17/06/2015 12:39:23 am: Vladimir : Hé Vera, how are things ? I keep thinking about last weekend. So nice, so real, so stupid...you can fill it in. Can't change a thing, I hope the good memories remain. You inspired me a lot, great to share those intense mixture of thoughts and chemistry. I had two great nights of sleep, back in business and slowly getting into the right track. I enjoy the butterflies, and thanks god, you life your restless backpacker life all over the world. Keep moving :-) X, Vladimir 17/06/2015 8:53:40 pm: Vera: Hey, I have friends here and little time to write but what I want to say to you is swirling in my head at the moment and it's not leaving me :-) Will write soon xxx Ge 17/06/2015 11:49:25 pm: Vladimir : Haha, About that, it's not the words that are swirling in my head, it's you! I can wait. It's like last week, group dynamic, remember that I went for 15 minutes away. Some thought that I was not okay. In a way, that was right, I realised that I am attached to someone else and that didn't fit at that time. Now I am back home, I have no choice. Back in my habitat. I like that as well but damn, I feel so attracted to you. I had the same in the Ardennes. It faded away easily as you were so close to / with Piet. Now, everything upside down. Didn't want this to happen, do not want this to happen and I am watching it happening. So cheer me up and say that we are the perfect match for many reasons*, but as a matter of fact your gipsy life is calling and you have to move on. I do not want an earthquake in home. Life is to beautiful, the stars know where and when we'll meet. X Tonight my first meditation lesson, see if I can clear my mind and stop thinking. *to discover. 18/06/2015 5:19:56 am: Vera: Omg, now I have to rewrite my whole message! Hang on... So, it felt very good to receive your first message. And even better to talk to you after that serendipitous butt call. It sort of clarified a little the written words, even though I was still feeling quite confused, but in a good way, if that makes sense? The second one shook me much more, but also in good weird way. In a way this whole story, this weekend being around you threw me off balance, your honesty and your direct questions made me feel very exposed and raw. I felt very alive around you, switched on. I love your authenticity, your drive, but also your willingness to expose yourself. I feel very drawn to your thoughts, your ideas, the little bit of vision of life that I perceived. There was so much more I wanted to ask you, to discover, to tell you, but I had to hold back a lot, because I do understand your situation. It was so hard to look into your eyes. You are a very inspiring man, Vladimir, and I felt such a strong connection and chemistry between us. And you feeling it too, talking about being soulmates... There is this big battle in between my heart and my reason at the moment, because you are ticking so many boxes for me and at the same time I do not want an earthquake in home either. And I enjoy my life, the work I am doing, the region I am living in, the freedom I have. But I just can't stop thinking about you, it makes me happy... As you say, only the stars know. Well, I hope you enjoyed your meditation class and that I am not ruining your "peace of mind" xxx Ge 18/06/2015 6:25:18 am: Vladimir : your mother tongue, lovely to read. Thanks for that ! We share so much and I am sure that we both know that this stream is devastating for our own secure life's. It is all illusion., the things we believed so far, are rubbish. One weekend together and the clock stands still, we have the same pace and values. Great to share that with someone. I feel so understood in your surrounding. It frightens me a lot, after 17 years relationship and two kids. Some serious hiccups. I thought to be a balanced person. I am not ! why do we meet ? What is the deeper meaning of this. Together in the trunk of my van, how intense and how many words went trough my head during this great feeling silence we had. I got to go. Meditation course takes 4 days, I signed in. Especially now. Wish we could do this together. 18/06/2015 6:25:29 am: Vladimir : The rest tomorrow 18/06/2015 7:13:50 am: Vladimir : 18/06/2015 7:13:51 am: Vladimir : 18/06/2015 7:16:48 am: Vera: I love that pink jersey on you :) Fits your body very well! And the photo with your son... Really sweet and lovely. You have beautiful children. These are great photos! Thank you 18/06/2015 7:18:07 am: Vladimir : I have yours on Fb. I do not publish a lot, to busy for that s 18/06/2015 7:18:22 am: Vera: I've just been told that Rapha and pink are very fashionable ;) 18/06/2015 7:19:40 am: Vladimir : True, I bought it last year to investigate. Nice details, but crap quality for what they charge. 18/06/2015 7:20:21 am: Vera: You're justsaying this because you're jealous :-D 18/06/2015 7:20:31 am: Vera: Just kidding ;) 18/06/2015 7:21:40 am: Vladimir : I am extremely jealous of what they achieved so quick. 18/06/2015 7:22:01 am: Vera: Let's get orange trendy! 18/06/2015 7:22:32 am: Vladimir : Marketing is great and consumer buys it all. 18/06/2015 7:23:27 am: Vladimir : Bed time for me. Tomorrow 6 is a new day 18/06/2015 7:23:37 am: Vladimir : X 18/06/2015 7:23:44 am: Vera: And if you bring quality into the mix then you're a winmer without screwing the customer 18/06/2015 7:23:57 am: Vera: Alright, have a great night 18/06/2015 7:24:14 am: Vera: Hope you sleep well, and long enough 18/06/2015 7:24:18 am: Vera: xx 18/06/2015 9:59:10 pm: Vera: We're in Gorges du Verdon, just about to jump into a white water raft :) will send photos later if we make it out alive! xx 18/06/2015 10:14:56 pm: Vladimir : You gorgeous thing, your hobbies are so cool. Wish I could come with you. 18/06/2015 10:20:55 pm: Vera: I wish you could be here too! We're going climbing tomorrow, I'm sure you'd love the challenge! Great combination of mind&body 18/06/2015 10:23:37 pm: Vera: 18/06/2015 10:23:38 pm: Vera: 18/06/2015 10:24:08 pm: Vera: This was in Australia, in the Blue Mountains. You might have seen those photos already! 18/06/2015 10:28:36 pm: Vladimir : Fantastic. No, didn't, the scenery is outrages. Enjoy the moment. 18/06/2015 10:30:22 pm: Vera: It's an amazing place! Very powerful. Enjoying the moment, will definitely do that. Hope you're enjoying meditation! xx 18/06/2015 11:01:10 pm: Vera: I saw you typing something ;) say it! 18/06/2015 11:01:25 pm: Vladimir : The meditation starts at the 29th. 5 days 1,5 hours. By the, I have the knowledge to practise the Vladimiric technics. 18th of July my holiday starts. Hopefully able to drift away:-) Pretty expensive by the way, €800,- For this introduction. Nevertheless, I give it a try, otherwise I will never learn how to get in deeper peace. 18/06/2015 11:01:40 pm: Vladimir : Haha, why should I type to you?? 18/06/2015 11:01:43 pm: Vera: Lol ok got it now :) 18/06/2015 11:11:09 pm: Vera: Jumping in the boat now, will reply later xxx 19/06/2015 6:41:10 am: Vladimir : I'll look forward to the pics. Hanging lazy in front of the television. I try to give you a call tomorrow?? 12 and 14.30. Saves me from making typos. Hang in there ! X 19/06/2015 6:43:40 am: Vera: Will send you a few we took on the road, we'll get the rafting ones later when they're online. It was a quiet trip, nothing crazy (enough) I'll be climbing from 12.30 so free before but we might be on the road. But looking forward to talkin to you :) And please keep making typos, because that means you're writing to me and I can go back to your messages and read them again :) 19/06/2015 6:44:13 am: Vera: And anyway english is not my main language either so I can point the finger either :) 19/06/2015 6:47:30 am: Vladimir : Good that you safe these text messages. I have trash them for my own safety. Your words are printed in my brain 19/06/2015 6:50:16 am: Vera: And you seem to have a very good memory for the stupid things I say :) we'll have to go over these again because my brain just got rid of them to avoid embarrassment later... Also dying to know what you and Piete were talking about when I came into the garden before you left! 19/06/2015 6:50:05 am: Vladimir : So addicted!! I want more. 19/06/2015 6:52:21 am: Vladimir : Nothing stupid. Don't you worry. 19/06/2015 6:52:37 am: Vladimir : I will explain tomorrow 19/06/2015 6:52:50 am: Vera: Ok. I wish we could be back to last Friday, sitting together in the dark, talking! 19/06/2015 7:42:10 am: Vladimir : Yeah ! 19/06/2015 5:35:28 pm: Vera: I've put a few photos of the last days up in a private album on FB, so no funny business left over in your phone. To be honest I feel a bit weird doing this secret stuff! I wish there was a peaceful space for us to exist in. 20/06/2015 1:29:39 am: Vladimir : Later....sorry! I went to manual therapist, I got a complete reset. Now completely tired 20/06/2015 2:40:20 am: Vera: Just got of the wall, it was AWESOME! 20/06/2015 2:40:26 am: Vera: off* 20/06/2015 4:17:36 am: Vladimir : Good for you, would like an introduction in your outdoors, see how far we make it, I do not think that I leave the parking :-). Keep waiting for my call. It will be tomorrow. 20/06/2015 6:16:03 am: Vera: Haha I am sure you would love it, and that you would be absolutely great if you start liking it! You have a good body for it :) (strong legs, strong core) Are you ok with being at heights? I'd really like to take you outdoors, a week into the wild is the best to totally reset the mind and body clock... Hope your back feels better after the therapist? Will wait for your phone call :) I'll be on the road quite a lot then going to a wedding later in the day, but I can escape easily 20/06/2015 7:21:56 am: Vladimir : I love the outdoors, but similar to biking and winter sport, too much energy for my mates. I can't sleep in the mountains. last 15 years at least 2 times a year to the Alps. Highest altitude so far, 5600 meters, Nepal. Annapurna trekking. 23 years ago! Gosh, am I getting an old mf. This year noirmoutier is a tryout for the kids. they have enough of hiking and ice-cold water. Therefor salty water and hopefully a bit of sunshine. I hope we will have a change to go out in the bush one day! May back feel a lot better. The release when all neurones can freely run. Great! Right now a lot better. Hopefully it stays good. Sleep well ! You probably in 3 hours. X 20/06/2015 7:23:21 am: Vera: Seems that you can't sleep in general, not only the mountains :) 20/06/2015 7:30:31 am: Vera: Have you tried camping just for the sake of it, not trying to break records or trying to kill yourself? :) Annapurna is a crazy trek! Not sure I could handle the altitude... Would love to do the Inca Trail one day but I'm far from it on the physical side :) 20/06/2015 7:37:25 am: Vera: One day... Would love to climb El Capitan in Yosemite Valley, I've been going to this national park so many times since I was a kid, and once more a year ago. Went hiking and lost the track, fun adventure :) 20/06/2015 8:02:26 am: Vera: Are your kids going to sail in Noirmoutier? It's a great place for it! 20/06/2015 8:04:59 am: Vera: We are out with the rest of the team from south of France, so we won't be sleeping for a while... Need to make the most out of seeing them once every 6 years! 20/06/2015 8:07:39 am: Vera: (and 44 is not old come on :) would never want to go back to my twenties! ) 20/06/2015 5:25:08 pm: Vladimir : Awake?? 20/06/2015 5:30:08 pm: Vera: Hi im driving give me 3 mins? 20/06/2015 5:30:25 pm: Vladimir : Okay! 20/06/2015 7:08:51 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:51 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:52 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:52 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:53 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:54 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:55 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:56 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:56 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:08:58 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:09:02 pm: Vladimir : Materialistic show 20/06/2015 7:10:43 pm: Vladimir : 20/06/2015 7:11:13 pm: Vladimir : Last is your shelter when you come! 20/06/2015 7:24:38 pm: Vera: Beautiful! Very serene and peaceful... I understand why you feel good here. 20/06/2015 7:25:14 pm: Vera: And I'd rather sleep in a simple sleeping bag on the deck next to the water :-) 20/06/2015 9:04:21 pm: Vera: Just burst a tire, yay! First time! (but already changed, quicker than I thought...) 20/06/2015 9:38:38 pm: Vladimir : No! But good to hear that you managed. Didn't expect anything else... 20/06/2015 9:51:26 pm: Vera: Haha - thanks! But too be fair I asked for a bit of muscle at some point :) 20/06/2015 10:16:45 pm: Vladimir : I spoke to Pete, nothing in between us. 20/06/2015 10:17:30 pm: Vladimir : It was so nice to talk with you. Xx. Aaaagggr 20/06/2015 10:18:38 pm: Vera: Good to hear about Piete. And my heart is all over the place :)) 20/06/2015 10:23:28 pm: Vladimir : Mine too. Hard to concentrate. Full of joy 20/06/2015 10:25:17 pm: Vera: Same here. I think that's why I hit that curb haha. I wasn't even annoyed when it happened :) 21/06/2015 4:50:55 am: Vladimir : Having diner with a former employee. She is married quit good, also with my former accountant. Feels like I paid to much. 21/06/2015 4:51:27 am: Vladimir : 21/06/2015 4:51:27 am: Vladimir : 21/06/2015 4:51:37 am: Vladimir : 21/06/2015 5:35:10 am: Vera: Or that means he is a really good accountant, at least for himself :-) and hopefully he was as skilled with your business! 21/06/2015 5:38:19 am: Vera: 21/06/2015 7:01:30 am: Vladimir : He was to expensive. I spend 20 grand a year. Now I have more overview and spend half this amount to a skilled lady accountant. I feel much better with that. Nice pic, stupid weddings. Next time is your party :-) 21/06/2015 7:03:38 am: Vladimir : I am kind of tipsy, to many much wine. Quiet unhappy...you are the only who knows why. 21/06/2015 7:04:15 am: Vladimir : I go to bed and hope that tomorrow is totally different. 21/06/2015 7:05:49 am: Vera: Don't be unhappy 21/06/2015 7:05:56 am: Vladimir : I have to work anyway. So maybe that puts me back. Good night, have some fun there. Your serious life starts in a couple of weeks as well. 21/06/2015 7:06:02 am: Vera: We found each other and just this is already great 21/06/2015 7:06:05 am: Vladimir : It's not that bad 21/06/2015 7:06:13 am: Vera: Whatever happens 21/06/2015 7:06:25 am: Vera: I hope it's not that bad 21/06/2015 7:06:27 am: Vera: :) 21/06/2015 7:06:29 am: Vladimir : That's right 21/06/2015 7:06:34 am: Vladimir : No! 21/06/2015 7:06:36 am: Vladimir : Xxx 21/06/2015 7:06:52 am: Vera: Sweet dreams! xxx 21/06/2015 7:06:59 am: Vladimir : It's actually great to meet 21/06/2015 7:07:04 am: Vladimir : Thanks!! 21/06/2015 7:07:09 am: Vera: To meet? 21/06/2015 7:07:21 am: Vladimir : With you 21/06/2015 7:07:30 am: Vera: It was :) 21/06/2015 7:07:31 am: Vladimir : I met you 21/06/2015 7:07:38 am: Vera: Life has another colour now 21/06/2015 7:07:55 am: Vladimir : Yep 21/06/2015 7:40:45 pm: Vladimir : Before I say something strange on FB. Like your picture. Like you so much ! Keep thinking about you & me. This pic doesn't make it better. Thanks for that. 21/06/2015 7:42:21 pm: Vera: Thank you :) it is such an intense feeling to receive such feedback from someone you have such stronger feelings, it makes the rest feel like "yeah, whatever" 21/06/2015 7:42:41 pm: Vera: Will stop sending photos if too disturbing :) 21/06/2015 7:45:00 pm: Vera: Spend the whole day keeping you in my thoughts yesterday 21/06/2015 7:46:14 pm: Vera: Was sitting at the bride and groom table and I had nothing to say to them... I eat very little these days, I sleep very little yet I'm on fire! 21/06/2015 7:47:04 pm: Vera: And it seems that all thise cheezy feeling songs on the radio are talking to me :) 21/06/2015 7:47:32 pm: Vera: Maybe I'll make you a playlist, like a teenager makes mixtapes :-D 21/06/2015 8:52:00 pm: Vladimir : Falling in love is an illness! I am paralysed too. Today I am working and the clock stands still. The butterflies are not getting less. Time to kick ass :-) In your situation, sunny weather, time enough, it can be very lonely. Know that I would love to share these dull moments with you. That doesn't make it any better. Sorry. I like to receive your playlist. Are you on spotify? 21/06/2015 9:24:58 pm: Vera: It is an illness, isn't it? I van almost feel my heart squeezing when I receive a message from you, and when we talk on the phone it's almost like I can't breathe and the words get stuck in my throat. I feel a bit silly but enjoy the feeling... If you were here we would be lying under one of those cherry trees or rolling in the lavender fields :) And actually I don't feel that lonely because I am carrying you with me in my thoughts and in my heart, it almost like I don't want people talking to me so they don't break my bubble. And I am usually a social animal :) 21/06/2015 9:25:50 pm: Vera: And yes for Spotify, I'll send you the cheezy songs I'm listening to full blast in the car to try to drown my thoughts ;) 22/06/2015 1:46:06 am: Vladimir : Mmm, what can I say. Looking into the trees or rolling. I want it all if I wouldn't feel quilts. I have one more hour to go and than I am off. Today wasn't easy. To much talking and no results. I do not jump to conclusions. I have to find my working mojo again ! 22/06/2015 1:46:34 am: Vladimir : What have you planned for tonight? 22/06/2015 2:06:44 am: Vera: I'm sorry... Sorry that it is making your life difficult at the moment, and for the guilt you feel. As much as I would like it to be straightforward and easy, it's not. But I would like those feelings to be a driving force for you, something you can tap into to go further and achieve more if you want to. I really do not want these feelings to be burning you inside, or be destructive. I have no idea what should be done for now, we will see with time... There is so much more to discuss anyway. So please stay on your path, looking forward, doing what you are the best at, with now the additional knowledge that somewhere in the world there is someone who gets you, and shares that crazy energy that makes you, or me, feel alone in the middle of the crowd sometimes. 22/06/2015 2:10:49 am: Vera: I am back in Aix en Provence at my friend's François (another friend from the international team), need to pack my bags as tomorrow afternoon I catch the train to London. Today is the 1st day of Summer and there are music festivals all over France, we'll probably go eat out and enjoy the weather! 22/06/2015 2:30:47 am: Vladimir : Those words are heartwarming ! I could have said the same. That's why we get so intense close. We have so much in common. You're very respectful. Xx 22/06/2015 2:34:24 am: Vladimir : Nice evening ahead ! The sunny south, you have planned it all very well. We had some rain. The forecast is not good either. Hope you have fun and good friends around. We get in touch somehow tomorrow. 22/06/2015 2:43:55 am: Vera: I know you share those thoughts :) I wish you a peaceful evening, as much as you can. I am holding you close to me, go back to your life in peace :) xxx 22/06/2015 2:54:57 am: Vladimir : Thank you ! I can kiss you for that. :-) 22/06/2015 2:55:18 am: Vera: Haha, I wish ;) 22/06/2015 2:57:48 am: Vladimir : Can't promise, but if then... You better wax your cheeks and chin. 22/06/2015 2:58:17 am: Vera: LOL - you better too! 22/06/2015 2:58:49 am: Vera: Let's not think about that, it won't help, I have flashbacks :) 22/06/2015 2:59:14 am: Vladimir : Tell me 22/06/2015 2:59:45 am: Vera: No! 22/06/2015 2:59:49 am: Vera: :) 22/06/2015 3:00:35 am: Vera: And my brain has blocked some of those memories. It's probably for the best. You will have to tell me all the details! 22/06/2015 3:02:01 am: Vladimir : I remember holding your hands! Bang... 22/06/2015 3:02:45 am: Vladimir : I blocked it too 22/06/2015 3:04:18 am: Vladimir : You're right, thanks god, this is not explored. It would have made it a lot harder 22/06/2015 3:05:25 am: Vera: Yes, and a lot messier. This is already too much to handle without even going there :) 22/06/2015 3:06:34 am: Vladimir : That's one and Something more to fantasise about 22/06/2015 3:08:17 am: Vera: I'm trying not too! I'm quite successful so far, but I have to admit I had to erase from my memories looking at you when Erika was doing whatever she was doing with your back... 22/06/2015 3:10:02 am: Vladimir : Haha! 22/06/2015 3:10:45 am: Vladimir : Iam out now. Xx 22/06/2015 3:10:57 am: Vera: xxx 22/06/2015 5:14:59 pm: Vladimir : Good morning! I browsed your name and checked your one page website. So cool and simple. Like that. Impressive linked-in profile. Career devil, I like you in a professional way as much as in personal life. Have a safe trip. Xx 22/06/2015 5:39:03 pm: Vera: Haha, are you stalking me? Well I've been stalking you as well, but a week ago :-D 22/06/2015 5:42:36 pm: Vera: Check out www.riseconsulting.com.au - this is the company I'm working with in Australia. We are using that website solution I was telling you about, Squarespace.com It took me less than 2 days to build once I had the texts. My business partner wrote my bio, a bit funny :) 22/06/2015 5:46:45 pm: Vera: The NZ company I am working with is nzservices.co.nz, I still have to get a proper website together, but there is a lot to do before (segmenting the offer, creating pathways according to target audiences etc.) we've developed a specific website for the recruitment agency I am building nzs-recruitment.nz I still need to crack into the market with this business, not working yet! 22/06/2015 6:04:35 pm: Vladimir : I am driving, later in the train. Plenty of time 22/06/2015 9:02:34 pm: Vera: Just a bit more, dealing with paperwork :) 22/06/2015 9:35:30 pm: Vera: Available now, until about 3pm, if you have time 22/06/2015 11:07:28 pm: Vladimir : Unfortunately not. I will try again. Later today. Probably fiveish 22/06/2015 11:08:53 pm: Vera: No worries. I'll be in the train, so not sure about coverage. Will arrive late in London, around 10.30pm. Tomorrow works well too :) 22/06/2015 11:47:21 pm: Vladimir : I will try to call you after my meeting. Fingers crossed 18.30-19.30. This is with The huge online retailer. Futurumshop.com. You're in the tunnel by then. 22/06/2015 11:57:57 pm: Vera: Connection will very likely be spotty but we can still write to each other. This week I will have plenty of time, wifi and quiet spots to talk so no pressure. Will be sending you hippie good vibes for that big meeting! 23/06/2015 12:04:13 am: Vladimir : Cool, good to know. I send you my vibes too, slightly different :-) 23/06/2015 12:05:02 am: Vera: Looking forward to see what those vibes are ;) More than anything, have fun during that meeting! 23/06/2015 3:51:00 am: Vera: Did it go well? 23/06/2015 3:54:53 am: Vladimir : Yes! I have to find a parking 23/06/2015 3:55:56 am: Vladimir : Nice guy, young and very open for my story 23/06/2015 3:56:00 am: Vera: Ok :) we will be in Lille for 1hr for immigration stuff, around 8.30 I think. 23/06/2015 3:56:26 am: Vladimir : That's even better. But.. No wifi 23/06/2015 3:56:31 am: Vera: Good to hear. "my story" I like that 23/06/2015 3:56:52 am: Vladimir : Wait until tomorrow with chatting 23/06/2015 3:57:07 am: Vera: Ok :) 23/06/2015 3:58:21 am: Vladimir : It's my story, sometimes I am a bit of narcism ( narsist Is not a word) 23/06/2015 3:58:37 am: Vera: Narcissist ;) 23/06/2015 3:58:49 am: Vera: Aren't we all? 23/06/2015 3:58:57 am: Vladimir : Anyway, (thanks ! 23/06/2015 3:59:29 am: Vladimir : Yes, we awake people for sure 23/06/2015 4:00:45 am: Vladimir : The guy (Harmen) is about to open his first cycle club/ lunchroom/ store in Amsterdam. home was not on his mind. 23/06/2015 4:01:49 am: Vladimir : He's willing to take a look and also interested to see what we can do together. How I see things. Blabla 23/06/2015 4:02:20 am: Vera: Interesting concept 23/06/2015 4:02:39 am: Vladimir : He had an other meeting after ours, otherwise we had spend a couple of hours more. 23/06/2015 4:02:51 am: Vera: People want to belong to a community, everything is about connection! 23/06/2015 4:03:08 am: Vladimir : Yes, i feel very connected :-) 23/06/2015 4:03:20 am: Vera: You are great at that :-D 23/06/2015 4:03:28 am: Vera: Very charismatic 23/06/2015 4:03:38 am: Vladimir : Bucket of cement 23/06/2015 4:04:10 am: Vera: You will need to explain that :-D I didn't get it! 23/06/2015 4:04:28 am: Vladimir : I glue, you get glued 23/06/2015 4:05:08 am: Vladimir : Just kidding. Don't know how to express 23/06/2015 4:05:35 am: Vera: Ok I get it :) 23/06/2015 4:05:58 am: Vera: Yeah you trapped me with that charisma of yours 23/06/2015 4:06:10 am: Vera: I had no chance to escape ;) 23/06/2015 4:06:49 am: Vladimir : It was not like that, but he's a good listener and I have done clear visions of how it can be like. How his company can benefit. 23/06/2015 4:07:29 am: Vladimir : Lol, you ain't much better, I am trapped too 23/06/2015 4:08:29 am: Vladimir : I start the engine 23/06/2015 4:08:56 am: Vladimir : By the way, with whom are you travelling ? You said we 23/06/2015 4:11:19 am: Vera: We = the train :) 23/06/2015 4:12:39 am: Vera: Just got off the train, will take a while to go through immigration 23/06/2015 4:14:01 am: Vladimir : Good company ! 23/06/2015 4:14:13 am: Vladimir : Catch you later 23/06/2015 4:14:16 am: Vladimir : X 23/06/2015 4:14:20 am: Vera: Lol yeah - 200 retirees from uk 23/06/2015 4:14:25 am: Vera: xxx 23/06/2015 6:28:14 am: Vera: Why am I smiling like an idiot when I see you online and you're typing something? 23/06/2015 6:28:45 am: Vladimir : Finally there? We'll speak tomorrow. Good night in noisy London. I try to imagine where you're. Haven't been there for ages. To big for me. I liked Covent Garden, probably to posh these days. Used to be cosy wine bars instead of boutiques and overpriced restaurants. Second best soho! I used to live in Croydon for 6 months. 23/06/2015 6:29:11 am: Vladimir : Because you can feel my brains crush on a few sentences 23/06/2015 6:29:25 am: Vera: lol 23/06/2015 6:30:19 am: Vladimir : I am @ home. Need to finish a few things and should not think about you. 23/06/2015 6:30:31 am: Vera: Ok, I'll let you focus then 23/06/2015 6:30:36 am: Vladimir : Which is quiet difficult 23/06/2015 6:30:54 am: Vladimir : Focus ! Yes. I keep saying that 23/06/2015 6:31:22 am: Vera: I'll arrive in 1hr in London. Staying at my sister's about 30 min from London itself, my parents will be here too. 23/06/2015 6:31:31 am: Vladimir : You too, enjoy your friends and family 23/06/2015 6:31:49 am: Vladimir : Nice. How long haven't you seen them? 23/06/2015 6:32:00 am: Vera: They're coming to pick me up, nice to have someone waiting on the other side :) 23/06/2015 6:32:02 am: Vladimir : They must think that you are doing well 23/06/2015 6:32:09 am: Vera: About 6 months? 23/06/2015 6:32:23 am: Vera: I got to see them regularly these last 18 months 23/06/2015 6:32:26 am: Vladimir : Then say hello :-) 23/06/2015 6:32:28 am: Vera: Couple of times a year 23/06/2015 6:32:40 am: Vera: Lol, I will most likely will ;) 23/06/2015 6:32:53 am: Vladimir : Okay, that's is more than enough for me. 23/06/2015 6:33:20 am: Vera: Enough for you? 23/06/2015 6:33:38 am: Vladimir : My father lives about 50 k from here. I see him 6 times a year. 23/06/2015 6:33:52 am: Vera: Are you close? 23/06/2015 6:33:56 am: Vladimir : I am a tree hugger not a family hugger 23/06/2015 6:34:00 am: Vera: lol 23/06/2015 6:34:17 am: Vera: I am both - but I'm lucky I have amazing parents 23/06/2015 6:34:18 am: Vladimir : And also a family man :-). 23/06/2015 6:34:36 am: Vera: It's a good thing :) 23/06/2015 6:34:41 am: Vera: I admire that in you 23/06/2015 6:34:50 am: Vladimir : I like Susanne's parents more than mine. 23/06/2015 6:35:15 am: Vladimir : Xxx I gotta stop. My phones keeps vibrating 23/06/2015 6:35:17 am: Vladimir : Xx 23/06/2015 6:35:18 am: Vera: Ok 23/06/2015 6:35:20 am: Vera: xx 23/06/2015 5:31:11 pm: Vladimir : Good morning, give a sign when you can talk. I am now on my way to work. After11 is perfect. Xx 23/06/2015 5:31:44 pm: Vera: After 11 is good for me too! 23/06/2015 5:31:54 pm: Vera: Good morning :) 23/06/2015 5:32:01 pm: Vladimir : Nice! 23/06/2015 5:32:51 pm: Vera: Enjoy your morning at work - hopefully you're pumped up after your meeting yesterday! Talk later xxx 23/06/2015 5:37:02 pm: Vladimir : For sure, but i am fire anyway, due to everything that is happening. Thanks to you 23/06/2015 5:37:35 pm: Vera: Happy to help lol 23/06/2015 5:37:44 pm: Vera: I like that better than see you unhappy 23/06/2015 7:15:08 pm: Vladimir : 10 minutes! 23/06/2015 7:15:45 pm: Vera: All good take your time! 23/06/2015 10:14:03 pm: Vera: 23/06/2015 10:15:52 pm: Vera: 23/06/2015 10:16:55 pm: Vera: It's for when I have a drop in energy :) don't really need this at the moment lol 23/06/2015 10:18:08 pm: Vera: She also brought a few things to help me sleep deeper, all chinese medecine. My parents mostly use that at home, with acupuncture sometimes 23/06/2015 10:18:47 pm: Vera: It's super effective: it tastes so horrible your body gets better immediately so you don't have to take another dose! 24/06/2015 12:44:00 am: Vladimir : Lol, they obviously worry about your health. In the happiest time of your life. Things fall into place. I hope that they notice some change and that they can relax about you. Do you have sleeping problems? Apart from last year? I am at home now. Karl, my oldest is of sick. The younger is playing mine craft. I have peace, although, I have to do my business plan. It's banging in my head what I have to do. Focus is the mantra. The lunch meeting that I had forgotten was boring after our conversation. Hope some more time to speak tomorrow. Going out for diner or home cooking ? I will prepare Asparagus! Have a good time there and we speak tomorrow. X 24/06/2015 12:44:51 am: Vera: They are parents, they always worry about me :) 24/06/2015 12:46:40 am: Vera: Stuck between wanting me settled and knowing they way I live my life is what makes me fulfilled. They support me 110% in my decisions and even though they freak out they are confident I'll be ok. And I know I have a safe place to go if needed. 24/06/2015 12:46:58 am: Vera: I always have issues going to bed, wide awake and full of energy! 24/06/2015 12:47:23 am: Vera: It's waking up in the morning that is difficult. No snake venom for that yet unfortunately... 24/06/2015 12:48:18 am: Vera: Have a great time pouring your ideas on paper. Sometimes I find writing thigs and naming them helps me shape up my ideas and see opportunities 24/06/2015 12:48:59 am: Vera: Other times, I'd rather not name things - putting a name on things, or feelings is limiting, or comes to soon. 24/06/2015 12:50:53 am: Vladimir : I like to speak to you instead of typing, Karl keeps asking with whom I have this conversation. I safe it for later 24/06/2015 12:51:01 am: Vera: Ok 24/06/2015 12:51:21 am: Vera: Pour that energy into your business plan :) xx 24/06/2015 4:57:23 am: Vera: Going for a swim after dinner - there is an outdoor heated swimming pool in my sister's residence :) hope you enjoyed your asparagus (I love them!) enjoy your night xx 24/06/2015 5:10:46 am: Vladimir : Thank you, Nice idea and excellent apartment / house :-) 24/06/2015 5:11:24 am: Vera: Perfect for the 1.5 week summer lasts in UK ;) 24/06/2015 5:11:40 am: Vladimir : 24/06/2015 5:11:48 am: Vera: Ooooh 24/06/2015 5:11:48 am: Vladimir : Skiers eyes ! 24/06/2015 5:12:03 am: Vera: My heart just jumped 24/06/2015 5:12:04 am: Vera: Lol 24/06/2015 5:12:17 am: Vladimir : Square instead of ski 24/06/2015 5:12:35 am: Vladimir : Yeah, more of that :-). 24/06/2015 5:12:45 am: Vera: Haha yes 24/06/2015 5:12:51 am: Vera: Maybe we could facetime once 24/06/2015 5:12:58 am: Vera: So I can see you move 24/06/2015 5:13:12 am: Vladimir : Let me sleep a night over it :-) 24/06/2015 5:13:35 am: Vera: Ok :) no funny business! Promised 24/06/2015 5:13:40 am: Vladimir : Go !! 24/06/2015 5:13:49 am: Vladimir : Don't say that... 24/06/2015 5:14:17 am: Vera: None :) 24/06/2015 7:01:50 am: Vladimir : I like this picture so much. Tired and completely occupied by your presence. 24/06/2015 7:02:06 am: Vladimir : 24/06/2015 7:20:28 am: Vladimir : I told my best friend about you. He was resolute, don't waste your time. you have to be a happy man. Go get it. He's my age and in the middle of a divorce and now dating a 33 year old, no kids, sporty, independent, good looking. You name it. His ex wife an alcoholic. Different thing. I knew the day he married that this was a farce. 24/06/2015 7:20:35 am: Vera: It was an interesting moment. Good thing my bag was between us, to help me think straight! 24/06/2015 7:20:51 am: Vladimir : See that you're back 24/06/2015 7:21:00 am: Vladimir : Like that bag too. 24/06/2015 7:22:01 am: Vera: That bag? Practical bag for travelling, folds flat for suitcase, good for work and my laptop, to go out or weekend getaways. My type of life :) 24/06/2015 7:22:30 am: Vladimir : Champ...?? Forgot the name 24/06/2015 7:22:37 am: Vera: Longchamps :) 24/06/2015 7:23:09 am: Vera: I'd like to ask more about what your best friend said, but a bit afraid. 24/06/2015 7:26:19 am: Vladimir : We do this tomorrow. Now in bed. Don't know how to get this stupid vibration away... 24/06/2015 7:26:26 am: Vladimir : Meant the phone 24/06/2015 7:26:42 am: Vera: Lol I got it - let me look 24/06/2015 7:27:22 am: Vera: Settings > Sounds 24/06/2015 7:27:27 am: Vera: And all off 24/06/2015 7:27:30 am: Vera: I think 24/06/2015 7:27:45 am: Vera: Have a good night Vladimir 24/06/2015 7:27:52 am: Vladimir : Switched all of 24/06/2015 7:27:59 am: Vera: still vibrating? 24/06/2015 7:28:09 am: Vladimir : No 24/06/2015 7:28:21 am: Vladimir : Great, pa 24/06/2015 7:28:38 am: Vera: looking forward to tomorrow 24/06/2015 7:28:41 am: Vera: Sleep well 24/06/2015 7:28:45 am: Vera: xx 24/06/2015 7:28:53 am: Vladimir : You too. X 24/06/2015 7:29:00 am: Vladimir : Big time 24/06/2015 7:29:05 am: Vladimir : Xxxx 24/06/2015 7:29:05 am: Vera: :) 24/06/2015 7:29:11 am: Vladimir : And more 24/06/2015 7:29:17 am: Vera: And more :) 24/06/2015 7:29:41 am: Vladimir : Now I am blushing and shivering 24/06/2015 7:29:48 am: Vera: Awww 24/06/2015 7:29:49 am: Vladimir : Aaggrr 24/06/2015 7:30:02 am: Vera: You're making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) 24/06/2015 7:30:09 am: Vera: Please go! 24/06/2015 7:30:12 am: Vera: And sleep 24/06/2015 7:30:30 am: Vladimir : You give me a warm hard one :) 24/06/2015 7:30:37 am: Vladimir : Lol 24/06/2015 7:30:45 am: Vera: lol, are you saying what I think you're saying? 24/06/2015 7:30:52 am: Vladimir : Dutch lul 24/06/2015 7:31:02 am: Vladimir : Check that one out 24/06/2015 7:31:10 am: Vladimir : Translate 24/06/2015 7:31:53 am: Vera: OMG 24/06/2015 7:31:59 am: Vera: stop this now :) 24/06/2015 7:32:07 am: Vladimir : HahA 24/06/2015 7:32:13 am: Vladimir : I will 24/06/2015 7:32:21 am: Vladimir : So you checkt 24/06/2015 7:32:26 am: Vera: I DID 24/06/2015 7:32:31 am: Vera: You naughty boy 24/06/2015 7:32:42 am: Vladimir : Trust yourself 24/06/2015 7:33:00 am: Vladimir : It was right In the first place 24/06/2015 7:33:13 am: Vera: If I trust myself it'll be a tsunami 24/06/2015 7:33:32 am: Vladimir : Now last kiss. Buy 24/06/2015 7:33:41 am: Vera: Bye Vladimir 24/06/2015 7:33:47 am: Vladimir : Can't wait 24/06/2015 7:33:59 am: Vera: Don't sleep on your stomach or it'll hurt in the morning ;) 24/06/2015 7:34:12 am: Vladimir : Haha 24/06/2015 7:34:19 am: Vera: Big warm hugs 24/06/2015 7:34:41 am: Vladimir : You got one too?!? 24/06/2015 7:34:46 am: Vladimir : X 24/06/2015 7:34:50 am: Vera: What DO YOU THINK??? 24/06/2015 7:35:06 am: Vera: I don't need much lol 24/06/2015 7:35:40 am: Vladimir : I hope not 24/06/2015 7:36:00 am: Vladimir : Xx 24/06/2015 7:36:03 am: Vladimir : Go ! 24/06/2015 7:36:09 am: Vera: you too! 24/06/2015 7:36:13 am: Vera: xxxxxxx 24/06/2015 7:36:22 am: Vladimir : Okay. 24/06/2015 7:37:19 am: Vera: go go go go 24/06/2015 7:37:28 am: Vera: Don't stay there 24/06/2015 7:37:44 am: Vera: Otherwise I won't go either 24/06/2015 8:35:10 pm: Vladimir : Time for a call? 24/06/2015 8:37:47 pm: Vera: Yes give me 2 min 24/06/2015 8:40:01 pm: Vera: Topping up my account :) 24/06/2015 8:42:12 pm: Vera: Ok all good :) 24/06/2015 8:44:02 pm: Vera: Call me when you're free 25/06/2015 12:53:58 am: Vera: 25/06/2015 12:54:45 am: Vera: (japanese Dad, french-vietnamese mother) 25/06/2015 1:18:35 am: Vladimir : So cute, looks bright already. 25/06/2015 1:19:18 am: Vera: He has the DNA for it, he won't have a choice ;) 25/06/2015 2:14:48 am: Vladimir : Haha, sometimes a little stupid is fun too 25/06/2015 2:15:51 am: Vera: You're right :) and by the look of his family playing in the pool yesterday night, he will have plenty of opportunities to get silly! 25/06/2015 2:16:58 am: Vladimir : Thanks god ! He has a change to survive. 25/06/2015 2:17:27 am: Vladimir : Practical jobs and extremely high educated both have a good future. 25/06/2015 2:17:55 am: Vera: Yes... Especially people who get the bigger picture 25/06/2015 2:18:12 am: Vera: On both sides (practical / high educated) 25/06/2015 2:19:17 am: Vera: Do you like reading? Reading works from a great author at the moment, was thinking about sending you an extract. 25/06/2015 2:19:46 am: Vera: But if you don't like reading it'll be a pain :) 25/06/2015 2:20:20 am: Vera: He's an irish poet also working with the corporate world 25/06/2015 2:21:00 am: Vera: I went to a talk completely by chance (my friend dragged me out of bed 15 min before the talk), and I was thunderstruck, same way than when we met again 25/06/2015 2:21:17 am: Vera: It was like a new door opened in my soul 25/06/2015 2:22:55 am: Vera: His talks are even better than his writings, so I can also find some audio extracts :) 25/06/2015 2:28:50 am: Vladimir : 1sec 25/06/2015 2:29:31 am: Vera: No worries, take your time 25/06/2015 3:32:14 am: Vladimir : http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3331807-the-fountainhead 25/06/2015 3:33:33 am: Vera: Just downloaded it! 25/06/2015 3:34:01 am: Vera: Those quotes, wow... Is there one or a few who talk to you more? 25/06/2015 4:14:58 am: Vladimir : Roark is my inspirator 25/06/2015 4:16:18 am: Vera: Only by reading the quotes I could tell who you were identifying with 25/06/2015 4:17:06 am: Vera: That book tells me you might enjoy David Whyte, that poet/writer very much 25/06/2015 5:09:37 am: Vera: Before I send you DW's work, check out www.bakadesuyo.com when you have time (maybe in your next life 😉) Plenty of really interesting short articles about work, life, love, happiness (and also sex) backed by science. 25/06/2015 5:09:56 am: Vera: I've subscribed to his newsletter 25/06/2015 8:21:17 am: Vera: I'm starting The Fountainhead! I can't believe that on top of everything you are already, you also read that sort of litterature. Oh I wish we had met under different circumstances! 25/06/2015 8:53:20 am: Vera: When you have 20 min of uninterrupted free time, have a look at that article from my favourite website in the whole wide world: http://www.brainpickings.org/2015/04/09/find-your-bliss-joseph-campbell-power-of-myth/ It talks about the importance for us of keeping time and space for ourselves, and how in following your bliss you live the life you ought to be living. 25/06/2015 8:54:05 am: Vera: I feel I am going in that direction at the moment... 25/06/2015 8:54:35 am: Vera: Telle what you think! Fingers crossed for you this morning xxx 25/06/2015 4:26:42 pm: Vladimir : You're amazing that you bought the fountainhead straight away. The story is so intense, especially at this moment that butterflies have taken control of our bodies. Be aware of that. Your website suggestion of finding bliss is brilliant as well. I have difficulties to make time for myself. I keep running and busy with operational matters. In a way this suits me perfect, a little more reflection wouldn't harm :-) 25/06/2015 4:28:00 pm: Vladimir : Good morning, wish I could bring you some tea in bed! 25/06/2015 4:28:20 pm: Vladimir : Mantra=focus 25/06/2015 4:29:14 pm: Vladimir : I go for a walk to get my mind straight. 25/06/2015 4:29:20 pm: Vladimir : X 25/06/2015 5:08:14 pm: Vera: Good morning! 25/06/2015 5:08:36 pm: Vera: Tea in bed would be nice, no sugar please ;) 25/06/2015 5:09:20 pm: Vera: Roark being your inspiration, wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to understand you a bit more 25/06/2015 5:11:01 pm: Vera: Thanks for the warning, I feel particularly vulnerable to ideas and concepts at the moment :) 25/06/2015 5:18:27 pm: Vera: Will let you focus - otherwise I'll send you 3 pages of messages on that article I sent you! Enjoy your big meeting this morning xxx 25/06/2015 8:14:33 pm: Vera: Didn't hear your call - available if you are 25/06/2015 8:24:34 pm: Vladimir : 25/06/2015 8:24:37 pm: Vladimir : Battery ! 25/06/2015 8:25:19 pm: Vera: Nice photo :-D 25/06/2015 8:25:32 pm: Vladimir : Meeting was so good ! Intention to go for it. 15 September next 25/06/2015 8:25:48 pm: Vera: Great news 25/06/2015 8:26:05 pm: Vera: You must be pumped 25/06/2015 8:26:24 pm: Vladimir : Yeah! I need to celebrate ! Hopefully Monday at schiphol 25/06/2015 8:26:29 pm: Vladimir : Haha 25/06/2015 8:26:32 pm: Vera: Lol 25/06/2015 8:26:45 pm: Vladimir : Looking forward to see your eyes!! 25/06/2015 8:26:48 pm: Vera: I'm rebooking my ticket tonight 25/06/2015 8:26:55 pm: Vera: Wherever you come or not 25/06/2015 8:27:01 pm: Vladimir : WAit 25/06/2015 8:27:06 pm: Vera: So you can be free to choose - no pressure 25/06/2015 8:27:10 pm: Vladimir : Okay 25/06/2015 8:30:27 pm: Vera: 25/06/2015 8:30:32 pm: Vera: The whole family this morning, my 82 yo grandmother flew in yesterday 25/06/2015 9:25:14 pm: Vladimir : Not in your meeting? 25/06/2015 9:25:39 pm: Vera: First lunch with a friend at Google 25/06/2015 9:26:12 pm: Vera: 25/06/2015 9:26:21 pm: Vladimir : Okay, we contact later. Nice picture ! 25/06/2015 9:26:41 pm: Vera: Beautiful office!!! Talk to you later xx 25/06/2015 9:28:29 pm: Vladimir : But do you have a selfistick??? 25/06/2015 9:29:12 pm: Vladimir : I think that I have to reconsider 25/06/2015 9:29:33 pm: Vladimir : Cool place ! 25/06/2015 9:34:45 pm: Vera: I do have one - don't judge haha (it's practical for when I'm travelling alone. Yes!) 26/06/2015 1:51:14 am: Vladimir : Size S ?? 26/06/2015 1:51:50 am: Vera: Depends! 26/06/2015 1:52:00 am: Vladimir : Or if you continue to life on green tea XS 26/06/2015 1:52:10 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:14 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:14 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:16 am: Vera: Lol unfortunately not my nature :) 26/06/2015 1:52:16 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:17 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:22 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:22 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:52:22 am: Vladimir : 26/06/2015 1:53:10 am: Vladimir : Lol. For Mountain goat only 26/06/2015 1:53:15 am: Vera: LOL 26/06/2015 1:53:37 am: Vera: Is this my new nickname? 26/06/2015 1:53:47 am: Vera: Black's great 26/06/2015 1:53:52 am: Vladimir : Maybe. 26/06/2015 1:53:59 am: Vera: I tend to roll in the dirt quite a lot! 26/06/2015 1:54:04 am: Vladimir : Black is safe ! 26/06/2015 1:54:35 am: Vera: Safe is not fun! 26/06/2015 1:58:18 am: Vladimir : You're fun enough. For a treehugger maybe better to have timeless. 26/06/2015 1:59:07 am: Vera: Trees tend to be a bit dirty when you hug them from too close 26/06/2015 2:00:22 am: Vera: Actually, everything gets a bit dirty when you hug them from too close :) 26/06/2015 2:01:24 am: Vladimir : I get barky 26/06/2015 2:01:38 am: Vladimir : Wanna shout out loud 26/06/2015 2:01:53 am: Vera: Lol 26/06/2015 2:02:32 am: Vera: I just want to dance in the street but that's just me 26/06/2015 2:06:13 am: Vladimir : Bliss moment !! Go for it 26/06/2015 2:07:04 am: Vera: Just out of a 3h conversation with my coach 26/06/2015 2:07:09 am: Vera: Great moment 26/06/2015 2:16:22 am: Vladimir : Good for you ! Like to hear from you later 26/06/2015 2:17:11 am: Vera: I have either 1 hour now, or 1hr around 6.15 26/06/2015 2:41:58 am: Vera: In the bus in the end, so we can talk whenever, if the network holds. Dinner starts at 7pm 26/06/2015 3:51:24 am: Vera: 7pm london time :) 26/06/2015 3:53:25 am: Vladimir : To late ! Tomorrow new day. Xx have a good time 26/06/2015 3:53:49 am: Vera: Will do :) Jerome is another friend met in the US 26/06/2015 3:54:01 am: Vera: It's the Nostalgia Tour this year :-D 26/06/2015 3:54:10 am: Vera: xx 26/06/2015 3:56:12 am: Vladimir : And some new discoveries 26/06/2015 3:56:19 am: Vladimir : Xx 26/06/2015 3:56:27 am: Vera: Big ones :) 26/06/2015 5:16:55 pm: Vera: Good morning! 26/06/2015 5:17:16 pm: Vera: What time is your meditation class on 30 June? 26/06/2015 8:20:43 pm: Vera: Ok I'll you drive and focus 26/06/2015 8:20:58 pm: Vladimir : Okay 26/06/2015 8:21:53 pm: Vera: Just let me know what time is your class on 30 (it's Tuesday) Don't worry about making a decision about it now! Xx 26/06/2015 11:31:13 pm: Vladimir : Phone call 26/06/2015 11:32:12 pm: Vera: Ok - call me back if you still can? 26/06/2015 11:48:03 pm: Vera: 27/06/2015 12:03:30 am: Vladimir : Good vibe ! Give a call around 18 27/06/2015 12:04:18 am: Vera: Ok - enjoy your afternoon! 27/06/2015 12:57:54 am: Vera: You found me on Spotify before I found you :) 27/06/2015 12:58:50 am: Vera: I've just added a quick playlist - hope you like goopy music 27/06/2015 12:59:34 am: Vera: I discovered that Coldpay album on that weekend in the Ardennes, and played "Magic" at least 300 times that weekend! 27/06/2015 2:33:29 am: Vladimir : Thanks for the m We call tomorrow. To busy. Even for you 27/06/2015 2:36:04 am: Vera: No worries - we already had a great time driving your middle life crisis around today ;) xx 27/06/2015 5:07:22 am: Vladimir : I hope to overfly this! But it was good fun. My son is a lot better. We went to the beach opposite from our house by car!! 27/06/2015 5:08:55 am: Vera: The appeal of the Porsche is too strong, young padawan ;) Great news for your son, you must be relieved! 27/06/2015 5:10:30 am: Vladimir : Yes indeed! 27/06/2015 5:15:55 am: Vladimir : My phone is freaking out. Any idea? To much texting 27/06/2015 5:16:05 am: Vladimir : 27/06/2015 5:16:06 am: Vera: Freaking out? 27/06/2015 5:16:25 am: Vladimir : Strange, spam mail or real apple message? 27/06/2015 5:16:29 am: Vera: It is a weid message 27/06/2015 5:16:37 am: Vera: Looks like spam / phising 27/06/2015 5:16:41 am: Vera: Let me check 27/06/2015 5:17:44 am: Vladimir : 27/06/2015 5:18:22 am: Vladimir : From Vladimir to Vladimir 27/06/2015 5:18:26 am: Vera: Can you check the email the message was sent from? 27/06/2015 5:18:27 am: Vladimir : Strange thing 27/06/2015 5:18:47 am: Vera: Yes, don't touch that link for now 27/06/2015 5:18:53 am: Vladimir : My own 27/06/2015 5:19:06 am: Vladimir : 27/06/2015 5:19:43 am: Vladimir : I check later my iMac 27/06/2015 5:19:57 am: Vladimir : My sons play so much crap games 27/06/2015 5:19:58 am: Vera: Checking for similar messages on the web 27/06/2015 5:20:16 am: Vera: All kids do! My friends go nuts with their ipads 27/06/2015 5:20:28 am: Vladimir : Let me know. I have to go back to the boys. 27/06/2015 5:20:40 am: Vera: Ok xxx 27/06/2015 5:20:45 am: Vladimir : I don't care either that they do this. Xxx 27/06/2015 5:21:33 am: Vera: At least your sons will be up to speed with the latest technologies - so important these days! will let you know. 27/06/2015 5:30:21 am: Vera: Very likely spam/phishing email 27/06/2015 5:33:21 am: Vera: And from Apple directly: "all acount activities will take place in the iTunes application directly, not through a web browser. If you are asked to update your account information, make sure that you do so only in iTunes or on a legitimate page on Apple.com, such as the online Apple store" 27/06/2015 5:39:14 am: Vladimir : Thanks for doing this. I'll check. X 27/06/2015 5:39:38 am: Vera: No problem, happy to help 27/06/2015 5:41:46 am: Vladimir : I know that. 27/06/2015 5:41:51 am: Vladimir : Haha 27/06/2015 5:42:08 am: Vera: Still wanted to tell you! 27/06/2015 5:42:32 am: Vera: As you know I have the urgent need to justify myself when you're around! 27/06/2015 8:54:32 am: Vera: If you manage to find 20 min in your busy life this weekend, a beautiful letter from father to son by Jeremy Collins, artist, film maker and climber: https://vimeo.com/131834761 27/06/2015 8:54:51 am: Vera: 27/06/2015 8:55:24 am: Vera: "There's a beast in these woods. It is a growling, snarling, gnashing creature called complacency... and you and me? We are the rabbit." 27/06/2015 8:56:54 am: Vera: I've put the link in that Facebook album should you want to keep it for later 27/06/2015 8:11:36 pm: Vladimir : I will check that for sure. Keep in touch tomorrow. Big one X 27/06/2015 8:12:24 pm: Vera: Enjoy your weekend, hope your son keeps getting better! Big hugs 27/06/2015 8:26:17 pm: Vladimir : I just finished the things I had to do. Now family time, what a contradiction to what we share. Focus again... Karl is a lot better, he starts to bullying his brother already. Now Susanne and frederik are a little sick. I sometimes think that they project my feelings and get ill if I am not family focused. Karma 2.0. I hope not, but in my opinion everything is connected in a way. Beside that; Like the rabbit part of your story :-) and I wish a could have some time with you around me, for the good company! You have a nice weekend too. Try to call you tomorrow. 27/06/2015 8:31:27 pm: Vladimir : I get so excited when I see you typing... 27/06/2015 8:31:31 pm: Vera: Maybe it's not contradictory but complementary? For sure everything is connected, although I wish I could tell you that not everything rests on your shoulders but very much doubt you'd be convinced :) It goes against our willingness and somewhat to success to control our world... You're putting so much pressure on yourself, I'd be so happy to alleviate that burden sometimes. 27/06/2015 8:31:38 pm: Vera: Haha me too :) 27/06/2015 8:33:42 pm: Vera: Love the Jeremy Collins story, the wisdom sharing with his son, the connection to his son through his lofe experience, the reminder of the dangers of complacency. One day I will be able to say similar words, and I hope you already can :) 27/06/2015 8:34:06 pm: Vera: life* 28/06/2015 8:19:56 am: Vladimir : I saw that movie. Beautiful piece of art. The story is not new, definitely good for all humans to share these values. I see a big peace sign. Good night. I have to sleep now. X 28/06/2015 6:29:58 pm: Vera: Sometimes I am wondering, if everyone were following their bliss, where would we be? Would it really be a positive thing or would we descend even more in selfishness? Sometimes I loose confidence in human beings :) For once you went to sleep after me ;) 28/06/2015 10:21:39 pm: Vera: Brainwave, you're online :) 28/06/2015 10:22:59 pm: Vladimir : Haha, yes, I am taking a break right now. 28/06/2015 10:23:24 pm: Vladimir : Reading you message and thinking about what you just said 28/06/2015 10:23:39 pm: Vera: It usually takes 20min for your brainwave to cross rhe continent, I'm getting better :) 28/06/2015 10:24:03 pm: Vera: That message was a bit deep for a Sunday morning! 28/06/2015 10:27:47 pm: Vladimir : I Don't think so, but an illusion. I think that there is always a kind of ying yang effect. Positive & negative are in balance, we are membranes. We have to learn by doing what is good and what harms us. I am in this battle al the time. Either with patience or with a lot of energy, no matter what it concerns, I keep trying in different ways. Unfortunately there's no recipe and every situation asks for a different approach. 28/06/2015 10:28:00 pm: Vladimir : Never deep enough for a Sunday ! 28/06/2015 10:29:11 pm: Vladimir : I like that ongoing questioning. 28/06/2015 10:32:58 pm: Vera: I can't give you a thoughtful answer right not but reading! And thinking about it 28/06/2015 10:35:01 pm: Vera: (over pizza) 28/06/2015 10:35:36 pm: Vladimir : You concentrate on the people you love most...longest...haha. You get it. I haven't been eating a lot lately. parasympathetic Familiar with that? Wiki explains it quit good. 28/06/2015 10:36:32 pm: Vladimir : Quite. 28/06/2015 10:38:06 pm: Vladimir : I tried to explain that word earlier, but I am in this terrible state of confusion, my body and sole do complete different things. 28/06/2015 10:38:19 pm: Vladimir : I'll go back to work. 28/06/2015 10:38:41 pm: Vera: I'll check wikipedia about it! 28/06/2015 10:39:31 pm: Vera: Good luck with work :) hope it brings you a bit of alignment! 29/06/2015 12:27:56 am: Vera: So wikipedia is giving me the definition of the parasympathetic nerve, is it what you are refering to? 29/06/2015 12:28:12 am: Vera: So you don't pee anymore either? ;-) 29/06/2015 12:33:07 am: Vera: My parasympathetic and sympathetic systems are extremely heighten at the moment, I'm quite jumpy! But in a good mood :) 29/06/2015 12:33:54 am: Vera: Today was the first day I almost had a normal meal 29/06/2015 12:34:54 am: Vladimir : Exactly that. No pee problems. 29/06/2015 12:35:02 am: Vera: Lol 29/06/2015 2:12:08 am: Vera: Almost home, with wifi, if you still have time? 29/06/2015 2:38:19 am: Vladimir : Almost is already there? 29/06/2015 2:38:39 am: Vera: Yes, arrived 5 min ago :) 29/06/2015 2:39:12 am: Vladimir : Okay. Give also 5 29/06/2015 2:39:23 am: Vera: Sure 29/06/2015 6:17:38 am: Vera: 29/06/2015 7:42:26 am: Vera: Still reading The Fountainhead - with everyone around I haven't gotten far yet but really enjoy how she talks about architecture: "the form of a building must follow its function; that the structure of a building is the key to its beauty" Pure, not artifice, purpose and function are at the origin of shape and form. 29/06/2015 7:45:01 am: Vera: It reminds me of Mingei, a movement of japanese craft art I really love, where purpose, function and craftmanship bring beauty to the everyday object. I've left you a few links in facebook if you want to explore further 29/06/2015 7:45:05 am: Vera: http://www.masterartisan.com/article/Editorials/The+Mingei+(Folk+Art)+Movement 29/06/2015 7:45:30 am: Vera: 29/06/2015 7:46:52 am: Vera: Another of my favourite concepts is Kintsukuroi 29/06/2015 7:46:58 am: Vera: 29/06/2015 9:11:46 pm: Vera: Hello :) 29/06/2015 9:13:45 pm: Vladimir : Good morning Vera, meditation classes were strange in a way, but also the result I wanted to book.I'm on my way to learn how to meditate. Actually quite simple as long as you got the mantra. I have signed a contract, that I will not share my experiences I've learned or spread knowledge about my course. Probably to ensure the quality and to benefit for the Marihisi foundation. It seems pretty easy. Tomorrow will be at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Send me one more time the details of your flight schedule. Of course, good afternoon hello! how are you doing?Getting ready to say goodbye to friends and family? 29/06/2015 9:14:34 pm: Vera: Yes, getting ready for the big jump! 29/06/2015 9:16:38 pm: Vera: Tonight will have dinner with a very good/close friend of mine and his future wife who happened to be in London (he's american/british/australian, smartest guy I know!), my parents are coming as well as he also knows them. Will be a good way to end the trip 29/06/2015 9:18:01 pm: Vera: Feels a bit weird to think about what's waiting for me on the other side of the world, it feels so far away and such a long time since I left! So much happened during that time, or let's say, you happened to me during that time :) 29/06/2015 9:18:52 pm: Vera: There is a huge amount of work waiting and some low energy I will need to shift back up (my business partner is struggling with stress right now), it's going to hit me like a freight train :) 29/06/2015 9:19:20 pm: Vera: But that's also the way I like it. If I have too much time to think I go a bit crazy 29/06/2015 9:19:20 pm: Vladimir : Haha! More at a later moment. 29/06/2015 9:19:29 pm: Vera: Ok :) 29/06/2015 9:21:12 pm: Vera: 29/06/2015 9:21:47 pm: Vera: Then my flight to NZ is at 9.30pm 29/06/2015 9:25:44 pm: Vera: Ok, so we won't talk about your meditation techniques :) interesting they make you sign a contract to protect their IP, very un-enlightened :-) 29/06/2015 9:27:59 pm: Vera: I found out there are so many techniques for meditation, still have to find those which work for me (and stick to it, main issue) Meditation in movement seems to be the closest so far, but I guess I am on a lifelong learning path to quiet the monkey in my mind. Great that you find it easy, hope it brings results. 29/06/2015 10:07:25 pm: Vladimir : Like your comments! 29/06/2015 10:07:34 pm: Vladimir : Fully agree 29/06/2015 10:36:35 pm: Vladimir : First thing this morning. 29/06/2015 10:36:44 pm: Vladimir : 29/06/2015 10:37:18 pm: Vera: Great one :) 29/06/2015 10:37:26 pm: Vera: Have you tried to call me? 29/06/2015 10:44:49 pm: Vladimir : Yes, accidentally. Try later again. 29/06/2015 11:47:11 pm: Vera: No problem. Will leave here about 7pm local time for dinner, otherwise free 30/06/2015 4:06:20 am: Vladimir : Why do you wake up at 5 after such a good party ? I make sure that it's worth doing this. See ya around 11 !! 30/06/2015 4:06:35 am: Vladimir : Enjoy tonight. Xx 30/06/2015 4:06:40 am: Vera: All your fault ;) 30/06/2015 4:06:57 am: Vera: Looking forward to you making up for it :))) 30/06/2015 4:07:07 am: Vladimir : I'm used to that. Blame it on me.. 30/06/2015 4:07:17 am: Vera: Lol - never! 30/06/2015 4:07:27 am: Vera: I made the decision before you made yours ;) 30/06/2015 4:07:45 am: Vladimir : Maybe later :-) 30/06/2015 4:07:54 am: Vera: Haha - or maybe you will ;) 30/06/2015 4:08:24 am: Vladimir : For sure, I need somebody to blame. 30/06/2015 4:09:31 am: Vera: You're the type of man who blames it on nothing but himself I think :) 30/06/2015 4:09:25 am: Vladimir : For now, bit tensed for the whole situation, but extremely excited to see you. 30/06/2015 4:11:39 am: Vera: Sorry lost connection for a while, tunnel!! 30/06/2015 4:11:43 am: Vera: Same here 30/06/2015 4:11:53 am: Vera: I fell all giddy and want to dance around 30/06/2015 4:12:13 am: Vera: But I'm keeping coooool (not) 30/06/2015 4:14:28 am: Vera: I think I'm going to faint when I see you, get ready to catch me before I split my head open on the floor 30/06/2015 4:32:08 am: Vladimir : Lol! I would love to rescue you :-) 30/06/2015 5:01:09 am: Vera: Yeah until I need to be ressuscitated then you'll drop me dead on the floor! 30/06/2015 5:01:55 am: Vera: Or maybe I should pretend :-D 30/06/2015 2:51:28 pm: Vera: At the airport already - pretty rare for me not to run after my flight... What have you done to me! 30/06/2015 3:57:40 pm: Vera: Flight's apparently delayed by 30 min. Will let you know when I know more 30/06/2015 6:06:42 pm: Vera: Haven't left yet, crew will arrive in 10 to 15 min then we board. I am going to strangle them for that lost time in your company :) 30/06/2015 6:20:36 pm: Vladimir : Don't worry. You can't change it. Flow!! 30/06/2015 6:23:05 pm: Vera: You are right :) Besides, just had an idea to make up for time and too much train travel (nothing crazy don't worry :) Sitting in the plane just now, we should be taking off at anytime! I am so nervous :) 30/06/2015 6:30:12 pm: Vera: Ok we're going. Looking forward to seeing you... 30/06/2015 6:37:57 pm: Vladimir : I will be there at 11 30/06/2015 6:38:22 pm: Vladimir : Flight # BA 30/06/2015 6:38:33 pm: Vera: We are one hour late I think 30/06/2015 6:38:53 pm: Vera: BA 8451 30/06/2015 6:38:59 pm: Vladimir : No problem, we keep calm by these temp 30/06/2015 6:39:44 pm: Vladimir : Perfect. Have a safe flight. Think about your bliss while you're up there ! Xx 30/06/2015 6:40:20 pm: Vera: You keep calm, I will try to :) 30/06/2015 6:40:45 pm: Vera: I will!! 30/06/2015 6:43:12 pm: Vladimir : Everything today is extra ! 30/06/2015 6:43:26 pm: Vladimir : More than I ever expected. 30/06/2015 6:43:59 pm: Vera: You are right :) great way to see it 30/06/2015 6:46:08 pm: Vera: Every minute talking to you has been extra :) 30/06/2015 6:46:14 pm: Vera: Ok, we're taxiing, this time we go!! 30/06/2015 7:30:09 pm: Vera: Landed - that was fast 30/06/2015 7:30:50 pm: Vera: Back in beautiful progressive Netherlands :) 30/06/2015 7:35:32 pm: Vladimir : Yeah!! 30/06/2015 7:55:26 pm: Vladimir : Hey frequent flyer, what takes so long:-) 30/06/2015 7:55:41 pm: Vladimir : Can't wait any longer. 30/06/2015 7:55:52 pm: Vera: Dutch customs!! 30/06/2015 7:56:03 pm: Vera: I know! I'm going to drop dead on the floor 30/06/2015 7:56:16 pm: Vera: Almost through!! 30/06/2015 7:56:33 pm: Vladimir : Good stuff. Than I wait 1 more minute 30/06/2015 7:58:14 pm: Vera: I have my suitcase.... 1/07/2015 12:39:13 am: Vladimir : I am on my way. 1/07/2015 12:39:46 am: Vera: Great, almost done with work! 1/07/2015 3:22:26 am: Vladimir : Today was so good to be with you. You're so close to my soul and heart. Much more to explore, hopefully we have a change getting to know each other better. On the other hand, what else do we have to know from each other. This is so intense and round that I can rest in the thought that there is not much more than how we are connected. Xx 1/07/2015 3:24:31 am: Vladimir : By the way, went for a swim with my youngest. That helped me a lot. Fresh and full of love. 1/07/2015 3:31:39 am: Vladimir : One more thing.... 1/07/2015 3:32:29 am: Vladimir : When I ever come to a point where i am on my own 1/07/2015 3:34:43 am: Vladimir : Instantly ask you to marry me ! No stupid traveling the globe to find out that you have a other side as well. I take you as you are. 1/07/2015 3:35:39 am: Vladimir : Something I had to tell you :)))xxxx 1/07/2015 3:39:42 am: Vladimir : Are you okay? No Whattsapp for nearly 2 hours. Haha, hope you enjoy the today and being together without others. No group thing ! 1/07/2015 3:41:17 am: Vera: Just arrived at the airport 1/07/2015 3:41:34 am: Vera: Will write in 2 min 1/07/2015 3:41:55 am: Vera: Today was... wow 1/07/2015 3:43:14 am: Vera: Now is a good time to play it like in the movies, catch me before the gate and swipe me off my feet :) 1/07/2015 3:49:59 am: Vladimir : I wish. 1/07/2015 3:50:58 am: Vladimir : Back to reality. But miss leroye is on my mind. 1/07/2015 4:01:24 am: Vera: Going through security, will have plenty of time in a few minutes 1/07/2015 4:01:41 am: Vera: I have so much to say and once again the words escape me 1/07/2015 4:05:05 am: Vladimir : I have to go for diner. But look forward to your messages. 1/07/2015 4:13:08 am: Vera: Ok, then I have time to freshen up a bit, I wish I could have gone for a swim too! 1/07/2015 4:20:06 am: Vera: Taking a cold shower instead - I need it haha 1/07/2015 4:45:53 am: Vera: Ok, all done, shower done, now waiting at the gate with another million people going to Shanghai 1/07/2015 4:47:04 am: Vera: Hiding away thanks to music and headphones :) 1/07/2015 4:48:11 am: Vera: So, where do I start.... 1/07/2015 4:49:37 am: Vera: Thank you so much for showing up. I didn't want to have expectations, and wanted to leave it open, so you could choose what you were comfortable with. But it made me so very happy to be around you for a few hours! 1/07/2015 4:51:32 am: Vera: It almost felt like it was a dream in a way, like time had almost stopped outside of our bubble. Good thing you had to keep an eye on your watch to keep it real! 1/07/2015 4:54:18 am: Vera: And that break for your meditation course was actually great, the energy was quite different from the morning to the afternoon, less fiery, deeper but still quite intense. The morning was more hands and kisses replacing words.... It felt so nice! 1/07/2015 4:56:04 am: Vera: I had a really lhard time holding back :) not too touch you so much, not too push it further, and at the same time enjoying your hands on my body so much 1/07/2015 4:58:40 am: Vera: I had to put all my will into it, then it actually came up very strongly after we went out separate ways. Hot flashes and steamy ideas, this time the butterflies were not flying in my stomach :-D 1/07/2015 5:00:41 am: Vera: But still, I am happy we managed to keep control... 1/07/2015 5:03:32 am: Vera: Otherwise we wouldn't have the opportunity to discover each other as we do when we talk, because I know we would never get enough of jumping on each other :) 1/07/2015 5:04:19 am: Vera: And I also feel less guilty this way, to be honest. 1/07/2015 5:08:20 am: Vera: I think I understand what you mean when you're saying what else is there to discover... It feels so natural, I feel we are so deeply connected at some level than nothing is really a surprise? Just some confirmation of what is between us. I don't want to romance all this too much, but it flows so easily, and I feel like I can "be" so easily in your presence. And I hope you feel the same way! 1/07/2015 5:10:17 am: Vera: Isn't it what that magical connection is about? The ability to be fully ourselves while being on a path of growth together? 1/07/2015 5:11:13 am: Vera: So there is still a lot to discover from each other actually :) 1/07/2015 5:11:41 am: Vera: Ok, enough about me talking my head off... 1/07/2015 5:13:01 am: Vera: It's good that I wasn't reading your messages while I was driving, I would have crashed upon reading what you "had to tell" me :) 1/07/2015 5:15:03 am: Vera: I am holding back from dreaming about getting married to you somewhere deep in the wildnerness, with the beavers and the otters for bridesmaids :) 1/07/2015 5:24:04 am: Vera: Ok, I need to stop before I say some crazy things 1/07/2015 5:24:42 am: Vera: Thank you for being in my life Vladimir. Whatever shape it takes in the future, thank you for existing. 1/07/2015 5:24:50 am: Vera: Now the tears are coming :) 1/07/2015 5:24:59 am: Vera: Stupid Coldplay songs! 1/07/2015 5:25:44 am: Vera: But it feels good, it's like it's raining on my soul and it feels great, I am smiling too! 1/07/2015 6:05:34 am: Vladimir : Fantastic to read. I answer later. To stressful now, typing and acting normal. keep in touch tomorrow. X 1/07/2015 6:06:29 am: Vera: I'll be in the air for almost 10 hrs, you have plenty of time. And it's probably better too :) 1/07/2015 6:06:37 am: Vera: Big big hugs 1/07/2015 6:06:46 am: Vera: It was incredible to hold you 1/07/2015 6:06:49 am: Vera: xxxx 1/07/2015 6:10:53 am: Vladimir : Merci bien, yes you're right. Big X were you wish. 1/07/2015 6:15:18 am: Vera: Stop it, I'm melting :) 1/07/2015 6:40:15 am: Vera: About to take off. If you see a KLM flight passing over your house heading east, it's me :) waving at you! 1/07/2015 2:38:13 pm: Vladimir : I have been dreaming about you. I can't find the words right now. Mediation on my own didn't work this morning. You're in my mind all the time. This traffic light moment was strong! I felt so happy to feel our connection. Glad that we kept so it innocent. Hope you found some sleep. I have seen many planes yesterday evening and even without them I was thinking about you. Later more. Focus on my administration now. Xxxx 1/07/2015 5:26:08 pm: Vera: Landed in China! And my gardian angel gave me internet this time, because it wasn't working last time I went through Shanghai. My phone is beeping like crazy with all the messages arriving, but first thing I did was to jump on WhatsApp :-) 1/07/2015 5:26:35 pm: Vera: I have a long layover, about 7h. Want to rent a car with me and go to the beach? 1/07/2015 5:30:17 pm: Vera: Auckland will be a similar layover, seems that all that time in airports in my own company, stop-wait-go-stop in a totally different place, looks a lot like my life at the moment. I enjoy it though, these are moments just for myself where I have no demands from anyone 1/07/2015 5:46:43 pm: Vladimir : 1/07/2015 5:47:00 pm: Vladimir : This is so cool! 1/07/2015 5:48:02 pm: Vladimir : It says ; like I promised,One secret love message for you! 1/07/2015 5:48:48 pm: Vladimir : This is therefore a week now. Restaurant it I'm thinking about you. 1/07/2015 5:59:32 pm: Vera: Sorry lost the network, just got a chinese sim card, should be good now! 1/07/2015 6:00:23 pm: Vera: This is so great :) maybe I should start to buy billboards on your way to work everyday :) 1/07/2015 6:08:26 pm: Vera: I have slept like a rock in the plane, a good 7hrs. I was exhausted, too much emotion! It feels good to know you dreamt about me :) I'm not sure I should ask what exactly you were dreaming about! 1/07/2015 7:19:26 pm: Vera: I am so tempted to go for a ride in the Maglev (magnetic levitation train) but I am not sure this is the right time for a micro-adventure, I might end up by mistake on a straight 10 hrs service to Beijing and miss my flight 😜 1/07/2015 7:26:00 pm: Vladimir : Free wifi? 1/07/2015 7:26:14 pm: Vera: 3G :) 1/07/2015 7:26:37 pm: Vladimir : I can give you a call within 10 minutes. 1/07/2015 7:26:48 pm: Vera: Awesome, hope it'll work! 1/07/2015 7:27:15 pm: Vladimir : Try it after an other phone call I have to make. 1/07/2015 7:27:29 pm: Vera: Ok, talk to you soon then xxx 1/07/2015 7:47:22 pm: Vera: Call dropped 1/07/2015 11:17:30 pm: Vera: Boarding soon, I was just about having enough if waiting :) Roark and Excel are keeping me good company! 1/07/2015 11:17:48 pm: Vera: of* 1/07/2015 11:20:15 pm: Vera: I keep thinking about you kissing me, and then my imagination runs a bit wild 1/07/2015 11:20:35 pm: Vera: Makes my whole body shiver 2/07/2015 12:38:23 am: Vladimir : Hey there, now in Auckland ! This means, your sabbatical pause is over for a couple of weeks. I have been thinking about you a lot. I admire you in many ways. How you get things done. What matters you. Taking that magnetic train if possible, just for the experience. I wish I could be a bit more efficient to do similar things. Meditation was good. I think that I am getting there. So many thoughts, the mantra is stronger. It's the best moment of doing this. If it works now it will work every time if I keep practicing. Now in a little hurry to go home. Frederik wants to swim. It's like time stands still when I am reading and writing with you. X 2/07/2015 1:01:38 am: Vladimir : Your still there?? 2/07/2015 2:53:03 am: Vladimir : Hey petit, i did my first successful meditation on my own. I think that I got it now. It's is so peaceful when awakening. I had an other day of doing very little and with this wetter I do not regret. It's the transition of having you around me to picking up normal life again. I give myself a couple of more days. The first days of the month are actually the most relax ones. No admin pressure for vat and loans. Time to lean back :) You take care there. Try to start slow. I saw 8 degrees. Like to see you in your pink jacket. Xx 2/07/2015 3:45:45 am: Vladimir : I took the time to listen to magic. Pppfff, I got you 2/07/2015 3:45:58 am: Vladimir : So beautiful. X 2/07/2015 7:10:09 am: Vladimir : I was checking your flight at the radar. My goodness! What a trip! Can't believe that you do this a couple of times per year. I go nuts sitting still so long. I am a homester! together no problem. You must be radioactive after 20K km ! Amazing. 2/07/2015 7:11:06 am: Vladimir : I have a early night. Hope you catch some sleep as well. Sweet dreams. X 2/07/2015 12:20:05 pm: Vera: Good morning! Just landed in Auckland - I received your message 10 seconds before taking off so I could not reply straight away, but it felt like I was leaving with a little piece of you to go back to when I arrive :) Thank you for your kind words, they really mean a lot to me, and to know you appreciate that side of me feels really good. I would love us to go on micro-adventures like this magnetic train ride! It keeps the mind fresh and young :) And you never know when that information can come handy. Time now to go back to business, and you were right when you said the sabbatical was over, and it was over earlier than expected as I met a Chinese professor in the plane, specialised in deer farming and animal husbandery. He is travelling with a chinese business man and we might be able to help them for many things in NZ and New Caledonia. You wouldn't happen to know where to find 20 tons of deer meat by any chance :-D I am trying to arrange a meeting with my NZ business partner this afternoon as they are also interested in real estate. And they will serve as a point of contact with one of clients who want to export fruit products to China in the future. Interesting how luck and chance work! The rood above my orginal seat was leaking water so had to change and hot a seat next to that gentleman... Luck is faviuring me these days :) So won't be bored at the airport in the end :) I will be a bit busy until 5pm so probably no contact for a while. Xxxx 2/07/2015 12:34:30 pm: Vera: roof* 2/07/2015 1:00:19 pm: Vera: Meeting not happening as my business partner is in New Caledonia, so staying at the airport. Another few hours suspended in time and space :) I couldn't sleep as much this time as I was talking to my seat neighbour a lot. Today I've seen quite a lot of gory photos of dead deers, slaughterhouses, artificial insemination, antlers etc. Interesting subject and totally unexpected 😝 2/07/2015 1:09:14 pm: Vera: Nice that you listen to the Magic song. Will always remember you and the Ardennes when listening to it :) I especially like the last line "Of course I do" Maybe I am reading too much into it, but so much meaning into just a few words! You can be broken, down or feel defeated, but "of course" you still believe in magic. 2/07/2015 1:10:43 pm: Vera: If you have time, listen also to "Always in my head", it's in the playlist "We'll see" on Spotify. 2/07/2015 1:11:29 pm: Vera: The music is just beautiful. This album really grew on me, first I was "ok, nice" and now it's stuck on repeat in my phone :) 2/07/2015 1:12:16 pm: Vera: And those songs have so much more meaning now. Catchy simple lyrics, giving you enough space to add your own meaning. 2/07/2015 1:12:33 pm: Vera: Ok, enough of the Coldplay dissertation :) 2/07/2015 1:13:18 pm: Vera: It's great that meditation is working for you! Maybe I should give a go to that technique 2/07/2015 1:14:40 pm: Vera: And I am happy that you can sit back and relax a little for a few days, you probably needed it with all the recent stress, and I didn't really help! 2/07/2015 1:18:35 pm: Vera: Are you already awake at 5am :) 2/07/2015 1:33:02 pm: Vladimir : So good to wake up with your messages. Yes I am awake. Had a perfect night. 2/07/2015 1:33:19 pm: Vladimir : I cannot answer right now. 2/07/2015 1:37:51 pm: Vera: No worries, take your time! 2/07/2015 1:38:44 pm: Vladimir : The dear meat ! I know a place, I am living opposite of a national park. Oostvaarders plassen. Check that out. The ranger is one of my closest friends. They do shoot about a 1000 deer a year, but they leave these animals lying there to provide other animals. They hope that is will attract other species like osprey, vulture and so on. 2/07/2015 1:40:21 pm: Vladimir : The foundation behind this park is short of money, who knows. They sell containers full of forest wood to China for there energy needs. 2/07/2015 1:41:28 pm: Vladimir : I will ask him. 2/07/2015 1:42:50 pm: Vladimir : For now, you talented business woman, I will focus on other things. You're in my heart. X 2/07/2015 1:50:41 pm: Vera: Thanks for the info! Will mention that to them. In addition to the meat (which they need in large quantity, China being China... 20 tons is just a trial, 1 container) they are also very interested in by-products such as hard antlers, tail and penis (yeah you read that one right :) They turn them into powder for medecine. 2/07/2015 1:52:01 pm: Vera: Would be good to help that foundation! And if they export wood they probably know about logistic costs, export duties etc. 2/07/2015 1:53:33 pm: Vera: Ok, will leave to concentrate now :) keeping you in my thoughts always xxx 2/07/2015 4:04:28 pm: Vera: About to jump to the other side of the pond, to my final destination! 2/07/2015 4:04:41 pm: Vera: And you're online :) 2/07/2015 4:05:14 pm: Vera: Even if you don't write or you're probably reading other messages it still makes me smile :) 2/07/2015 4:06:31 pm: Vera: 2/07/2015 4:06:35 pm: Vera: Will be bit warm for the pink jacket... This is Sydney winter for you! 2/07/2015 4:36:47 pm: Vladimir : Time for a call ? 2/07/2015 4:37:04 pm: Vladimir : I just try. 2/07/2015 4:37:22 pm: Vera: We're taking off in 1 min :) 2/07/2015 4:37:29 pm: Vera: Taxiing already 2/07/2015 4:37:45 pm: Vladimir : Damn 2/07/2015 4:37:59 pm: Vera: Will be in sydney in 3.5 hrs, but with a friend 2/07/2015 4:38:11 pm: Vladimir : I guess than nothing else than continue 2/07/2015 4:38:13 pm: Vera: Save your breath for later ;) 2/07/2015 4:38:35 pm: Vladimir : Good look. I am on my own tonight. Freely speak when you have energy 2/07/2015 4:38:44 pm: Vladimir : I'll hope so. Xx 2/07/2015 4:38:53 pm: Vladimir : Stay cool, xx 2/07/2015 4:39:06 pm: Vera: Ok, will check for timezones! 2/07/2015 4:39:16 pm: Vera: Big hugs xx 2/07/2015 4:39:20 pm: Vladimir : Okay 2/07/2015 4:39:39 pm: Vladimir : Time zones are not so bad. Checked already 2/07/2015 4:39:49 pm: Vera: Lol 2/07/2015 4:40:06 pm: Vladimir : It's you who make me do this 2/07/2015 4:40:16 pm: Vladimir : Big hug too 2/07/2015 4:40:29 pm: Vladimir : Fancy a long kiss 2/07/2015 4:40:39 pm: Vera: Awww 2/07/2015 4:40:47 pm: Vladimir : Yeah 2/07/2015 4:40:54 pm: Vera: Leaving now! Talk to you soon! 2/07/2015 4:41:01 pm: Vladimir : I go for the last lesson 2/07/2015 4:41:04 pm: Vladimir : Meditation 2/07/2015 4:41:17 pm: Vladimir : X 2/07/2015 4:44:16 pm: Vladimir : Sydney time is 8 hours difference. That's more difficult than 10. One thing for sure. We'll find a way. 2/07/2015 4:55:48 pm: Vladimir : This morning I was listing to Chopin and got so weak. Satisfied and self-pity at the same time. It's the awareness that our close connection has so little room to expose. The frequency comes to an end and work is calling. I give myself until end of the week. Call it meditation classes, than I have to restart the engine. Do what I have to do, within 3 months I have half my income and I am not planning to step back neither believe in wonders. So full speed ahead. I might use some help. Time difference tonight is not helping a lot. My 18 hours is your 2 am. Like I said, we find a way. 2/07/2015 8:27:10 pm: Vera: Just landed in Sydney will write soon 2/07/2015 8:31:45 pm: Vladimir : Can't wait! 2/07/2015 8:33:14 pm: Vera: Ok, waiting for luggge now :) 2/07/2015 8:33:21 pm: Vera: Luggage* 2/07/2015 8:34:48 pm: Vera: Yes I am sure we will find a way 2/07/2015 8:35:54 pm: Vera: I understand your need to decrease the connection, both for personal and professional reasons 2/07/2015 8:37:04 pm: Vera: Maybe it is a good test of the strength of our bond? 2/07/2015 8:37:57 pm: Vera: Our capacity to transform it into something still powerful and meaningful while respecting the boundaries... 2/07/2015 8:38:46 pm: Vera: And respecting each other. If we survive that, we will be able to survice almost anything :) 2/07/2015 8:38:52 pm: Vera: survive* 2/07/2015 8:40:05 pm: Vera: So don't be sad, hopefully we will find a way :) 2/07/2015 8:42:29 pm: Vera: Be also aware that TM meditation can be quite disturbing and you might have a bit of adverse effect from what I've read about it. So maybe avoiding the Chopin or Coldplay and turning to Rage Against The Machine could be a good idea :) 2/07/2015 8:47:31 pm: Vera: And would be happy to help you with your new concept, even if just as a sounding board. I have no experience in retail but only the fact that you have to explain things to me could help you formulate things? 2/07/2015 8:53:56 pm: Vera: I'll give you a call if I wake up in the middle of the night :) I had so much sleep on the plane I might wake up at weird hours! 2/07/2015 9:03:31 pm: Vladimir : Sounds good. Thanks for all the positive vibes. I am not sad. Don't worry. I am happy to share my feelings. Glad that I feel mixed. Honestly, I am great in hiding my feelings. With you I feel no barriers and reason to play the happy guy. This what it is, I am a surviver and not down and out at all. Letting these feelings come makes softer, better understanding of myself and less judgy towards others. Do not set an alarm. We keep in to contact anyway. 2/07/2015 9:07:20 pm: Vera: With my friend now, will write soon! 2/07/2015 9:16:14 pm: Vladimir : No rush. I know that you won't forget me. 2/07/2015 9:25:37 pm: Vera: Feels good to read that, the fact that you know I won't forget about you (really!) xx 2/07/2015 10:29:17 pm: Vladimir : We come to a point were we have nothing to say. We have the same pace. We only speak with our eyes. Aaaw 2/07/2015 10:41:21 pm: Vladimir : And physical, very physical. 2/07/2015 10:41:31 pm: Vladimir : Makes me melt too :-) 2/07/2015 10:41:39 pm: Vladimir : Now focus ! 2/07/2015 11:10:57 pm: Vera: Ok, just reached home after having dinner out 2/07/2015 11:12:53 pm: Vera: You're right about not having to talk much more. Silence is comfortable with you :) we didn't get to experience silence too much as we had so little time it was really about making the most of it, and also because silence and just looking into your eyes would have thrown all my good resolutions through the window 2/07/2015 11:14:28 pm: Vera: Just like in the back of the van, I could not bring myself to look at you too much. Or when you were holding my hand, there was this huge internal battle inside me that made my whole body tense and prevented me to fully relax into it 2/07/2015 11:15:54 pm: Vera: Same when you were holding me on the beach or on the bench, or watching the otters. I had to fight the urges of my body so much :) 2/07/2015 11:17:02 pm: Vera: I had to stop it from being in sync with you, moving at the same rythmn. That was painful :) 2/07/2015 11:18:26 pm: Vera: But focus on your work for the rest of the day. We will talk about it again later! 2/07/2015 11:57:54 pm: Vera: In bed with Roark now :) 2/07/2015 11:59:17 pm: Vera: It's so cold here. About 11 outside which is ok, but then, as moderdn as those Sydney houses can be, isolation is horrendous and sometimes it's colder inside than it is outside. I am wearing your pink jacket inside the house, you saved my life!! And considering wearing it in bed too :) 3/07/2015 12:00:18 am: Vera: And it's so comfortable, I am at the exact right temperature. Great technology! 3/07/2015 12:03:31 am: Vera: Last word before I sleep, I like it very much that you have no barriers with me and do not need to play the happy guy. I hope you can keep being this way. I just want you to be you, I want to love the real Vladimir, with great stuff and the ugly part too. All of it, even if it is painful. I don't want to live an ideal version of you, or my own idea of you. 3/07/2015 12:03:47 am: Vera: *love 3/07/2015 12:05:06 am: Vera: As for me, I am still a bit garded because I don't want to push you in one direction or the other, so I don't let go entirely. But maybe slowly I will be able to. 3/07/2015 12:11:14 am: Vera: And I'd like you to love the real me, and not an ideal version of me either. 3/07/2015 12:11:30 am: Vera: Ok, bed time now. Talk to you soon xx 3/07/2015 3:10:15 am: Vladimir : It sounds a bit slimy, I agree with all. That's the whole thing.we just can go on and on without getting annoyed. Not because it's all new it's because we are so close open to listen en respond to each other. I like your analyses, Keep questioning. You are so eager to learn and interested in other people, behaviour, existence and all these things that really matter. I like that! I am not like that but I am interested and I see things from a a more practical side. The combination is so strong. I'm glad to hear that the Salomon jacket is making you a happy unit. Salomon makes great products, I love the brand. Fit, colours, details, the lifestyle you and I can easily adopt. Today I had a great day.I was following you while travelling the globe and in the mean time doing what I had to do.I real inspiration to my staff and Things went smooth. I was afraid that this was not going to work.I still feel like cheating and that I have to pay for it somehow. A Calvinistic thought, thanks the same god ,complete opposite reaction from my surrounding. Like yourself meeting people in the plane.it's like everyone wants a piece of you because you are trading in happy hormone elixir. There is plenty for all. Recognisable? Right now, in your dreams, you probably confirm this with yes! 3/07/2015 4:02:51 am: Vera: Hey... Are you around? 3/07/2015 4:03:07 am: Vladimir : Yes 3/07/2015 4:03:23 am: Vera: Brainwave again, just woke up :) 3/07/2015 4:03:28 am: Vladimir : Eating take away Indian 3/07/2015 4:03:45 am: Vladimir : Shall we call? 3/07/2015 4:03:53 am: Vera: Lol, the single life :) 3/07/2015 4:03:57 am: Vera: Yes! 3/07/2015 4:04:09 am: Vladimir : Yes indeed. 3/07/2015 4:04:12 am: Vera: Wait a sec, finding my earphones 3/07/2015 4:04:21 am: Vladimir : 2 minutes 3/07/2015 4:06:10 am: Vladimir : Also chatting with son Karl 3/07/2015 4:06:15 am: Vera: Ok, whenever you're ready 3/07/2015 4:06:30 am: Vera: Is he bored where he is? 3/07/2015 4:06:40 am: Vladimir : Hope not 3/07/2015 4:07:25 am: Vera: Take your time to finish your chat :) 3/07/2015 5:40:57 am: Vladimir : Hhhhmmmm 3/07/2015 5:41:08 am: Vladimir : Thanks :-) 3/07/2015 5:41:18 am: Vera: :))) 3/07/2015 5:43:19 am: Vera: Aaand... thanks :) 3/07/2015 5:44:23 am: Vladimir : Good vibe. 20 minutes around the globe is not true :-) 3/07/2015 5:44:50 am: Vera: Good vibe indeed :)) 3/07/2015 5:45:01 am: Vera: I am so relaxed now! 3/07/2015 5:46:38 am: Vladimir : Me too and I am out ! Speak to you somehow tomorrow. 3/07/2015 5:47:03 am: Vera: Ok. Big hugs and a wet kiss 3/07/2015 5:52:19 am: Vladimir : Still waddling ! 3/07/2015 5:53:49 am: Vera: Are you saying what I think you're saying? :) 3/07/2015 5:54:04 am: Vera: Out of practice? : D 3/07/2015 6:01:41 am: Vladimir : No ! I have to get back to normal. 3/07/2015 6:01:56 am: Vladimir : They are back 3/07/2015 6:01:59 am: Vera: Ok 3/07/2015 6:02:15 am: Vera: Go to your life :) Smiling :) 3/07/2015 6:11:42 am: Vladimir : X 3/07/2015 6:11:48 am: Vladimir : Lol 3/07/2015 6:12:00 am: Vera: :) 3/07/2015 6:12:27 am: Vera: Did you at least managed to finish what you started? I did :) 3/07/2015 6:31:14 am: Vladimir : I did for sure. When I said hhhhmmm. Job done. 3/07/2015 6:31:24 am: Vladimir : Happiness pure 3/07/2015 6:31:38 am: Vera: You were much quicker than me:) 3/07/2015 6:31:38 am: Vladimir : Together with you. 3/07/2015 6:31:45 am: Vera: Same here 3/07/2015 6:32:13 am: Vera: I had to really go and break my boundaries to get the feeling, but so good 3/07/2015 6:32:40 am: Vladimir : It was quick but nice to change subject :-). 3/07/2015 6:32:48 am: Vladimir : Very good. 3/07/2015 6:32:51 am: Vladimir : Xx 3/07/2015 6:33:27 am: Vera: Nice change of subject and nice way to finish the conversation! xx 3/07/2015 7:08:19 am: Vladimir : It was completely new for me as well. I feel so satisfied. Just drunk one glass of wine and I have to go to bed. I have no energy for anything else. 3/07/2015 7:08:48 am: Vera: Bliss, in another way :) 3/07/2015 7:09:02 am: Vera: Have a good night. I'll be under your pillow :) 3/07/2015 7:09:21 am: Vladimir : Yeah! If that is it, where can I sign? 3/07/2015 7:09:29 am: Vladimir : Lol 3/07/2015 7:09:42 am: Vera: You've signed up already :-D 3/07/2015 7:09:49 am: Vladimir : I have a hard one again 3/07/2015 7:09:58 am: Vera: again! 3/07/2015 7:10:10 am: Vera: Wish I could help :) 3/07/2015 7:10:41 am: Vladimir : The idea that you're under my pillow. 3/07/2015 7:10:48 am: Vladimir : Make it blanket. 3/07/2015 7:11:11 am: Vera: you're the blanket. On top of me 3/07/2015 7:11:28 am: Vera: Ok and one day you'll have to tell me about that viagra experience 3/07/2015 7:11:40 am: Vladimir : Aaahh, stop I can't sleep anymore 3/07/2015 7:11:57 am: Vladimir : Don't tell just show 3/07/2015 7:11:59 am: Vera: You got me really, hum, curious when you said that 3/07/2015 7:12:06 am: Vera: Haha 3/07/2015 7:12:24 am: Vladimir : Like Erika says; it's amazingggg 3/07/2015 7:12:33 am: Vera: lol 3/07/2015 7:13:05 am: Vera: You'll walk me through the experience, I really want to hear about it one day :) 3/07/2015 7:13:20 am: Vladimir : Show and feel. 3/07/2015 7:13:24 am: Vladimir : Xx I am off 3/07/2015 7:13:32 am: Vera: Sweet dreams 3/07/2015 7:15:36 am: Vladimir : I will 3/07/2015 7:17:35 am: Vladimir : It thundering big time here. 3/07/2015 7:17:46 am: Vladimir : Exciting ! 3/07/2015 7:17:49 am: Vera: Electricity in the air! 3/07/2015 7:18:05 am: Vladimir : Exactly 3/07/2015 7:18:05 am: Vera: I love storms 3/07/2015 7:18:16 am: Vera: Absolutely love them 3/07/2015 7:18:21 am: Vladimir : But I knew that long before 3/07/2015 7:18:27 am: Vera: So much energy 3/07/2015 7:18:30 am: Vladimir : So do I 3/07/2015 7:18:31 am: Vera: Haha yes 3/07/2015 7:19:05 am: Vera: Perfect :) be ready to be dragged out of the house especially if there is lightening and an ocean nearby! 3/07/2015 7:20:18 am: Vladimir : Hope not that bad. But in a tent is nice as long as it stays dry inside 3/07/2015 7:20:51 am: Vera: Haha yes. I had the experience of my tent almost running away with me inside :) 3/07/2015 7:21:07 am: Vera: Because of so much rain 3/07/2015 7:21:30 am: Vladimir : Haha, Mr right was not there to rescue you 3/07/2015 7:21:43 am: Vera: Or I had to rescue him? 3/07/2015 7:21:46 am: Vera: ;) 3/07/2015 7:21:51 am: Vladimir : Lol 3/07/2015 7:21:58 am: Vladimir : Like that 3/07/2015 7:22:23 am: Vera: One day I'll do a survival camp 3/07/2015 7:22:23 am: Vladimir : Typically Vera leroye 3/07/2015 7:22:29 am: Vera: Always wanted to do it 3/07/2015 7:22:34 am: Vladimir : Attitude ! Xx 3/07/2015 7:22:36 am: Vera: I read books, had some gear 3/07/2015 7:22:57 am: Vera: But want to experience a few things and get guidance 3/07/2015 7:23:25 am: Vera: Good night :) 3/07/2015 7:23:53 am: Vladimir : Ray mears bushcraft ! Like that pathfinder 3/07/2015 7:24:02 am: Vladimir : He's great fun to watch 3/07/2015 7:24:12 am: Vera: I'll check it out! 3/07/2015 7:24:22 am: Vladimir : Check out birch bark canoe 3/07/2015 7:24:49 am: Vladimir : Yeah, can't sleep now. I will try. 3/07/2015 7:24:55 am: Vera: Don't tell me you're also in that sort of stuff :) 3/07/2015 7:25:03 am: Vera: I had some chinese medecine to give you 3/07/2015 7:25:09 am: Vera: And I forgot about it 3/07/2015 7:25:37 am: Vera: Pretty good for deep sleep (apparently, I haven't tried, I don't usually take pills) 3/07/2015 7:25:41 am: Vladimir : It's all about time., but would love to do that 3/07/2015 7:26:05 am: Vladimir : Do not work for me 3/07/2015 7:26:16 am: Vera: Maybe we could do a survival course together one day :) 3/07/2015 7:26:24 am: Vera: They're not sleeping pills 3/07/2015 7:26:32 am: Vera: Just improve quality apprently 3/07/2015 7:26:39 am: Vera: Apparently* 3/07/2015 7:26:46 am: Vera: But whatever 3/07/2015 7:26:56 am: Vladimir : Ok, just did a course ;) 3/07/2015 7:27:18 am: Vera: Lifelong learning :) 3/07/2015 7:27:25 am: Vera: Ok, get some sleep 3/07/2015 7:27:34 am: Vera: Or you'll chat all night with me 3/07/2015 7:27:57 am: Vera: And blue light from the phone is bad for your sleep 3/07/2015 3:01:46 pm: Vladimir : Hi Vera. It was so good to be with you last night. Special and an other dimension. I am starting up slowly. 3/07/2015 3:02:11 pm: Vladimir : Now breakfast and I wanted to share something with you 3/07/2015 3:02:18 pm: Vladimir : 3/07/2015 3:02:40 pm: Vladimir : Miel de bruyère 3/07/2015 3:02:42 pm: Vera: Listening :) 3/07/2015 3:02:50 pm: Vladimir : Familiar? 3/07/2015 3:03:02 pm: Vladimir : My absolute favourite. 3/07/2015 3:03:07 pm: Vera: Yes! 3/07/2015 3:03:11 pm: Vladimir : Hope we share that as well. 3/07/2015 3:03:20 pm: Vera: Love honey :) 3/07/2015 3:03:27 pm: Vera: On bread and butter 3/07/2015 3:03:31 pm: Vera: Yum 3/07/2015 3:03:37 pm: Vladimir : Me too, not all. 3/07/2015 3:03:44 pm: Vera: Not all? 3/07/2015 3:03:56 pm: Vladimir : This tastes herb 3/07/2015 3:04:05 pm: Vera: Ok 3/07/2015 3:04:09 pm: Vladimir : Try to find this one. 3/07/2015 3:04:13 pm: Vera: I can't remember the taste 3/07/2015 3:04:15 pm: Vera: Will do 3/07/2015 3:04:30 pm: Vera: Any special property? Apart from herbal taste? 3/07/2015 3:04:39 pm: Vera: Thinking about NZ Manuka Honey 3/07/2015 3:04:59 pm: Vera: Depending on the grade, can be used as medecine 3/07/2015 3:05:34 pm: Vera: (even on wounds) and also as a health booster 3/07/2015 3:05:50 pm: Vladimir : Heather honey 3/07/2015 3:06:14 pm: Vera: Will try to remember to bring you some :) 3/07/2015 3:07:01 pm: Vladimir : No special medical honey. Therefor you should eat locally produced honey and you have a natural antibiotic 3/07/2015 3:07:28 pm: Vera: Manuka is local for us :-D 3/07/2015 3:07:42 pm: Vladimir : I bring you some. In fact I tried to buy you some in the park while you where paying your parking ticket. Sold out 3/07/2015 3:07:50 pm: Vera: Special tree that only grows in NZ I think 3/07/2015 3:07:58 pm: Vladimir : We exchange ! 3/07/2015 3:07:58 pm: Vera: Oh, thanks! Nice thought :) 3/07/2015 3:08:11 pm: Vera: But I can't bring honey back to NZ :( 3/07/2015 3:08:15 pm: Vera: Forbidden 3/07/2015 3:08:37 pm: Vera: I'd have to eat it all before I go :) 3/07/2015 3:08:57 pm: Vladimir : Ooh! You will manage that. Speak to you later honey. X 3/07/2015 3:09:04 pm: Vera: Lol 3/07/2015 3:09:07 pm: Vera: Later xxx 3/07/2015 3:09:13 pm: Vladimir : Xx 3/07/2015 4:08:33 pm: Vera: 3/07/2015 4:08:35 pm: Vera: I feel badass in my leather jacket 😜 3/07/2015 4:19:11 pm: Vladimir : Nice! 3/07/2015 4:19:26 pm: Vladimir : Awesome. That's my chick :-) 3/07/2015 4:23:50 pm: Vera: Haha - need the motorcycle now! 3/07/2015 7:29:01 pm: Vera: This album is just for you ;) 3/07/2015 7:29:48 pm: Vera: Double posting photos and links there 3/07/2015 7:30:01 pm: Vladimir : If you want to speak with me. The next 5 hours there is enough time I am ready, when you are. 3/07/2015 7:30:27 pm: Vladimir : Where do I need to look? Do I oversee the link ? 3/07/2015 7:30:56 pm: Vera: Ok, we're about to have dinner 3/07/2015 7:31:11 pm: Vera: Give me about 1 hr ? 3/07/2015 7:31:33 pm: Vladimir : Perfect, Bon appetite ! 3/07/2015 7:31:49 pm: Vera: The links are under the photos, for example the Jeremy's film about climbing is under a snapshot 3/07/2015 7:31:50 pm: Vladimir : But where is my personal album? 3/07/2015 7:32:00 pm: Vera: The one you just liked! 3/07/2015 7:32:06 pm: Vladimir : Will check 3/07/2015 7:32:11 pm: Vera: With the same photos I send you recently 3/07/2015 7:32:26 pm: Vera: It's a personal one, no one can see it or what's happening on it 3/07/2015 7:32:35 pm: Vera: Unless they get on your profile 3/07/2015 7:32:41 pm: Vladimir : Just the two of us ?? 3/07/2015 7:32:47 pm: Vera: Yes :) 3/07/2015 7:32:51 pm: Vladimir : Like that. Xx 3/07/2015 7:33:08 pm: Vera: so you can delete the photos from your phone 3/07/2015 7:33:26 pm: Vera: Watch out because whatsapp saves all photos in your phone album 3/07/2015 7:33:34 pm: Vladimir : Exactly ! Thanks for telling. 3/07/2015 7:33:58 pm: Vladimir : I know. And iPhoto also in deleted files ! 3/07/2015 7:34:02 pm: Vera: I've put them on the private album so you can still access those photos and links 3/07/2015 7:34:08 pm: Vera: Yeah... 3/07/2015 7:34:38 pm: Vladimir : I check them out. 3/07/2015 7:34:49 pm: Vera: Ok :) 3/07/2015 7:34:58 pm: Vera: Looking forward to talk to you :) 3/07/2015 8:20:33 pm: Vera: It's taking forever, my friend wants to watch a movie. I can't get out of it yet for a long call. Still ok in about 2 hrs? 3/07/2015 8:26:10 pm: Vera: Actually I managed to kick him out of the house to meet a girl for dessert :) 3/07/2015 8:26:20 pm: Vera: So free soon 3/07/2015 8:47:06 pm: Vera: Oops 3/07/2015 8:47:09 pm: Vera: Sorry :) 3/07/2015 8:47:16 pm: Vera: He's gone 3/07/2015 8:47:23 pm: Vera: If you have time to chat 3/07/2015 8:47:41 pm: Vladimir : Haha. Give me a little time. 3/07/2015 8:47:57 pm: Vera: If too complicated I can also do in a few hours 3/07/2015 8:48:04 pm: Vera: Before going to bed 3/07/2015 8:50:48 pm: Vladimir : No, let me finish my sale 3/07/2015 9:03:38 pm: Vladimir : 5 min 3/07/2015 9:03:42 pm: Vladimir : Get ready. 3/07/2015 9:03:49 pm: Vera: Lol 3/07/2015 9:04:23 pm: Vera: I've been getting ready three times already today! I'm sore now 3/07/2015 9:04:28 pm: Vera: ;) 3/07/2015 9:04:37 pm: Vera: FOCUS 3/07/2015 9:04:47 pm: Vera: 😜 4/07/2015 12:44:45 am: Vera: Fell asleep straight after your call, didn't even hear my friend coming back! Now getting *properly* into bed. Have a good evening! 4/07/2015 12:45:07 am: Vera: It was nice talking to you :) 4/07/2015 12:52:21 am: Vladimir : Sleep Well. I went home early. This weekend guests from Germany. Might have problems to get in touch. X 4/07/2015 9:45:15 am: Vera: No worries. My turn to say that I know you won't forget about me. xx 4/07/2015 9:58:23 am: Vera: If you have time to check out this short video, have a look! (nothing important, just 1 min of something beautiful) Mesmerising https://www.facebook.com/haberinbizdencom/videos/567706690053727/ 4/07/2015 9:58:41 am: Vera: 4/07/2015 9:59:17 am: Vera: The only reason I would ever get a TV is to watch these documentaries :) 4/07/2015 4:45:46 pm: Vera: 4/07/2015 4:46:13 pm: Vera: The crocodile is for Australia :) 4/07/2015 5:35:33 pm: Vladimir : I wish I could come with you and bite you like a crocodile 4/07/2015 5:51:39 pm: Vera: Haha - well you're invited there are no Dutch boys tonight I might get bored! 😉 4/07/2015 6:35:03 pm: Vladimir : Haha. Who knows. You Still Carry happy hormones. You're the attraction of the night. 4/07/2015 6:35:08 pm: Vladimir : Believe me. 4/07/2015 7:15:05 pm: Vladimir :