 20/02/2016, 11:14:39 PM: Bas Liewes: X 21/02/2016, 12:21:03 AM: Ge: Just got home 21/02/2016, 12:21:09 AM: Ge: Showered 21/02/2016, 12:21:15 AM: Ge: Got your last message 21/02/2016, 12:21:22 AM: Ge: I miss you VERY much 21/02/2016, 12:21:44 AM: Ge: I wish you could be lying here with me 21/02/2016, 12:23:04 AM: Ge: Spooning. Holding me really close. After amazing sex. One leg over me, pulling me against you, holding me in your arms. Your lips against my neck 21/02/2016, 12:23:23 AM: Ge: Jeeez that would be so good 21/02/2016, 3:49:35 AM: Bas Liewes: I just had a nice lunch and now in bed for a little nap. Shall I break into your dreams ? 21/02/2016, 3:50:06 AM: Ge: You just did :) 21/02/2016, 3:50:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 21/02/2016, 3:50:21 AM: Ge: Back to it now :) 21/02/2016, 3:50:38 AM: Bas Liewes: You're funny. 21/02/2016, 3:50:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Isn't it weird. 21/02/2016, 3:51:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Did I really wake you up ? 21/02/2016, 3:51:06 AM: Ge: Forgot to turn my phone off! 21/02/2016, 3:51:23 AM: Bas Liewes: Sorry !! 21/02/2016, 3:51:26 AM: Ge: Let me nap with you! 21/02/2016, 3:51:36 AM: Bas Liewes: Sleep well than. Yeahhh 21/02/2016, 3:51:39 AM: Ge: No it's my fault. I always do 21/02/2016, 3:51:56 AM: Ge: Was a little bit too drunk I guess :) 21/02/2016, 3:52:03 AM: Bas Liewes: You were a little passed out 21/02/2016, 3:52:11 AM: Ge: Lol 21/02/2016, 3:52:18 AM: Ge: Totally 21/02/2016, 3:52:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Turn on your side, I hold you like you said in the previous mail 21/02/2016, 3:52:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Good night. Xx 21/02/2016, 3:52:56 AM: Ge: Yes please!! 21/02/2016, 3:53:17 AM: Ge: Come with me into my wild dreams 21/02/2016, 3:53:18 AM: Bas Liewes: I will in my mind. 21/02/2016, 3:53:25 AM: Ge: Sweet nap! 21/02/2016, 3:53:41 AM: Ge: :) 21/02/2016, 3:53:44 AM: Ge: xxx 21/02/2016, 3:53:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Wet sweet nap. Xx 21/02/2016, 3:53:58 AM: Ge: Always 21/02/2016, 3:54:02 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 21/02/2016, 3:54:21 AM: Ge: Can't wait a good opportunity 21/02/2016, 3:54:27 AM: Ge: waste* 21/02/2016, 3:55:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Go & sleep. My phone makes so much noise. Martin is having a nap too. Lol 21/02/2016, 3:56:33 AM: Ge: Haha. Ok, sleep well then. I wish I could snuggle you. 1 hand under your Tshirt, holding you tight. Xxx 21/02/2016, 3:57:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Good plan. We have to wait a little longer. 21/02/2016, 3:58:12 AM: Bas Liewes: But the fantasy is something that keeps me rocking. 21/02/2016, 8:09:58 AM: Bas Liewes: All ready awake ? 21/02/2016, 8:10:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes! 21/02/2016, 8:10:09 AM: Ge: Yes :) 21/02/2016, 8:10:29 AM: Ge: Already in bed? 21/02/2016, 8:10:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Always nice to see βœ”οΈβœ”οΈ 21/02/2016, 8:10:53 AM: Bas Liewes: No way 21/02/2016, 8:10:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Just started 21/02/2016, 8:11:11 AM: Ge: What's the plan tonight? 21/02/2016, 8:11:13 AM: Bas Liewes: 21/02/2016, 8:11:27 AM: Bas Liewes: I am in the bikini bar. 21/02/2016, 8:11:42 AM: Ge: Nice photo! You look great 21/02/2016, 8:11:49 AM: Ge: Sharp haircut πŸ˜‰ 21/02/2016, 8:11:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Let's say; bikini is the hotel and shopping mall concept. 21/02/2016, 8:11:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Hipster cult 21/02/2016, 8:12:06 AM: Ge: Haha yeah 21/02/2016, 8:12:13 AM: Ge: But it works on you 21/02/2016, 8:12:13 AM: Bas Liewes: We're drinking a beer and some snacks. 21/02/2016, 8:12:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I'm planning to have some fun tonight to. 21/02/2016, 8:12:36 AM: Ge: And you're on your phone 😝 21/02/2016, 8:12:45 AM: Bas Liewes: My bro is just going to the toilet. 21/02/2016, 8:12:47 AM: Ge: Good! Let loose a little 21/02/2016, 8:12:52 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha. Same thought 21/02/2016, 8:13:25 AM: Bas Liewes: But as he is in a wheelchair it takes a little longer. 21/02/2016, 8:13:43 AM: Bas Liewes: He has to do a catheter 21/02/2016, 8:13:48 AM: Ge: Ok! 21/02/2016, 8:13:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Insert 21/02/2016, 8:14:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Anyway. I am really focused on him. 21/02/2016, 8:14:21 AM: Bas Liewes: We're having a good time. 21/02/2016, 8:14:22 AM: Ge: A lot of logistics. But good that he can travel etc. 21/02/2016, 8:14:37 AM: Ge: Are you really close to him? 21/02/2016, 8:14:48 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, but J what a problems. 21/02/2016, 8:14:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Close yes 21/02/2016, 8:15:25 AM: Ge: Yeah... But he can't change anything about it, right. So it is what it is.. 21/02/2016, 8:15:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Every shop or bar has a step or a block 21/02/2016, 8:16:05 AM: Bas Liewes: The only advantage is parking in front of the door πŸ˜‚ 21/02/2016, 8:16:11 AM: Ge: Haha 21/02/2016, 8:16:51 AM: Bas Liewes: What a shitty life 21/02/2016, 8:17:05 AM: Ge: Is it what he thinks? 21/02/2016, 8:17:06 AM: Bas Liewes: 21/02/2016, 8:17:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah ! Unfortunately he does 21/02/2016, 8:17:29 AM: Ge: Aww that sucks 21/02/2016, 8:17:37 AM: Bas Liewes: He came in a wheelchair when he was 22 21/02/2016, 8:17:41 AM: Ge: Has he been in a wheelchair for a long time 21/02/2016, 8:17:43 AM: Ge: Ok 21/02/2016, 8:17:53 AM: Bas Liewes: He used to shag and do crazy skiing. 21/02/2016, 8:17:56 AM: Ge: That's a long time ago 21/02/2016, 8:18:23 AM: Bas Liewes: The nice things in life are no secret to him 21/02/2016, 8:18:40 AM: Bas Liewes: But he does a great job 21/02/2016, 8:18:48 AM: Ge: I see... There are still people living a crazy life in a wheelchair 21/02/2016, 8:19:00 AM: Ge: My friend Andy plays wheelchair rugby 21/02/2016, 8:19:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Not pretending not making advantage over 21/02/2016, 8:19:13 AM: Ge: Planning to make the Olympic team 21/02/2016, 8:19:25 AM: Bas Liewes: He does basketball 21/02/2016, 8:19:31 AM: Ge: Just got married with a nice girl from Canada 21/02/2016, 8:19:34 AM: Bas Liewes: We still ski together. 21/02/2016, 8:19:37 AM: Ge: Flew there a couple of times 21/02/2016, 8:19:42 AM: Ge: That's cool 21/02/2016, 8:19:45 AM: Bas Liewes: But everything is less 21/02/2016, 8:20:37 AM: Ge: Ok, maybe. I'm not in a wheelchair so I can't say 21/02/2016, 8:21:04 AM: Ge: But if I think about Andy, I have a feeling he would be a dumb drunk guy if he wasn't in a wheelchair 21/02/2016, 8:21:27 AM: Ge: He got paralysed at the age of 10 21/02/2016, 8:21:55 AM: Ge: Hit a sand bank jumping head first in the ocean after school 21/02/2016, 8:23:05 AM: Ge: I wonder if he thinks that everything is less. 21/02/2016, 8:24:18 AM: Bas Liewes: If he falls, doesn't hurt at all. But weeks later he still has stains everywhere as the wound heeling is slow. 21/02/2016, 8:24:22 AM: Bas Liewes: He's back. 21/02/2016, 8:24:34 AM: Ge: Have a good evening :) 21/02/2016, 8:24:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Damn. I want to talk to you !! 21/02/2016, 8:24:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 21/02/2016, 8:24:44 AM: Ge: Later!!! 21/02/2016, 8:24:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Merci ma poule 21/02/2016, 8:24:53 AM: Ge: Tonight the guys are going 21/02/2016, 8:25:02 AM: Ge: Haha de rien mon chΓ©ri 21/02/2016, 8:25:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 21/02/2016, 8:25:37 AM: Ge: Enjoy your evening to the max!! 21/02/2016, 8:26:06 AM: Bas Liewes: I will With pleasure 21/02/2016, 8:26:08 AM: Ge: Winery tour for us, we'll be drinking too (again) 21/02/2016, 8:26:17 AM: Ge: 😘😘 21/02/2016, 8:26:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Omg 21/02/2016, 8:26:39 AM: Bas Liewes: 25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin (Budapester Str. 40, Berlijn, Berlijn 10787): https://foursquare.com/v/4db6b5930f2cc52c21187664 21/02/2016, 8:26:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 21/02/2016, 8:26:48 AM: Ge: xx 21/02/2016, 8:26:59 AM: Ge: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=-36.86473,174.8628 21/02/2016, 8:27:08 AM: Ge: (still in bed) 21/02/2016, 8:27:13 AM: Bas Liewes: One day, I hope you can see the ceiling 21/02/2016, 8:27:57 AM: Ge: Take me there one day :) 21/02/2016, 8:28:08 AM: Bas Liewes: 21/02/2016, 8:28:09 AM: Bas Liewes: 21/02/2016, 8:28:31 AM: Ge: Industrial, love it :) 21/02/2016, 8:32:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Near the zoo. Bahnhof Zoo, KurfΓΌrstendamm, Christiansen F. This place has changed a lot since. 21/02/2016, 8:47:25 AM: Ge: I went to that zoo! 21/02/2016, 8:48:19 AM: Ge: (I hate zoos now. I never felt comfortable visiting them, but I've reached a turning point and now and really cannot stand them) 21/02/2016, 4:33:25 PM: Ge: 21/02/2016, 4:33:26 PM: Ge: 21/02/2016, 4:33:44 PM: Ge: Wine tasting on Waiheke Island! 21/02/2016, 4:33:53 PM: Ge: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=-36.78056,174.9916 21/02/2016, 11:52:34 PM: Ge: Bed time for me, I have a meeting early tomorrow. Back to reality! Be safe on the road πŸ˜… 21/02/2016, 11:53:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks! You sleep well. I have a long trip ahead. And work waiting as well. 21/02/2016, 11:53:54 PM: Ge: Make sure you get home in one piece :) 21/02/2016, 11:54:16 PM: Ge: And with your driving license lol 21/02/2016, 11:54:22 PM: Bas Liewes: No worries. 21/02/2016, 11:55:21 PM: Ge: Tell me about your evening later! And Bikini 22/02/2016, 12:03:03 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha, I hope hans will get a better life in the future. 22/02/2016, 12:03:34 AM: Ge: Only up to you :) 22/02/2016, 12:03:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, I will 22/02/2016, 12:03:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Tell 22/02/2016, 12:03:51 AM: Bas Liewes: Later 22/02/2016, 12:03:57 AM: Bas Liewes: Good night. 22/02/2016, 12:04:04 AM: Ge: Xxx 22/02/2016, 12:04:13 AM: Bas Liewes: X 22/02/2016, 5:48:25 AM: Bas Liewes: I have been traveling all day and nearly home. Lost myself in my books and brain pickings. What a beautiful story about Anna Dostoyevsky on the Secret to a Happy Marriage: Wisdom from One of History’s Truest and Most Beautiful Loves 22/02/2016, 5:50:45 AM: Bas Liewes: Shall we try to have a call tomorrow, I can tell about Berlin. For now, I have to recuperate. My skin is hell dry due to sleeping in a closed room and 10 degrees above my temperature. I would love to scratch myself. Looks a bit silly in the train. 22/02/2016, 7:36:23 AM: Ge: "And it won't let you fall, and it gives warm" 22/02/2016, 11:48:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Still awake ? 22/02/2016, 11:48:46 PM: Bas Liewes: My morning is a little different from what I expected 22/02/2016, 11:49:09 PM: Ge: Hey! 22/02/2016, 11:49:15 PM: Ge: Just about to go to bed 22/02/2016, 11:49:26 PM: Ge: Was getting in the shower 22/02/2016, 11:49:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Frederik stays at home 22/02/2016, 11:49:40 PM: Ge: Had to wake up really early this morning :) 22/02/2016, 11:49:42 PM: Ge: Ok 22/02/2016, 11:50:06 PM: Ge: And he's around you :) 22/02/2016, 11:50:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes 22/02/2016, 11:50:33 PM: Bas Liewes: He missed me so much 22/02/2016, 11:50:49 PM: Ge: That's really sweet 22/02/2016, 11:51:05 PM: Bas Liewes: I think this is the reason that he's off sick. 22/02/2016, 11:51:12 PM: Bas Liewes: It is 22/02/2016, 11:51:18 PM: Ge: Probably :) 22/02/2016, 11:51:30 PM: Ge: That kid is so intense... 22/02/2016, 11:51:33 PM: Bas Liewes: But i planned differently 22/02/2016, 11:51:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes, I must been the same 22/02/2016, 11:52:20 PM: Ge: Probably 22/02/2016, 11:52:59 PM: Bas Liewes: But I can tell that my parents had an other approache 22/02/2016, 11:53:02 PM: Ge: Do you think he feels something is wrong with you at the moment? 22/02/2016, 11:53:10 PM: Ge: Or is he always like that? 22/02/2016, 11:53:32 PM: Ge: Your parents had a different approach? 22/02/2016, 11:56:26 PM: Bas Liewes: He's always like that. But I think that he feels a lot more. He's so symbiotic attached to me and his mum. 22/02/2016, 11:57:52 PM: Bas Liewes: My parents didn't give a damn about it. Their lives were prior to them. I always decide to shift priorities when Karl or frederik need it. Simple, not even a question. 22/02/2016, 11:59:26 PM: Ge: Yes, for sure 23/02/2016, 12:00:53 AM: Ge: It is really sad you felt like that 23/02/2016, 12:01:26 AM: Bas Liewes: I am a bit under pressure, salaries and orders to make. 23/02/2016, 12:01:36 AM: Ge: Ok 23/02/2016, 12:01:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Hope to have some time tomorrow. 23/02/2016, 12:01:43 AM: Ge: I need to sleep anyway 23/02/2016, 12:01:54 AM: Ge: Good luck with the admin! 23/02/2016, 12:02:05 AM: Bas Liewes: I am in the train around 9. Should be a possibility 23/02/2016, 12:02:16 AM: Bas Liewes: Sleep well x 23/02/2016, 12:02:24 AM: Ge: I will probably be home, so I'll have time 23/02/2016, 12:02:37 AM: Ge: Have a good day! xx 23/02/2016, 11:59:44 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey ! I am still struggling with the stuff I had to do. My new laptop and saving the right files is time consuming. Why is this still a thing. I need a server or proper backups. It's about 10 years that I think about it. Anyway, an other hour and than I have to jump into bed. You have a good day. 23/02/2016, 12:03:12 PM: Ge: Have you tried to restore with Time Machine? 23/02/2016, 12:03:49 PM: Ge: It makes an image of your disk on one side and restores that image on the new disk 23/02/2016, 12:04:46 PM: Ge: http://www.macworld.com/article/2066996/how-to-transfer-backups-from-time-machine-to-a-new-mac.html 23/02/2016, 12:05:30 PM: Ge: Really easy to do if you have an external hard drive that can be hooked to one laptop then the other 23/02/2016, 12:06:52 PM: Ge: If you don't have Time Machine set up on your old laptop, it's very simple to do. Might take a while to backup everything the first time (while you sleep!) but then the migration assistant will make it a child's game to move to your new laptop 23/02/2016, 12:08:01 PM: Ge: Actually forget the first link, this one covers everything: https://support.apple.com/en-nz/HT201250 23/02/2016, 12:12:33 PM: Bas Liewes: I have a timemachine. But than I have everything. The new Mac has an ssd memory instead of s hard drive. 23/02/2016, 12:12:49 PM: Ge: So not enough space? 23/02/2016, 12:13:03 PM: Bas Liewes: 23/02/2016, 12:13:04 PM: Bas Liewes: 23/02/2016, 12:13:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Thunderbolt and external 23/02/2016, 12:13:43 PM: Ge: The new hard drive is smaller than the old one? 23/02/2016, 12:13:57 PM: Bas Liewes: Thunderbolt is better because I can select the files. I have 69 gb of pictures. 23/02/2016, 12:14:05 PM: Ge: Sorry for the lesson if you had that already :) 23/02/2016, 12:14:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Or is it my porn collection. 23/02/2016, 12:14:25 PM: Ge: I think it would be quicker to load everything then delete than copying 23/02/2016, 12:14:28 PM: Ge: Haha 23/02/2016, 12:14:28 PM: Bas Liewes: No need for apologize!! 23/02/2016, 12:14:49 PM: Ge: Who has a porn collection these days with youporn ;) 23/02/2016, 12:14:57 PM: Bas Liewes: I hate timemachines. 23/02/2016, 12:14:58 PM: Ge: Full length movies? 23/02/2016, 12:15:06 PM: Ge: I skip straight to the good stuff 23/02/2016, 12:15:20 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha. I caught Karl today. 23/02/2016, 12:15:31 PM: Ge: Really? 23/02/2016, 12:15:33 PM: Ge: Lol 23/02/2016, 12:16:10 PM: Ge: Is he traumatised now? 23/02/2016, 12:16:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Disgusting site 23/02/2016, 12:17:01 PM: Ge: Disgusting? 23/02/2016, 12:17:54 PM: Bas Liewes: I said; Karl! Here's your tea. I didn't know your English is that interesting. No worries, I would worry more if you didn't watch porn with 14. 23/02/2016, 12:18:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Later he kissed me goodnight, me said, I know you do the same sometimes.... I checked your phone and there was porn too. 23/02/2016, 12:19:04 PM: Ge: Wow 23/02/2016, 12:19:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Hahaha, did I feel embarrassed? 23/02/2016, 12:19:16 PM: Ge: How did you feel? 23/02/2016, 12:19:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes! 23/02/2016, 12:19:26 PM: Bas Liewes: Susanne stood next to me. 23/02/2016, 12:19:37 PM: Ge: Does she know? 23/02/2016, 12:19:54 PM: Ge: Did he say that in front of her to embarrass you😜 23/02/2016, 12:19:58 PM: Bas Liewes: I told her that I sometimes watch. 23/02/2016, 12:21:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Not for that reason, more his way of expressing things. blund and puberty together. Nothing should be a taboo 23/02/2016, 12:22:08 PM: Ge: For sure 23/02/2016, 12:22:19 PM: Bas Liewes: That is what he thinks right now. 23/02/2016, 12:22:50 PM: Ge: I just hope he realises this is very far away of reality. That there is no pressure for performance and that most women do not want to be treated this way. 23/02/2016, 12:23:01 PM: Bas Liewes: I was embarrassed last time watching this sm porn 23/02/2016, 12:23:19 PM: Bas Liewes: I have an opening to talk about it now 23/02/2016, 12:23:39 PM: Ge: Porn has such an influence on young men... And young women. This is devastating for the sex lives of teenagers and you g adults 23/02/2016, 12:23:40 PM: Bas Liewes: The shock must have been huge for him 23/02/2016, 12:23:51 PM: Ge: That you watch it too? 23/02/2016, 12:23:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Let it rest. Pick it up when the mood is good 23/02/2016, 12:24:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Watch what? 23/02/2016, 12:24:44 PM: Ge: Or shocked about the videos themselves? 23/02/2016, 12:25:00 PM: Ge: You said it must have been a shock for him 23/02/2016, 12:25:19 PM: Bas Liewes: No, it was a strange site. Maybe I can trace it. 23/02/2016, 12:25:35 PM: Ge: Kink.com? :) 23/02/2016, 12:25:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Creampy, creampy underwear 23/02/2016, 12:26:01 PM: Ge: Ok :) 23/02/2016, 12:26:40 PM: Bas Liewes: Vibrators no dicks of flash and blood. 23/02/2016, 12:26:43 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha. 23/02/2016, 12:26:52 PM: Ge: Haha ok 23/02/2016, 12:27:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Shocked about being caught. But he stayed so cool. 23/02/2016, 12:27:12 PM: Bas Liewes: Master ! 23/02/2016, 12:27:18 PM: Ge: I've seen some weird stuff on those websites too. Amateur porn is worse than professional 23/02/2016, 12:28:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey, I bet you have seen more than many other people 23/02/2016, 12:28:04 PM: Ge: (I really don't like the amateur stuff) 23/02/2016, 12:28:11 PM: Ge: Haha, well maybe 23/02/2016, 12:28:13 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ˜‚ 23/02/2016, 12:28:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Hairy Germans ! 23/02/2016, 12:28:32 PM: Ge: I don't spend a lot of time on those websites 23/02/2016, 12:28:37 PM: Ge: I know my keywords :) 23/02/2016, 12:28:36 PM: Bas Liewes: That's my favorite 23/02/2016, 12:28:45 PM: Ge: Aww really :-D 23/02/2016, 12:28:56 PM: Ge: And you complain about that painting? 😝 23/02/2016, 12:29:03 PM: Bas Liewes: What's your keyword ? 23/02/2016, 12:29:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 23/02/2016, 12:29:22 PM: Ge: Mmmm. Am I ready to share them :) 23/02/2016, 12:29:51 PM: Bas Liewes: I most of the time just enter the redtube site and click, click 23/02/2016, 12:30:13 PM: Ge: I go straight to categories I like :) 23/02/2016, 12:30:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Before I know I see everything I need to get to come there 23/02/2016, 12:31:07 PM: Bas Liewes: Vibe is good, give me one.. 23/02/2016, 12:31:19 PM: Ge: Well... 23/02/2016, 12:31:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Not your favorite actors 23/02/2016, 12:31:44 PM: Ge: Lol you know already :) 23/02/2016, 12:32:19 PM: Ge: I don't want you to think that's the only thing that turns me on. Or that I am seeking this in real life. Porn for me is a way to get a quick relief or enhance experience (stronger) 23/02/2016, 12:32:45 PM: Bas Liewes: You can keep it for yourself. 23/02/2016, 12:32:52 PM: Ge: No I can tell you 23/02/2016, 12:33:04 PM: Ge: I just wanted to give you an explanation beforehand :) 23/02/2016, 12:33:24 PM: Ge: Unless you don't want to know :-) 23/02/2016, 12:33:31 PM: Ge: But you can probably guess 23/02/2016, 12:34:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Threesome ?? 23/02/2016, 12:34:32 PM: Ge: Gangbangs 23/02/2016, 12:34:31 PM: Bas Liewes: I like so sometimes black on blond. Sometimes milf, mum and stepdaughter. 23/02/2016, 12:34:43 PM: Bas Liewes: Wow !! 23/02/2016, 12:35:15 PM: Bas Liewes: That's the stuff I sometimes watch to see how much girls can take. 23/02/2016, 12:35:22 PM: Ge: But it doesn't mean I need that in real life 23/02/2016, 12:35:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Don't worry. 23/02/2016, 12:35:39 PM: Ge: I'd probably be really scared lol 23/02/2016, 12:35:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Once you're with me, I gangbang you on my own. 23/02/2016, 12:36:01 PM: Ge: But those videos do the job very well for me 23/02/2016, 12:36:05 PM: Ge: Haha 23/02/2016, 12:36:10 PM: Ge: Hope you will! 23/02/2016, 12:36:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. 23/02/2016, 12:36:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Very much. 23/02/2016, 12:36:28 PM: Ge: Another one is double penetration 23/02/2016, 12:36:39 PM: Bas Liewes: I am horny all the time these days. 23/02/2016, 12:36:45 PM: Ge: For some reason it works really well To 23/02/2016, 12:36:49 PM: Ge: Me too! 23/02/2016, 12:36:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. I like that too 23/02/2016, 12:36:59 PM: Ge: Came three times this morning 23/02/2016, 12:37:10 PM: Bas Liewes: I came twice. 23/02/2016, 12:37:19 PM: Ge: I had to push myself to get out of bed and in the shower 23/02/2016, 12:37:26 PM: Ge: Really 😍 23/02/2016, 12:37:29 PM: Ge: Nice 23/02/2016, 12:37:43 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha.3rd comes in 10 minutes 23/02/2016, 12:38:03 PM: Ge: Especially if you check DP stuff :) 23/02/2016, 12:38:06 PM: Bas Liewes: For sure 23/02/2016, 12:38:24 PM: Ge: There is a common trend in those videos 23/02/2016, 12:38:33 PM: Ge: I used to watch hentai a lot as well 23/02/2016, 12:38:39 PM: Bas Liewes: ??? 23/02/2016, 12:38:49 PM: Ge: Japanese anime porn 23/02/2016, 12:38:59 PM: Ge: But not the weird monster stuff 23/02/2016, 12:39:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Bondage ? 23/02/2016, 12:39:13 PM: Ge: The submissive helpless girl type of stuff 23/02/2016, 12:39:20 PM: Ge: Cartoons :) 23/02/2016, 12:39:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Squirting and crying 23/02/2016, 12:39:33 PM: Ge: Bondage does not do much for me 23/02/2016, 12:39:39 PM: Ge: Does it for you? 23/02/2016, 12:39:42 PM: Ge: Videos I mean 23/02/2016, 12:40:12 PM: Bas Liewes: No! Again. I am always surprised to see what people can take. 23/02/2016, 12:40:15 PM: Ge: I never really tried in real life. Once or twice but very amateurish 23/02/2016, 12:40:21 PM: Bas Liewes: It doesn't turn me on. 23/02/2016, 12:40:28 PM: Bas Liewes: I like to be rough 23/02/2016, 12:40:43 PM: Ge: I like it rough 😜 23/02/2016, 12:41:38 PM: Ge: The common trend for me is very dominant aggressive male, and submissive female. That turns me on a lot. 23/02/2016, 12:41:47 PM: Bas Liewes: But that's more squeezing your nipples, bum, shoulders, pull your hair. Make you bent if you want to stand straight. 23/02/2016, 12:41:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Well !! 23/02/2016, 12:41:57 PM: Ge: That's why I like that French guy 23/02/2016, 12:41:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Here you go 23/02/2016, 12:42:14 PM: Ge: (the porn actor) 23/02/2016, 12:42:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Ferreira 23/02/2016, 12:42:35 PM: Ge: Yes 23/02/2016, 12:42:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Mf 23/02/2016, 12:42:43 PM: Ge: Manuel Ferrara 23/02/2016, 12:42:49 PM: Ge: Something like that 23/02/2016, 12:42:51 PM: Bas Liewes: MF 23/02/2016, 12:42:56 PM: Ge: Just be gentle with my nipples :) 23/02/2016, 12:43:05 PM: Ge: The rest, no worries 23/02/2016, 12:43:10 PM: Bas Liewes: That's how I remember him 23/02/2016, 12:43:23 PM: Ge: He is really rough sometimes 23/02/2016, 12:43:45 PM: Ge: And so intensely into the girl 23/02/2016, 12:43:53 PM: Bas Liewes: My fingers in your pussy, rough too? 23/02/2016, 12:43:58 PM: Ge: Like the camera isn't there 23/02/2016, 12:44:00 PM: Bas Liewes: Say yes 23/02/2016, 12:44:04 PM: Ge: Yes 23/02/2016, 12:44:11 PM: Ge: Deep 23/02/2016, 12:44:19 PM: Bas Liewes: Hmmm 23/02/2016, 12:44:27 PM: Ge: Fast doesn't do much with fingers, but deep 23/02/2016, 12:44:34 PM: Bas Liewes: I will 23/02/2016, 12:44:39 PM: Ge: It turns me on like crazy 23/02/2016, 12:44:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Fast I not my game with fingers. 23/02/2016, 12:45:00 PM: Ge: Nice... 23/02/2016, 12:45:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Intense pushing 23/02/2016, 12:45:09 PM: Ge: Yes! 23/02/2016, 12:45:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Massage your inside with two fingers. 23/02/2016, 12:45:41 PM: Ge: One, two and if I am really really turned on, three 23/02/2016, 12:45:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Getting you there. 23/02/2016, 12:46:01 PM: Ge: Yes... 23/02/2016, 12:46:14 PM: Ge: Hold me tight against you with your other arm 23/02/2016, 12:46:25 PM: Ge: Your bodyweight on top of me 23/02/2016, 12:46:27 PM: Bas Liewes: I will give you two in your ass and to in your pussy 23/02/2016, 12:46:59 PM: Ge: If you want to play with my ass, I'd prefer something else entirely... 23/02/2016, 12:47:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. Tell me. But I like to find it out too 23/02/2016, 12:47:35 PM: Ge: You'll have to work on it to get me there because I am really not used to it... 23/02/2016, 12:47:55 PM: Bas Liewes: It goes natural 23/02/2016, 12:48:05 PM: Ge: I have to be really turned on to want it 23/02/2016, 12:48:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Don't worry. 23/02/2016, 12:48:16 PM: Ge: But then if I am there, I want it all 23/02/2016, 12:48:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Do you doubt about that?? 23/02/2016, 12:48:37 PM: Ge: About what? Wanting it? 23/02/2016, 12:48:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Being turned on! 23/02/2016, 12:48:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 23/02/2016, 12:48:55 PM: Ge: Haha, hell no 23/02/2016, 12:49:06 PM: Ge: I am already turned on 20k km away 23/02/2016, 12:49:14 PM: Bas Liewes: No doubt, I will do it soft than. 23/02/2016, 12:49:24 PM: Ge: Actually no :) 23/02/2016, 12:49:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Me too 23/02/2016, 12:49:28 PM: Ge: Soft hurts :) 23/02/2016, 12:49:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Crazy 23/02/2016, 12:49:45 PM: Ge: If you get there, go fast pretty soon 23/02/2016, 12:49:56 PM: Ge: And I'll manage the pain by playing with myself 23/02/2016, 12:50:17 PM: Bas Liewes: I will take over control and you tell me what's like 23/02/2016, 12:50:30 PM: Ge: But be prepared with be falling asleep 5 min after I come, because it is so strong it knocks me out! 23/02/2016, 12:50:56 PM: Ge: I will tell you everything... This I can only do lying on my stomach... 23/02/2016, 12:51:01 PM: Ge: For now :) 23/02/2016, 12:51:20 PM: Bas Liewes: If it's nothing, I bang your pussy so often that you have to find other holes ! 23/02/2016, 12:51:28 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for telling. 23/02/2016, 12:51:41 PM: Ge: It's best for both of us :) 23/02/2016, 12:51:40 PM: Bas Liewes: That is nice to know. 23/02/2016, 12:51:51 PM: Ge: No hit and miss, and the best experience 23/02/2016, 12:51:59 PM: Ge: Hope you'll do the same with me 23/02/2016, 12:52:08 PM: Ge: Willing to explore new things of course 23/02/2016, 12:52:35 PM: Ge: But some of the roadmap is there... And I want a crazy experience with you 23/02/2016, 12:52:38 PM: Bas Liewes: I do it as a Wake up call ? Whiteout foreplay. 23/02/2016, 12:52:54 PM: Bas Liewes: It's like we have that already 23/02/2016, 12:53:06 PM: Ge: We do! 23/02/2016, 12:53:16 PM: Bas Liewes: So open! The distance helps 23/02/2016, 12:53:20 PM: Bas Liewes: For that 23/02/2016, 12:53:36 PM: Ge: I am sure we would be very open even face to face 23/02/2016, 12:53:47 PM: Ge: I would tell you everything about me anyway 23/02/2016, 12:53:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Me too 23/02/2016, 12:53:59 PM: Ge: And best, show you 23/02/2016, 12:54:07 PM: Bas Liewes: I can read your mind anyway. 23/02/2016, 12:54:13 PM: Ge: Where to touch me... Where to hold me... 23/02/2016, 12:54:24 PM: Ge: Yes. I like being an open book for you 23/02/2016, 12:54:32 PM: Ge: It is refreshing and feels good 23/02/2016, 12:54:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Nice !! 23/02/2016, 12:55:37 PM: Bas Liewes: I go to the bathroom. I am loosing my appetite if I get more into typing. Don't get me wrong. I want it now and I have to sleep. 23/02/2016, 12:55:53 PM: Ge: Go :) 23/02/2016, 12:55:59 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 23/02/2016, 12:56:02 PM: Ge: I will jump back in bed 23/02/2016, 12:56:07 PM: Ge: To be with you 23/02/2016, 12:56:22 PM: Ge: and think about what you'll do to me 23/02/2016, 12:56:45 PM: Bas Liewes: 4 times πŸ‡«πŸ‡· 23/02/2016, 12:56:51 PM: Ge: Haha 23/02/2016, 12:57:00 PM: Ge: Yes! 23/02/2016, 12:57:02 PM: Ge: So wet! 23/02/2016, 12:57:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Vivela France. 23/02/2016, 12:57:18 PM: Ge: Orange rules 23/02/2016, 12:57:25 PM: Bas Liewes: We say, voor het vaderland. 23/02/2016, 12:57:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 23/02/2016, 12:57:36 PM: Bas Liewes: I am out 23/02/2016, 12:57:44 PM: Ge: Me too 23/02/2016, 12:57:52 PM: Ge: Hands in my pants 23/02/2016, 1:08:15 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ’ͺwanking arm πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ 23/02/2016, 1:09:53 PM: Ge: Haha 23/02/2016, 1:09:59 PM: Ge: Just got out of the shower 23/02/2016, 1:10:02 PM: Ge: Again :) 23/02/2016, 1:10:08 PM: Ge: Sleep well!! 23/02/2016, 11:22:58 PM: Ge: Good morning! 23/02/2016, 11:23:39 PM: Ge: I am pretty exhausted today, finishing a few things on the website and going to sleep before midnight if I can. 23/02/2016, 11:24:26 PM: Ge: Hope you had a good sleep after a very enjoyable and detailed conversation... 23/02/2016, 11:24:40 PM: Ge: Have a great day! 23/02/2016, 11:24:45 PM: Ge: xx 23/02/2016, 11:55:55 PM: Bas Liewes: You made it ! Xx 24/02/2016, 6:33:22 AM: Ge: I didn't in the end but not too bad! Dropping Philippe and his wife at the airport this morning. Will be on my own until I fly to Tahiti, yes! 24/02/2016, 8:43:53 AM: Bas Liewes: Sound cool and relax. Sorry I haven't got a clue when you're going to Tahiti.sorry ! I am bringing Frederik into bed. Susanne is taking a bath. Should able me to have a few minutes to spend with you and my phoneπŸ˜• 24/02/2016, 8:44:23 AM: Ge: 2 March 24/02/2016, 8:44:41 AM: Ge: No stress about chatting 24/02/2016, 8:44:43 AM: Bas Liewes: For 2 wks ? 24/02/2016, 8:44:52 AM: Ge: Don't put yourself in a difficult position 24/02/2016, 8:45:00 AM: Ge: Yes, around 2 weeks 24/02/2016, 8:45:06 AM: Ge: Still have to book my return 24/02/2016, 8:45:13 AM: Bas Liewes: Time differences? 24/02/2016, 8:45:22 AM: Ge: 1hr with NZ 24/02/2016, 8:45:32 AM: Ge: Haha, planning ahead :$ 24/02/2016, 8:45:33 AM: Ge: :) 24/02/2016, 8:45:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Double backup. 24/02/2016, 8:45:37 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:45:54 AM: Ge: Techie! 24/02/2016, 8:46:05 AM: Ge: WD, I have the same 24/02/2016, 8:46:16 AM: Ge: Two of them 24/02/2016, 8:46:26 AM: Ge: 1 & 2 To 24/02/2016, 8:46:48 AM: Ge: And Lego Minecraft :) 24/02/2016, 8:47:00 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:47:13 AM: Bas Liewes: This is the one that travels with me 24/02/2016, 8:47:19 AM: Ge: A HD made for you :) 24/02/2016, 8:47:23 AM: Ge: Rugged and reliable 24/02/2016, 8:47:27 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes. 24/02/2016, 8:47:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey! They give me 475€ for my old laptop!!! 24/02/2016, 8:48:06 AM: Ge: I should get one of these 24/02/2016, 8:48:08 AM: Ge: Nice! 24/02/2016, 8:48:11 AM: Bas Liewes: Never expected that. 24/02/2016, 8:48:17 AM: Ge: Good savings 24/02/2016, 8:48:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Only if you buy an other used refitted computer. 24/02/2016, 8:48:51 AM: Ge: Mine wouldn't get much. Suffered so much during my travels 24/02/2016, 8:48:56 AM: Bas Liewes: I will buy an extra iMac. 24/02/2016, 8:49:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Shall I show you mine ? 24/02/2016, 8:49:24 AM: Bas Liewes: Laptop πŸ˜‚ 24/02/2016, 8:49:27 AM: Ge: Show me yours 😜 24/02/2016, 8:49:30 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:49:39 AM: Ge: You read my mind πŸ˜‰ 24/02/2016, 8:49:53 AM: Ge: No combination please! 24/02/2016, 8:50:04 AM: Ge: As curious as I am... 24/02/2016, 8:50:48 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:50:48 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:50:49 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:50:51 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:51:17 AM: Ge: Ok you win 24/02/2016, 8:51:33 AM: Bas Liewes: It looks like I tried to photograph both. 24/02/2016, 8:51:44 AM: Ge: I've only damaged 2 corners! 24/02/2016, 8:52:03 AM: Ge: Both what 😝 24/02/2016, 8:52:39 AM: Ge: What did you do with that ethernet port... 24/02/2016, 8:53:30 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:53:31 AM: Bas Liewes: So much money for the inside. 24/02/2016, 8:53:31 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:53:36 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:53:44 AM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 8:54:10 AM: Ge: Jeez. 24/02/2016, 8:54:17 AM: Ge: It took a beating 24/02/2016, 8:54:20 AM: Bas Liewes: It's hilarious! Throw me. I can't loose my worth. 24/02/2016, 8:54:45 AM: Ge: And this is the one which is still fetching €400+? 24/02/2016, 8:55:02 AM: Ge: Haha, yeah. But good old meat and bones repair themselves 24/02/2016, 8:55:10 AM: Ge: Endoskeleton 24/02/2016, 8:55:36 AM: Ge: Exoskeleton are more fragile. Throw a beetle hard enough and one the skeleton is pierced they are dead 24/02/2016, 8:55:42 AM: Bas Liewes: It felt of the shelves, 150cm 24/02/2016, 8:55:54 AM: Ge: Same with emotions :) 24/02/2016, 8:56:08 AM: Ge: If your protection is outside, one crack and you're over 24/02/2016, 8:56:22 AM: Ge: Better to have a soft skin but strong bones inside :) 24/02/2016, 8:56:45 AM: Bas Liewes: I like the soft skin inside. 24/02/2016, 8:56:48 AM: Ge: I read that metaphor somewhere and found it reallt true 24/02/2016, 8:56:50 AM: Bas Liewes: To easy 24/02/2016, 8:56:54 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:57:13 AM: Ge: You are very horny these days :) 24/02/2016, 8:57:26 AM: Ge: Full moon? 24/02/2016, 8:58:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay, yes it is very true. And yes, I want to Dick you all the way 24/02/2016, 8:58:23 AM: Ge: lol 24/02/2016, 8:58:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Full moon. It actually could be. 24/02/2016, 8:58:48 AM: Ge: I would love to be around you at the moment 24/02/2016, 8:58:49 AM: Bas Liewes: Hhhrrr 24/02/2016, 8:58:56 AM: Ge: Enjoy all that sexual energy 24/02/2016, 8:59:04 AM: Bas Liewes: I think that more often. 24/02/2016, 8:59:41 AM: Bas Liewes: I am planning a dinner with David and Gerrit Thursday night at Gerrit's place 24/02/2016, 9:00:09 AM: Ge: More often? About me being around? 24/02/2016, 9:00:21 AM: Ge: Ha, David, my friend :) 24/02/2016, 9:00:27 AM: Bas Liewes: He has a tube in his garden and want to enjoy the beers with us in his tub 24/02/2016, 9:00:44 AM: Ge: Haha, nice life :) 24/02/2016, 9:00:53 AM: Ge: Is that going to end up on a threesome? 24/02/2016, 9:01:01 AM: Bas Liewes: I said, sorry guys my anaconda is very shy 24/02/2016, 9:01:07 AM: Ge: Beers + tub + 3 people 24/02/2016, 9:01:10 AM: Bas Liewes: Can't do that. 24/02/2016, 9:01:25 AM: Ge: Haha - was that really what he was thinking? 24/02/2016, 9:02:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Anyway. David replies, bad, isn't it a nice metaphor you and the anaconda. He eats ones every few months and than nothing for a long time. 24/02/2016, 9:02:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:02:26 AM: Ge: Lol 24/02/2016, 9:02:42 AM: Ge: TouchΓ© 😝 24/02/2016, 9:02:59 AM: Ge: I like him πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 9:03:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes more often. Don't think it will end in a three some 24/02/2016, 9:03:25 AM: Bas Liewes: I go now 24/02/2016, 9:03:32 AM: Ge: Good night 24/02/2016, 9:20:28 AM: Bas Liewes: I am not done yet. Haha 24/02/2016, 9:20:45 AM: Ge: About the threesome? πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 9:21:02 AM: Ge: Or sleeping already πŸ˜‰ 24/02/2016, 9:21:10 AM: Bas Liewes: But Susanne is already out of the bath. 24/02/2016, 9:21:22 AM: Bas Liewes: 😜 24/02/2016, 9:21:26 AM: Ge: Ok 24/02/2016, 9:21:31 AM: Bas Liewes: I won't tell 24/02/2016, 9:21:35 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:22:02 AM: Ge: Funny how you said "I don't think it will end" You're not so sure 😜 24/02/2016, 9:22:15 AM: Bas Liewes: But a threesome? I think we all need one girl to join us. 24/02/2016, 9:22:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Nothing is for sure. 24/02/2016, 9:22:47 AM: Ge: Than that's a foursome lol 24/02/2016, 9:24:04 AM: Bas Liewes: I once had a very prude threesome kiss with my neighbor and my girlfriend at that time in a full cafΓ© with an ice cube. The situation/ circumstances where ideal. 24/02/2016, 9:24:35 AM: Bas Liewes: I never expected myself to kiss a man, but it was a fun night. 24/02/2016, 9:24:36 AM: Ge: The old ice cube trick :) how old were you? 24/02/2016, 9:24:53 AM: Bas Liewes: 25 /26 24/02/2016, 9:25:07 AM: Ge: Haha, not that young πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 9:25:31 AM: Bas Liewes: It was fun and therefor I will never say that I am sure. 24/02/2016, 9:25:59 AM: Ge: I like your openess about it 24/02/2016, 9:26:01 AM: Bas Liewes: I think that I have never told anyone else. 24/02/2016, 9:26:09 AM: Bas Liewes: So open !! 24/02/2016, 9:26:14 AM: Ge: Well, thanks for telling me :) 24/02/2016, 9:26:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:26:42 AM: Ge: Would have loved to see that πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 9:26:58 AM: Bas Liewes: With you, as I now know that you fancy gangbangs.... 24/02/2016, 9:27:03 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:27:04 AM: Bas Liewes: No just kidding. 24/02/2016, 9:27:30 AM: Ge: That would be interesting to see you in bed with another man 24/02/2016, 9:27:41 AM: Ge: I mean, not the full on show 24/02/2016, 9:28:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Handshake each other with my Dick in your mouth and his' doggystyle in your prune :-) 24/02/2016, 9:28:46 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:28:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Stop it 24/02/2016, 9:29:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol 24/02/2016, 9:29:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I have to be silent here :-) 24/02/2016, 9:29:14 AM: Ge: That wasn't the sort of image I had in my mind right now, I was thinking about you! 24/02/2016, 9:29:17 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 9:29:39 AM: Ge: But that's an interesting visualisation πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 9:29:48 AM: Bas Liewes: That takes an other lifetime 24/02/2016, 9:29:53 AM: Ge: Would you let another man go down on you? 24/02/2016, 9:30:14 AM: Ge: I mean, during a threesome, not just the two of you 24/02/2016, 9:30:33 AM: Ge: (I'm not suggesting anything for us, just curious!) 24/02/2016, 9:36:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Like I said, I will never say that I know things for sure. It's not in my horny flashes, that's all I know. I do know that this is very much taboo in our society. Who knows what's inside. Like many man turn into gay while they're in jail. 24/02/2016, 9:36:46 AM: Ge: I guess once we are exposed to it, it make it less... a turn off 24/02/2016, 9:37:06 AM: Ge: Society should talk more about it in general :) 24/02/2016, 9:37:21 AM: Bas Liewes: With my full conscious I can say that this is no desire. 24/02/2016, 9:38:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I have nice gay friends. I like them a lot. But snogging them after 10 beers is not on my mind. Maybe fear?? This is so deep inside. I can't answer it as there's a big brick wall around it. 24/02/2016, 9:39:18 AM: Ge: It is also a matter of circumstances 24/02/2016, 9:39:22 AM: Bas Liewes: Confessing this is already a big thing isn't it ? 24/02/2016, 9:39:30 AM: Ge: It is! 24/02/2016, 9:39:35 AM: Bas Liewes: All about circumstances 24/02/2016, 9:39:37 AM: Ge: But I am not surprised 24/02/2016, 9:39:54 AM: Ge: Not that I think you have gay tendencies :) 24/02/2016, 9:40:09 AM: Ge: But because I feel you being open to many things in general 24/02/2016, 9:40:18 AM: Ge: (apart from air travels) 24/02/2016, 9:40:38 AM: Ge: So it makes sense 24/02/2016, 9:40:59 AM: Bas Liewes: I once went to Thailand. Before I was a treehugger... 24/02/2016, 9:41:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Same thoughts... 24/02/2016, 9:41:17 AM: Ge: And fear is also mostly about the unknown and what boundaries you think you can have there 24/02/2016, 9:41:29 AM: Ge: And what happened :) 24/02/2016, 9:41:49 AM: Bas Liewes: I saw a lot of one celled amoebas that lightened in the sea 24/02/2016, 9:42:14 AM: Ge: Is that a code word? Haha 24/02/2016, 9:59:44 AM: Bas Liewes: I tell you the rest 24/02/2016, 9:59:58 AM: Bas Liewes: Do you mind if I call in 10 minutes ? 24/02/2016, 10:00:03 AM: Ge: Sure 24/02/2016, 10:00:14 AM: Bas Liewes: I am going to bring the money away. 24/02/2016, 10:00:20 AM: Ge: Ok 24/02/2016, 10:44:56 AM: Ge: Ok, a bit weird to finish like that :) 24/02/2016, 10:47:30 AM: Bas Liewes: Yes, but we know that our connection will not be gone 24/02/2016, 10:47:44 AM: Ge: No, not all 24/02/2016, 10:47:48 AM: Bas Liewes: I am at home again. 24/02/2016, 10:48:04 AM: Ge: I won't let you put my relationship in danger, but you are special to me 24/02/2016, 10:48:12 AM: Ge: And you always will be 24/02/2016, 10:48:52 AM: Ge: You have strong influence on me, allowing me to be myself and fully open with you. 24/02/2016, 10:48:52 AM: Bas Liewes: I know and you're to me 24/02/2016, 10:49:28 AM: Ge: But as you say, you can't promise anything 24/02/2016, 10:49:36 AM: Ge: And I have to accept it 24/02/2016, 10:49:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Right 24/02/2016, 10:50:18 AM: Bas Liewes: I leave you for now. 24/02/2016, 10:50:38 AM: Ge: So I have to stay open for other things. Although I know very much that I want you :) 24/02/2016, 10:50:59 AM: Ge: Ok, have a good night 24/02/2016, 10:51:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Me too 24/02/2016, 10:51:18 AM: Ge: Very much 24/02/2016, 10:51:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Hans can wait 24/02/2016, 10:51:29 AM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 10:51:40 AM: Ge: I want Hand very much too :) 24/02/2016, 10:51:54 AM: Ge: And not just because I am horny right now :) 24/02/2016, 10:52:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Hand around hans 24/02/2016, 10:52:02 AM: Ge: Hans! 24/02/2016, 10:52:08 AM: Ge: And the rest 24/02/2016, 10:52:17 AM: Ge: Lips, up and down 24/02/2016, 10:52:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 24/02/2016, 10:52:25 AM: Ge: xxx 24/02/2016, 10:52:37 AM: Bas Liewes: Enjoy! 24/02/2016, 10:52:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 24/02/2016, 10:52:52 AM: Ge: Will do :) 24/02/2016, 3:22:13 PM: Ge: http://popupcity.net/about/ 24/02/2016, 8:11:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Interesting ! 24/02/2016, 8:12:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Good evening! 24/02/2016, 8:12:27 PM: Bas Liewes: How many times today? 24/02/2016, 8:12:32 PM: Ge: Like their articles. Thought you mind be interested to see how they push the concept! 24/02/2016, 8:12:33 PM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:12:38 PM: Ge: Twice 24/02/2016, 8:12:39 PM: Bas Liewes: It's indeed full moon here 24/02/2016, 8:12:46 PM: Ge: Including 5 min ago 24/02/2016, 8:13:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay, that makes me turned straight away. 24/02/2016, 8:13:22 PM: Ge: I was looking up a porn star I saw in a video... 24/02/2016, 8:13:30 PM: Ge: Reading her twitter account 24/02/2016, 8:13:38 PM: Ge: (I sound like a sex addict...) 24/02/2016, 8:13:42 PM: Bas Liewes: And her name? 24/02/2016, 8:13:47 PM: Ge: After I came :) 24/02/2016, 8:13:55 PM: Ge: Veronica Adluv I think 24/02/2016, 8:14:01 PM: Ge: MILF 24/02/2016, 8:14:13 PM: Ge: seems to be smart and level headed 24/02/2016, 8:14:19 PM: Bas Liewes: Desperate for a good fuck 24/02/2016, 8:14:25 PM: Ge: But her video, jesus christ 24/02/2016, 8:14:29 PM: Ge: Me? 24/02/2016, 8:16:11 PM: Bas Liewes: 1sec 24/02/2016, 8:16:25 PM: Ge: Ok 24/02/2016, 8:19:20 PM: Bas Liewes: We both need it. 24/02/2016, 8:19:36 PM: Bas Liewes: I'll check now 24/02/2016, 8:19:54 PM: Ge: Yeah, very much :) 24/02/2016, 8:20:30 PM: Ge: I won't send you the link to her video, it is way too hardcore! 24/02/2016, 8:20:45 PM: Ge: And I only saw 20 sec 24/02/2016, 8:20:51 PM: Ge: But that was enough 24/02/2016, 8:21:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Please do 24/02/2016, 8:21:36 PM: Bas Liewes: I don't see what you mean. 24/02/2016, 8:21:44 PM: Ge: Hardcore gangbang 24/02/2016, 8:21:51 PM: Ge: Like REALLY hardcore 24/02/2016, 8:22:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Come on. Do 24/02/2016, 8:22:18 PM: Ge: Mmmm πŸ˜… 24/02/2016, 8:22:20 PM: Ge: Ok 24/02/2016, 8:22:59 PM: Bas Liewes: I won't tell anybody how sick you're. I am exactly the same 😜 24/02/2016, 8:23:01 PM: Ge: Are you sure? πŸ˜… 24/02/2016, 8:23:08 PM: Ge: http://www.kink.com/shoot/38740 24/02/2016, 8:23:17 PM: Ge: The video is only 1.5 min 24/02/2016, 8:23:29 PM: Ge: And only 20 sec. Just a trailer 24/02/2016, 8:23:39 PM: Ge: I didn't need more 24/02/2016, 8:23:48 PM: Ge: It's way over the top even for me 24/02/2016, 8:24:51 PM: Ge: i rather send you links about pop up stores πŸ˜… 24/02/2016, 8:25:14 PM: Ge: (are we really exchanging porn links?!) 24/02/2016, 8:26:03 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha, 24/02/2016, 8:26:49 PM: Ge: Have you watched it? 24/02/2016, 8:27:03 PM: Bas Liewes: I thought this kind of stuff is so female u friendly. Never expected girls to watch this. 24/02/2016, 8:27:29 PM: Ge: I don't think there are so many girls watching this stuff... 24/02/2016, 8:27:37 PM: Ge: Or maybe. I don't know 24/02/2016, 8:27:41 PM: Bas Liewes: If you say straight to the point. Jesus that trailer takes ages before it starts 24/02/2016, 8:40:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Back on planet earth ! Pppffff 24/02/2016, 8:40:22 PM: Ge: Yes!!! 24/02/2016, 8:40:28 PM: Ge: My heart is still racing 24/02/2016, 8:40:48 PM: Ge: 121 says my Apple Watch πŸ˜„ 24/02/2016, 8:40:55 PM: Bas Liewes: Mine is relax now. It was racing before. 24/02/2016, 8:41:10 PM: Ge: Listening to your voice... It was deeper than usual 24/02/2016, 8:41:11 PM: Bas Liewes: 121 is ok for this activity. 24/02/2016, 8:41:15 PM: Ge: Such a turn on 24/02/2016, 8:41:35 PM: Bas Liewes: Early morning. 24/02/2016, 8:41:50 PM: Ge: Sure :) 24/02/2016, 8:42:18 PM: Bas Liewes: I sitting here half naked with my t-shirt in my crotch. 24/02/2016, 8:42:39 PM: Ge: And I just pulled what was left (my tshirt) 24/02/2016, 8:42:47 PM: Ge: and I am totally naked 24/02/2016, 8:43:02 PM: Bas Liewes: I hope I have some time to recover before I see the touran. 24/02/2016, 8:43:15 PM: Ge: Get in the shower! 24/02/2016, 8:43:26 PM: Bas Liewes: I must look a bit to relax for this moment of the day 24/02/2016, 8:43:34 PM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:43:39 PM: Bas Liewes: 😎 24/02/2016, 8:43:40 PM: Ge: Mellow 😍 24/02/2016, 8:43:51 PM: Bas Liewes: Put my glasses on 24/02/2016, 8:43:57 PM: Ge: I'd love to lie next to you know 24/02/2016, 8:44:04 PM: Ge: I feel like I'm floating 24/02/2016, 8:44:07 PM: Ge: On a cloud 24/02/2016, 8:44:30 PM: Ge: Sex is sooooooo good 24/02/2016, 8:44:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Me too Actually I am seeing one of business coaches. 24/02/2016, 8:44:45 PM: Bas Liewes: His name is Dick 24/02/2016, 8:44:50 PM: Ge: Lol 24/02/2016, 8:45:01 PM: Ge: Mine is name Han(d)s 24/02/2016, 8:45:05 PM: Bas Liewes: We share Diana the bookkeeper 24/02/2016, 8:45:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:45:31 PM: Ge: And you share Diana lol 24/02/2016, 8:45:40 PM: Ge: Ok, mind out of the gutter 24/02/2016, 8:45:46 PM: Bas Liewes: He sold his company for 3,5 million before end of 2015 24/02/2016, 8:45:51 PM: Ge: Nice 24/02/2016, 8:46:02 PM: Bas Liewes: He started when he was 53 24/02/2016, 8:46:09 PM: Bas Liewes: Self employed. 24/02/2016, 8:46:12 PM: Ge: There is hope!! 24/02/2016, 8:46:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Now he's 60 24/02/2016, 8:46:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Not bad. 24/02/2016, 8:46:24 PM: Ge: What was he doing? 24/02/2016, 8:46:33 PM: Bas Liewes: Automotive 24/02/2016, 8:46:43 PM: Ge: He has a Porsche and a blond girlfriend now? 24/02/2016, 8:47:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Cables, electricity all kind of components 24/02/2016, 8:47:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Blond yes but still with the same as 30 years ago 24/02/2016, 8:47:38 PM: Bas Liewes: He comes from a very poor background. 24/02/2016, 8:47:48 PM: Ge: They must still be getting in on :) 24/02/2016, 8:48:04 PM: Ge: Interesting story? 24/02/2016, 8:48:08 PM: Bas Liewes: 9 kids and 80m2 house / apartment. 24/02/2016, 8:48:26 PM: Bas Liewes: She has a similar background. 24/02/2016, 8:48:52 PM: Bas Liewes: They managed to stay close to what they are 24/02/2016, 8:49:11 PM: Ge: Money didn't go to their heads 24/02/2016, 8:49:11 PM: Bas Liewes: No glamorous lifestyle. Everything is sorted. 24/02/2016, 8:49:24 PM: Bas Liewes: Exactly. 24/02/2016, 8:49:40 PM: Bas Liewes: His kids are furious that he sold the company 24/02/2016, 8:49:48 PM: Ge: They wanted it? 24/02/2016, 8:50:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes. They worked already in the company. 24/02/2016, 8:50:16 PM: Ge: Oh, ok 24/02/2016, 8:50:23 PM: Ge: I can understand them 24/02/2016, 8:50:27 PM: Ge: And him as well 24/02/2016, 8:50:37 PM: Bas Liewes: He said that he worked two years towards a takeover from his kids. 24/02/2016, 8:50:55 PM: Bas Liewes: But they haven't got the capacity to run it 24/02/2016, 8:51:12 PM: Ge: That's brave to make a decision like that... 24/02/2016, 8:51:21 PM: Bas Liewes: He said, if I sell it to them, I can never retire. 24/02/2016, 8:51:26 PM: Ge: He would have lost all his hard work 24/02/2016, 8:51:30 PM: Ge: Yeah exactly 24/02/2016, 8:51:38 PM: Bas Liewes: His son isn't seeing him anymore after this. 24/02/2016, 8:51:53 PM: Bas Liewes: He becomes father in a few months 24/02/2016, 8:52:07 PM: Ge: That really sucks 24/02/2016, 8:52:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, 24/02/2016, 8:52:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Anyway, he sees me as the perfect son in law 24/02/2016, 8:52:56 PM: Ge: For everyone actually involved 24/02/2016, 8:53:05 PM: Ge: He has a single daughter? :) 24/02/2016, 8:53:18 PM: Ge: Or the son he would have like to have:) 24/02/2016, 8:53:22 PM: Bas Liewes: But dump blond and arrogant. 24/02/2016, 8:53:38 PM: Bas Liewes: He likes his kids. 24/02/2016, 8:53:49 PM: Ge: Totally your type :) 24/02/2016, 8:54:01 PM: Bas Liewes: But the can't believe that there fathers sees things very rational. 24/02/2016, 8:54:26 PM: Ge: Well, there are a lot of emotions mixed into this 24/02/2016, 8:54:43 PM: Bas Liewes: I'll jump under the shower before I get surprised. Very much. Drama !! 24/02/2016, 8:54:46 PM: Ge: It was a very public announcement that they are not up to the job 24/02/2016, 8:54:54 PM: Ge: Ok 24/02/2016, 8:55:05 PM: Ge: With your sticky shirt on your knees 24/02/2016, 8:55:15 PM: Ge: Make sure you clean your browser history... 24/02/2016, 8:55:21 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah. But I would trust my father if he had made 3.5 million 24/02/2016, 8:55:25 PM: Ge: At least that line 24/02/2016, 8:55:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Always ! Delete last hour 24/02/2016, 8:55:45 PM: Ge: Yeah, but if he told you at the same time you're an idiot... 24/02/2016, 8:55:57 PM: Ge: And not up to his standards... 24/02/2016, 8:56:06 PM: Ge: When you believe you are 24/02/2016, 8:56:15 PM: Ge: Everyone is 5 years old again 24/02/2016, 8:56:21 PM: Ge: It is humiliating 24/02/2016, 8:56:53 PM: Ge: And he might have left them hoping to take over and it caught them by surprise 24/02/2016, 8:56:59 PM: Bas Liewes: There have been enough opportunities. His son isn't ready yet. Maybe he's not an entrepreneur at all. 24/02/2016, 8:57:15 PM: Ge: But that's a good lesson for me - communicate in advance what the standards are 24/02/2016, 8:57:21 PM: Ge: I talk to a coach today 24/02/2016, 8:57:32 PM: Bas Liewes: I'm telling you, this Guy is blind. 24/02/2016, 8:57:34 PM: Ge: To debrief my lasted hogan profile 24/02/2016, 8:57:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Aha 24/02/2016, 8:57:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Like to know more about it. 24/02/2016, 8:57:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Later 24/02/2016, 8:57:55 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxl 24/02/2016, 8:57:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 24/02/2016, 8:58:06 PM: Ge: Ok :) 24/02/2016, 8:58:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxl is automatic from work. 24/02/2016, 8:58:17 PM: Ge: It was a good session, i'll tell you 24/02/2016, 8:58:21 PM: Ge: Haha 24/02/2016, 8:58:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha Xxl dick 24/02/2016, 8:58:25 PM: Ge: XXL 24/02/2016, 8:58:29 PM: Ge: Love it :) 24/02/2016, 8:58:33 PM: Bas Liewes: In yours 24/02/2016, 8:58:36 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 24/02/2016, 8:58:38 PM: Ge: In my S/M 24/02/2016, 8:58:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for the session :-) 24/02/2016, 8:58:53 PM: Ge: Thank you too :) 24/02/2016, 8:58:58 PM: Ge: Quick and dirty 24/02/2016, 8:59:02 PM: Ge: Love it 24/02/2016, 8:59:07 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah 24/02/2016, 8:59:12 PM: Ge: One day... 24/02/2016, 8:59:28 PM: Ge: I'll push you against the kitchen counter at 8am 24/02/2016, 8:59:31 PM: Ge: In real life 24/02/2016, 8:59:43 PM: Ge: And fuck your brains out 24/02/2016, 8:59:50 PM: Ge: Before you go to work 24/02/2016, 8:59:59 PM: Bas Liewes: You and your 53 year old... 24/02/2016, 9:00:12 PM: Bas Liewes: In a few years time he's like Brent :-) 24/02/2016, 9:00:19 PM: Bas Liewes: Just kidding. 24/02/2016, 9:00:24 PM: Ge: Haha, don't think so :) 24/02/2016, 9:00:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Slightly jealous ! 24/02/2016, 9:00:38 PM: Ge: I have better taste than this ;) 24/02/2016, 9:00:42 PM: Ge: I can see 24/02/2016, 9:00:48 PM: Ge: Good for you 24/02/2016, 9:01:05 PM: Bas Liewes: But it's the best what can happen 24/02/2016, 9:01:14 PM: Bas Liewes: Enjoy that as well 24/02/2016, 9:01:16 PM: Ge: It'll help you re-examine your priorities too 24/02/2016, 9:01:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Same ideas about it. Once again 24/02/2016, 9:01:56 PM: Ge: :) 24/02/2016, 9:02:02 PM: Ge: Not surprised... 24/02/2016, 9:02:07 PM: Bas Liewes: X 24/02/2016, 9:02:13 PM: Ge: xx 24/02/2016, 9:02:42 PM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 9:02:42 PM: Bas Liewes: 24/02/2016, 9:02:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Buy 24/02/2016, 9:02:47 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 24/02/2016, 9:02:54 PM: Ge: Lower! 24/02/2016, 9:03:02 PM: Ge: (Kidding) 24/02/2016, 9:03:02 PM: Bas Liewes: That was a kiss 24/02/2016, 9:03:11 PM: Ge: Got it ;) 24/02/2016, 9:05:45 PM: Bas Liewes: I tried 24/02/2016, 9:05:53 PM: Bas Liewes: So bad with selfies 24/02/2016, 9:05:54 PM: Ge: 24/02/2016, 9:06:11 PM: Ge: I don't like them either... 24/02/2016, 9:06:54 PM: Ge: Shower time for me too. So sticky 24/02/2016, 9:07:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 24/02/2016, 9:07:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Received 24/02/2016, 9:07:40 PM: Ge: xx 24/02/2016, 9:39:14 PM: Ge: http://youtu.be/Jkiij9dJfcw 24/02/2016, 9:39:38 PM: Ge: Can you see that video? Otherwise I can extract it for you. Sooooo great!! 25/02/2016, 3:15:58 AM: Bas Liewes: I will look at it ! Thanks. You haven't disappointed me so far. 25/02/2016, 7:27:29 AM: Ge: Haha - totally another subject, you must have been disappointed πŸ˜„ 25/02/2016, 7:36:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Hey! 25/02/2016, 7:36:29 AM: Bas Liewes: Awake? 25/02/2016, 7:36:32 AM: Ge: Hey :) 25/02/2016, 7:36:34 AM: Ge: Yes 25/02/2016, 7:36:41 AM: Bas Liewes: Good morning 25/02/2016, 7:36:48 AM: Bas Liewes: I had a great day. 25/02/2016, 7:36:50 AM: Ge: Good evening! 25/02/2016, 7:37:04 AM: Ge: Tell me :) 25/02/2016, 7:37:17 AM: Bas Liewes: Met Bart and told him that I am not going to Berlin. 25/02/2016, 7:37:33 AM: Ge: Not going? 25/02/2016, 7:37:33 AM: Bas Liewes: For this and that reason blabla 25/02/2016, 7:37:40 AM: Ge: As in not travellig? 25/02/2016, 7:37:47 AM: Ge: Or not opening a shop? 25/02/2016, 7:37:56 AM: Bas Liewes: No ! I have made up my mind. This is not the place to be 25/02/2016, 7:38:07 AM: Ge: Ok! 25/02/2016, 7:39:01 AM: Ge: Curious to know why 25/02/2016, 7:39:09 AM: Ge: What did he say? 25/02/2016, 7:39:25 AM: Bas Liewes: Can I call? 25/02/2016, 7:39:32 AM: Ge: Yes! 25/02/2016, 7:39:35 AM: Ge: Easier 25/02/2016, 7:54:03 AM: Bas Liewes: 25/02/2016, 9:38:14 AM: Ge: https://open.spotify.com/track/23khhseCLQqVMCIT1WMAns 25/02/2016, 1:08:25 PM: Bas Liewes: Bed time !! X 25/02/2016, 1:09:03 PM: Ge: Sleep well :) 25/02/2016, 1:09:15 PM: Ge: Was just thinking about you! 25/02/2016, 10:47:10 PM: Bas Liewes: Still enjoying our conversation. Very positive results in Batavia Stad. They liked my plans πŸ˜‚ Next step is a Barts / Ijscuybje proposal. You sleep well xx 25/02/2016, 10:47:23 PM: Ge: Hey 25/02/2016, 10:47:37 PM: Ge: Same here :) 25/02/2016, 10:47:38 PM: Bas Liewes: I can't chat. 25/02/2016, 10:47:43 PM: Ge: No worries 25/02/2016, 10:47:52 PM: Ge: Thanks for the message :) 25/02/2016, 10:48:10 PM: Bas Liewes: 25/02/2016, 10:48:11 PM: Bas Liewes: 25/02/2016, 10:48:13 PM: Ge: I missed you today! 25/02/2016, 10:48:29 PM: Bas Liewes: 3 pallets of junk. 25/02/2016, 10:48:43 PM: Ge: What are you going to do with it? 25/02/2016, 10:48:44 PM: Bas Liewes: I can't leave the guys alone with it. 25/02/2016, 10:48:54 PM: Bas Liewes: Sell it 😜 25/02/2016, 10:48:58 PM: Ge: Sorry, you said you can't chat :) 25/02/2016, 10:49:04 PM: Ge: I already forgot lol 25/02/2016, 10:49:16 PM: Ge: Are you still selling Salomon? 25/02/2016, 10:49:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha, me to. Missed you too 25/02/2016, 10:49:38 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes, but this will stop by the end of the summer 25/02/2016, 10:49:46 PM: Ge: I really felt like being with you today :) 25/02/2016, 10:49:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Mainly footwear 25/02/2016, 10:49:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Only today?? 25/02/2016, 10:50:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Xx 25/02/2016, 10:50:07 PM: Ge: Yes! 25/02/2016, 10:50:09 PM: Ge: 😜 25/02/2016, 10:50:22 PM: Ge: Ok - I will need recommendation for a light trekking pair! 25/02/2016, 10:50:50 PM: Ge: I can buy now and pick it up in June :) 25/02/2016, 10:51:16 PM: Bas Liewes: OK ! Size 3.5 uk? 25/02/2016, 10:51:29 PM: Ge: or 4, depends on the brand 25/02/2016, 11:21:30 PM: Bas Liewes: I love to take care of that 25/02/2016, 11:22:10 PM: Ge: Hey, please don't think I am using you or anything! 25/02/2016, 11:22:33 PM: Ge: I am asking you because you're the most knowledgeable :) 25/02/2016, 11:22:36 PM: Bas Liewes: I know you would love to abuse me 25/02/2016, 11:22:40 PM: Ge: Haha 25/02/2016, 11:22:51 PM: Ge: Yeah! But not in this way 😜 25/02/2016, 11:22:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks for the compliment 25/02/2016, 11:23:26 PM: Ge: .😘 25/02/2016, 11:54:31 PM: Bas Liewes: You have same handicap as I do....giving is easier than receiving. Take it as a friend ! Pay back comes later 25/02/2016, 11:55:18 PM: Ge: Yay for payback! 25/02/2016, 11:55:33 PM: Ge: Put interests on top 26/02/2016, 2:26:07 AM: Ge: Bed time! I am almost done packing my whole room. 2 suitcases & 3 small boxes. My whole life in the last 3 years :) Philippe has sold the house and they will move while I am away. God I hate packing! Boxes but also suitcases. When I will come back I will downsize even more, get rid of half of a suitcase at least and a few of the boxes full of paperwork and beauty products that I don't even use :) I am enjoying more and more this minimalist life. I miss very little of my things that are stored in Sydney. I should just get my leather chair, kitchen robot and give the rest away! 26/02/2016, 2:27:20 AM: Ge: The leather chair :) 26/02/2016, 2:27:24 AM: Ge: 26/02/2016, 2:28:47 AM: Ge: Reproduction. Wanted one of these for 10 years :) One day I might get an original one... 26/02/2016, 2:30:09 AM: Ge: Anyway, I need to go to sleep. Still full of energy. Wish you could be here to make me pass out πŸ˜‰ 26/02/2016, 2:30:22 AM: Ge: Hope you're having a great afternoon! xx 26/02/2016, 2:33:26 AM: Ge: Haha, just saw your Facebook picture. She's all over you ! And you're going to be in trouble πŸ˜„ (you look great, not too tired) 26/02/2016, 2:45:43 AM: Bas Liewes: Haha! Yes you have to much energy ! Calm down. Just missed your last messages. 26/02/2016, 2:46:00 AM: Bas Liewes: No!! 26/02/2016, 2:46:04 AM: Ge: Yes :) 26/02/2016, 2:46:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Go back to sleep 26/02/2016, 2:46:09 AM: Ge: I can't sleeeeep 26/02/2016, 3:22:13 AM: Ge: 😜 26/02/2016, 3:27:07 AM: Bas Liewes: Still laughing !! http://brickspaces.de That's for tomorrow. 26/02/2016, 3:28:16 AM: Ge: Keep laughing, not done yet πŸ˜‰ 26/02/2016, 3:35:52 AM: Ge: Aaaaaand done. Nice feeling, especially with your laughter still in my ears. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon! xx 26/02/2016, 3:40:42 AM: Bas Liewes: Xx 26/02/2016, 9:09:55 AM: Bas Liewes: Great evening and many nice old stories. Anal first timer but already gaping as a pro !! That kind of stuff 26/02/2016, 9:31:30 AM: Ge: Haha, that was rough to read upon waking up :) 26/02/2016, 9:32:08 AM: Bas Liewes: Yeah ! Hello 26/02/2016, 9:32:20 AM: Ge: Hello :) 26/02/2016, 9:32:23 AM: Bas Liewes: Dead battery:-( 26/02/2016, 9:32:30 AM: Ge: Awww 26/02/2016, 9:32:33 AM: Ge: Ok :) 26/02/2016, 9:34:37 AM: Ge: Must have been an interesting night with the state of mind you are in at the moment πŸ˜„ sometimes I wish I could be a little mouse to listen to what men talk about when there are no women around. 26/02/2016, 9:35:11 AM: Ge: Did you get into the hot tub? Was your anaconda that shy? 26/02/2016, 12:20:59 PM: Bas Liewes: Hey! 26/02/2016, 12:21:13 PM: Ge: hey!! 26/02/2016, 12:21:15 PM: Bas Liewes: No hot tub for me. Great night. 26/02/2016, 12:21:18 PM: Ge: how was the night :) 26/02/2016, 12:21:31 PM: Bas Liewes: We had a lot of fun 26/02/2016, 12:21:31 PM: Ge: haha - what about the other guys? 26/02/2016, 12:21:37 PM: Ge: did they get naked in the tub? 26/02/2016, 12:21:44 PM: Bas Liewes: The went in the tub. 26/02/2016, 12:21:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Gerrit did 26/02/2016, 12:22:15 PM: Ge: haha, think you're not surprised from what you said about him :) 26/02/2016, 12:22:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Tab other two had swim shorts 26/02/2016, 12:22:30 PM: Ge: oh, they was a fourth one 26/02/2016, 12:22:35 PM: Bas Liewes: He was laughing at me. 26/02/2016, 12:22:38 PM: Ge: why didn't you gooo? 26/02/2016, 12:22:55 PM: Bas Liewes: I showed him my ass and dick. 26/02/2016, 12:23:02 PM: Ge: haha 26/02/2016, 12:23:05 PM: Ge: really! 26/02/2016, 12:23:20 PM: Bas Liewes: To make sure it was not the point of shyness 26/02/2016, 12:23:25 PM: Ge: sounds like a good night with good friends :-D 26/02/2016, 12:23:34 PM: Bas Liewes: Just not my thing. 26/02/2016, 12:23:54 PM: Ge: I'll make it your thing 26/02/2016, 12:24:09 PM: Ge: good thing it wasn't your thing in the Ardennes 26/02/2016, 12:24:10 PM: Bas Liewes: If I go to the sauna and wellness,I like to relax for a couple of hours 26/02/2016, 12:24:47 PM: Ge: I think I would have struggle to behave, especially after drinking so much champagne with Joel! 26/02/2016, 12:24:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Not really. I like wellness. But then in my favorite hotel Feuerberg.at 26/02/2016, 12:25:23 PM: Bas Liewes: I am spoiled 26/02/2016, 12:25:32 PM: Ge: I remember you telling me about it 26/02/2016, 12:25:35 PM: Ge: very premium :) 26/02/2016, 12:26:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! NeXT year I book my holidays there 26/02/2016, 12:26:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Every two years 26/02/2016, 12:26:17 PM: Ge: nice! 26/02/2016, 12:26:27 PM: Ge: Put me on the list one of these years ;) 26/02/2016, 12:26:32 PM: Bas Liewes: This time I don't want to spent 5 grand 26/02/2016, 12:26:47 PM: Bas Liewes: That would be embarrassing 26/02/2016, 12:26:55 PM: Ge: 2052 maybe 26/02/2016, 12:27:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Walking around with a hard one 26/02/2016, 12:27:11 PM: Ge: haha 26/02/2016, 12:27:17 PM: Bas Liewes: 2052 !! Deal 26/02/2016, 12:27:20 PM: Ge: I'll make it really tired before you get out of the room 26/02/2016, 12:27:30 PM: Ge: so don't you worry 26/02/2016, 12:27:42 PM: Bas Liewes: It's just so unhygienic in his pool. 26/02/2016, 12:27:48 PM: Ge: although we might not have to worry about that in 2052 :-D 26/02/2016, 12:28:08 PM: Ge: more the other way around 😝 26/02/2016, 12:28:17 PM: Bas Liewes: By then the whole planet might be a hot tub 26/02/2016, 12:28:41 PM: Ge: good point! and you won't even want to travel 800 km 26/02/2016, 12:29:19 PM: Ge: we'll have a sauna at the wooden house so no need to go there 26/02/2016, 12:29:22 PM: Ge: (life goal) 26/02/2016, 12:29:25 PM: Bas Liewes: I am okay with a glass of wine and my wood burned stove red cedar tub. 26/02/2016, 12:29:42 PM: Bas Liewes: Just the two of us 26/02/2016, 12:29:45 PM: Ge: see, we think alike ;) 26/02/2016, 12:29:49 PM: Bas Liewes: Every night 26/02/2016, 12:30:03 PM: Ge: I just had the image popping into my mind 26/02/2016, 12:30:05 PM: Ge: so nice 26/02/2016, 12:30:22 PM: Ge: date night every night! 26/02/2016, 12:30:41 PM: Bas Liewes: No problem that you wash your skin clean. I will drink the water 26/02/2016, 12:31:04 PM: Ge: I'll make you go down on me and drink the water 😜 26/02/2016, 12:31:27 PM: Ge: start working on your apnea ^_^ 26/02/2016, 12:31:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Some herb tea that boosts the energy for an other incredible night 26/02/2016, 12:31:50 PM: Ge: yes! 26/02/2016, 12:31:56 PM: Ge: by then we'll be tantric masters 26/02/2016, 12:32:15 PM: Bas Liewes: Hope so 26/02/2016, 12:32:33 PM: Ge: we'll celebrate every evening together in one way or the other 26/02/2016, 12:32:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Have you seen the comments on fb picture ? You have some competition πŸ˜‚ 26/02/2016, 12:33:07 PM: Ge: let me see that :) 26/02/2016, 12:33:27 PM: Ge: there is going to be some argentinian blood on the wall 26/02/2016, 12:33:45 PM: Bas Liewes: I stop commenting! 26/02/2016, 12:34:21 PM: Ge: haha 26/02/2016, 12:34:34 PM: Ge: her Mum is very interested in her daughter settling down it seems :-D 26/02/2016, 12:34:35 PM: Bas Liewes: The woods with more beautiful nymphs is waiting 26/02/2016, 12:35:00 PM: Ge: I wonder what they call the enchanted forest 😜 26/02/2016, 12:35:10 PM: Ge: Come see my magic bush!! 26/02/2016, 12:35:29 PM: Bas Liewes: I can picture it pretty well. 26/02/2016, 12:35:45 PM: Ge: her magic bush? 26/02/2016, 12:36:20 PM: Bas Liewes: From South America ? Don't think they do bushes. Brazilian style 26/02/2016, 12:36:29 PM: Ge: Yoga hipsters, she might very well be into reforestation 26/02/2016, 12:36:31 PM: Bas Liewes: How do you call it? 26/02/2016, 12:36:53 PM: Ge: A brazilian! 26/02/2016, 12:37:09 PM: Ge: Argentina and Brazil are quite different though πŸ˜€ 26/02/2016, 12:37:55 PM: Bas Liewes: I know, but it's pretty warm and I remember the ranking of most showers 26/02/2016, 12:38:00 PM: Ge: Then you have variations, full brazilian, metro ticket... 26/02/2016, 12:38:07 PM: Ge: haha 26/02/2016, 12:38:13 PM: Bas Liewes: South America is on top of the list 26/02/2016, 12:38:13 PM: Ge: was Tahiti in the list? ;) 26/02/2016, 12:38:24 PM: Ge: yes, teeth brushing as well 26/02/2016, 12:38:48 PM: Ge: Appearance is of the utmost importance. A chance to lift up from poverty for many. 26/02/2016, 12:38:51 PM: Bas Liewes: They both have bleached their teeth 26/02/2016, 12:39:11 PM: Bas Liewes: They have nothing to do with poverty 26/02/2016, 12:39:34 PM: Ge: no, but the culture is like that. Appearance above almost everything 26/02/2016, 12:39:39 PM: Bas Liewes: I assume her parents were leaders in the junta 26/02/2016, 12:40:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Or possessing land. 26/02/2016, 12:40:20 PM: Ge: Doesn't sound too good :) 26/02/2016, 12:40:42 PM: Ge: Most South Americans abroad are very wealthy 26/02/2016, 12:40:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Bit like our queen 26/02/2016, 12:40:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Maxima 26/02/2016, 12:41:15 PM: Bas Liewes: I do think so too. Met a lot of them in the shop 26/02/2016, 12:41:26 PM: Ge: It is a very binary country 26/02/2016, 12:41:30 PM: Ge: very rich or very poor 26/02/2016, 12:41:39 PM: Ge: there is a strong rise of the middle class now though 26/02/2016, 12:41:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Money is never an issue, like it is for Chinese. 26/02/2016, 12:41:56 PM: Ge: most children of those super rich people are now more middle class than their parents 26/02/2016, 12:42:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Have you checked the balance of Argentina ?? 26/02/2016, 12:42:08 PM: Ge: I remember my ex and his friends 26/02/2016, 12:42:32 PM: Ge: They can't live like their parents anymore (and definitely not like their grandparents!) 26/02/2016, 12:42:57 PM: Bas Liewes: The country is bankrupt. Their currency is linked to the dollar 26/02/2016, 12:43:15 PM: Ge: Yeah they fell hard 26/02/2016, 12:43:23 PM: Ge: they have massive ups and downs 26/02/2016, 12:43:25 PM: Bas Liewes: The interest is about 20 % 26/02/2016, 12:43:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Inflation deflation. 26/02/2016, 12:44:01 PM: Bas Liewes: It's a mess 26/02/2016, 12:44:10 PM: Ge: yep, not a stable place in the world! 26/02/2016, 12:44:24 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks god I am here :-) 26/02/2016, 12:44:27 PM: Ge: we complain about Europe a lot, but we have it good :) 26/02/2016, 12:44:57 PM: Ge: Auckland was ranked Top 3 city in the world to live yesterday 26/02/2016, 12:45:02 PM: Ge: for the 4th time 26/02/2016, 12:45:10 PM: Ge: Paris - 35th 26/02/2016, 12:45:17 PM: Ge: Amsterdam, 10th I think 26/02/2016, 12:45:22 PM: Ge: Sydney, 12th (haha) 26/02/2016, 12:45:22 PM: Bas Liewes: I have to rest now. I had a few glasses of wine and I am so tires. 26/02/2016, 12:45:28 PM: Bas Liewes: Copenhagen?? 26/02/2016, 12:45:37 PM: Ge: Copenhagen in the top 10 I think 26/02/2016, 12:45:51 PM: Ge: Zurich #1 26/02/2016, 12:46:07 PM: Bas Liewes: There social security and reserves at 1 26/02/2016, 12:46:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Zurich, nazi money. 26/02/2016, 12:46:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Karma !! 26/02/2016, 12:46:30 PM: Ge: 1. Vienna, Austria 2. Zurich, Switzerland 3. Auckland, New Zealand 4. Munich, Germany 5. Vancouver, Canada 6. Dusseldorf, Germany 7. Frankfurt, Germany 8. Geneva, Switzerland 9. Copenhagen, Denmark 10. Sydney, Australia 26/02/2016, 12:46:45 PM: Ge: Amsterdam is 12th I think 26/02/2016, 12:47:01 PM: Ge: Yeah, never been to Zurich, but not too fan about the place already 26/02/2016, 12:47:12 PM: Bas Liewes: DΓΌsseldorf !! Wow, time for a shop 26/02/2016, 12:47:24 PM: Ge: you should have a look yes :) 26/02/2016, 12:47:58 PM: Bas Liewes: I have been there two years ago twice. It's a fantastic place. 26/02/2016, 12:48:08 PM: Bas Liewes: But Swiss people !!! 26/02/2016, 12:48:13 PM: Ge: lol yes! 26/02/2016, 12:48:26 PM: Ge: I didn't like the years I lived close to Geneva! 26/02/2016, 12:48:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Racists and build upon blood money 26/02/2016, 12:48:53 PM: Ge: played a big role in ending my failing relationship, the fact that I knew I had to live there 26/02/2016, 12:49:14 PM: Ge: Racists, close minded, resistant to change, and so uptight 26/02/2016, 12:49:25 PM: Ge: 5 min late for dinner: total drama 26/02/2016, 12:49:30 PM: Bas Liewes: I am wondering that it's so highly ranked. 26/02/2016, 12:49:38 PM: Ge: like you're late for 3hrs 26/02/2016, 12:49:43 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah 26/02/2016, 12:50:12 PM: Bas Liewes: Life is so expensive over there. 26/02/2016, 12:50:13 PM: Ge: They base it on crime levels, threat of conflict, quality of medical care, levels of censorship, temperature, schools and transport links 26/02/2016, 12:50:41 PM: Ge: also the reason why Paris dropped to #35 26/02/2016, 12:50:46 PM: Bas Liewes: Meat !! Insane. A chicken costs about 35€ eg 26/02/2016, 12:51:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Aha 26/02/2016, 12:51:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Makes sense. 26/02/2016, 12:51:16 PM: Ge: But the money is really good for most people 26/02/2016, 12:51:37 PM: Ge: Especially when you live in France and work in Switzerland like my ex did :) 26/02/2016, 12:51:58 PM: Bas Liewes: I know, I know some Dutch people who do simple jobs, THE money isnt sufficient 26/02/2016, 12:52:19 PM: Ge: that's the issue for a lot of people 26/02/2016, 12:52:26 PM: Ge: poverty levels rising 26/02/2016, 12:52:31 PM: Bas Liewes: That's the best. Paid in chf and living with euros 26/02/2016, 12:52:45 PM: Ge: yes! 26/02/2016, 12:52:58 PM: Bas Liewes: But still, it's not right ! 26/02/2016, 12:53:00 PM: Ge: I know quite a few people who do that, works quite well for them 26/02/2016, 12:53:34 PM: Ge: the problem with free markets, and democracy in general. It doesn't work for everyone 26/02/2016, 12:53:46 PM: Bas Liewes: 0.53 !! I need to go story teller! 26/02/2016, 12:53:59 PM: Ge: Sweet dreams my dear 26/02/2016, 12:54:03 PM: Bas Liewes: Tomorrow is focus day !! 26/02/2016, 12:54:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Xxx 26/02/2016, 12:54:12 PM: Bas Liewes: Thanks 26/02/2016, 12:54:12 PM: Ge: I'll be spooning you in your dreams 26/02/2016, 12:54:14 PM: Ge: xxx 26/02/2016, 12:54:21 PM: Bas Liewes: 😘 26/02/2016, 12:54:25 PM: Ge: focus? you'll tell me tomorrow 26/02/2016, 12:54:28 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 26/02/2016, 12:54:30 PM: Ge: 😘 26/02/2016, 12:55:45 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes, make up some plans for craft and Futurum and and vat !! Last day of the month that I can transfer money in time without a penalty 26/02/2016, 12:55:58 PM: Ge: good luck :) 26/02/2016, 12:56:02 PM: Ge: xxx 26/02/2016, 12:56:12 PM: Bas Liewes: You to :/) 26/02/2016, 3:51:39 PM: Ge: You should get yourself one of these for your scouting missions across Europe! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/slicks/slicks-travel-system-one-backpack-limitless-possib 26/02/2016, 11:46:10 PM: Ge: bed time for me :) 26/02/2016, 11:46:21 PM: Ge: hope you're having fun with the VAT :) 26/02/2016, 11:46:42 PM: Bas Liewes: I wish. I'm starting now 27/02/2016, 4:38:16 AM: Bas Liewes: My average is going up as well. 2 times so far😜 27/02/2016, 7:23:32 AM: Ge: Niiiice 27/02/2016, 7:24:58 AM: Ge: When we get together we will need a 6 months holiday to get it out of our system... You turn me on way too much for me to focus on business πŸ˜„ 27/02/2016, 9:14:46 AM: Bas Liewes: Doesn't look like catching up with sleep. 27/02/2016, 9:15:09 AM: Bas Liewes: Already out of the house? 27/02/2016, 9:55:37 AM: Ge: No! Staying home today 27/02/2016, 9:55:50 AM: Ge: I just fell asleep again 27/02/2016, 9:56:33 AM: Ge: How is your evening going? 27/02/2016, 10:03:31 AM: Bas Liewes: My sister came for dinner. That was nice. She left at 9 because of my admin work. No doing what I have to do. 27/02/2016, 10:03:59 AM: Ge: Ok, I won't bother you then :) 27/02/2016, 10:10:03 AM: Bas Liewes: You can help me a little with Apple stuff, do you mind if I call you ? 27/02/2016, 10:10:14 AM: Ge: Please do :) 27/02/2016, 10:25:12 AM: Bas Liewes: 27/02/2016, 10:25:14 AM: Bas Liewes: 27/02/2016, 10:25:33 AM: Bas Liewes: Foto of a screen looks a bit dump too :-) 27/02/2016, 10:32:03 AM: Ge: Ok, I found some answers on the web 27/02/2016, 10:32:07 AM: Ge: It seems to be a bug 27/02/2016, 10:32:26 AM: Ge: There is a solution 27/02/2016, 10:32:39 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay. But with finder preferences there is some hope here ! 27/02/2016, 10:32:57 AM: Ge: Have you restarted the computer already? 27/02/2016, 10:33:22 AM: Ge: This is what I found as a fix 27/02/2016, 10:33:25 AM: Ge: "Go to your user library in finder steps (go>(hold down the opt key), then click Library), navigate to the Preferences folder and remove any files that are or contain com.apple.finder.plist. Restart or log out and log back in again then empty the trash and try again." 27/02/2016, 10:33:41 AM: Ge: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/208205/file-open-dialog-is-missing-sidebar-items 27/02/2016, 10:34:13 AM: Bas Liewes: I know that you're the answer to many of my problems. 27/02/2016, 10:34:31 AM: Ge: πŸ˜‡ 27/02/2016, 10:35:45 AM: Ge: let's stick with the solutions you can afford now πŸ˜‰ 27/02/2016, 10:36:00 AM: Bas Liewes: Lol 27/02/2016, 10:36:25 AM: Bas Liewes: You're a cheap date if I may believe you 27/02/2016, 10:36:43 AM: Ge: I am cheap on dates 27/02/2016, 10:36:56 AM: Ge: Expensive on a lifetime 😁 27/02/2016, 10:37:18 AM: Ge: It's date night everyday! 27/02/2016, 10:37:55 AM: Ge: or let's say the cost of acquisition is high. But the return on investment is worth it ;) 27/02/2016, 10:38:33 AM: Bas Liewes: I can't focus, sorry. Man can't multitask. 27/02/2016, 10:38:46 AM: Ge: ok, don't get me started with the cheesy financial puns. We already had a cheesy geeky months ago. This could last a while 27/02/2016, 10:38:53 AM: Ge: I'll let you go back to your VAT 27/02/2016, 10:38:58 AM: Ge: 😘 27/02/2016, 11:21:07 AM: Ge: To check when you're done: I am going to have a great time in Tahiti!! https://www.facebook.com/TahitiNuiTelevision/videos/1246031768760793/ 27/02/2016, 11:40:14 AM: Bas Liewes: Is that the weather now ? 27/02/2016, 11:40:23 AM: Ge: Yes! 27/02/2016, 11:41:02 AM: Ge: The whole Pacific region is suffering right now. Largest cyclone ever seen in the Pacific hit Fidji last week 27/02/2016, 11:41:56 AM: Bas Liewes: What a power. Lot of damage ? 27/02/2016, 11:42:25 AM: Ge: Yes, huge. Some village were totally smashed, dozen dead and more disappeared 27/02/2016, 11:42:37 AM: Ge: It could have been much worse 27/02/2016, 11:42:50 AM: Ge: But those islands see a lot of those cyclones 27/02/2016, 11:42:59 AM: Ge: So they know how to prepare 27/02/2016, 11:42:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Electricity ? Your parents okay 27/02/2016, 11:43:05 AM: Ge: But this one was really back 27/02/2016, 11:43:15 AM: Bas Liewes: Wow. 27/02/2016, 11:43:25 AM: Ge: bad* 27/02/2016, 11:43:27 AM: Ge: Tahiti is fine, not cyclone yet 27/02/2016, 11:43:45 AM: Bas Liewes: I hope that you have a quiet stay. 27/02/2016, 11:43:47 AM: Ge: And my parents house is designed to withstand a Force 5 hurricane :) 27/02/2016, 11:43:59 AM: Ge: My mum is so scared of it 27/02/2016, 11:44:09 AM: Ge: That my Dad designed the plans especially for that 27/02/2016, 11:44:21 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay. If you make it safe into the hills 27/02/2016, 11:44:35 AM: Ge: The house is anchored all the way down to the rocks through the ground 27/02/2016, 11:44:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Trees ripped out ? 27/02/2016, 11:44:49 AM: Ge: In Tahiti? Yes as well 27/02/2016, 11:45:04 AM: Ge: We have one large tree at the front that could be a risk 27/02/2016, 11:45:22 AM: Ge: 15 m pine tree 27/02/2016, 11:45:32 AM: Ge: Worst is the floods though 27/02/2016, 11:45:54 AM: Ge: Some people's houses are gone because of it 27/02/2016, 11:46:06 AM: Bas Liewes: Bring a chainsaw in your handbag. 27/02/2016, 11:46:12 AM: Ge: Haha yes 27/02/2016, 11:46:19 AM: Bas Liewes: What a disaster. 27/02/2016, 11:46:24 AM: Ge: Our windows at home are also designed to take a hurricane 27/02/2016, 11:46:28 AM: Ge: I should be safe 27/02/2016, 11:46:37 AM: Ge: It's a glass house 27/02/2016, 11:46:45 AM: Ge: But should be pretty solid :) 27/02/2016, 11:46:55 AM: Ge: Have you seen photos of it? 27/02/2016, 11:47:09 AM: Bas Liewes: The house ! Sure. 27/02/2016, 11:48:05 AM: Bas Liewes: I know on which balcony I am completely out of sight to fold you around the railing. 27/02/2016, 11:48:16 AM: Ge: Haha 27/02/2016, 11:48:26 AM: Ge: Right out my bedroom ;) 27/02/2016, 11:48:29 AM: Ge: https://www.facebook.com/emilienne.pahio1/posts/1072523259437884 27/02/2016, 11:48:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Than a jump in the pool 27/02/2016, 11:48:45 AM: Ge: Naked! 27/02/2016, 11:48:49 AM: Ge: No one can see us 27/02/2016, 11:49:42 AM: Bas Liewes: What about the drones? 27/02/2016, 11:49:58 AM: Ge: We are too high in the mountains ;) 27/02/2016, 11:49:57 AM: Bas Liewes: I like to film it myself. 27/02/2016, 11:50:20 AM: Ge: And I live close to the ex-president. It would get shot down 27/02/2016, 11:50:20 AM: Bas Liewes: Than I can see your face 27/02/2016, 11:50:25 AM: Ge: Hah 27/02/2016, 11:50:28 AM: Ge: Haha* 27/02/2016, 11:50:38 AM: Bas Liewes: Shot you down 27/02/2016, 11:50:42 AM: Ge: No way. I'll never put myself on film :) 27/02/2016, 11:50:53 AM: Ge: You can have me in real life anytime... 27/02/2016, 11:50:59 AM: Bas Liewes: Make your ankles and knees weak 27/02/2016, 11:51:26 AM: Ge: Yes... 27/02/2016, 11:51:37 AM: Ge: You already do 20 000 km away 27/02/2016, 11:52:31 AM: Bas Liewes: My iPhone 6 is now in use. Camera is great. When I doggy style you, you might like to see what I can see :-) 27/02/2016, 11:52:48 AM: Ge: Awwww 27/02/2016, 11:52:51 AM: Bas Liewes: We delete it straight after 27/02/2016, 11:53:04 AM: Ge: Yeah before iCloud takes over! 27/02/2016, 11:53:25 AM: Ge: But yes, would love to see that... 27/02/2016, 11:53:46 AM: Ge: So unfair that I can't share the view :) 27/02/2016, 11:53:52 AM: Bas Liewes: You're saying something. Now everything is in sync I see my shower foto and your kiss everywhere. 27/02/2016, 11:54:00 AM: Bas Liewes: I had a shockwave 27/02/2016, 11:54:10 AM: Ge: Really! 27/02/2016, 11:54:27 AM: Ge: You can prevent whatsapp from downloading photos automatically 27/02/2016, 11:54:40 AM: Bas Liewes: Okay ! Need to do that. 27/02/2016, 11:54:47 AM: Ge: 27/02/2016, 11:55:02 AM: Ge: "Save incoming media" 27/02/2016, 11:56:33 AM: Ge: I turned it off too. My friends were sending too much shit over whatsapp 27/02/2016, 11:56:46 AM: Ge: Really NSFW and I like to keep a clean phone! 27/02/2016, 11:58:26 AM: Bas Liewes: I can't find it. Damn. 27/02/2016, 11:58:46 AM: Ge: In settings > chat 27/02/2016, 11:58:47 AM: Bas Liewes: Which settings 27/02/2016, 11:59:03 AM: Ge: The little wheel at the bottom right 27/02/2016, 11:59:33 AM: Ge: 27/02/2016, 11:59:35 AM: Bas Liewes: Thanks 27/02/2016, 12:00:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah ! You die for that stupid phone. 27/02/2016, 12:00:23 PM: Ge: Die? 27/02/2016, 12:01:44 PM: Bas Liewes: She dies and you die ??!?? 27/02/2016, 12:02:00 PM: Ge: Haha ok 27/02/2016, 12:02:03 PM: Bas Liewes: What's the word. I have reached my limits of data. 27/02/2016, 12:02:17 PM: Bas Liewes: Brain capacity is more practical. 27/02/2016, 12:02:21 PM: Bas Liewes: Sorry. 27/02/2016, 12:02:37 PM: Bas Liewes: How do I spell it 27/02/2016, 12:02:44 PM: Ge: It's getting late on your side lol. You're fried :) 27/02/2016, 12:02:54 PM: Ge: Not sure what you mean! 27/02/2016, 12:03:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Yes ! Very much. 27/02/2016, 12:03:29 PM: Bas Liewes: You rather pass the way than missing your phone. 27/02/2016, 12:03:41 PM: Ge: Ha ok 27/02/2016, 12:04:00 PM: Bas Liewes: That's what I tried to say. Dying in my own words. 27/02/2016, 12:04:16 PM: Bas Liewes: I go bed. 27/02/2016, 12:04:30 PM: Bas Liewes: Without a hard one 27/02/2016, 12:04:35 PM: Bas Liewes: No juice 27/02/2016, 12:04:41 PM: Ge: I can help with that ;) 27/02/2016, 12:05:00 PM: Bas Liewes: Unless you 27/02/2016, 12:05:03 PM: Ge: I so wish I could be waiting for you in bed right now... 27/02/2016, 12:05:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Porn me 27/02/2016, 12:05:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Me too 27/02/2016, 12:05:38 PM: Ge: Naked under the blankets 27/02/2016, 12:05:39 PM: Bas Liewes: Forget everything 27/02/2016, 12:05:49 PM: Ge: Warm body waiting for you 27/02/2016, 12:05:57 PM: Bas Liewes: It's chilly here. 27/02/2016, 12:06:18 PM: Bas Liewes: Let me pull a hole in your pants 27/02/2016, 12:06:21 PM: Ge: I'll welcome you in my arms, roll myself around you 27/02/2016, 12:06:38 PM: Ge: No pants allowed in bed where you're with me! 27/02/2016, 12:06:52 PM: Ge: 24/7 access 27/02/2016, 12:07:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. Like that. Your silk skin 27/02/2016, 12:07:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Something is growing 27/02/2016, 12:07:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Just from your words. 27/02/2016, 12:07:36 PM: Ge: Maybe a light pair of shorts... That you can push aside easily 27/02/2016, 12:07:50 PM: Ge: I can't wait to feel you growing against me 27/02/2016, 12:08:13 PM: Ge: While I hold you so close, feeling it against my stomach 27/02/2016, 12:08:52 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 27/02/2016, 12:09:08 PM: Bas Liewes: Your stomach. 27/02/2016, 12:09:10 PM: Ge: While I kiss your neck, your lips, your ears 27/02/2016, 12:09:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Is that because of your length 27/02/2016, 12:09:36 PM: Ge: It's because I'll be under your arm :) 27/02/2016, 12:09:45 PM: Ge: So much lower than you! 27/02/2016, 12:09:55 PM: Ge: In bed everyone is the same size lol 27/02/2016, 12:10:10 PM: Bas Liewes: I crap your hair then. 27/02/2016, 12:11:20 PM: Bas Liewes: I am out. The words make me silly. 27/02/2016, 12:11:56 PM: Ge: I'll keep going on my side here πŸ˜„ 27/02/2016, 12:12:06 PM: Ge: on my own 27/02/2016, 12:12:10 PM: Bas Liewes: But I will help myself one more time than. Thinking of you and your nice ass 27/02/2016, 12:12:27 PM: Ge: Please do. I'll do the same here 27/02/2016, 12:12:47 PM: Ge: Thinking about doggy style would look 27/02/2016, 12:12:52 PM: Bas Liewes: And imagine the doggy style video of you 27/02/2016, 12:12:53 PM: Ge: From your point of view 27/02/2016, 12:12:58 PM: Ge: :) 27/02/2016, 12:12:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha 27/02/2016, 12:13:08 PM: Ge: Brainwave again 27/02/2016, 12:13:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Bra 27/02/2016, 12:13:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah very much 27/02/2016, 12:13:52 PM: Ge: Distance doesn't do much to us :) 27/02/2016, 12:14:16 PM: Ge: I want to play with Hans now! 27/02/2016, 12:14:17 PM: Ge: Damn 27/02/2016, 12:14:53 PM: Bas Liewes: No. Hans is doing fine now 27/02/2016, 12:14:59 PM: Ge: You take good care of him 27/02/2016, 12:15:19 PM: Bas Liewes: Waiting for your lips to be swallowed 27/02/2016, 12:15:29 PM: Ge: Yes... 27/02/2016, 12:15:42 PM: Ge: Would very much like to lick him all over 27/02/2016, 12:15:50 PM: Ge: And let my lips slide along 27/02/2016, 12:16:51 PM: Ge: Suck you nice n strong 27/02/2016, 12:28:26 PM: Bas Liewes: It was an intense orgasm. Instead of doggy it was a nice strong facefuck. 27/02/2016, 12:28:42 PM: Ge: Oooh nice 27/02/2016, 12:28:50 PM: Ge: Good one as well here 27/02/2016, 12:29:08 PM: Ge: I stayed stuck on the doggy style 27/02/2016, 12:30:00 PM: Bas Liewes: Rrrr 27/02/2016, 12:30:03 PM: Ge: I got so wet. Almost too slippery. Good thing I'm throwing the bedding in the wash tonight! 27/02/2016, 12:30:47 PM: Bas Liewes: You ! Love it. Now I am out. Sleep sweet with you in my arms. 27/02/2016, 12:31:01 PM: Ge: Sweet dreams my dear 27/02/2016, 12:31:13 PM: Bas Liewes: X 27/02/2016, 12:31:22 PM: Ge: I'll be next to you in my mind :) 27/02/2016, 12:31:24 PM: Ge: xx 27/02/2016, 1:19:18 PM: Ge: https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/08/12/anam-cara-john-o-donohue-soul-friend/ 27/02/2016, 8:32:57 PM: Bas Liewes: I had a great night with frederik. This guy is amazing. Even when he sleeps he is searching for my hands. The main reason for me to stay and make it bearable. He keeps telling me how much he loves me. Kisses me the whole day and is so intense. Waking up is a present. How was your day? I felt instantly asleep 27/02/2016, 8:33:34 PM: Ge: Good morning! 27/02/2016, 8:35:06 PM: Ge: He is so intensely attached to you 27/02/2016, 8:35:42 PM: Ge: Hopefully he won't do a 180 when he is a teenager πŸ˜„ 27/02/2016, 8:35:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah, but the same with his mom. 27/02/2016, 8:35:54 PM: Ge: Intensely the other way! 27/02/2016, 8:38:31 PM: Ge: I am in my usual spot 27/02/2016, 8:38:35 PM: Ge: Naked on the bed lol 27/02/2016, 8:42:35 PM: Ge: Haha 27/02/2016, 8:42:48 PM: Ge: Standing naked in the living room closer to the wifi router 27/02/2016, 8:42:50 PM: Bas Liewes: Call you back 27/02/2016, 8:42:54 PM: Ge: With all the lights out 27/02/2016, 8:43:11 PM: Ge: Let me restart my phone 27/02/2016, 8:43:18 PM: Ge: I can hear you so well 27/02/2016, 8:43:24 PM: Ge: Like you are right next to me 27/02/2016, 8:43:30 PM: Ge: Love your morning voice 27/02/2016, 8:43:42 PM: Ge: Gives me shivers 27/02/2016, 8:43:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. Frederik was playing on the computer now he has to visit the toilet next to me. 27/02/2016, 8:44:01 PM: Ge: Ok 27/02/2016, 8:44:16 PM: Bas Liewes: Nice. Restart and kickstart yourself. 27/02/2016, 8:44:20 PM: Ge: Restarting my phone, then you tell me if we can call again 27/02/2016, 8:44:23 PM: Ge: Haha 27/02/2016, 8:44:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Back in 5 min 27/02/2016, 8:45:44 PM: Ge: Ok! 27/02/2016, 8:51:05 PM: Ge: Awwwwww 27/02/2016, 8:51:15 PM: Ge: I could hear you so clearly! 27/02/2016, 8:51:22 PM: Ge: @&?!$ 27/02/2016, 8:52:03 PM: Ge: And your voice was making me feel all fuzzy 27/02/2016, 8:52:02 PM: Bas Liewes: We safe everything for later. 27/02/2016, 8:52:19 PM: Ge: Nice feeling 27/02/2016, 8:52:32 PM: Ge: You sound calm and relaxed 27/02/2016, 8:52:48 PM: Bas Liewes: Yeah! I shall drink more whiskey and smoke cigars whole day 27/02/2016, 8:53:05 PM: Bas Liewes: I am. Stress family has fallen apart. 27/02/2016, 8:53:10 PM: Ge: I'd like to keep you alive as long as possible please 27/02/2016, 8:53:24 PM: Ge: broccoli for you for the rest of your life 27/02/2016, 8:53:31 PM: Bas Liewes: I won't do that. 27/02/2016, 8:53:37 PM: Ge: I'll only talk to you in the morning 😜 27/02/2016, 8:53:42 PM: Bas Liewes: Sex will compensate 27/02/2016, 8:53:54 PM: Ge: haha yes 27/02/2016, 8:53:56 PM: Bas Liewes: I can eat and drink everything. 27/02/2016, 8:54:00 PM: Ge: it will make you younger 27/02/2016, 8:54:12 PM: Ge: and takes care of your prostate health ;) 27/02/2016, 8:54:14 PM: Bas Liewes: I only need some training : cardio 27/02/2016, 8:54:32 PM: Ge: Let me help for cardio ^_^ 27/02/2016, 8:54:33 PM: Bas Liewes: You make my heartbeat go up 27/02/2016, 8:54:50 PM: Ge: as you do with mine 27/02/2016, 8:54:56 PM: Bas Liewes: Even while chatting on what's app 27/02/2016, 8:55:00 PM: Ge: I always get so excited when I see a message of you 27/02/2016, 8:55:05 PM: Ge: haha yes me too 27/02/2016, 8:55:21 PM: Ge: I feel like a teenager 😝 27/02/2016, 8:55:48 PM: Bas Liewes: I guess that's called being in love 27/02/2016, 8:55:56 PM: Ge: I guess it is 27/02/2016, 8:56:13 PM: Bas Liewes: Haha. Hans just jumped 27/02/2016, 8:56:26 PM: Ge: :) 27/02/2016, 8:56:31 PM: Ge: And my heart is beating faster 27/02/2016, 8:56:43 PM: Ge: And my eyes are getting as wet as my pussy 27/02/2016, 8:56:56 PM: Ge: :) 27/02/2016, 8:57:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Wow! 27/02/2016, 8:58:13 PM: Bas Liewes: So little I can do from here. But we have a reason to live 27/02/2016, 8:58:39 PM: Ge: I have a smile on my face 27/02/2016, 8:58:49 PM: Ge: but yes we do 27/02/2016, 8:58:59 PM: Ge: so you'd better take care of yourself 27/02/2016, 8:58:59 PM: Bas Liewes: Good. I like your tears too. 27/02/2016, 8:59:10 PM: Ge: because I want to live a long life with you 27/02/2016, 8:59:45 PM: Bas Liewes: But frederik !! He is the glue in my relationship with Susanne 27/02/2016, 8:59:55 PM: Ge: I understand 27/02/2016, 9:00:22 PM: Ge: We'll take the time that is needed 27/02/2016, 9:00:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Yesterday in bed he drew a big heart in the air 27/02/2016, 9:01:04 PM: Bas Liewes: Half is you and the other half is mama. 27/02/2016, 9:01:39 PM: Bas Liewes: If one of you is not there anymore, I can't live anymore. 27/02/2016, 9:02:12 PM: Bas Liewes: His face turned red and his eyes were wet. 27/02/2016, 9:02:37 PM: Bas Liewes: So sweet and coming straight from his heart 27/02/2016, 9:02:48 PM: Bas Liewes: This guy has no filters 27/02/2016, 9:03:01 PM: Ge: it is beautiful 27/02/2016, 9:03:13 PM: Bas Liewes: It is. 27/02/2016, 9:03:29 PM: Ge: he puts so much pressure on himself 27/02/2016, 9:03:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Very much. 27/02/2016, 9:03:41 PM: Ge: all this attachement and this intense love 27/02/2016, 9:03:50 PM: Bas Liewes: He's so unhappy at school 27/02/2016, 9:04:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Therefore the family is everything 27/02/2016, 9:04:09 PM: Ge: when all he should care about is Lego... 27/02/2016, 9:04:20 PM: Ge: it is still not getting better at school 27/02/2016, 9:04:33 PM: Bas Liewes: But he likes all his family. 27/02/2016, 9:04:57 PM: Bas Liewes: My sister, dad, Susanne's family 27/02/2016, 9:05:22 PM: Bas Liewes: So different from the rest of us. We often see family as annoying. 27/02/2016, 9:05:38 PM: Ge: some people do :) 27/02/2016, 9:05:53 PM: Bas Liewes: Sounds very Dutch blond. But i hope you can follow 27/02/2016, 9:06:01 PM: Ge: I follow you 27/02/2016, 9:06:04 PM: Bas Liewes: School, 27/02/2016, 9:06:14 PM: Ge: and it's not Dutch, most people find their family annoying 27/02/2016, 9:06:20 PM: Ge: I am lucky I don't 27/02/2016, 9:06:38 PM: Ge: the benefits of leaving home at 18 for the other side of the planet 27/02/2016, 9:06:55 PM: Bas Liewes: The big disadvantage from having a big house in a relatively cheap area, it attracts trash people. 27/02/2016, 9:07:03 PM: Ge: and my parents are also a pretty special breed of parents 27/02/2016, 9:07:14 PM: Ge: is it the issue with school? 27/02/2016, 9:07:55 PM: Bas Liewes: There're 50 schools for his age, none of them is good enough. 27/02/2016, 9:08:12 PM: Bas Liewes: Either classes with 30plus kids 27/02/2016, 9:08:18 PM: Ge: too much 27/02/2016, 9:08:34 PM: Ge: 30 8-years old.. 27/02/2016, 9:08:49 PM: Ge: how do you give enough attention to everyone 27/02/2016, 9:09:04 PM: Ge: you said his old school was better? Is it really so far away? 27/02/2016, 9:09:23 PM: Bas Liewes: Or do small groups with high numbers of social dis functional children. 27/02/2016, 9:09:36 PM: Bas Liewes: 30 km 27/02/2016, 9:09:40 PM: Bas Liewes: No way ! 27/02/2016, 9:10:13 PM: Bas Liewes: That's two hours and no friends to play in holidays etc 27/02/2016, 9:10:23 PM: Ge: yeah 30 km is far 27/02/2016, 9:10:54 PM: Bas Liewes: 25 roundabouts and the dyk 27/02/2016, 9:11:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Reckless drivers 27/02/2016, 9:11:06 PM: Ge: move the house :) 27/02/2016, 9:11:34 PM: Bas Liewes: That's Frederik's ideal situation too 27/02/2016, 9:12:02 PM: Ge: rent out this one and rent one close to that school for a few years :) 27/02/2016, 9:12:42 PM: Bas Liewes: Yesterday I went to his school, last day before the holiday. The children had a little performance 27/02/2016, 9:13:38 PM: Bas Liewes: This took 30 minutes, the parents had to wait 10 minutes for their children as the went back to the classes 27/02/2016, 9:13:59 PM: Bas Liewes: The parents went outside, including me, 27/02/2016, 9:14:31 PM: Bas Liewes: Most of them stand together, smoked, played with their phone 27/02/2016, 9:14:51 PM: Ge: not a great group I guess 27/02/2016, 9:14:57 PM: Bas Liewes: Laughed and really low life talk. 27/02/2016, 9:15:06 PM: Bas Liewes: So sad. 27/02/2016, 9:15:27 PM: Bas Liewes: What can you do about it. 27/02/2016, 9:15:44 PM: Bas Liewes: I will try to find an other place again 27/02/2016, 9:15:52 PM: Ge: yes... 27/02/2016, 9:15:59 PM: Ge: he is at an important age 27/02/2016, 9:16:06 PM: Ge: if he starts hating school now... 27/02/2016, 9:16:31 PM: Ge: could you homeschool him? 27/02/2016, 9:16:39 PM: Ge: and find playgroups? 27/02/2016, 9:16:46 PM: Ge: or with other parents homeschooling? 27/02/2016, 9:16:49 PM: Bas Liewes: That's already the case. He likes reading and figures very much. His brother is a smart guy. 27/02/2016, 9:17:00 PM: Bas Liewes: I don't worry to much about it 27/02/2016, 9:17:34 PM: Ge: watch out about calling his brother the smart guy all the time :) it was hard on my little sister :) 27/02/2016, 9:17:37 PM: Bas Liewes: Homeschooling is great if you can trust the teachers. I haven't check it out 27/02/2016, 9:17:53 PM: Bas Liewes: I know 27/02/2016, 9:17:58 PM: Ge: turned out she quicked my ass at Uni :) 27/02/2016, 9:18:37 PM: Ge: (ok, I didn't put too much effort into uni either... not too hard to have good grades) 27/02/2016, 9:18:50 PM: Bas Liewes: He's as smart and maybe even smarter. We have that problem with big and little. Frederik is always the youngest, smallest, last 27/02/2016, 9:19:18 PM: Ge: yeah, that's not easy for the second one. And I was the eldest of the grandchildren 27/02/2016, 9:19:38 PM: Ge: my parents were so worried about making a difference, they were communist about our education : everything exactly the same 27/02/2016, 9:19:48 PM: Bas Liewes: And look at you know. 27/02/2016, 9:19:52 PM: Ge: still had an impact because of other people 27/02/2016, 9:20:11 PM: Bas Liewes: Gipsy with a lover over the sea 27/02/2016, 9:20:11 PM: Ge: haha, what look at me 😜 27/02/2016, 9:20:27 PM: Ge: haha 27/02/2016, 9:20:49 PM: Ge: well, I am happy with my life! 27/02/2016, 9:21:06 PM: Bas Liewes: Good πŸ˜ƒ 27/02/2016, 9:21:09 PM: Ge: And although they worry for me, they are also very confident in me and my future 27/02/2016, 9:21:17 PM: Bas Liewes: I have to get of the sofa. 27/02/2016, 9:21:34 PM: Bas Liewes: So am I 27/02/2016, 9:21:42 PM: Ge: my mum says it is a bt schizophrenic that she feels this was, but it is what it is 27/02/2016, 9:21:50 PM: Ge: so are you? 27/02/2016, 9:22:03 PM: Ge: happy with your life or confident about my future 😁 27/02/2016, 9:22:22 PM: Bas Liewes: Sure that you're before something big 27/02/2016, 9:22:40 PM: Ge: thank you 27/02/2016, 9:22:54 PM: Ge: it is all about me meeting the right people 27/02/2016, 9:23:04 PM: Ge: I know there is something somewhere 27/02/2016, 9:23:05 PM: Bas Liewes: Tomorrow you meet the new Brent. 27/02/2016, 9:23:08 PM: Ge: I keep searching 27/02/2016, 9:23:23 PM: Bas Liewes: πŸ˜‚ 27/02/2016, 9:23:40 PM: Ge: haha, well thank god he doesn't look like him :) 27/02/2016, 9:23:52 PM: Ge: (Brett, by the way πŸ˜ƒ) 27/02/2016, 9:24:44 PM: Bas Liewes: Okay. But I have more confidence in you. You don't need a partner. 27/02/2016, 9:24:55 PM: Bas Liewes: For that 27/02/2016, 9:25:18 PM: Ge: I don't know. I still have a few things bloked inside 27/02/2016, 9:25:29 PM: Ge: having a partner helps complement that 27/02/2016, 9:25:50 PM: Ge: one day I'll get over those last blocking points 27/02/2016, 9:25:58 PM: Ge: maybe the day I am really in the flow 27/02/2016, 9:26:03 PM: Ge: they are just in my head 27/02/2016, 9:26:27 PM: Bas Liewes: Where are you worried about 27/02/2016, 9:26:32 PM: Ge: the right product/service, the right team delivering for me 27/02/2016, 9:26:57 PM: Ge: I have a big gap of confidence when it comes to business development 27/02/2016, 9:27:00 PM: Ge: on the networking side 27/02/2016, 9:27:16 PM: Ge: it is getting much better 27/02/2016, 9:27:33 PM: Ge: also because I moved away from the pure cold calling 27/02/2016, 9:27:40 PM: Ge: which I hate with passion 27/02/2016, 9:28:02 PM: Bas Liewes: Will come. You do your thing. Make clear lines. Say what you want. No political bullshiting. Just how you deal with me. 27/02/2016, 9:28:21 PM: Ge: I am so highly strung on interpersonal connection that the failure to connect has an emotional price 27/02/2016, 9:28:37 PM: Ge: but youa re right, this is the winning formula 27/02/2016, 9:28:43 PM: Bas Liewes: You're a to bright. It's in the way. 27/02/2016, 9:29:00 PM: Bas Liewes: See to many bears 27/02/2016, 9:29:43 PM: Bas Liewes: It's about taking and handling the responsibility 27/02/2016, 9:29:44 PM: Ge: probably... the capacity to connect plays against me in these areas (unknown terrain, both on the client side and mine) 27/02/2016, 9:29:49 PM: Bas Liewes: People can feel. 27/02/2016, 9:29:58 PM: Bas Liewes: Same as for me and Bart 27/02/2016, 9:30:07 PM: Ge: yes! 27/02/2016, 9:30:29 PM: Bas Liewes: Same as for Ross and you with that big client. 27/02/2016, 9:30:45 PM: Ge: true. Ross didn't get it 27/02/2016, 9:30:54 PM: Ge: he got in the way all the time 27/02/2016, 9:31:03 PM: Ge: it could have a 1000 times better 27/02/2016, 9:31:12 PM: Bas Liewes: They doubt, because they see you want it so desperate. You open the door towards failure. 27/02/2016, 9:31:11 PM: Ge: the connection was there 27/02/2016, 9:31:27 PM: Ge: want what? 27/02/2016, 9:32:18 PM: Ge: the connection? or to succeed? 27/02/2016, 9:35:45 PM: Ge: Let me write then 27/02/2016, 9:38:06 PM: Ge: lol 27/02/2016, 9:56:06 PM: Bas Liewes: